Configurable colors
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,6 +56,17 @@ bindkey '\eo' navigate
As far as I'm aware, bash cannot be used for this, as there is no command to
reset the prompt from within a `bind -x` handler.
Here is an example of a '~/.config/sdn/look' file; the format is similar to
that of git, only named colors aren't supported:
cursor 231 202
bar 16 255 ul
cwd bold
Contributing and Support
Use this project's GitHub to report any bugs, request features, or submit pull
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <cwchar>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <unistd.h>
@ -41,6 +43,10 @@
// Trailing return types make C++ syntax suck considerably less
#define fun static auto
#ifndef A_ITALIC
#define A_ITALIC 0
using namespace std;
// For some reason handling of encoding in C and C++ is extremely annoying
@ -78,6 +84,19 @@ fun prefix_length (const wstring &in, const wstring &of) -> int {
return score;
fun split (const string &s, const string &sep, vector<string> &out) {
size_t mark = 0, p = s.find (sep);
for (; p != string::npos; p = s.find (sep, (mark = p + sep.length ())))
if (mark < p)
out.push_back (s.substr (mark, p - mark));
if (mark < s.length ())
out.push_back (s.substr (mark));
fun split (const string &s, const string &sep) -> vector<string> {
vector<string> result; split (s, sep, result); return result;
fun shell_escape (const string &v) -> string {
string result;
for (auto c : v)
@ -110,6 +129,35 @@ fun decode_mode (mode_t m) -> wstring {
template<class T> fun shift (vector<T> &v) -> T {
auto front = v.front (); v.erase (begin (v)); return front;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
fun xdg_config_home () -> string {
const char *user_dir = getenv ("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
if (user_dir && user_dir[0] == '/')
return user_dir;
const char *home_dir = getenv ("HOME");
return string (home_dir ? home_dir : "") + "/.config";
// In C++17 we will get <optional> but until then there's unique_ptr
fun xdg_config_find (const string &suffix) -> unique_ptr<ifstream> {
vector<string> dirs {xdg_config_home ()};
const char *system_dirs = getenv ("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS");
split (system_dirs ? system_dirs : "/etc/xdg", ":", dirs);
for (const auto &dir : dirs) {
if (dir[0] != '/')
if (ifstream ifs {dir + suffix})
return make_unique<ifstream> (move (ifs));
return nullptr;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
using ncstring = basic_string<cchar_t>;
@ -175,6 +223,30 @@ fun align (const ncstring &nc, int target) -> ncstring {
: apply_attrs (wstring (missing, L' '), 0) + nc;
fun allocate_pair (short fg, short bg) -> short {
static short counter = 1; init_pair (counter, fg, bg); return counter++;
fun decode_attrs (const vector<string> &attrs) -> chtype {
chtype result = 0; int fg = -1, bg = -1, colors = 0;
for (const auto &s : attrs) {
char *end; auto color = strtol (s.c_str (), &end, 10);
if (!*end && color >= -1 && color < COLORS) {
if (++colors == 1) fg = color;
else if (colors == 2) bg = color;
else if (s == "bold") result |= A_BOLD;
else if (s == "dim") result |= A_DIM;
else if (s == "ul") result |= A_UNDERLINE;
else if (s == "blink") result |= A_BLINK;
else if (s == "reverse") result |= A_REVERSE;
else if (s == "italic") result |= A_ITALIC;
if (fg != -1 || bg != -1)
result |= COLOR_PAIR (allocate_pair (fg, bg));
return result;
// --- Application -------------------------------------------------------------
#define CTRL 31 &
@ -208,6 +280,10 @@ static struct {
wchar_t editor; // Prompt character for editing
wstring editor_line; // Current user input
chtype attrs[AT_COUNT] = {A_REVERSE, 0, A_BOLD, 0};
const char *attr_names[AT_COUNT] = {"cursor", "bar", "cwd", "input"};
} g;
fun make_row (const string &filename, const struct stat &info) -> row {
@ -255,33 +331,32 @@ fun update () {
int available = visible_lines ();
int used = min (available, int (g.entries.size ()) - g.offset);
for (int i = 0; i < used; i++) {
attrset (0);
auto index = g.offset + i;
attrset (index == g.cursor ? g.attrs[g.AT_CURSOR] : 0);
move (available - used + i, 0);
int index = g.offset + i;
if (index == g.cursor)
attron (A_REVERSE);
auto limit = COLS, used = 0;
auto used = 0;
for (int col = start_column; col < row::COLUMNS; col++) {
const auto &field = g.entries[index].row.cols[col];
auto aligned = align (field, alignment[col] * g.max_widths[col]);
used += print (aligned + apply_attrs (L" ", 0), limit - used);
used += print (aligned + apply_attrs (L" ", 0), COLS - used);
hline (' ', limit - used);
hline (' ', COLS - used);
attrset (A_BOLD);
mvprintw (LINES - 2, 0, "%s", g.cwd.c_str ());
auto bar = apply_attrs (to_wide (g.cwd), g.attrs[g.AT_CWD]);
if (g.out_of_date)
addstr (" [+]");
bar += apply_attrs (L" [+]", 0);
attrset (0);
move (LINES - 2, 0);
attrset (g.attrs[g.AT_BAR]);
hline (' ', COLS - print (bar, COLS));
attrset (g.attrs[g.AT_INPUT]);
if (g.editor) {
move (LINES - 1, 0);
wchar_t prefix[] = { g.editor, L' ', L'\0' };
addwstr (prefix);
move (LINES - 1, print (apply_attrs (g.editor_line, 0), COLS - 3) + 2);
auto p = apply_attrs ({g.editor, L' ', L'\0'}, 0);
move (LINES - 1, print (p + apply_attrs (g.editor_line, 0), COLS - 1));
curs_set (1);
} else
curs_set (0);
@ -492,6 +567,29 @@ fun inotify_check () {
update ();
fun load_configuration () {
auto config = xdg_config_find ("/" PROJECT_NAME "/look");
if (!config)
// Bail out on dumb terminals, there's not much one can do about them
if (!has_colors () || start_color () == ERR || use_default_colors () == ERR)
string line;
while (getline (*config, line)) {
vector<string> tokens = split (line, " ");
if (tokens.empty () || line.front () == '#')
auto name = shift (tokens);
for (int i = 0; i < g.AT_COUNT; i++)
if (name == g.attr_names[i])
g.attrs[i] = decode_attrs (tokens);
// TODO: load and use LS_COLORS
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
@ -518,6 +616,8 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
cerr << "cannot initialize screen" << endl;
return 1;
load_configuration ();
reload ();
auto start_dir = g.cwd;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user