Properly align all columns

This commit is contained in:
Přemysl Eric Janouch 2017-06-30 08:22:38 +02:00
parent be77f6fa46
commit c90fa0a060
Signed by: p
GPG Key ID: B715679E3A361BE6
1 changed files with 42 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -157,12 +157,35 @@ fun print (const ncstring &nc, int limit) -> int {
return total_width;
fun compute_width (const ncstring &nc) -> int {
int total = 0;
for (const auto &c : nc)
total += wcwidth (c.chars[0]);
return total;
// TODO: maybe we need formatting for the padding passed in?
fun align (const ncstring &nc, int target) -> ncstring {
auto current = compute_width (nc);
auto missing = abs (target) - current;
if (missing <= 0)
return nc;
return target < 0
? nc + apply_attrs (wstring (missing, L' '), 0)
: apply_attrs (wstring (missing, L' '), 0) + nc;
// --- Application -------------------------------------------------------------
#define CTRL 31 &
struct row {
ncstring cols[COLUMNS];
struct entry {
string filename; struct stat info;
string filename; struct stat info; row row;
auto operator< (const entry &other) -> bool {
auto a = S_ISDIR (info.st_mode);
auto b = S_ISDIR (;
@ -175,6 +198,7 @@ static struct {
vector<entry> entries; // Current directory entries
int offset, cursor; // Scroll offset and cursor position
bool full_view; // Whether to show extended information
int max_widths[row::COLUMNS]; // Column widths
string chosen; // Chosen item for the command line
bool chosen_full; // Use the full path
@ -186,15 +210,8 @@ static struct {
wstring editor_line; // Current user input
} g;
// TODO: this should probably be cached within `struct entry`
struct row {
ncstring cols[COLUMNS];
fun make_row (const entry &entry) -> row {
fun make_row (const string &filename, const struct stat &info) -> row {
row r;
const auto &info =;
r.cols[row::MODES] = apply_attrs (decode_mode (info.st_mode), 0);
auto user = to_wstring (info.st_uid);
@ -224,32 +241,32 @@ fun make_row (const entry &entry) -> row {
r.cols[row::MTIME] = apply_attrs (to_wide (buf), 0);
// TODO: symlink target and whatever formatting
r.cols[row::FILENAME] = apply_attrs (to_wide (entry.filename), 0);
r.cols[row::FILENAME] = apply_attrs (to_wide (filename), 0);
return r;
fun inline visible_lines () -> int { return max (0, LINES - 2); }
fun update () {
int start_column = g.full_view ? 0 : row::FILENAME;
static int alignment[row::COLUMNS] = { -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1 };
erase ();
int available = visible_lines ();
int used = min (available, int (g.entries.size ()) - g.offset);
for (int i = 0; i < used; i++) {
attrset (0);
move (available - used + i, 0);
int index = g.offset + i;
if (index == g.cursor)
attron (A_REVERSE);
// TODO: use g.full_view, align properly (different columns differently)
// XXX: maybe this should return a struct instead
auto row = make_row (g.entries[index]);
move (available - used + i, 0);
auto limit = COLS, used = 0;
for (auto &i : row.cols) {
used += print (i, limit - used);
used += print (apply_attrs (L" ", 0), limit - used);
for (int col = start_column; col < row::COLUMNS; col++) {
const auto &field = g.entries[index].row.cols[col];
auto aligned = align (field, alignment[col] * g.max_widths[col]);
used += print (aligned + apply_attrs (L" ", 0), limit - used);
hline (' ', limit - used);
@ -284,12 +301,18 @@ fun reload () {
struct stat sb = {};
lstat (f->d_name, &sb);
g.entries.push_back ({ f->d_name, sb });
g.entries.push_back ({ f->d_name, sb, make_row (f->d_name, sb) });
closedir (dir);
sort (begin (g.entries), end (g.entries));
g.out_of_date = false;
for (int col = 0; col < row::COLUMNS; col++) {
auto &longest = g.max_widths[col] = 0;
for (const auto &entry : g.entries)
longest = max (longest, compute_width (entry.row.cols[col]));
g.cursor = min (g.cursor, int (g.entries.size ()) - 1);
g.offset = min (g.offset, int (g.entries.size ()) - 1);
update ();