Slightly clean up layouting
This commit is contained in:
@ -1792,15 +1792,12 @@ app_invalidate (void)
static void
app_flush_layout_to (struct layout *l, int width, struct layout *dest)
app_append_layout (struct layout *l, struct layout *dest)
hard_assert (l != NULL && l->head != NULL);
widget_redistribute (l->head, width);
struct widget *last = dest->tail;
if (!last)
*dest = *l;
else if (l->head)
// Assuming there is no unclaimed vertical space.
LIST_FOR_EACH (struct widget, w, l->head)
@ -1810,12 +1807,22 @@ app_flush_layout_to (struct layout *l, int width, struct layout *dest)
l->head->prev = last;
dest->tail = l->tail;
*l = (struct layout) {};
static void
app_flush_layout (struct layout *l)
app_flush_layout_full (struct layout *l, int width, struct layout *dest)
app_flush_layout_to (l, g.ui_width, &g.widgets);
hard_assert (l != NULL && l->head != NULL);
widget_redistribute (l->head, width);
app_append_layout (l, dest);
static void
app_flush_layout (struct layout *l, struct layout *out)
app_flush_layout_full (l, g.ui_width, out);
static struct widget *
@ -1836,19 +1843,19 @@ app_push_fill (struct layout *l, struct widget *w)
/// Write the given UTF-8 string padded with spaces.
/// @param[in] attrs Text attributes for the text, including padding.
static void
app_layout_text (const char *str, chtype attrs)
app_layout_text (const char *str, chtype attrs, struct layout *out)
struct layout l = {};
app_push (&l, g.ui->padding (attrs, 0.25, 1));
app_push_fill (&l, g.ui->label (attrs, str));
app_push (&l, g.ui->padding (attrs, 0.25, 1));
app_flush_layout (&l);
app_flush_layout (&l, out);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static void
app_layout_song_info (void)
app_layout_song_info (struct layout *out)
compact_map_t map;
if (!(map = item_list_get (&g.playlist,
@ -1880,7 +1887,7 @@ app_layout_song_info (void)
app_push (&l, g.ui->label (attrs[1], title));
app_push_fill (&l, g.ui->padding (attrs[0], 0, 1));
app_push (&l, g.ui->padding (attrs[0], 0.25, 1));
app_flush_layout (&l);
app_flush_layout (&l, out);
// Showing a blank line is better than having the controls jump around
@ -1919,7 +1926,7 @@ app_layout_song_info (void)
app_push_fill (&l, g.ui->padding (attrs[0], 0, 1));
app_push (&l, g.ui->padding (attrs[0], 0.25, 1));
app_flush_layout (&l);
app_flush_layout (&l, out);
static char *
@ -1939,11 +1946,11 @@ app_time_string (int seconds)
static void
app_layout_status (void)
app_layout_status (struct layout *out)
bool stopped = g.state == PLAYER_STOPPED;
if (!stopped)
app_layout_song_info ();
app_layout_song_info (out);
chtype attrs[2] = { APP_ATTR (NORMAL), APP_ATTR (HIGHLIGHT) };
struct layout l = {};
@ -2014,11 +2021,11 @@ app_layout_status (void)
str_free (&volume);
app_push (&l, g.ui->padding (attrs[0], 0.25, 1));
app_flush_layout (&l);
app_flush_layout (&l, out);
static void
app_layout_tabs (void)
app_layout_tabs (struct layout *out)
chtype attrs[2] = { APP_ATTR (TAB_BAR), APP_ATTR (TAB_ACTIVE) };
struct layout l = {};
@ -2053,30 +2060,30 @@ app_layout_tabs (void)
#endif // WITH_FFTW
app_flush_layout (&l);
app_flush_layout (&l, out);
static void
app_layout_header (void)
app_layout_header (struct layout *out)
if (g.client.state == MPD_CONNECTED)
struct layout lt = {};
app_push_fill (<, g.ui->padding (APP_ATTR (NORMAL), 0, 0.125));
app_flush_layout (<);
app_flush_layout (<, out);
app_layout_status ();
app_layout_status (out);
struct layout lb = {};
app_push_fill (&lb, g.ui->padding (APP_ATTR (NORMAL), 0, 0.125));
app_flush_layout (&lb);
app_flush_layout (&lb, out);
app_layout_tabs ();
app_layout_tabs (out);
const char *header = g.active_tab->header;
if (header)
app_layout_text (header, APP_ATTR (HEADER));
app_layout_text (header, APP_ATTR (HEADER), out);
static struct widget *
@ -2183,7 +2190,7 @@ app_sublayout_list (struct widget *list)
int item_index = tab->item_top + row;
struct layout subl = app_layout_row (tab, item_index);
app_flush_layout_to (&subl, list->width, &l);
app_flush_layout_full (&subl, list->width, &l);
LIST_FOR_EACH (struct widget, w, l.head)
@ -2194,16 +2201,12 @@ app_sublayout_list (struct widget *list)
static void
app_layout_view (void)
app_layout_view (struct layout *out, int height)
// XXX: Expecting the status bar to always be there, one row tall.
struct widget *last = g.widgets.tail;
int unavailable_height = last->y + last->height + g.ui_vunit;
struct layout l = {};
struct widget *w = app_push_fill (&l, g.ui->list ());
w->id = WIDGET_LIST;
w->height = g.ui_height - unavailable_height;
w->height = height;
struct tab *tab = g.active_tab;
if ((int) tab->item_count * g.ui_vunit > w->height)
@ -2212,7 +2215,7 @@ app_layout_view (void)
app_flush_layout (&l);
app_flush_layout (&l, out);
static void
@ -2258,7 +2261,7 @@ app_layout_mpd_status_playlist (struct layout *l, chtype attrs)
static void
app_layout_mpd_status (void)
app_layout_mpd_status (struct layout *out)
struct layout l = {};
chtype attrs[2] = { APP_ATTR (NORMAL), APP_ATTR (HIGHLIGHT) };
@ -2311,11 +2314,11 @@ app_layout_mpd_status (void)
app_push (&l, g.ui->padding (attrs[0], 0.25, 1));
app_flush_layout (&l);
app_flush_layout (&l, out);
static void
app_layout_statusbar (void)
app_layout_statusbar (struct layout *out)
struct layout l = {};
chtype attrs[2] = { APP_ATTR (NORMAL), APP_ATTR (HIGHLIGHT) };
@ -2331,7 +2334,7 @@ app_layout_statusbar (void)
app_push (&l, g.ui->padding (attrs[0], 0.25, 1));
app_flush_layout (&l);
app_flush_layout (&l, out);
LIST_FOR_EACH (struct widget, w, l.head)
@ -2340,14 +2343,14 @@ app_layout_statusbar (void)
app_push (&l, g.ui->padding (attrs[0], 0.25, 1));
app_push (&l, g.ui->editor (attrs[1]));
app_push (&l, g.ui->padding (attrs[0], 0.25, 1));
app_flush_layout (&l);
app_flush_layout (&l, out);
else if (g.client.state == MPD_CONNECTED)
app_layout_mpd_status ();
app_layout_mpd_status (out);
else if (g.client.state == MPD_CONNECTING)
app_layout_text ("Connecting to MPD...", attrs[0]);
app_layout_text ("Connecting to MPD...", attrs[0], out);
else if (g.client.state == MPD_DISCONNECTED)
app_layout_text ("Disconnected", attrs[0]);
app_layout_text ("Disconnected", attrs[0], out);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@ -2393,14 +2396,23 @@ app_on_refresh (void *user_data)
(void) user_data;
poller_idle_reset (&g.refresh_event);
struct layout top = {}, bottom = {};
app_layout_header (&top);
app_layout_statusbar (&bottom);
int available_height = g.ui_height;
if (top.tail)
available_height -= top.tail->y + top.tail->height;
if (bottom.tail)
available_height -= bottom.tail->y + bottom.tail->height;
LIST_FOR_EACH (struct widget, w, g.widgets.head)
free (w);
g.widgets = (struct layout) {};
app_layout_header ();
app_layout_view ();
app_layout_statusbar ();
app_append_layout (&top, &g.widgets);
app_layout_view (&g.widgets, available_height);
app_append_layout (&bottom, &g.widgets);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user