Implement font fallbacks
The editor doesn't support this so far, and it could be faster.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Unreleased
* Escape no longer quits the program
* X11: added italic font support
* X11: added support for font fallbacks and italic fonts
* X11: fixed rendering of overflowing, partially visible list items
@ -1313,6 +1313,24 @@ enum player_state { PLAYER_STOPPED, PLAYER_PLAYING, PLAYER_PAUSED };
// around a pointer to this, hence it is a simple global variable as well.
// There is enough global state as it is.
#ifdef WITH_X11
/// Wraps Xft fonts into a linked list with fallbacks.
struct x11_font_link
struct x11_font_link *next;
XftFont *font;
struct x11_font
struct x11_font_link *list; ///< Fonts of varying Unicode coverage
FcPattern *pattern; ///< Original unsubstituted pattern
FcCharSet *unavailable; ///< Couldn't find a font for these
#endif // WITH_X11
static struct app_context
// Event loop:
@ -1395,9 +1413,9 @@ static struct app_context
Region x11_clip; ///< Invalidated region
Picture x11_pixmap_picture; ///< XRender wrap for x11_pixmap
XftDraw *xft_draw; ///< Xft rendering context
XftFont *xft_regular; ///< Regular font
XftFont *xft_bold; ///< Bold font
XftFont *xft_italic; ///< Italic font
struct x11_font xft_regular; ///< Regular font
struct x11_font xft_bold; ///< Bold font
struct x11_font xft_italic; ///< Italic font
char *x11_selection; ///< CLIPBOARD selection
XRenderColor x_fg[ATTRIBUTE_COUNT]; ///< Foreground per attribute
@ -5900,14 +5918,190 @@ static XRenderColor x11_default_fg = { .alpha = 0xffff };
static XRenderColor x11_default_bg = { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff };
static XErrorHandler x11_default_error_handler;
static struct x11_font_link *
x11_font_link_new (XftFont *font)
struct x11_font_link *self = xcalloc (1, sizeof *self);
self->font = font;
return self;
static void
x11_font_link_destroy (struct x11_font_link *self)
XftFontClose (g.dpy, self->font);
free (self);
static struct x11_font_link *
x11_font_link_open (FcPattern *pattern)
XftFont *font = XftFontOpenPattern (g.dpy, pattern);
if (!font)
FcPatternDestroy (pattern);
return NULL;
return x11_font_link_new (font);
static bool
x11_font_open (struct x11_font *self, FcPattern *pattern)
FcPattern *substituted = FcPatternDuplicate (pattern);
FcConfigSubstitute (NULL, substituted, FcMatchPattern);
FcResult result = 0;
FcPattern *match
= XftFontMatch (g.dpy, DefaultScreen (g.dpy), substituted, &result);
FcPatternDestroy (substituted);
if (!match || !(self->list = x11_font_link_open (match)))
FcPatternDestroy (pattern);
return false;
self->pattern = pattern;
self->unavailable = FcCharSetCreate ();
return true;
static void
x11_font_free (struct x11_font *self)
FcPatternDestroy (self->pattern);
FcCharSetDestroy (self->unavailable);
LIST_FOR_EACH (struct x11_font_link, iter, self->list)
x11_font_link_destroy (iter);
/// Find or instantiate a font that can render the character given by cp.
static XftFont *
x11_font (struct widget *self)
x11_font_cover_codepoint (struct x11_font *self, ucs4_t cp)
if (FcCharSetHasChar (self->unavailable, cp))
return self->list->font;
struct x11_font_link **used = &self->list;
for (; *used; used = &(*used)->next)
if (XftCharExists (g.dpy, (*used)->font, cp))
return (*used)->font;
FcCharSet *set = FcCharSetCreate ();
FcCharSetAddChar (set, cp);
FcPattern *needle = FcPatternDuplicate (self->pattern);
FcPatternAddCharSet (needle, FC_CHARSET, set);
FcConfigSubstitute (NULL, needle, FcMatchPattern);
FcResult result = 0;
FcPattern *match
= XftFontMatch (g.dpy, DefaultScreen (g.dpy), needle, &result);
FcCharSetDestroy (set);
FcPatternDestroy (needle);
if (!match)
goto fail;
struct x11_font_link *new = x11_font_link_open (match);
if (!new)
goto fail;
// The reverse may happen simply due to race conditions.
if (XftCharExists (g.dpy, new->font, cp))
return (*used = new)->font;
x11_font_link_destroy (new);
FcCharSetAddChar (self->unavailable, cp);
return self->list->font;
// TODO: Perhaps produce an array of FT_UInt glyph indexes, mainly so that
// x11_font_{hadvance,draw,render}() can use the same data, through the use
// of a new function that collects the spans in a data structure.
static size_t
x11_font_span (struct x11_font *self, const uint8_t *text, XftFont **font)
hard_assert (self->list != NULL);
// Xft similarly just stops on invalid UTF-8.
ucs4_t cp = 0;
const uint8_t *p = text;
if (!(p = u8_next (&cp, p)))
return 0;
*font = x11_font_cover_codepoint (self, cp);
for (const uint8_t *end = NULL; (end = u8_next (&cp, p)); p = end)
if (x11_font_cover_codepoint (self, cp) != *font)
return p - text;
static int
x11_font_draw (struct x11_font *self, XftColor *color, int x, int y,
const char *text)
int advance = 0;
size_t len = 0;
XftFont *font = NULL;
while ((len = x11_font_span (self, (const uint8_t *) text, &font)))
if (color)
XftDrawStringUtf8 (g.xft_draw, color, font,
x + advance, y + self->list->font->ascent,
(const FcChar8 *) text, len);
XGlyphInfo extents = {};
XftTextExtentsUtf8 (g.dpy, font, (const FcChar8 *) text, len, &extents);
text += len;
advance += extents.xOff;
return advance;
static int
x11_font_hadvance (struct x11_font *self, const char *text)
return x11_font_draw (self, NULL, 0, 0, text);
static int
x11_font_render (struct x11_font *self, int op, Picture src, int srcx, int srcy,
int x, int y, const char *text)
int advance = 0;
size_t len = 0;
XftFont *font = NULL;
while ((len = x11_font_span (self, (const uint8_t *) text, &font)))
if (src)
XftTextRenderUtf8 (g.dpy, op, src, font, g.x11_pixmap_picture,
srcx, srcy, x + advance, y + self->list->font->ascent,
(const FcChar8 *) text, len);
XGlyphInfo extents = {};
XftTextExtentsUtf8 (g.dpy, font, (const FcChar8 *) text, len, &extents);
text += len;
advance += extents.xOff;
return advance;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static struct x11_font *
x11_widget_font (struct widget *self)
if (self->attrs & A_BOLD)
return g.xft_bold;
return &g.xft_bold;
if (self->attrs & A_ITALIC)
return g.xft_italic;
return g.xft_regular;
return &g.xft_italic;
return &g.xft_regular;
static XRenderColor *
@ -5977,16 +6171,12 @@ x11_render_label (struct widget *self)
// TODO: Try to avoid re-measuring on each render.
XftFont *font = x11_font (self);
XGlyphInfo extents = {};
XftTextExtentsUtf8 (g.dpy, font,
(const FcChar8 *) self->text, strlen (self->text), &extents);
if (extents.xOff <= space)
struct x11_font *font = x11_widget_font (self);
int advance = x11_font_hadvance (font, self->text);
if (advance <= space)
XftColor color = { .color = *x11_fg (self) };
XftDrawStringUtf8 (g.xft_draw, &color, font,
self->x, self->y + font->ascent,
(const FcChar8 *) self->text, strlen (self->text));
x11_font_draw (font, &color, self->x, self->y, self->text);
@ -5994,16 +6184,15 @@ x11_render_label (struct widget *self)
XRenderColor solid = *x11_fg (self), colors[3] = { solid, solid, solid };
colors[2].alpha = 0;
double portion = MIN (1, 2.0 * font->height / space);
double portion = MIN (1, 2.0 * font->list->font->height / space);
XFixed stops[3] = { 0, XDoubleToFixed (1 - portion), XDoubleToFixed (1) };
XLinearGradient gradient = { {}, { XDoubleToFixed (space), 0 } };
// Note that this masking is a very expensive operation.
Picture source =
XRenderCreateLinearGradient (g.dpy, &gradient, stops, colors, 3);
XftTextRenderUtf8 (g.dpy, PictOpOver, source, font, g.x11_pixmap_picture,
-self->x, 0, self->x, self->y + font->ascent,
(const FcChar8 *) self->text, strlen (self->text));
x11_font_render (font, PictOpOver, source, -self->x, 0, self->x, self->y,
XRenderFreePicture (g.dpy, source);
@ -6011,6 +6200,7 @@ static struct widget *
x11_make_label (chtype attrs, const char *label)
// Xft renders combining marks by themselves, NFC improves it a bit.
// We'd have to use HarfBuzz to do this correctly.
size_t label_len = strlen (label) + 1, normalized_len = 0;
uint8_t *normalized = u8_normalize (UNINORM_NFC,
(const uint8_t *) label, label_len, NULL, &normalized_len);
@ -6024,13 +6214,11 @@ x11_make_label (chtype attrs, const char *label)
w->on_render = x11_render_label;
w->attrs = attrs;
memcpy (w + 1, normalized, normalized_len);
XftFont *font = x11_font (w);
XGlyphInfo extents = {};
XftTextExtentsUtf8 (g.dpy, font, normalized, normalized_len - 1, &extents);
w->width = extents.xOff;
w->height = font->height;
free (normalized);
struct x11_font *font = x11_widget_font (w);
w->width = x11_font_hadvance (font, w->text);
w->height = font->list->font->height;
return w;
@ -6313,7 +6501,7 @@ x11_render_editor (struct widget *self)
x11_render_padding (self);
XftFont *font = x11_font (self);
XftFont *font = x11_widget_font (self)->list->font;
XftColor color = { .color = *x11_fg (self) };
// A simplistic adaptation of line_editor_write() follows.
@ -6327,6 +6515,7 @@ x11_render_editor (struct widget *self)
x += extents.xOff + g.ui_vunit / 4;
// TODO: Adapt x11_font_{hadvance,draw}().
// TODO: Make this scroll around the caret, and fade like labels.
XftDrawString32 (g.xft_draw, &color, font, x, y,
g.editor.line, g.editor.len);
@ -6386,9 +6575,9 @@ x11_destroy (void)
XRenderFreePicture (g.dpy, g.x11_pixmap_picture);
XFreePixmap (g.dpy, g.x11_pixmap);
XftDrawDestroy (g.xft_draw);
XftFontClose (g.dpy, g.xft_regular);
XftFontClose (g.dpy, g.xft_bold);
XftFontClose (g.dpy, g.xft_italic);
x11_font_free (&g.xft_regular);
x11_font_free (&g.xft_bold);
x11_font_free (&g.xft_italic);
cstr_set (&g.x11_selection, NULL);
poller_fd_reset (&g.x11_event);
@ -6888,8 +7077,9 @@ x11_init_fonts (void)
// as well as Net/DoubleClick*. See the XSETTINGS proposal for details.
const char *name = get_config_string (g.config.root, "settings.x11_font");
int screen = DefaultScreen (g.dpy);
FcResult result = 0;
if (!FcInit ())
print_warning ("FontConfig initialization failed");
FcPattern *query_regular = FcNameParse ((const FcChar8 *) name);
FcPattern *query_bold = FcPatternDuplicate (query_regular);
@ -6899,29 +7089,12 @@ x11_init_fonts (void)
FcPatternAdd (query_italic, FC_STYLE, (FcValue) {
.type = FcTypeString, .u.s = (FcChar8 *) "Italic" }, FcFalse);
FcPattern *regular = XftFontMatch (g.dpy, screen, query_regular, &result);
FcPatternDestroy (query_regular);
if (!regular)
exit_fatal ("cannot open font: %s (%d)", name, result);
if (!(g.xft_regular = XftFontOpenPattern (g.dpy, regular)))
FcPatternDestroy (regular);
if (!x11_font_open (&g.xft_regular, query_regular))
exit_fatal ("cannot open font: %s", name);
FcPattern *bold = XftFontMatch (g.dpy, screen, query_bold, &result);
FcPatternDestroy (query_bold);
if (bold && !(g.xft_bold = XftFontOpenPattern (g.dpy, bold)))
FcPatternDestroy (bold);
if (!g.xft_bold)
g.xft_bold = XftFontCopy (g.dpy, g.xft_regular);
FcPattern *italic = XftFontMatch (g.dpy, screen, query_italic, &result);
FcPatternDestroy (query_italic);
if (italic && !(g.xft_italic = XftFontOpenPattern (g.dpy, italic)))
FcPatternDestroy (italic);
if (!g.xft_italic)
g.xft_italic = XftFontCopy (g.dpy, g.xft_regular);
if (!x11_font_open (&g.xft_bold, query_bold))
exit_fatal ("cannot open bold font: %s", name);
if (!x11_font_open (&g.xft_italic, query_italic))
exit_fatal ("cannot open italic font: %s", name);
static void
@ -6978,7 +7151,7 @@ x11_init (void)
// Approximate the average width of a character to half of the em unit.
g.ui_vunit = g.xft_regular->height;
g.ui_vunit = g.xft_regular.list->font->height;
g.ui_hunit = g.ui_vunit / 2;
// Base the window's size on the regular font size.
// Roughly trying to match the 80x24 default dimensions of terminals.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user