And fix FindGtkDoc.cmake with CMake 3.
logdiag is a simple multiplatform schematic editor written in GTK+.
This software is considered to be of alpha quality and isn't recommended for regular usage.
Runtime dependencies:
- GTK+ >= 2.12
- json-glib >= 0.10.4
- lua = 5.1
Build dependencies:
- CMake >= 2.6
Installation from sources on Unix-like systems
First check that you have all the required dependencies installed, including all development packages, if your distribution provides them.
Reserve a directory for an out-of-source build:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
Let CMake prepare the build. You may change the directory where you want the application to be installed. The default is /usr/local.
Now you have two basic choices of installing the application.
Using make install
# make install
Using cpack
You have to choose a package format understood by your system package manager. CMake offers DEB and RPM.
After cpack finishes making the package, install this file.
$ fakeroot cpack -G DEB
# dpkg -i logdiag-version-system-arch.deb
Building from sources on Windows
First install CMake 2.8 and MinGW. Add both to your system path. If you want to build an installation package, also install NSIS.
Run the following command in the directory with source files to automatically fetch and setup all dependencies (contact me if the script becomes obsolete, it's easy to fix but I usually update it only just a short while before releasing a new version in order to resolve compatibility issues):
> cmake -P Win32Depends.cmake
Reserve a directory for an out-of-source build:
> mkdir build
> cd build
Let CMake prepare the build:
> cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Now you can generate a package with CPack. You may choose between:
An NSIS-based installation package:
cpack -G NSIS
A portable ZIP package:
cpack -G ZIP
By default, that is if you specify no generator, both packages are built.