Made Lua symbol registration more robust.
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,8 +70,11 @@ ld_lua_symbol_finalize (GObject *gobject)
self = LD_LUA_SYMBOL (gobject);
ld_lua_private_unregister (self->priv->lua, self);
g_object_unref (self->priv->lua);
if (self->priv->lua)
ld_lua_private_unregister (self->priv->lua, self);
g_object_unref (self->priv->lua);
if (self->priv->name)
g_free (self->priv->name);
@ -91,8 +91,10 @@ static int ld_lua_private_unregister_cb (lua_State *L);
static int ld_lua_logdiag_register (lua_State *L);
static int process_registration (lua_State *L);
static gchar *get_translation (lua_State *L, int index);
static void read_symbol_area (lua_State *L, int index, LdSymbolArea *area);
static gboolean read_symbol_area (lua_State *L, int index, LdSymbolArea *area);
static luaL_Reg ld_lua_logdiag_lib[] =
@ -230,6 +232,7 @@ ld_lua_check_file (LdLua *self, const gchar *filename)
* @self: An #LdLua object.
* @filename: The file to be loaded.
* @callback: A callback for newly registered symbols.
* The callee is responsible for referencing the symbol.
* @user_data: User data to be passed to the callback.
* Loads a file and creates #LdLuaSymbol objects for contained symbols.
@ -301,7 +304,7 @@ ld_lua_private_draw (LdLua *self, LdLuaSymbol *symbol, cairo_t *cr)
if (lua_cpcall (self->priv->L, ld_lua_private_draw_cb, &data))
g_warning ("Lua error: %s", lua_tostring (self->priv->L, -1));
lua_remove (self->priv->L, -1);
lua_pop (self->priv->L, 1);
@ -342,7 +345,7 @@ ld_lua_private_unregister (LdLua *self, LdLuaSymbol *symbol)
if (lua_cpcall (self->priv->L, ld_lua_private_unregister_cb, symbol))
g_warning ("Lua error: %s", lua_tostring (self->priv->L, -1));
lua_remove (self->priv->L, -1);
lua_pop (self->priv->L, 1);
@ -359,53 +362,91 @@ ld_lua_private_unregister_cb (lua_State *L)
/* ===== Application library =============================================== */
/* XXX: This function is damn too long. */
static int
ld_lua_logdiag_register (lua_State *L)
LdLuaData *ud;
LdLuaSymbol *symbol;
const gchar *name;
gchar *human_name;
ud = lua_touserdata (L, -1);
lua_pop (L, 1);
g_return_val_if_fail (ud != NULL, 0);
/* Check and retrieve arguments. */
name = lua_tostring (L, 1);
if (!name)
luaL_error (L, "register: bad or missing argument #%d", 1);
if (!lua_istable (L, 2))
luaL_error (L, "register: bad or missing argument #%d", 2);
if (!lua_istable (L, 3))
luaL_error (L, "register: bad or missing argument #%d", 3);
if (!lua_istable (L, 4))
luaL_error (L, "register: bad or missing argument #%d", 4);
if (!lua_isfunction (L, 5))
luaL_error (L, "register: bad or missing argument #%d", 5);
/* Create a symbol using the given parameters. */
/* XXX: If an error occurs, this object will not be freed. */
symbol = g_object_new (LD_TYPE_LUA_SYMBOL, NULL);
symbol->priv->lua = ud->self;
g_object_ref (ud->self);
symbol->priv->name = g_strdup (name);
/* Use a protected environment, so script errors won't cause leaking
* of the symbol object. Only the failure of one of the following three
* function calls may cause the symbol to leak.
lua_pushlightuserdata (L, symbol);
lua_pushcclosure (L, process_registration, 1);
lua_insert (L, 1);
/* On the stack, there are function arguments plus the function itself. */
if (lua_pcall (L, lua_gettop (L) - 1, 0, 0))
luaL_where (L, 1);
lua_insert (L, -2);
lua_concat (L, 2);
g_warning ("Lua symbol registration failed: %s",
lua_tostring (L, -1));
lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE);
/* We don't want an extra LdLua reference either. */
symbol->priv->lua = ud->self;
g_object_ref (ud->self);
ud->load_callback (LD_SYMBOL (symbol), ud->load_user_data);
lua_pushboolean (L, TRUE);
g_object_unref (symbol);
return 1;
* process_registration:
* @L: A Lua state.
* Parse arguments, write them to a symbol object and register the object.
static int
process_registration (lua_State *L)
LdLuaSymbol *symbol;
const gchar *name;
gchar *human_name;
int i, type, types[] =
int n_args_needed = sizeof (types) / sizeof (int);
if (lua_gettop (L) < n_args_needed)
return luaL_error (L, "Too few arguments.");
for (i = 0; i < n_args_needed; i++)
if ((type = lua_type (L, i + 1)) != types[i])
return luaL_error (L, "Bad type of argument #%d."
" Expected %s, got %s.", i + 1,
lua_typename (L, types[i]), lua_typename (L, type));
symbol = LD_LUA_SYMBOL (lua_touserdata (L, lua_upvalueindex (1)));
symbol->priv->name = g_strdup (lua_tostring (L, 1));
human_name = get_translation (L, 2);
if (!human_name)
human_name = g_strdup (name);
symbol->priv->human_name = human_name;
/* TODO: Check the values. */
read_symbol_area (L, 3, &symbol->priv->area);
if (!read_symbol_area (L, 3, &symbol->priv->area))
return luaL_error (L, "Malformed symbol area array.");
/* TODO: Read and set the terminals (they're in a table). */
lua_pushvalue (L, 4);
/* TODO: Read and set the terminals. */
/* Create an entry in the symbol table. */
lua_pushlightuserdata (L, symbol);
@ -414,11 +455,6 @@ ld_lua_logdiag_register (lua_State *L)
lua_setfield (L, -2, "render");
lua_settable (L, -3);
/* The caller is responsible for referencing the symbol. */
ud->load_callback (LD_SYMBOL (symbol), ud->load_user_data);
g_object_unref (symbol);
return 0;
@ -459,24 +495,36 @@ get_translation (lua_State *L, int index)
* @area: Where the area will be returned.
* Read a symbol area from a Lua table.
* Return value: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
static void
static gboolean
read_symbol_area (lua_State *L, int index, LdSymbolArea *area)
if (lua_objlen (L, index) != 4)
return FALSE;
lua_rawgeti (L, index, 1);
if (!lua_isnumber (L, -1))
return FALSE;
area->x1 = lua_tonumber (L, -1);
lua_rawgeti (L, index, 2);
if (!lua_isnumber (L, -1))
return FALSE;
area->y1 = lua_tonumber (L, -1);
lua_rawgeti (L, index, 3);
if (!lua_isnumber (L, -1))
return FALSE;
area->x2 = lua_tonumber (L, -1);
lua_rawgeti (L, index, 4);
if (!lua_isnumber (L, -1))
return FALSE;
area->y2 = lua_tonumber (L, -1);
return TRUE;
/* ===== Cairo ============================================================= */
Reference in New Issue
Block a user