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Good things
Windows 95
// TODO: Include a screenshot.
Most applications followed design guidelines, giving a unified and simple UI.
Could be reasonably well controlled from the keyboard.
// TODO: Include a screenshot.
A project with a much larger scope than Haven but with somewhat similar goals,
to create a nice new environment. Gives proof that such a project can be
written in few people, given proper experience.
Similarly to SerenityOS, this proves that one can write an entire operating
system from scratch. Somewhat sadly, it just replicates the Linux desktop
without trying to make any fundamental changes whatsoever. Still, it makes for
a very interesting data point.
Pretty. Desktop-first. Just the window manager sucks, and C++ is no longer
a reasonable choice for a high-level programming language, despite all the
effort to improve it. It's the foundations that are rotten.
Customizable modal text editor allowing for rather efficient editing. While the
internals might not be so great, the user interface is hard to beat once you get
used to it.
With https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vim-lsp/[vim-lsp] it even shines as an
IDE, which is a wonderful development.
Qt Creator
// TODO: Include a screenshot.
Has a very good VIM emulator (rare!), excellent code navigation on top of that,
clean UI.
Primarily a C++ IDE, yet slowly the Language Server Protocol implementation
makes it transcend into a general-purpose one.
// TODO: Include a screenshot.
Vimperator/Pentadactyl has created a new standard in web browser usability.
The most important innovations being the addition of modality to the web browser
and the "follow link" feature, which is what I feel all mouse-first UIs
Too bad it can no longer work in current versions of Firefox as they cut off
all support for XUL addons. The good times are already behind us. I certainly
enjoyed them.
qutebrowser went somewhat beyond in terms of how neat the integration of a VIM
interface and a web browser engine can be, rebuilding the concept on top of
Webkit, but to this day it lacks a normal AdBlock, and thus remains a toy.
Drew might be an opinionated asshole but that's not necessarily a bad quality.
His creations are compatible with my values.
An interesting knowledge base. Simple formatting, automatic links. I've
borrowed the general concept for this very collection of texts (I don't want
to say "wiki" since no one else can edit).
It's a shame that it's been frozen in time.
I despise Markdown for its choices, and I don't want to suffer while writing.
Granted, I can see some faults in AsciiDoc as well, notably with how hard it is
to parse and process, but I haven't found anything better yet. One day I might
create a processor for a slightly modified subset of it. Until then,
libasciidoc is what I'll be using for all markup.
Plan 9, Go
Pervasive simplicity. Sometimes it's annoying but overall you get the feeling
you have the entire platform under your control.