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2012-05-11 02:06:22 +02:00
// Package res is the X client API for the X-Resource extension.
package res
2012-05-11 02:06:22 +02:00
This file was generated by res.xml on May 10 2012 8:04:32pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the X-Resource extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 10, "X-Resource").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named X-Resource could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["X-Resource"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["X-Resource"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["X-Resource"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["X-Resource"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["X-Resource"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
2012-05-11 02:06:22 +02:00
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// 'Client' struct definition
// Size: 8
type Client struct {
ResourceBase uint32
ResourceMask uint32
// Struct read Client
func ClientRead(buf []byte, v *Client) int {
b := 0
v.ResourceBase = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.ResourceMask = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return b
// Struct list read Client
func ClientReadList(buf []byte, dest []Client) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = Client{}
b += ClientRead(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return xgb.Pad(b)
// Struct write Client
func (v Client) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
b := 0
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], v.ResourceBase)
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], v.ResourceMask)
b += 4
return buf
// Write struct list Client
func ClientListBytes(buf []byte, list []Client) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// 'Type' struct definition
// Size: 8
type Type struct {
ResourceType xproto.Atom
Count uint32
// Struct read Type
func TypeRead(buf []byte, v *Type) int {
b := 0
v.ResourceType = xproto.Atom(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Count = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return b
// Struct list read Type
func TypeReadList(buf []byte, dest []Type) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = Type{}
b += TypeRead(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return xgb.Pad(b)
// Struct write Type
func (v Type) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
b := 0
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.ResourceType))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], v.Count)
b += 4
return buf
// Write struct list Type
func TypeListBytes(buf []byte, list []Type) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// Request QueryVersion
// size: 8
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajor, ClientMinor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajor, ClientMinor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryVersion
// size: 12
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajor uint16
ServerMinor uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryVersion
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryVersion
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajor = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinor = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = ClientMajor
b += 1
buf[b] = ClientMinor
b += 1
return buf
// Request QueryClients
// size: 4
type QueryClientsCookie struct {
func QueryClients(c *xgb.Conn) QueryClientsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientsRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryClientsCookie{cookie}
func QueryClientsUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryClientsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientsRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryClientsCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryClients
// size: (32 + xgb.Pad((int(NumClients) * 8)))
type QueryClientsReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
NumClients uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Clients []Client // size: xgb.Pad((int(NumClients) * 8))
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryClients
func (cook QueryClientsCookie) Reply() (*QueryClientsReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryClientsReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryClients
func queryClientsReply(buf []byte) *QueryClientsReply {
v := new(QueryClientsReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.NumClients = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Clients = make([]Client, v.NumClients)
b += ClientReadList(buf[b:], v.Clients)
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryClients
func queryClientsRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request QueryClientResources
// size: 8
type QueryClientResourcesCookie struct {
func QueryClientResources(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientResourcesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientResourcesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientResourcesCookie{cookie}
func QueryClientResourcesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientResourcesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientResourcesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientResourcesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryClientResources
// size: (32 + xgb.Pad((int(NumTypes) * 8)))
type QueryClientResourcesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
NumTypes uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Types []Type // size: xgb.Pad((int(NumTypes) * 8))
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryClientResources
func (cook QueryClientResourcesCookie) Reply() (*QueryClientResourcesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryClientResourcesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryClientResources
func queryClientResourcesReply(buf []byte) *QueryClientResourcesReply {
v := new(QueryClientResourcesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.NumTypes = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Types = make([]Type, v.NumTypes)
b += TypeReadList(buf[b:], v.Types)
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryClientResources
func queryClientResourcesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Xid)
b += 4
return buf
// Request QueryClientPixmapBytes
// size: 8
type QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie struct {
func QueryClientPixmapBytes(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie{cookie}
func QueryClientPixmapBytesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryClientPixmapBytes
// size: 16
type QueryClientPixmapBytesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Bytes uint32
BytesOverflow uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryClientPixmapBytes
func (cook QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie) Reply() (*QueryClientPixmapBytesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryClientPixmapBytesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryClientPixmapBytes
func queryClientPixmapBytesReply(buf []byte) *QueryClientPixmapBytesReply {
v := new(QueryClientPixmapBytesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Bytes = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.BytesOverflow = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryClientPixmapBytes
func queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Xid)
b += 4
return buf