a huge commit. splitting extensions into their own sub-packages.
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,17 +16,30 @@ all: build-xgbgen \
(cd xgbgen && go build)
xgbgen/xgbgen --proto-path $(XPROTO) $(XPROTO)/$*.xml > auto_$*.go
build-all: bigreq.b composite.b damage.b dpms.b dri2.b ge.b glx.b randr.b \
record.b render.b res.b screensaver.b shape.b shm.b sync.b xcmisc.b \
xevie.b xf86dri.b xf86vidmode.b xfixes.b xinerama.b xinput.b \
xprint.b xproto.b xselinux.b xtest.b xv.b xvmc.b
(cd $* ; go build)
xc_misc.xml: build-xgbgen
mkdir -p xcmisc
xgbgen/xgbgen --proto-path $(XPROTO) $(XPROTO)/xc_misc.xml > xcmisc/xcmisc.go
%.xml: build-xgbgen
mkdir -p $*
xgbgen/xgbgen --proto-path $(XPROTO) $(XPROTO)/$*.xml > $*/$*.go
go test
(cd xproto ; go test)
go test -run 'nomatch' -bench '.*' -cpu 1,2,6
(cd xproto ; go test -run 'nomatch' -bench '.*' -cpu 1,2,6)
gofmt -w *.go xgbgen/*.go examples/*.go examples/*/*.go
colcheck xgbgen/*.go examples/*.go examples/*/*.go \
auth.go conn.go cookie.go doc.go xgb.go xgb_help.go xgb_test.go
colcheck xgbgen/*.go examples/*.go examples/*/*.go xproto/xproto_test.go \
auth.go conn.go cookie.go doc.go xgb.go xgb_help.go
@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by bigreq.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:33pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// BigreqInit must be called before using the BIG-REQUESTS extension.
func (c *Conn) BigreqInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(12, "BIG-REQUESTS").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named BIG-REQUESTS could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["BIG-REQUESTS"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["BIG-REQUESTS"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["BIG-REQUESTS"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["BIG-REQUESTS"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["BIG-REQUESTS"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Request BigreqEnable
// size: 4
type BigreqEnableCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) BigreqEnable() BigreqEnableCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.bigreqEnableRequest(), cookie)
return BigreqEnableCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) BigreqEnableUnchecked() BigreqEnableCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.bigreqEnableRequest(), cookie)
return BigreqEnableCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for BigreqEnable
// size: 12
type BigreqEnableReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
MaximumRequestLength uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request BigreqEnable
func (cook BigreqEnableCookie) Reply() (*BigreqEnableReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return bigreqEnableReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for BigreqEnable
func bigreqEnableReply(buf []byte) *BigreqEnableReply {
v := new(BigreqEnableReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MaximumRequestLength = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
func (cook BigreqEnableCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for BigreqEnable
func (c *Conn) bigreqEnableRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["BIG-REQUESTS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by composite.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:33pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// Imports are not necessary for XGB because everything is
// in one package. They are still listed here for reference.
// import "xproto"
// import "xfixes"
// CompositeInit must be called before using the Composite extension.
func (c *Conn) CompositeInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(9, "Composite").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named Composite could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["Composite"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["Composite"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["Composite"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["Composite"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["Composite"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
const (
CompositeRedirectAutomatic = 0
CompositeRedirectManual = 1
// Request CompositeQueryVersion
// size: 12
type CompositeQueryVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) CompositeQueryVersion(ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) CompositeQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.compositeQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return CompositeQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) CompositeQueryVersionUnchecked(ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) CompositeQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.compositeQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return CompositeQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for CompositeQueryVersion
// size: 32
type CompositeQueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint32
MinorVersion uint32
// padding: 16 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request CompositeQueryVersion
func (cook CompositeQueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*CompositeQueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return compositeQueryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for CompositeQueryVersion
func compositeQueryVersionReply(buf []byte) *CompositeQueryVersionReply {
v := new(CompositeQueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.MinorVersion = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 16 // padding
return v
func (cook CompositeQueryVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for CompositeQueryVersion
func (c *Conn) compositeQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 4
return buf
// Request CompositeRedirectWindow
// size: 12
type CompositeRedirectWindowCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for CompositeRedirectWindow
func (c *Conn) CompositeRedirectWindow(Window Window, Update byte) CompositeRedirectWindowCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeRedirectWindowRequest(Window, Update), cookie)
return CompositeRedirectWindowCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) CompositeRedirectWindowChecked(Window Window, Update byte) CompositeRedirectWindowCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeRedirectWindowRequest(Window, Update), cookie)
return CompositeRedirectWindowCookie{cookie}
func (cook CompositeRedirectWindowCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for CompositeRedirectWindow
func (c *Conn) compositeRedirectWindowRequest(Window Window, Update byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = Update
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request CompositeRedirectSubwindows
// size: 12
type CompositeRedirectSubwindowsCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for CompositeRedirectSubwindows
func (c *Conn) CompositeRedirectSubwindows(Window Window, Update byte) CompositeRedirectSubwindowsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeRedirectSubwindowsRequest(Window, Update), cookie)
return CompositeRedirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) CompositeRedirectSubwindowsChecked(Window Window, Update byte) CompositeRedirectSubwindowsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeRedirectSubwindowsRequest(Window, Update), cookie)
return CompositeRedirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
func (cook CompositeRedirectSubwindowsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for CompositeRedirectSubwindows
func (c *Conn) compositeRedirectSubwindowsRequest(Window Window, Update byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = Update
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request CompositeUnredirectWindow
// size: 12
type CompositeUnredirectWindowCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for CompositeUnredirectWindow
func (c *Conn) CompositeUnredirectWindow(Window Window, Update byte) CompositeUnredirectWindowCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeUnredirectWindowRequest(Window, Update), cookie)
return CompositeUnredirectWindowCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) CompositeUnredirectWindowChecked(Window Window, Update byte) CompositeUnredirectWindowCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeUnredirectWindowRequest(Window, Update), cookie)
return CompositeUnredirectWindowCookie{cookie}
func (cook CompositeUnredirectWindowCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for CompositeUnredirectWindow
func (c *Conn) compositeUnredirectWindowRequest(Window Window, Update byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = Update
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request CompositeUnredirectSubwindows
// size: 12
type CompositeUnredirectSubwindowsCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for CompositeUnredirectSubwindows
func (c *Conn) CompositeUnredirectSubwindows(Window Window, Update byte) CompositeUnredirectSubwindowsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeUnredirectSubwindowsRequest(Window, Update), cookie)
return CompositeUnredirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) CompositeUnredirectSubwindowsChecked(Window Window, Update byte) CompositeUnredirectSubwindowsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeUnredirectSubwindowsRequest(Window, Update), cookie)
return CompositeUnredirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
func (cook CompositeUnredirectSubwindowsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for CompositeUnredirectSubwindows
func (c *Conn) compositeUnredirectSubwindowsRequest(Window Window, Update byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = Update
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request CompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClip
// size: 12
type CompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for CompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClip
func (c *Conn) CompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClip(Region XfixesRegion, Window Window) CompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeCreateRegionFromBorderClipRequest(Region, Window), cookie)
return CompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) CompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClipChecked(Region XfixesRegion, Window Window) CompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeCreateRegionFromBorderClipRequest(Region, Window), cookie)
return CompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie{cookie}
func (cook CompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for CompositeCreateRegionFromBorderClip
func (c *Conn) compositeCreateRegionFromBorderClipRequest(Region XfixesRegion, Window Window) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Region))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// Request CompositeNameWindowPixmap
// size: 12
type CompositeNameWindowPixmapCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for CompositeNameWindowPixmap
func (c *Conn) CompositeNameWindowPixmap(Window Window, Pixmap Pixmap) CompositeNameWindowPixmapCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeNameWindowPixmapRequest(Window, Pixmap), cookie)
return CompositeNameWindowPixmapCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) CompositeNameWindowPixmapChecked(Window Window, Pixmap Pixmap) CompositeNameWindowPixmapCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeNameWindowPixmapRequest(Window, Pixmap), cookie)
return CompositeNameWindowPixmapCookie{cookie}
func (cook CompositeNameWindowPixmapCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for CompositeNameWindowPixmap
func (c *Conn) compositeNameWindowPixmapRequest(Window Window, Pixmap Pixmap) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Pixmap))
b += 4
return buf
// Request CompositeGetOverlayWindow
// size: 8
type CompositeGetOverlayWindowCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) CompositeGetOverlayWindow(Window Window) CompositeGetOverlayWindowCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.compositeGetOverlayWindowRequest(Window), cookie)
return CompositeGetOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) CompositeGetOverlayWindowUnchecked(Window Window) CompositeGetOverlayWindowCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.compositeGetOverlayWindowRequest(Window), cookie)
return CompositeGetOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for CompositeGetOverlayWindow
// size: 32
type CompositeGetOverlayWindowReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
OverlayWin Window
// padding: 20 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request CompositeGetOverlayWindow
func (cook CompositeGetOverlayWindowCookie) Reply() (*CompositeGetOverlayWindowReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return compositeGetOverlayWindowReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for CompositeGetOverlayWindow
func compositeGetOverlayWindowReply(buf []byte) *CompositeGetOverlayWindowReply {
v := new(CompositeGetOverlayWindowReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.OverlayWin = Window(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
return v
func (cook CompositeGetOverlayWindowCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for CompositeGetOverlayWindow
func (c *Conn) compositeGetOverlayWindowRequest(Window Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// Request CompositeReleaseOverlayWindow
// size: 8
type CompositeReleaseOverlayWindowCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for CompositeReleaseOverlayWindow
func (c *Conn) CompositeReleaseOverlayWindow(Window Window) CompositeReleaseOverlayWindowCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeReleaseOverlayWindowRequest(Window), cookie)
return CompositeReleaseOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) CompositeReleaseOverlayWindowChecked(Window Window) CompositeReleaseOverlayWindowCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.compositeReleaseOverlayWindowRequest(Window), cookie)
return CompositeReleaseOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
func (cook CompositeReleaseOverlayWindowCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for CompositeReleaseOverlayWindow
func (c *Conn) compositeReleaseOverlayWindowRequest(Window Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 8 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by damage.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:33pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// Imports are not necessary for XGB because everything is
// in one package. They are still listed here for reference.
// import "xproto"
// import "xfixes"
// DamageInit must be called before using the DAMAGE extension.
func (c *Conn) DamageInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(6, "DAMAGE").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named DAMAGE could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["DAMAGE"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["DAMAGE"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["DAMAGE"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["DAMAGE"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["DAMAGE"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
const (
DamageReportLevelRawRectangles = 0
DamageReportLevelDeltaRectangles = 1
DamageReportLevelBoundingBox = 2
DamageReportLevelNonEmpty = 3
type DamageDamage uint32
func (c *Conn) NewDamageDamageId() (DamageDamage, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return DamageDamage(id), nil
// Event definition DamageNotify (0)
// Size: 32
const DamageNotify = 0
type DamageNotifyEvent struct {
Sequence uint16
Level byte
Drawable Drawable
Damage DamageDamage
Timestamp Timestamp
Area Rectangle
Geometry Rectangle
// Event read DamageNotify
func NewDamageNotifyEvent(buf []byte) Event {
v := DamageNotifyEvent{}
b := 1 // don't read event number
v.Level = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Drawable = Drawable(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Damage = DamageDamage(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Timestamp = Timestamp(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Area = Rectangle{}
b += ReadRectangle(buf[b:], &v.Area)
v.Geometry = Rectangle{}
b += ReadRectangle(buf[b:], &v.Geometry)
return v
// Event write DamageNotify
func (v DamageNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 32)
b := 0
// write event number
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
buf[b] = v.Level
b += 1
b += 2 // skip sequence number
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Drawable))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Damage))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Timestamp))
b += 4
structBytes := v.Area.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += pad(len(structBytes))
structBytes := v.Geometry.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += pad(len(structBytes))
return buf
func (v DamageNotifyEvent) ImplementsEvent() {}
func (v DamageNotifyEvent) SequenceId() uint16 {
return v.Sequence
func (v DamageNotifyEvent) String() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 6)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Sequence: %d", v.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Level: %d", v.Level))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Drawable: %d", v.Drawable))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Damage: %d", v.Damage))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Timestamp: %d", v.Timestamp))
return "DamageNotify {" + stringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["DAMAGE"][0] = NewDamageNotifyEvent
// Error definition DamageBadDamage (0)
// Size: 32
const BadDamageBadDamage = 0
type DamageBadDamageError struct {
Sequence uint16
NiceName string
// Error read DamageBadDamage
func NewDamageBadDamageError(buf []byte) Error {
v := DamageBadDamageError{}
v.NiceName = "DamageBadDamage"
b := 1 // skip error determinant
b += 1 // don't read error number
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
func (err DamageBadDamageError) ImplementsError() {}
func (err DamageBadDamageError) SequenceId() uint16 {
return err.Sequence
func (err DamageBadDamageError) BadId() uint32 {
return 0
func (err DamageBadDamageError) Error() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 0)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, "NiceName: "+err.NiceName)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Sequence: %d", err.Sequence))
return "BadDamageBadDamage {" + stringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
newExtErrorFuncs["DAMAGE"][0] = NewDamageBadDamageError
// Request DamageQueryVersion
// size: 12
type DamageQueryVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) DamageQueryVersion(ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) DamageQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.damageQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return DamageQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DamageQueryVersionUnchecked(ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) DamageQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.damageQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return DamageQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for DamageQueryVersion
// size: 32
type DamageQueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint32
MinorVersion uint32
// padding: 16 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request DamageQueryVersion
func (cook DamageQueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*DamageQueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return damageQueryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for DamageQueryVersion
func damageQueryVersionReply(buf []byte) *DamageQueryVersionReply {
v := new(DamageQueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.MinorVersion = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 16 // padding
return v
func (cook DamageQueryVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DamageQueryVersion
func (c *Conn) damageQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 4
return buf
// Request DamageCreate
// size: 16
type DamageCreateCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for DamageCreate
func (c *Conn) DamageCreate(Damage DamageDamage, Drawable Drawable, Level byte) DamageCreateCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.damageCreateRequest(Damage, Drawable, Level), cookie)
return DamageCreateCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DamageCreateChecked(Damage DamageDamage, Drawable Drawable, Level byte) DamageCreateCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.damageCreateRequest(Damage, Drawable, Level), cookie)
return DamageCreateCookie{cookie}
func (cook DamageCreateCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DamageCreate
func (c *Conn) damageCreateRequest(Damage DamageDamage, Drawable Drawable, Level byte) []byte {
size := 16
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Damage))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
buf[b] = Level
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request DamageDestroy
// size: 8
type DamageDestroyCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for DamageDestroy
func (c *Conn) DamageDestroy(Damage DamageDamage) DamageDestroyCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.damageDestroyRequest(Damage), cookie)
return DamageDestroyCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DamageDestroyChecked(Damage DamageDamage) DamageDestroyCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.damageDestroyRequest(Damage), cookie)
return DamageDestroyCookie{cookie}
func (cook DamageDestroyCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DamageDestroy
func (c *Conn) damageDestroyRequest(Damage DamageDamage) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Damage))
b += 4
return buf
// Request DamageSubtract
// size: 16
type DamageSubtractCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for DamageSubtract
func (c *Conn) DamageSubtract(Damage DamageDamage, Repair XfixesRegion, Parts XfixesRegion) DamageSubtractCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.damageSubtractRequest(Damage, Repair, Parts), cookie)
return DamageSubtractCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DamageSubtractChecked(Damage DamageDamage, Repair XfixesRegion, Parts XfixesRegion) DamageSubtractCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.damageSubtractRequest(Damage, Repair, Parts), cookie)
return DamageSubtractCookie{cookie}
func (cook DamageSubtractCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DamageSubtract
func (c *Conn) damageSubtractRequest(Damage DamageDamage, Repair XfixesRegion, Parts XfixesRegion) []byte {
size := 16
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Damage))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Repair))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Parts))
b += 4
return buf
// Request DamageAdd
// size: 12
type DamageAddCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for DamageAdd
func (c *Conn) DamageAdd(Drawable Drawable, Region XfixesRegion) DamageAddCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.damageAddRequest(Drawable, Region), cookie)
return DamageAddCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DamageAddChecked(Drawable Drawable, Region XfixesRegion) DamageAddCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.damageAddRequest(Drawable, Region), cookie)
return DamageAddCookie{cookie}
func (cook DamageAddCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DamageAdd
func (c *Conn) damageAddRequest(Drawable Drawable, Region XfixesRegion) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Region))
b += 4
return buf
@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by dpms.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:33pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// DpmsInit must be called before using the DPMS extension.
func (c *Conn) DpmsInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(4, "DPMS").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named DPMS could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["DPMS"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["DPMS"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["DPMS"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["DPMS"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["DPMS"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
const (
DpmsDPMSModeOn = 0
DpmsDPMSModeStandby = 1
DpmsDPMSModeSuspend = 2
DpmsDPMSModeOff = 3
// Request DpmsGetVersion
// size: 8
type DpmsGetVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) DpmsGetVersion(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) DpmsGetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsGetVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return DpmsGetVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DpmsGetVersionUnchecked(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) DpmsGetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsGetVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return DpmsGetVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for DpmsGetVersion
// size: 12
type DpmsGetVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request DpmsGetVersion
func (cook DpmsGetVersionCookie) Reply() (*DpmsGetVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return dpmsGetVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for DpmsGetVersion
func dpmsGetVersionReply(buf []byte) *DpmsGetVersionReply {
v := new(DpmsGetVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
func (cook DpmsGetVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DpmsGetVersion
func (c *Conn) dpmsGetVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
// Request DpmsCapable
// size: 4
type DpmsCapableCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) DpmsCapable() DpmsCapableCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsCapableRequest(), cookie)
return DpmsCapableCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DpmsCapableUnchecked() DpmsCapableCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsCapableRequest(), cookie)
return DpmsCapableCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for DpmsCapable
// size: 32
type DpmsCapableReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Capable bool
// padding: 23 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request DpmsCapable
func (cook DpmsCapableCookie) Reply() (*DpmsCapableReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return dpmsCapableReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for DpmsCapable
func dpmsCapableReply(buf []byte) *DpmsCapableReply {
v := new(DpmsCapableReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Capable = true
} else {
v.Capable = false
b += 1
b += 23 // padding
return v
func (cook DpmsCapableCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DpmsCapable
func (c *Conn) dpmsCapableRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request DpmsGetTimeouts
// size: 4
type DpmsGetTimeoutsCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) DpmsGetTimeouts() DpmsGetTimeoutsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsGetTimeoutsRequest(), cookie)
return DpmsGetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DpmsGetTimeoutsUnchecked() DpmsGetTimeoutsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsGetTimeoutsRequest(), cookie)
return DpmsGetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for DpmsGetTimeouts
// size: 32
type DpmsGetTimeoutsReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
StandbyTimeout uint16
SuspendTimeout uint16
OffTimeout uint16
// padding: 18 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request DpmsGetTimeouts
func (cook DpmsGetTimeoutsCookie) Reply() (*DpmsGetTimeoutsReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return dpmsGetTimeoutsReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for DpmsGetTimeouts
func dpmsGetTimeoutsReply(buf []byte) *DpmsGetTimeoutsReply {
v := new(DpmsGetTimeoutsReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.StandbyTimeout = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.SuspendTimeout = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.OffTimeout = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
b += 18 // padding
return v
func (cook DpmsGetTimeoutsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DpmsGetTimeouts
func (c *Conn) dpmsGetTimeoutsRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request DpmsSetTimeouts
// size: 12
type DpmsSetTimeoutsCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for DpmsSetTimeouts
func (c *Conn) DpmsSetTimeouts(StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) DpmsSetTimeoutsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsSetTimeoutsRequest(StandbyTimeout, SuspendTimeout, OffTimeout), cookie)
return DpmsSetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DpmsSetTimeoutsChecked(StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) DpmsSetTimeoutsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsSetTimeoutsRequest(StandbyTimeout, SuspendTimeout, OffTimeout), cookie)
return DpmsSetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
func (cook DpmsSetTimeoutsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DpmsSetTimeouts
func (c *Conn) dpmsSetTimeoutsRequest(StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], StandbyTimeout)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], SuspendTimeout)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], OffTimeout)
b += 2
return buf
// Request DpmsEnable
// size: 4
type DpmsEnableCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for DpmsEnable
func (c *Conn) DpmsEnable() DpmsEnableCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsEnableRequest(), cookie)
return DpmsEnableCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DpmsEnableChecked() DpmsEnableCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsEnableRequest(), cookie)
return DpmsEnableCookie{cookie}
func (cook DpmsEnableCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DpmsEnable
func (c *Conn) dpmsEnableRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request DpmsDisable
// size: 4
type DpmsDisableCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for DpmsDisable
func (c *Conn) DpmsDisable() DpmsDisableCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsDisableRequest(), cookie)
return DpmsDisableCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DpmsDisableChecked() DpmsDisableCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsDisableRequest(), cookie)
return DpmsDisableCookie{cookie}
func (cook DpmsDisableCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DpmsDisable
func (c *Conn) dpmsDisableRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request DpmsForceLevel
// size: 8
type DpmsForceLevelCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for DpmsForceLevel
func (c *Conn) DpmsForceLevel(PowerLevel uint16) DpmsForceLevelCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsForceLevelRequest(PowerLevel), cookie)
return DpmsForceLevelCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DpmsForceLevelChecked(PowerLevel uint16) DpmsForceLevelCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsForceLevelRequest(PowerLevel), cookie)
return DpmsForceLevelCookie{cookie}
func (cook DpmsForceLevelCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DpmsForceLevel
func (c *Conn) dpmsForceLevelRequest(PowerLevel uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], PowerLevel)
b += 2
return buf
// Request DpmsInfo
// size: 4
type DpmsInfoCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) DpmsInfo() DpmsInfoCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsInfoRequest(), cookie)
return DpmsInfoCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) DpmsInfoUnchecked() DpmsInfoCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.dpmsInfoRequest(), cookie)
return DpmsInfoCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for DpmsInfo
// size: 32
type DpmsInfoReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
PowerLevel uint16
State bool
// padding: 21 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request DpmsInfo
func (cook DpmsInfoCookie) Reply() (*DpmsInfoReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return dpmsInfoReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for DpmsInfo
func dpmsInfoReply(buf []byte) *DpmsInfoReply {
v := new(DpmsInfoReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.PowerLevel = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.State = true
} else {
v.State = false
b += 1
b += 21 // padding
return v
func (cook DpmsInfoCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for DpmsInfo
func (c *Conn) dpmsInfoRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by ge.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:33pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// GeInit must be called before using the Generic Event Extension extension.
func (c *Conn) GeInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(23, "Generic Event Extension").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named Generic Event Extension could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["Generic Event Extension"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["Generic Event Extension"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["Generic Event Extension"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["Generic Event Extension"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["Generic Event Extension"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Request GeQueryVersion
// size: 8
type GeQueryVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) GeQueryVersion(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) GeQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.geQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return GeQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) GeQueryVersionUnchecked(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) GeQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.geQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return GeQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GeQueryVersion
// size: 32
type GeQueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint16
MinorVersion uint16
// padding: 20 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request GeQueryVersion
func (cook GeQueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*GeQueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return geQueryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GeQueryVersion
func geQueryVersionReply(buf []byte) *GeQueryVersionReply {
v := new(GeQueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MinorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
b += 20 // padding
return v
func (cook GeQueryVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for GeQueryVersion
func (c *Conn) geQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["GENERIC EVENT EXTENSION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by res.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:33pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// Imports are not necessary for XGB because everything is
// in one package. They are still listed here for reference.
// import "xproto"
// ResInit must be called before using the X-Resource extension.
func (c *Conn) ResInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(10, "X-Resource").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named X-Resource could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["X-Resource"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["X-Resource"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["X-Resource"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["X-Resource"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["X-Resource"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// 'ResClient' struct definition
// Size: 8
type ResClient struct {
ResourceBase uint32
ResourceMask uint32
// Struct read ResClient
func ReadResClient(buf []byte, v *ResClient) int {
b := 0
v.ResourceBase = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.ResourceMask = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return b
// Struct list read ResClient
func ReadResClientList(buf []byte, dest []ResClient) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = ResClient{}
b += ReadResClient(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return pad(b)
// Struct write ResClient
func (v ResClient) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
b := 0
Put32(buf[b:], v.ResourceBase)
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], v.ResourceMask)
b += 4
return buf
// Write struct list ResClient
func ResClientListBytes(buf []byte, list []ResClient) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// 'ResType' struct definition
// Size: 8
type ResType struct {
ResourceType Atom
Count uint32
// Struct read ResType
func ReadResType(buf []byte, v *ResType) int {
b := 0
v.ResourceType = Atom(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Count = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return b
// Struct list read ResType
func ReadResTypeList(buf []byte, dest []ResType) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = ResType{}
b += ReadResType(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return pad(b)
// Struct write ResType
func (v ResType) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
b := 0
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.ResourceType))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], v.Count)
b += 4
return buf
// Write struct list ResType
func ResTypeListBytes(buf []byte, list []ResType) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// Request ResQueryVersion
// size: 8
type ResQueryVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ResQueryVersion(ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) ResQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.resQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajor, ClientMinor), cookie)
return ResQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ResQueryVersionUnchecked(ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) ResQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.resQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajor, ClientMinor), cookie)
return ResQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ResQueryVersion
// size: 12
type ResQueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajor uint16
ServerMinor uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request ResQueryVersion
func (cook ResQueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*ResQueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return resQueryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ResQueryVersion
func resQueryVersionReply(buf []byte) *ResQueryVersionReply {
v := new(ResQueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajor = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinor = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
func (cook ResQueryVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ResQueryVersion
func (c *Conn) resQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = ClientMajor
b += 1
buf[b] = ClientMinor
b += 1
return buf
// Request ResQueryClients
// size: 4
type ResQueryClientsCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ResQueryClients() ResQueryClientsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.resQueryClientsRequest(), cookie)
return ResQueryClientsCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ResQueryClientsUnchecked() ResQueryClientsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.resQueryClientsRequest(), cookie)
return ResQueryClientsCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ResQueryClients
// size: (32 + pad((int(NumClients) * 8)))
type ResQueryClientsReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
NumClients uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Clients []ResClient // size: pad((int(NumClients) * 8))
// Waits and reads reply data from request ResQueryClients
func (cook ResQueryClientsCookie) Reply() (*ResQueryClientsReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return resQueryClientsReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ResQueryClients
func resQueryClientsReply(buf []byte) *ResQueryClientsReply {
v := new(ResQueryClientsReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.NumClients = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Clients = make([]ResClient, v.NumClients)
b += ReadResClientList(buf[b:], v.Clients)
return v
func (cook ResQueryClientsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ResQueryClients
func (c *Conn) resQueryClientsRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request ResQueryClientResources
// size: 8
type ResQueryClientResourcesCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ResQueryClientResources(Xid uint32) ResQueryClientResourcesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.resQueryClientResourcesRequest(Xid), cookie)
return ResQueryClientResourcesCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ResQueryClientResourcesUnchecked(Xid uint32) ResQueryClientResourcesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.resQueryClientResourcesRequest(Xid), cookie)
return ResQueryClientResourcesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ResQueryClientResources
// size: (32 + pad((int(NumTypes) * 8)))
type ResQueryClientResourcesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
NumTypes uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Types []ResType // size: pad((int(NumTypes) * 8))
// Waits and reads reply data from request ResQueryClientResources
func (cook ResQueryClientResourcesCookie) Reply() (*ResQueryClientResourcesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return resQueryClientResourcesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ResQueryClientResources
func resQueryClientResourcesReply(buf []byte) *ResQueryClientResourcesReply {
v := new(ResQueryClientResourcesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.NumTypes = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Types = make([]ResType, v.NumTypes)
b += ReadResTypeList(buf[b:], v.Types)
return v
func (cook ResQueryClientResourcesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ResQueryClientResources
func (c *Conn) resQueryClientResourcesRequest(Xid uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], Xid)
b += 4
return buf
// Request ResQueryClientPixmapBytes
// size: 8
type ResQueryClientPixmapBytesCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ResQueryClientPixmapBytes(Xid uint32) ResQueryClientPixmapBytesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.resQueryClientPixmapBytesRequest(Xid), cookie)
return ResQueryClientPixmapBytesCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ResQueryClientPixmapBytesUnchecked(Xid uint32) ResQueryClientPixmapBytesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.resQueryClientPixmapBytesRequest(Xid), cookie)
return ResQueryClientPixmapBytesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ResQueryClientPixmapBytes
// size: 16
type ResQueryClientPixmapBytesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Bytes uint32
BytesOverflow uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request ResQueryClientPixmapBytes
func (cook ResQueryClientPixmapBytesCookie) Reply() (*ResQueryClientPixmapBytesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return resQueryClientPixmapBytesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ResQueryClientPixmapBytes
func resQueryClientPixmapBytesReply(buf []byte) *ResQueryClientPixmapBytesReply {
v := new(ResQueryClientPixmapBytesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Bytes = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.BytesOverflow = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
func (cook ResQueryClientPixmapBytesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ResQueryClientPixmapBytes
func (c *Conn) resQueryClientPixmapBytesRequest(Xid uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], Xid)
b += 4
return buf
@ -1,627 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by screensaver.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:34pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// Imports are not necessary for XGB because everything is
// in one package. They are still listed here for reference.
// import "xproto"
// ScreensaverInit must be called before using the MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension.
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(16, "MIT-SCREEN-SAVER").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named MIT-SCREEN-SAVER could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
const (
ScreensaverKindBlanked = 0
ScreensaverKindInternal = 1
ScreensaverKindExternal = 2
const (
ScreensaverEventNotifyMask = 1
ScreensaverEventCycleMask = 2
const (
ScreensaverStateOff = 0
ScreensaverStateOn = 1
ScreensaverStateCycle = 2
ScreensaverStateDisabled = 3
// Event definition ScreensaverNotify (0)
// Size: 32
const ScreensaverNotify = 0
type ScreensaverNotifyEvent struct {
Sequence uint16
Code byte
State byte
// padding: 1 bytes
SequenceNumber uint16
Time Timestamp
Root Window
Window Window
Kind byte
Forced bool
// padding: 14 bytes
// Event read ScreensaverNotify
func NewScreensaverNotifyEvent(buf []byte) Event {
v := ScreensaverNotifyEvent{}
b := 1 // don't read event number
v.Code = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.State = buf[b]
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
v.SequenceNumber = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Time = Timestamp(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Root = Window(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Window = Window(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Kind = buf[b]
b += 1
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Forced = true
} else {
v.Forced = false
b += 1
b += 14 // padding
return v
// Event write ScreensaverNotify
func (v ScreensaverNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 32)
b := 0
// write event number
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
buf[b] = v.Code
b += 1
b += 2 // skip sequence number
buf[b] = v.State
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
Put16(buf[b:], v.SequenceNumber)
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Time))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Root))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = v.Kind
b += 1
if v.Forced {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 14 // padding
return buf
func (v ScreensaverNotifyEvent) ImplementsEvent() {}
func (v ScreensaverNotifyEvent) SequenceId() uint16 {
return v.Sequence
func (v ScreensaverNotifyEvent) String() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 10)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Sequence: %d", v.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Code: %d", v.Code))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("State: %d", v.State))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("SequenceNumber: %d", v.SequenceNumber))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Time: %d", v.Time))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Root: %d", v.Root))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Window: %d", v.Window))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Kind: %d", v.Kind))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Forced: %t", v.Forced))
return "ScreensaverNotify {" + stringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"][0] = NewScreensaverNotifyEvent
// Request ScreensaverQueryVersion
// size: 8
type ScreensaverQueryVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverQueryVersion(ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) ScreensaverQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return ScreensaverQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverQueryVersionUnchecked(ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) ScreensaverQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return ScreensaverQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ScreensaverQueryVersion
// size: 32
type ScreensaverQueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// padding: 20 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request ScreensaverQueryVersion
func (cook ScreensaverQueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*ScreensaverQueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return screensaverQueryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ScreensaverQueryVersion
func screensaverQueryVersionReply(buf []byte) *ScreensaverQueryVersionReply {
v := new(ScreensaverQueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
b += 20 // padding
return v
func (cook ScreensaverQueryVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ScreensaverQueryVersion
func (c *Conn) screensaverQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = ClientMajorVersion
b += 1
buf[b] = ClientMinorVersion
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
return buf
// Request ScreensaverQueryInfo
// size: 8
type ScreensaverQueryInfoCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverQueryInfo(Drawable Drawable) ScreensaverQueryInfoCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverQueryInfoRequest(Drawable), cookie)
return ScreensaverQueryInfoCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverQueryInfoUnchecked(Drawable Drawable) ScreensaverQueryInfoCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverQueryInfoRequest(Drawable), cookie)
return ScreensaverQueryInfoCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ScreensaverQueryInfo
// size: 32
type ScreensaverQueryInfoReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
State byte
SaverWindow Window
MsUntilServer uint32
MsSinceUserInput uint32
EventMask uint32
Kind byte
// padding: 7 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request ScreensaverQueryInfo
func (cook ScreensaverQueryInfoCookie) Reply() (*ScreensaverQueryInfoReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return screensaverQueryInfoReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ScreensaverQueryInfo
func screensaverQueryInfoReply(buf []byte) *ScreensaverQueryInfoReply {
v := new(ScreensaverQueryInfoReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.State = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.SaverWindow = Window(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.MsUntilServer = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.MsSinceUserInput = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.EventMask = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Kind = buf[b]
b += 1
b += 7 // padding
return v
func (cook ScreensaverQueryInfoCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ScreensaverQueryInfo
func (c *Conn) screensaverQueryInfoRequest(Drawable Drawable) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
return buf
// Request ScreensaverSelectInput
// size: 12
type ScreensaverSelectInputCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ScreensaverSelectInput
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverSelectInput(Drawable Drawable, EventMask uint32) ScreensaverSelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverSelectInputRequest(Drawable, EventMask), cookie)
return ScreensaverSelectInputCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverSelectInputChecked(Drawable Drawable, EventMask uint32) ScreensaverSelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverSelectInputRequest(Drawable, EventMask), cookie)
return ScreensaverSelectInputCookie{cookie}
func (cook ScreensaverSelectInputCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ScreensaverSelectInput
func (c *Conn) screensaverSelectInputRequest(Drawable Drawable, EventMask uint32) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], EventMask)
b += 4
return buf
// Request ScreensaverSetAttributes
// size: pad((24 + (4 + pad((4 * popCount(int(ValueMask)))))))
type ScreensaverSetAttributesCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ScreensaverSetAttributes
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverSetAttributes(Drawable Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BorderWidth uint16, Class byte, Depth byte, Visual Visualid, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) ScreensaverSetAttributesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverSetAttributesRequest(Drawable, X, Y, Width, Height, BorderWidth, Class, Depth, Visual, ValueMask, ValueList), cookie)
return ScreensaverSetAttributesCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverSetAttributesChecked(Drawable Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BorderWidth uint16, Class byte, Depth byte, Visual Visualid, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) ScreensaverSetAttributesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverSetAttributesRequest(Drawable, X, Y, Width, Height, BorderWidth, Class, Depth, Visual, ValueMask, ValueList), cookie)
return ScreensaverSetAttributesCookie{cookie}
func (cook ScreensaverSetAttributesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ScreensaverSetAttributes
func (c *Conn) screensaverSetAttributesRequest(Drawable Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BorderWidth uint16, Class byte, Depth byte, Visual Visualid, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) []byte {
size := pad((24 + (4 + pad((4 * popCount(int(ValueMask)))))))
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(X))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(Y))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], Width)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], Height)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], BorderWidth)
b += 2
buf[b] = Class
b += 1
buf[b] = Depth
b += 1
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Visual))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], ValueMask)
b += 4
for i := 0; i < popCount(int(ValueMask)); i++ {
Put32(buf[b:], ValueList[i])
b += 4
b = pad(b)
return buf
// Request ScreensaverUnsetAttributes
// size: 8
type ScreensaverUnsetAttributesCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ScreensaverUnsetAttributes
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverUnsetAttributes(Drawable Drawable) ScreensaverUnsetAttributesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverUnsetAttributesRequest(Drawable), cookie)
return ScreensaverUnsetAttributesCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverUnsetAttributesChecked(Drawable Drawable) ScreensaverUnsetAttributesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverUnsetAttributesRequest(Drawable), cookie)
return ScreensaverUnsetAttributesCookie{cookie}
func (cook ScreensaverUnsetAttributesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ScreensaverUnsetAttributes
func (c *Conn) screensaverUnsetAttributesRequest(Drawable Drawable) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
return buf
// Request ScreensaverSuspend
// size: 8
type ScreensaverSuspendCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ScreensaverSuspend
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverSuspend(Suspend bool) ScreensaverSuspendCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverSuspendRequest(Suspend), cookie)
return ScreensaverSuspendCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ScreensaverSuspendChecked(Suspend bool) ScreensaverSuspendCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.screensaverSuspendRequest(Suspend), cookie)
return ScreensaverSuspendCookie{cookie}
func (cook ScreensaverSuspendCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ScreensaverSuspend
func (c *Conn) screensaverSuspendRequest(Suspend bool) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
if Suspend {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
@ -1,897 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by shape.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:34pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// Imports are not necessary for XGB because everything is
// in one package. They are still listed here for reference.
// import "xproto"
// ShapeInit must be called before using the SHAPE extension.
func (c *Conn) ShapeInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(5, "SHAPE").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named SHAPE could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["SHAPE"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["SHAPE"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["SHAPE"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["SHAPE"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["SHAPE"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
const (
ShapeSoSet = 0
ShapeSoUnion = 1
ShapeSoIntersect = 2
ShapeSoSubtract = 3
ShapeSoInvert = 4
const (
ShapeSkBounding = 0
ShapeSkClip = 1
ShapeSkInput = 2
type ShapeOp byte
type ShapeKind byte
// Event definition ShapeNotify (0)
// Size: 32
const ShapeNotify = 0
type ShapeNotifyEvent struct {
Sequence uint16
ShapeKind ShapeKind
AffectedWindow Window
ExtentsX int16
ExtentsY int16
ExtentsWidth uint16
ExtentsHeight uint16
ServerTime Timestamp
Shaped bool
// padding: 11 bytes
// Event read ShapeNotify
func NewShapeNotifyEvent(buf []byte) Event {
v := ShapeNotifyEvent{}
b := 1 // don't read event number
v.ShapeKind = ShapeKind(buf[b])
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.AffectedWindow = Window(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.ExtentsX = int16(Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.ExtentsY = int16(Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.ExtentsWidth = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ExtentsHeight = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerTime = Timestamp(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Shaped = true
} else {
v.Shaped = false
b += 1
b += 11 // padding
return v
// Event write ShapeNotify
func (v ShapeNotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 32)
b := 0
// write event number
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(v.ShapeKind)
b += 1
b += 2 // skip sequence number
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.AffectedWindow))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(v.ExtentsX))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(v.ExtentsY))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], v.ExtentsWidth)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], v.ExtentsHeight)
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.ServerTime))
b += 4
if v.Shaped {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 11 // padding
return buf
func (v ShapeNotifyEvent) ImplementsEvent() {}
func (v ShapeNotifyEvent) SequenceId() uint16 {
return v.Sequence
func (v ShapeNotifyEvent) String() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 9)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Sequence: %d", v.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("ShapeKind: %d", v.ShapeKind))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("AffectedWindow: %d", v.AffectedWindow))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("ExtentsX: %d", v.ExtentsX))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("ExtentsY: %d", v.ExtentsY))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("ExtentsWidth: %d", v.ExtentsWidth))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("ExtentsHeight: %d", v.ExtentsHeight))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("ServerTime: %d", v.ServerTime))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Shaped: %t", v.Shaped))
return "ShapeNotify {" + stringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["SHAPE"][0] = NewShapeNotifyEvent
// Request ShapeQueryVersion
// size: 4
type ShapeQueryVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ShapeQueryVersion() ShapeQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.shapeQueryVersionRequest(), cookie)
return ShapeQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShapeQueryVersionUnchecked() ShapeQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.shapeQueryVersionRequest(), cookie)
return ShapeQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ShapeQueryVersion
// size: 12
type ShapeQueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint16
MinorVersion uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request ShapeQueryVersion
func (cook ShapeQueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*ShapeQueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return shapeQueryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ShapeQueryVersion
func shapeQueryVersionReply(buf []byte) *ShapeQueryVersionReply {
v := new(ShapeQueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MinorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
func (cook ShapeQueryVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShapeQueryVersion
func (c *Conn) shapeQueryVersionRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request ShapeRectangles
// size: pad((16 + pad((len(Rectangles) * 8))))
type ShapeRectanglesCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ShapeRectangles
func (c *Conn) ShapeRectangles(Operation ShapeOp, DestinationKind ShapeKind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []Rectangle) ShapeRectanglesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.shapeRectanglesRequest(Operation, DestinationKind, Ordering, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, Rectangles), cookie)
return ShapeRectanglesCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShapeRectanglesChecked(Operation ShapeOp, DestinationKind ShapeKind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []Rectangle) ShapeRectanglesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.shapeRectanglesRequest(Operation, DestinationKind, Ordering, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, Rectangles), cookie)
return ShapeRectanglesCookie{cookie}
func (cook ShapeRectanglesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShapeRectangles
func (c *Conn) shapeRectanglesRequest(Operation ShapeOp, DestinationKind ShapeKind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []Rectangle) []byte {
size := pad((16 + pad((len(Rectangles) * 8))))
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(Operation)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
buf[b] = Ordering
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
b += RectangleListBytes(buf[b:], Rectangles)
return buf
// Request ShapeMask
// size: 20
type ShapeMaskCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ShapeMask
func (c *Conn) ShapeMask(Operation ShapeOp, DestinationKind ShapeKind, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap Pixmap) ShapeMaskCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.shapeMaskRequest(Operation, DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceBitmap), cookie)
return ShapeMaskCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShapeMaskChecked(Operation ShapeOp, DestinationKind ShapeKind, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap Pixmap) ShapeMaskCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.shapeMaskRequest(Operation, DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceBitmap), cookie)
return ShapeMaskCookie{cookie}
func (cook ShapeMaskCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShapeMask
func (c *Conn) shapeMaskRequest(Operation ShapeOp, DestinationKind ShapeKind, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap Pixmap) []byte {
size := 20
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(Operation)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SourceBitmap))
b += 4
return buf
// Request ShapeCombine
// size: 20
type ShapeCombineCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ShapeCombine
func (c *Conn) ShapeCombine(Operation ShapeOp, DestinationKind ShapeKind, SourceKind ShapeKind, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceWindow Window) ShapeCombineCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.shapeCombineRequest(Operation, DestinationKind, SourceKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceWindow), cookie)
return ShapeCombineCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShapeCombineChecked(Operation ShapeOp, DestinationKind ShapeKind, SourceKind ShapeKind, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceWindow Window) ShapeCombineCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.shapeCombineRequest(Operation, DestinationKind, SourceKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceWindow), cookie)
return ShapeCombineCookie{cookie}
func (cook ShapeCombineCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShapeCombine
func (c *Conn) shapeCombineRequest(Operation ShapeOp, DestinationKind ShapeKind, SourceKind ShapeKind, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceWindow Window) []byte {
size := 20
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(Operation)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(SourceKind)
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SourceWindow))
b += 4
return buf
// Request ShapeOffset
// size: 16
type ShapeOffsetCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ShapeOffset
func (c *Conn) ShapeOffset(DestinationKind ShapeKind, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16) ShapeOffsetCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.shapeOffsetRequest(DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset), cookie)
return ShapeOffsetCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShapeOffsetChecked(DestinationKind ShapeKind, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16) ShapeOffsetCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.shapeOffsetRequest(DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset), cookie)
return ShapeOffsetCookie{cookie}
func (cook ShapeOffsetCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShapeOffset
func (c *Conn) shapeOffsetRequest(DestinationKind ShapeKind, DestinationWindow Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16) []byte {
size := 16
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
return buf
// Request ShapeQueryExtents
// size: 8
type ShapeQueryExtentsCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ShapeQueryExtents(DestinationWindow Window) ShapeQueryExtentsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.shapeQueryExtentsRequest(DestinationWindow), cookie)
return ShapeQueryExtentsCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShapeQueryExtentsUnchecked(DestinationWindow Window) ShapeQueryExtentsCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.shapeQueryExtentsRequest(DestinationWindow), cookie)
return ShapeQueryExtentsCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ShapeQueryExtents
// size: 28
type ShapeQueryExtentsReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
BoundingShaped bool
ClipShaped bool
// padding: 2 bytes
BoundingShapeExtentsX int16
BoundingShapeExtentsY int16
BoundingShapeExtentsWidth uint16
BoundingShapeExtentsHeight uint16
ClipShapeExtentsX int16
ClipShapeExtentsY int16
ClipShapeExtentsWidth uint16
ClipShapeExtentsHeight uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request ShapeQueryExtents
func (cook ShapeQueryExtentsCookie) Reply() (*ShapeQueryExtentsReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return shapeQueryExtentsReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ShapeQueryExtents
func shapeQueryExtentsReply(buf []byte) *ShapeQueryExtentsReply {
v := new(ShapeQueryExtentsReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.BoundingShaped = true
} else {
v.BoundingShaped = false
b += 1
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.ClipShaped = true
} else {
v.ClipShaped = false
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
v.BoundingShapeExtentsX = int16(Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.BoundingShapeExtentsY = int16(Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.BoundingShapeExtentsWidth = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.BoundingShapeExtentsHeight = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ClipShapeExtentsX = int16(Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.ClipShapeExtentsY = int16(Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.ClipShapeExtentsWidth = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ClipShapeExtentsHeight = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
func (cook ShapeQueryExtentsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShapeQueryExtents
func (c *Conn) shapeQueryExtentsRequest(DestinationWindow Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
return buf
// Request ShapeSelectInput
// size: 12
type ShapeSelectInputCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ShapeSelectInput
func (c *Conn) ShapeSelectInput(DestinationWindow Window, Enable bool) ShapeSelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.shapeSelectInputRequest(DestinationWindow, Enable), cookie)
return ShapeSelectInputCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShapeSelectInputChecked(DestinationWindow Window, Enable bool) ShapeSelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.shapeSelectInputRequest(DestinationWindow, Enable), cookie)
return ShapeSelectInputCookie{cookie}
func (cook ShapeSelectInputCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShapeSelectInput
func (c *Conn) shapeSelectInputRequest(DestinationWindow Window, Enable bool) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
if Enable {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request ShapeInputSelected
// size: 8
type ShapeInputSelectedCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ShapeInputSelected(DestinationWindow Window) ShapeInputSelectedCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.shapeInputSelectedRequest(DestinationWindow), cookie)
return ShapeInputSelectedCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShapeInputSelectedUnchecked(DestinationWindow Window) ShapeInputSelectedCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.shapeInputSelectedRequest(DestinationWindow), cookie)
return ShapeInputSelectedCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ShapeInputSelected
// size: 8
type ShapeInputSelectedReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
Enabled bool
// Waits and reads reply data from request ShapeInputSelected
func (cook ShapeInputSelectedCookie) Reply() (*ShapeInputSelectedReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return shapeInputSelectedReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ShapeInputSelected
func shapeInputSelectedReply(buf []byte) *ShapeInputSelectedReply {
v := new(ShapeInputSelectedReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Enabled = true
} else {
v.Enabled = false
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
return v
func (cook ShapeInputSelectedCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShapeInputSelected
func (c *Conn) shapeInputSelectedRequest(DestinationWindow Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
return buf
// Request ShapeGetRectangles
// size: 12
type ShapeGetRectanglesCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ShapeGetRectangles(Window Window, SourceKind ShapeKind) ShapeGetRectanglesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.shapeGetRectanglesRequest(Window, SourceKind), cookie)
return ShapeGetRectanglesCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShapeGetRectanglesUnchecked(Window Window, SourceKind ShapeKind) ShapeGetRectanglesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.shapeGetRectanglesRequest(Window, SourceKind), cookie)
return ShapeGetRectanglesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ShapeGetRectangles
// size: (32 + pad((int(RectanglesLen) * 8)))
type ShapeGetRectanglesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
Ordering byte
RectanglesLen uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Rectangles []Rectangle // size: pad((int(RectanglesLen) * 8))
// Waits and reads reply data from request ShapeGetRectangles
func (cook ShapeGetRectanglesCookie) Reply() (*ShapeGetRectanglesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return shapeGetRectanglesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ShapeGetRectangles
func shapeGetRectanglesReply(buf []byte) *ShapeGetRectanglesReply {
v := new(ShapeGetRectanglesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.Ordering = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.RectanglesLen = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Rectangles = make([]Rectangle, v.RectanglesLen)
b += ReadRectangleList(buf[b:], v.Rectangles)
return v
func (cook ShapeGetRectanglesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShapeGetRectangles
func (c *Conn) shapeGetRectanglesRequest(Window Window, SourceKind ShapeKind) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 8 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = byte(SourceKind)
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
@ -1,678 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by shm.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:34pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// Imports are not necessary for XGB because everything is
// in one package. They are still listed here for reference.
// import "xproto"
// ShmInit must be called before using the MIT-SHM extension.
func (c *Conn) ShmInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(7, "MIT-SHM").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named MIT-SHM could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["MIT-SHM"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["MIT-SHM"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SHM"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["MIT-SHM"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SHM"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
type ShmSeg uint32
func (c *Conn) NewShmSegId() (ShmSeg, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return ShmSeg(id), nil
// Event definition ShmCompletion (0)
// Size: 32
const ShmCompletion = 0
type ShmCompletionEvent struct {
Sequence uint16
// padding: 1 bytes
Drawable Drawable
MinorEvent uint16
MajorEvent byte
// padding: 1 bytes
Shmseg ShmSeg
Offset uint32
// Event read ShmCompletion
func NewShmCompletionEvent(buf []byte) Event {
v := ShmCompletionEvent{}
b := 1 // don't read event number
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Drawable = Drawable(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.MinorEvent = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MajorEvent = buf[b]
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
v.Shmseg = ShmSeg(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Offset = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Event write ShmCompletion
func (v ShmCompletionEvent) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 32)
b := 0
// write event number
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
b += 2 // skip sequence number
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Drawable))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], v.MinorEvent)
b += 2
buf[b] = v.MajorEvent
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Shmseg))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], v.Offset)
b += 4
return buf
func (v ShmCompletionEvent) ImplementsEvent() {}
func (v ShmCompletionEvent) SequenceId() uint16 {
return v.Sequence
func (v ShmCompletionEvent) String() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 7)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Sequence: %d", v.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Drawable: %d", v.Drawable))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("MinorEvent: %d", v.MinorEvent))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("MajorEvent: %d", v.MajorEvent))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Shmseg: %d", v.Shmseg))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Offset: %d", v.Offset))
return "ShmCompletion {" + stringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["MIT-SHM"][0] = NewShmCompletionEvent
// ErrorCopy definition ShmBadSeg (0)
const BadShmBadSeg = 0
type ShmBadSegError ValueError
func NewShmBadSegError(buf []byte) Error {
v := ShmBadSegError(NewValueError(buf).(ValueError))
v.NiceName = "ShmBadSeg"
return v
func (err ShmBadSegError) ImplementsError() {}
func (err ShmBadSegError) SequenceId() uint16 {
return err.Sequence
func (err ShmBadSegError) BadId() uint32 {
return 0
func (err ShmBadSegError) Error() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 4)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, "NiceName: "+err.NiceName)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("Sequence: %d", err.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("BadValue: %d", err.BadValue))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("MinorOpcode: %d", err.MinorOpcode))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, sprintf("MajorOpcode: %d", err.MajorOpcode))
return "BadShmBadSeg {" + stringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
newExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SHM"][0] = NewShmBadSegError
// Request ShmQueryVersion
// size: 4
type ShmQueryVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ShmQueryVersion() ShmQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.shmQueryVersionRequest(), cookie)
return ShmQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShmQueryVersionUnchecked() ShmQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.shmQueryVersionRequest(), cookie)
return ShmQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ShmQueryVersion
// size: 32
type ShmQueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
SharedPixmaps bool
MajorVersion uint16
MinorVersion uint16
Uid uint16
Gid uint16
PixmapFormat byte
// padding: 15 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request ShmQueryVersion
func (cook ShmQueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*ShmQueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return shmQueryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ShmQueryVersion
func shmQueryVersionReply(buf []byte) *ShmQueryVersionReply {
v := new(ShmQueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.SharedPixmaps = true
} else {
v.SharedPixmaps = false
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MinorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Uid = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Gid = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.PixmapFormat = buf[b]
b += 1
b += 15 // padding
return v
func (cook ShmQueryVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShmQueryVersion
func (c *Conn) shmQueryVersionRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request ShmAttach
// size: 16
type ShmAttachCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ShmAttach
func (c *Conn) ShmAttach(Shmseg ShmSeg, Shmid uint32, ReadOnly bool) ShmAttachCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.shmAttachRequest(Shmseg, Shmid, ReadOnly), cookie)
return ShmAttachCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShmAttachChecked(Shmseg ShmSeg, Shmid uint32, ReadOnly bool) ShmAttachCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.shmAttachRequest(Shmseg, Shmid, ReadOnly), cookie)
return ShmAttachCookie{cookie}
func (cook ShmAttachCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShmAttach
func (c *Conn) shmAttachRequest(Shmseg ShmSeg, Shmid uint32, ReadOnly bool) []byte {
size := 16
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], Shmid)
b += 4
if ReadOnly {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request ShmDetach
// size: 8
type ShmDetachCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ShmDetach
func (c *Conn) ShmDetach(Shmseg ShmSeg) ShmDetachCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.shmDetachRequest(Shmseg), cookie)
return ShmDetachCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShmDetachChecked(Shmseg ShmSeg) ShmDetachCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.shmDetachRequest(Shmseg), cookie)
return ShmDetachCookie{cookie}
func (cook ShmDetachCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShmDetach
func (c *Conn) shmDetachRequest(Shmseg ShmSeg) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
return buf
// Request ShmPutImage
// size: 40
type ShmPutImageCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ShmPutImage
func (c *Conn) ShmPutImage(Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg ShmSeg, Offset uint32) ShmPutImageCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.shmPutImageRequest(Drawable, Gc, TotalWidth, TotalHeight, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstX, DstY, Depth, Format, SendEvent, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return ShmPutImageCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShmPutImageChecked(Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg ShmSeg, Offset uint32) ShmPutImageCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.shmPutImageRequest(Drawable, Gc, TotalWidth, TotalHeight, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstX, DstY, Depth, Format, SendEvent, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return ShmPutImageCookie{cookie}
func (cook ShmPutImageCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShmPutImage
func (c *Conn) shmPutImageRequest(Drawable Drawable, Gc Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg ShmSeg, Offset uint32) []byte {
size := 40
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Gc))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], TotalWidth)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], TotalHeight)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], SrcX)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], SrcY)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], SrcWidth)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], SrcHeight)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(DstX))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(DstY))
b += 2
buf[b] = Depth
b += 1
buf[b] = Format
b += 1
buf[b] = SendEvent
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], Offset)
b += 4
return buf
// Request ShmGetImage
// size: 32
type ShmGetImageCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) ShmGetImage(Drawable Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, PlaneMask uint32, Format byte, Shmseg ShmSeg, Offset uint32) ShmGetImageCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.shmGetImageRequest(Drawable, X, Y, Width, Height, PlaneMask, Format, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return ShmGetImageCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShmGetImageUnchecked(Drawable Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, PlaneMask uint32, Format byte, Shmseg ShmSeg, Offset uint32) ShmGetImageCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.shmGetImageRequest(Drawable, X, Y, Width, Height, PlaneMask, Format, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return ShmGetImageCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ShmGetImage
// size: 16
type ShmGetImageReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
Depth byte
Visual Visualid
Size uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request ShmGetImage
func (cook ShmGetImageCookie) Reply() (*ShmGetImageReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return shmGetImageReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ShmGetImage
func shmGetImageReply(buf []byte) *ShmGetImageReply {
v := new(ShmGetImageReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.Depth = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Visual = Visualid(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Size = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
func (cook ShmGetImageCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShmGetImage
func (c *Conn) shmGetImageRequest(Drawable Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, PlaneMask uint32, Format byte, Shmseg ShmSeg, Offset uint32) []byte {
size := 32
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(X))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(Y))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], Width)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], Height)
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], PlaneMask)
b += 4
buf[b] = Format
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], Offset)
b += 4
return buf
// Request ShmCreatePixmap
// size: 28
type ShmCreatePixmapCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ShmCreatePixmap
func (c *Conn) ShmCreatePixmap(Pid Pixmap, Drawable Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg ShmSeg, Offset uint32) ShmCreatePixmapCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.shmCreatePixmapRequest(Pid, Drawable, Width, Height, Depth, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return ShmCreatePixmapCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) ShmCreatePixmapChecked(Pid Pixmap, Drawable Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg ShmSeg, Offset uint32) ShmCreatePixmapCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.shmCreatePixmapRequest(Pid, Drawable, Width, Height, Depth, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return ShmCreatePixmapCookie{cookie}
func (cook ShmCreatePixmapCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for ShmCreatePixmap
func (c *Conn) shmCreatePixmapRequest(Pid Pixmap, Drawable Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg ShmSeg, Offset uint32) []byte {
size := 28
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Pid))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], Width)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], Height)
b += 2
buf[b] = Depth
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], Offset)
b += 4
return buf
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by xc_misc.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:34pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// Xc_miscInit must be called before using the XC-MISC extension.
func (c *Conn) Xc_miscInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(7, "XC-MISC").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named XC-MISC could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["XC-MISC"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["XC-MISC"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["XC-MISC"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["XC-MISC"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["XC-MISC"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Request Xc_miscGetVersion
// size: 8
type Xc_miscGetVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) Xc_miscGetVersion(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) Xc_miscGetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xc_miscGetVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return Xc_miscGetVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) Xc_miscGetVersionUnchecked(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) Xc_miscGetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xc_miscGetVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return Xc_miscGetVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for Xc_miscGetVersion
// size: 12
type Xc_miscGetVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request Xc_miscGetVersion
func (cook Xc_miscGetVersionCookie) Reply() (*Xc_miscGetVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xc_miscGetVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for Xc_miscGetVersion
func xc_miscGetVersionReply(buf []byte) *Xc_miscGetVersionReply {
v := new(Xc_miscGetVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
func (cook Xc_miscGetVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for Xc_miscGetVersion
func (c *Conn) xc_miscGetVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XC-MISC"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
// Request Xc_miscGetXIDRange
// size: 4
type Xc_miscGetXIDRangeCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) Xc_miscGetXIDRange() Xc_miscGetXIDRangeCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xc_miscGetXIDRangeRequest(), cookie)
return Xc_miscGetXIDRangeCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) Xc_miscGetXIDRangeUnchecked() Xc_miscGetXIDRangeCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xc_miscGetXIDRangeRequest(), cookie)
return Xc_miscGetXIDRangeCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for Xc_miscGetXIDRange
// size: 16
type Xc_miscGetXIDRangeReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
StartId uint32
Count uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request Xc_miscGetXIDRange
func (cook Xc_miscGetXIDRangeCookie) Reply() (*Xc_miscGetXIDRangeReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xc_miscGetXIDRangeReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for Xc_miscGetXIDRange
func xc_miscGetXIDRangeReply(buf []byte) *Xc_miscGetXIDRangeReply {
v := new(Xc_miscGetXIDRangeReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.StartId = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Count = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
func (cook Xc_miscGetXIDRangeCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for Xc_miscGetXIDRange
func (c *Conn) xc_miscGetXIDRangeRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XC-MISC"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request Xc_miscGetXIDList
// size: 8
type Xc_miscGetXIDListCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) Xc_miscGetXIDList(Count uint32) Xc_miscGetXIDListCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xc_miscGetXIDListRequest(Count), cookie)
return Xc_miscGetXIDListCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) Xc_miscGetXIDListUnchecked(Count uint32) Xc_miscGetXIDListCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xc_miscGetXIDListRequest(Count), cookie)
return Xc_miscGetXIDListCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for Xc_miscGetXIDList
// size: (32 + pad((int(IdsLen) * 4)))
type Xc_miscGetXIDListReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
IdsLen uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Ids []uint32 // size: pad((int(IdsLen) * 4))
// Waits and reads reply data from request Xc_miscGetXIDList
func (cook Xc_miscGetXIDListCookie) Reply() (*Xc_miscGetXIDListReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xc_miscGetXIDListReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for Xc_miscGetXIDList
func xc_miscGetXIDListReply(buf []byte) *Xc_miscGetXIDListReply {
v := new(Xc_miscGetXIDListReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.IdsLen = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Ids = make([]uint32, v.IdsLen)
for i := 0; i < int(v.IdsLen); i++ {
v.Ids[i] = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b = pad(b)
return v
func (cook Xc_miscGetXIDListCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for Xc_miscGetXIDList
func (c *Conn) xc_miscGetXIDListRequest(Count uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XC-MISC"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], Count)
b += 4
return buf
@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by xevie.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:34pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// XevieInit must be called before using the XEVIE extension.
func (c *Conn) XevieInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(5, "XEVIE").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named XEVIE could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["XEVIE"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["XEVIE"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["XEVIE"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["XEVIE"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["XEVIE"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
const (
XevieDatatypeUnmodified = 0
XevieDatatypeModified = 1
// 'XevieEvent' struct definition
// Size: 32
type XevieEvent struct {
// padding: 32 bytes
// Struct read XevieEvent
func ReadXevieEvent(buf []byte, v *XevieEvent) int {
b := 0
b += 32 // padding
return b
// Struct list read XevieEvent
func ReadXevieEventList(buf []byte, dest []XevieEvent) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = XevieEvent{}
b += ReadXevieEvent(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return pad(b)
// Struct write XevieEvent
func (v XevieEvent) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 32)
b := 0
b += 32 // padding
return buf
// Write struct list XevieEvent
func XevieEventListBytes(buf []byte, list []XevieEvent) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// Request XevieQueryVersion
// size: 8
type XevieQueryVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XevieQueryVersion(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) XevieQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xevieQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return XevieQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XevieQueryVersionUnchecked(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) XevieQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xevieQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return XevieQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XevieQueryVersion
// size: 32
type XevieQueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// padding: 20 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request XevieQueryVersion
func (cook XevieQueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*XevieQueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xevieQueryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XevieQueryVersion
func xevieQueryVersionReply(buf []byte) *XevieQueryVersionReply {
v := new(XevieQueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
b += 20 // padding
return v
func (cook XevieQueryVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XevieQueryVersion
func (c *Conn) xevieQueryVersionRequest(ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
// Request XevieStart
// size: 8
type XevieStartCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XevieStart(Screen uint32) XevieStartCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xevieStartRequest(Screen), cookie)
return XevieStartCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XevieStartUnchecked(Screen uint32) XevieStartCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xevieStartRequest(Screen), cookie)
return XevieStartCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XevieStart
// size: 32
type XevieStartReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request XevieStart
func (cook XevieStartCookie) Reply() (*XevieStartReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xevieStartReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XevieStart
func xevieStartReply(buf []byte) *XevieStartReply {
v := new(XevieStartReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
return v
func (cook XevieStartCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XevieStart
func (c *Conn) xevieStartRequest(Screen uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], Screen)
b += 4
return buf
// Request XevieEnd
// size: 8
type XevieEndCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XevieEnd(Cmap uint32) XevieEndCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xevieEndRequest(Cmap), cookie)
return XevieEndCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XevieEndUnchecked(Cmap uint32) XevieEndCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xevieEndRequest(Cmap), cookie)
return XevieEndCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XevieEnd
// size: 32
type XevieEndReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request XevieEnd
func (cook XevieEndCookie) Reply() (*XevieEndReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xevieEndReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XevieEnd
func xevieEndReply(buf []byte) *XevieEndReply {
v := new(XevieEndReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
return v
func (cook XevieEndCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XevieEnd
func (c *Conn) xevieEndRequest(Cmap uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], Cmap)
b += 4
return buf
// Request XevieSend
// size: 104
type XevieSendCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XevieSend(Event XevieEvent, DataType uint32) XevieSendCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xevieSendRequest(Event, DataType), cookie)
return XevieSendCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XevieSendUnchecked(Event XevieEvent, DataType uint32) XevieSendCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xevieSendRequest(Event, DataType), cookie)
return XevieSendCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XevieSend
// size: 32
type XevieSendReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request XevieSend
func (cook XevieSendCookie) Reply() (*XevieSendReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xevieSendReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XevieSend
func xevieSendReply(buf []byte) *XevieSendReply {
v := new(XevieSendReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
return v
func (cook XevieSendCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XevieSend
func (c *Conn) xevieSendRequest(Event XevieEvent, DataType uint32) []byte {
size := 104
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
structBytes := Event.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += pad(len(structBytes))
Put32(buf[b:], DataType)
b += 4
b += 64 // padding
return buf
// Request XevieSelectInput
// size: 8
type XevieSelectInputCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XevieSelectInput(EventMask uint32) XevieSelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xevieSelectInputRequest(EventMask), cookie)
return XevieSelectInputCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XevieSelectInputUnchecked(EventMask uint32) XevieSelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xevieSelectInputRequest(EventMask), cookie)
return XevieSelectInputCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XevieSelectInput
// size: 32
type XevieSelectInputReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request XevieSelectInput
func (cook XevieSelectInputCookie) Reply() (*XevieSelectInputReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xevieSelectInputReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XevieSelectInput
func xevieSelectInputReply(buf []byte) *XevieSelectInputReply {
v := new(XevieSelectInputReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
return v
func (cook XevieSelectInputCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XevieSelectInput
func (c *Conn) xevieSelectInputRequest(EventMask uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], EventMask)
b += 4
return buf
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by xinerama.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:34pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// Imports are not necessary for XGB because everything is
// in one package. They are still listed here for reference.
// import "xproto"
// XineramaInit must be called before using the XINERAMA extension.
func (c *Conn) XineramaInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(8, "XINERAMA").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named XINERAMA could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["XINERAMA"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["XINERAMA"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["XINERAMA"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["XINERAMA"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["XINERAMA"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// 'XineramaScreenInfo' struct definition
// Size: 8
type XineramaScreenInfo struct {
XOrg int16
YOrg int16
Width uint16
Height uint16
// Struct read XineramaScreenInfo
func ReadXineramaScreenInfo(buf []byte, v *XineramaScreenInfo) int {
b := 0
v.XOrg = int16(Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.YOrg = int16(Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.Width = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Height = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return b
// Struct list read XineramaScreenInfo
func ReadXineramaScreenInfoList(buf []byte, dest []XineramaScreenInfo) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = XineramaScreenInfo{}
b += ReadXineramaScreenInfo(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return pad(b)
// Struct write XineramaScreenInfo
func (v XineramaScreenInfo) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
b := 0
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(v.XOrg))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(v.YOrg))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], v.Width)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], v.Height)
b += 2
return buf
// Write struct list XineramaScreenInfo
func XineramaScreenInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []XineramaScreenInfo) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// Request XineramaQueryVersion
// size: 8
type XineramaQueryVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XineramaQueryVersion(Major byte, Minor byte) XineramaQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaQueryVersionRequest(Major, Minor), cookie)
return XineramaQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XineramaQueryVersionUnchecked(Major byte, Minor byte) XineramaQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaQueryVersionRequest(Major, Minor), cookie)
return XineramaQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XineramaQueryVersion
// size: 12
type XineramaQueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Major uint16
Minor uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request XineramaQueryVersion
func (cook XineramaQueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*XineramaQueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xineramaQueryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XineramaQueryVersion
func xineramaQueryVersionReply(buf []byte) *XineramaQueryVersionReply {
v := new(XineramaQueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Major = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Minor = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
func (cook XineramaQueryVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XineramaQueryVersion
func (c *Conn) xineramaQueryVersionRequest(Major byte, Minor byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = Major
b += 1
buf[b] = Minor
b += 1
return buf
// Request XineramaGetState
// size: 8
type XineramaGetStateCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XineramaGetState(Window Window) XineramaGetStateCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaGetStateRequest(Window), cookie)
return XineramaGetStateCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XineramaGetStateUnchecked(Window Window) XineramaGetStateCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaGetStateRequest(Window), cookie)
return XineramaGetStateCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XineramaGetState
// size: 12
type XineramaGetStateReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
State byte
Window Window
// Waits and reads reply data from request XineramaGetState
func (cook XineramaGetStateCookie) Reply() (*XineramaGetStateReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xineramaGetStateReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XineramaGetState
func xineramaGetStateReply(buf []byte) *XineramaGetStateReply {
v := new(XineramaGetStateReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.State = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Window = Window(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
return v
func (cook XineramaGetStateCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XineramaGetState
func (c *Conn) xineramaGetStateRequest(Window Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// Request XineramaGetScreenCount
// size: 8
type XineramaGetScreenCountCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XineramaGetScreenCount(Window Window) XineramaGetScreenCountCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaGetScreenCountRequest(Window), cookie)
return XineramaGetScreenCountCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XineramaGetScreenCountUnchecked(Window Window) XineramaGetScreenCountCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaGetScreenCountRequest(Window), cookie)
return XineramaGetScreenCountCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XineramaGetScreenCount
// size: 12
type XineramaGetScreenCountReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
ScreenCount byte
Window Window
// Waits and reads reply data from request XineramaGetScreenCount
func (cook XineramaGetScreenCountCookie) Reply() (*XineramaGetScreenCountReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xineramaGetScreenCountReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XineramaGetScreenCount
func xineramaGetScreenCountReply(buf []byte) *XineramaGetScreenCountReply {
v := new(XineramaGetScreenCountReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.ScreenCount = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Window = Window(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
return v
func (cook XineramaGetScreenCountCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XineramaGetScreenCount
func (c *Conn) xineramaGetScreenCountRequest(Window Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// Request XineramaGetScreenSize
// size: 12
type XineramaGetScreenSizeCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XineramaGetScreenSize(Window Window, Screen uint32) XineramaGetScreenSizeCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaGetScreenSizeRequest(Window, Screen), cookie)
return XineramaGetScreenSizeCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XineramaGetScreenSizeUnchecked(Window Window, Screen uint32) XineramaGetScreenSizeCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaGetScreenSizeRequest(Window, Screen), cookie)
return XineramaGetScreenSizeCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XineramaGetScreenSize
// size: 24
type XineramaGetScreenSizeReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Width uint32
Height uint32
Window Window
Screen uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request XineramaGetScreenSize
func (cook XineramaGetScreenSizeCookie) Reply() (*XineramaGetScreenSizeReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xineramaGetScreenSizeReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XineramaGetScreenSize
func xineramaGetScreenSizeReply(buf []byte) *XineramaGetScreenSizeReply {
v := new(XineramaGetScreenSizeReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Width = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Height = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Window = Window(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Screen = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
func (cook XineramaGetScreenSizeCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XineramaGetScreenSize
func (c *Conn) xineramaGetScreenSizeRequest(Window Window, Screen uint32) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], Screen)
b += 4
return buf
// Request XineramaIsActive
// size: 4
type XineramaIsActiveCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XineramaIsActive() XineramaIsActiveCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaIsActiveRequest(), cookie)
return XineramaIsActiveCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XineramaIsActiveUnchecked() XineramaIsActiveCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaIsActiveRequest(), cookie)
return XineramaIsActiveCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XineramaIsActive
// size: 12
type XineramaIsActiveReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
State uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request XineramaIsActive
func (cook XineramaIsActiveCookie) Reply() (*XineramaIsActiveReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xineramaIsActiveReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XineramaIsActive
func xineramaIsActiveReply(buf []byte) *XineramaIsActiveReply {
v := new(XineramaIsActiveReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.State = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
func (cook XineramaIsActiveCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XineramaIsActive
func (c *Conn) xineramaIsActiveRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request XineramaQueryScreens
// size: 4
type XineramaQueryScreensCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XineramaQueryScreens() XineramaQueryScreensCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaQueryScreensRequest(), cookie)
return XineramaQueryScreensCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XineramaQueryScreensUnchecked() XineramaQueryScreensCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xineramaQueryScreensRequest(), cookie)
return XineramaQueryScreensCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XineramaQueryScreens
// size: (32 + pad((int(Number) * 8)))
type XineramaQueryScreensReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Number uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
ScreenInfo []XineramaScreenInfo // size: pad((int(Number) * 8))
// Waits and reads reply data from request XineramaQueryScreens
func (cook XineramaQueryScreensCookie) Reply() (*XineramaQueryScreensReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xineramaQueryScreensReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XineramaQueryScreens
func xineramaQueryScreensReply(buf []byte) *XineramaQueryScreensReply {
v := new(XineramaQueryScreensReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Number = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.ScreenInfo = make([]XineramaScreenInfo, v.Number)
b += ReadXineramaScreenInfoList(buf[b:], v.ScreenInfo)
return v
func (cook XineramaQueryScreensCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XineramaQueryScreens
func (c *Conn) xineramaQueryScreensRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by xtest.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:34pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// Imports are not necessary for XGB because everything is
// in one package. They are still listed here for reference.
// import "xproto"
// XtestInit must be called before using the XTEST extension.
func (c *Conn) XtestInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(5, "XTEST").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named XTEST could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["XTEST"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["XTEST"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["XTEST"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["XTEST"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["XTEST"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
const (
XtestCursorNone = 0
XtestCursorCurrent = 1
// Request XtestGetVersion
// size: 8
type XtestGetVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XtestGetVersion(MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) XtestGetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xtestGetVersionRequest(MajorVersion, MinorVersion), cookie)
return XtestGetVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XtestGetVersionUnchecked(MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) XtestGetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xtestGetVersionRequest(MajorVersion, MinorVersion), cookie)
return XtestGetVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XtestGetVersion
// size: 10
type XtestGetVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
MajorVersion byte
MinorVersion uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request XtestGetVersion
func (cook XtestGetVersionCookie) Reply() (*XtestGetVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xtestGetVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XtestGetVersion
func xtestGetVersionReply(buf []byte) *XtestGetVersionReply {
v := new(XtestGetVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.MajorVersion = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MinorVersion = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
func (cook XtestGetVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XtestGetVersion
func (c *Conn) xtestGetVersionRequest(MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XTEST"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = MajorVersion
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
Put16(buf[b:], MinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
// Request XtestCompareCursor
// size: 12
type XtestCompareCursorCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XtestCompareCursor(Window Window, Cursor Cursor) XtestCompareCursorCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xtestCompareCursorRequest(Window, Cursor), cookie)
return XtestCompareCursorCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XtestCompareCursorUnchecked(Window Window, Cursor Cursor) XtestCompareCursorCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xtestCompareCursorRequest(Window, Cursor), cookie)
return XtestCompareCursorCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XtestCompareCursor
// size: 8
type XtestCompareCursorReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
Same bool
// Waits and reads reply data from request XtestCompareCursor
func (cook XtestCompareCursorCookie) Reply() (*XtestCompareCursorReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xtestCompareCursorReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XtestCompareCursor
func xtestCompareCursorReply(buf []byte) *XtestCompareCursorReply {
v := new(XtestCompareCursorReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Same = true
} else {
v.Same = false
b += 1
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
return v
func (cook XtestCompareCursorCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XtestCompareCursor
func (c *Conn) xtestCompareCursorRequest(Window Window, Cursor Cursor) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XTEST"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Cursor))
b += 4
return buf
// Request XtestFakeInput
// size: 36
type XtestFakeInputCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for XtestFakeInput
func (c *Conn) XtestFakeInput(Type byte, Detail byte, Time uint32, Root Window, RootX int16, RootY int16, Deviceid byte) XtestFakeInputCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.xtestFakeInputRequest(Type, Detail, Time, Root, RootX, RootY, Deviceid), cookie)
return XtestFakeInputCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XtestFakeInputChecked(Type byte, Detail byte, Time uint32, Root Window, RootX int16, RootY int16, Deviceid byte) XtestFakeInputCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.xtestFakeInputRequest(Type, Detail, Time, Root, RootX, RootY, Deviceid), cookie)
return XtestFakeInputCookie{cookie}
func (cook XtestFakeInputCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XtestFakeInput
func (c *Conn) xtestFakeInputRequest(Type byte, Detail byte, Time uint32, Root Window, RootX int16, RootY int16, Deviceid byte) []byte {
size := 36
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XTEST"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = Type
b += 1
buf[b] = Detail
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
Put32(buf[b:], Time)
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Root))
b += 4
b += 8 // padding
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(RootX))
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(RootY))
b += 2
b += 7 // padding
buf[b] = Deviceid
b += 1
return buf
// Request XtestGrabControl
// size: 8
type XtestGrabControlCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for XtestGrabControl
func (c *Conn) XtestGrabControl(Impervious bool) XtestGrabControlCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.xtestGrabControlRequest(Impervious), cookie)
return XtestGrabControlCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XtestGrabControlChecked(Impervious bool) XtestGrabControlCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.xtestGrabControlRequest(Impervious), cookie)
return XtestGrabControlCookie{cookie}
func (cook XtestGrabControlCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XtestGrabControl
func (c *Conn) xtestGrabControlRequest(Impervious bool) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XTEST"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
if Impervious {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,929 +0,0 @@
package xgb
This file was generated by xvmc.xml on May 10 2012 12:39:35pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
// Imports are not necessary for XGB because everything is
// in one package. They are still listed here for reference.
// import "xv"
// XvmcInit must be called before using the XVideo-MotionCompensation extension.
func (c *Conn) XvmcInit() error {
reply, err := c.QueryExtension(25, "XVideo-MotionCompensation").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return errorf("No extension named XVideo-MotionCompensation could be found on on the server.")
c.extensions["XVideo-MotionCompensation"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs["XVideo-MotionCompensation"] {
newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs["XVideo-MotionCompensation"] {
newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
newExtEventFuncs["XVideo-MotionCompensation"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)
newExtErrorFuncs["XVideo-MotionCompensation"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
type XvmcContext uint32
func (c *Conn) NewXvmcContextId() (XvmcContext, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return XvmcContext(id), nil
type XvmcSurface uint32
func (c *Conn) NewXvmcSurfaceId() (XvmcSurface, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return XvmcSurface(id), nil
type XvmcSubpicture uint32
func (c *Conn) NewXvmcSubpictureId() (XvmcSubpicture, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return XvmcSubpicture(id), nil
// 'XvmcSurfaceInfo' struct definition
// Size: 24
type XvmcSurfaceInfo struct {
Id XvmcSurface
ChromaFormat uint16
Pad0 uint16
MaxWidth uint16
MaxHeight uint16
SubpictureMaxWidth uint16
SubpictureMaxHeight uint16
McType uint32
Flags uint32
// Struct read XvmcSurfaceInfo
func ReadXvmcSurfaceInfo(buf []byte, v *XvmcSurfaceInfo) int {
b := 0
v.Id = XvmcSurface(Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.ChromaFormat = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Pad0 = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MaxWidth = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MaxHeight = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.SubpictureMaxWidth = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.SubpictureMaxHeight = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.McType = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Flags = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return b
// Struct list read XvmcSurfaceInfo
func ReadXvmcSurfaceInfoList(buf []byte, dest []XvmcSurfaceInfo) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = XvmcSurfaceInfo{}
b += ReadXvmcSurfaceInfo(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return pad(b)
// Struct write XvmcSurfaceInfo
func (v XvmcSurfaceInfo) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 24)
b := 0
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Id))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], v.ChromaFormat)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], v.Pad0)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], v.MaxWidth)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], v.MaxHeight)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], v.SubpictureMaxWidth)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], v.SubpictureMaxHeight)
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], v.McType)
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], v.Flags)
b += 4
return buf
// Write struct list XvmcSurfaceInfo
func XvmcSurfaceInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []XvmcSurfaceInfo) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// Request XvmcQueryVersion
// size: 4
type XvmcQueryVersionCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XvmcQueryVersion() XvmcQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcQueryVersionRequest(), cookie)
return XvmcQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XvmcQueryVersionUnchecked() XvmcQueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcQueryVersionRequest(), cookie)
return XvmcQueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XvmcQueryVersion
// size: 16
type XvmcQueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Major uint32
Minor uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request XvmcQueryVersion
func (cook XvmcQueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*XvmcQueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xvmcQueryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XvmcQueryVersion
func xvmcQueryVersionReply(buf []byte) *XvmcQueryVersionReply {
v := new(XvmcQueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Major = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Minor = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
func (cook XvmcQueryVersionCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XvmcQueryVersion
func (c *Conn) xvmcQueryVersionRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request XvmcListSurfaceTypes
// size: 8
type XvmcListSurfaceTypesCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XvmcListSurfaceTypes(PortId XvPort) XvmcListSurfaceTypesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcListSurfaceTypesRequest(PortId), cookie)
return XvmcListSurfaceTypesCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XvmcListSurfaceTypesUnchecked(PortId XvPort) XvmcListSurfaceTypesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcListSurfaceTypesRequest(PortId), cookie)
return XvmcListSurfaceTypesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XvmcListSurfaceTypes
// size: (32 + pad((int(Num) * 24)))
type XvmcListSurfaceTypesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Num uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Surfaces []XvmcSurfaceInfo // size: pad((int(Num) * 24))
// Waits and reads reply data from request XvmcListSurfaceTypes
func (cook XvmcListSurfaceTypesCookie) Reply() (*XvmcListSurfaceTypesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xvmcListSurfaceTypesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XvmcListSurfaceTypes
func xvmcListSurfaceTypesReply(buf []byte) *XvmcListSurfaceTypesReply {
v := new(XvmcListSurfaceTypesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Num = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Surfaces = make([]XvmcSurfaceInfo, v.Num)
b += ReadXvmcSurfaceInfoList(buf[b:], v.Surfaces)
return v
func (cook XvmcListSurfaceTypesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XvmcListSurfaceTypes
func (c *Conn) xvmcListSurfaceTypesRequest(PortId XvPort) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(PortId))
b += 4
return buf
// Request XvmcCreateContext
// size: 24
type XvmcCreateContextCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XvmcCreateContext(ContextId XvmcContext, PortId XvPort, SurfaceId XvmcSurface, Width uint16, Height uint16, Flags uint32) XvmcCreateContextCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcCreateContextRequest(ContextId, PortId, SurfaceId, Width, Height, Flags), cookie)
return XvmcCreateContextCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XvmcCreateContextUnchecked(ContextId XvmcContext, PortId XvPort, SurfaceId XvmcSurface, Width uint16, Height uint16, Flags uint32) XvmcCreateContextCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcCreateContextRequest(ContextId, PortId, SurfaceId, Width, Height, Flags), cookie)
return XvmcCreateContextCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XvmcCreateContext
// size: (36 + pad((int(Length) * 4)))
type XvmcCreateContextReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
WidthActual uint16
HeightActual uint16
FlagsReturn uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
PrivData []uint32 // size: pad((int(Length) * 4))
// Waits and reads reply data from request XvmcCreateContext
func (cook XvmcCreateContextCookie) Reply() (*XvmcCreateContextReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xvmcCreateContextReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XvmcCreateContext
func xvmcCreateContextReply(buf []byte) *XvmcCreateContextReply {
v := new(XvmcCreateContextReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.WidthActual = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.HeightActual = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.FlagsReturn = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.PrivData = make([]uint32, v.Length)
for i := 0; i < int(v.Length); i++ {
v.PrivData[i] = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b = pad(b)
return v
func (cook XvmcCreateContextCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XvmcCreateContext
func (c *Conn) xvmcCreateContextRequest(ContextId XvmcContext, PortId XvPort, SurfaceId XvmcSurface, Width uint16, Height uint16, Flags uint32) []byte {
size := 24
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(ContextId))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(PortId))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], Width)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], Height)
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], Flags)
b += 4
return buf
// Request XvmcDestroyContext
// size: 8
type XvmcDestroyContextCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for XvmcDestroyContext
func (c *Conn) XvmcDestroyContext(ContextId XvmcContext) XvmcDestroyContextCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcDestroyContextRequest(ContextId), cookie)
return XvmcDestroyContextCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XvmcDestroyContextChecked(ContextId XvmcContext) XvmcDestroyContextCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcDestroyContextRequest(ContextId), cookie)
return XvmcDestroyContextCookie{cookie}
func (cook XvmcDestroyContextCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XvmcDestroyContext
func (c *Conn) xvmcDestroyContextRequest(ContextId XvmcContext) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(ContextId))
b += 4
return buf
// Request XvmcCreateSurface
// size: 12
type XvmcCreateSurfaceCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XvmcCreateSurface(SurfaceId XvmcSurface, ContextId XvmcContext) XvmcCreateSurfaceCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcCreateSurfaceRequest(SurfaceId, ContextId), cookie)
return XvmcCreateSurfaceCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XvmcCreateSurfaceUnchecked(SurfaceId XvmcSurface, ContextId XvmcContext) XvmcCreateSurfaceCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcCreateSurfaceRequest(SurfaceId, ContextId), cookie)
return XvmcCreateSurfaceCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XvmcCreateSurface
// size: (32 + pad((int(Length) * 4)))
type XvmcCreateSurfaceReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
PrivData []uint32 // size: pad((int(Length) * 4))
// Waits and reads reply data from request XvmcCreateSurface
func (cook XvmcCreateSurfaceCookie) Reply() (*XvmcCreateSurfaceReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xvmcCreateSurfaceReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XvmcCreateSurface
func xvmcCreateSurfaceReply(buf []byte) *XvmcCreateSurfaceReply {
v := new(XvmcCreateSurfaceReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
v.PrivData = make([]uint32, v.Length)
for i := 0; i < int(v.Length); i++ {
v.PrivData[i] = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b = pad(b)
return v
func (cook XvmcCreateSurfaceCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XvmcCreateSurface
func (c *Conn) xvmcCreateSurfaceRequest(SurfaceId XvmcSurface, ContextId XvmcContext) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(ContextId))
b += 4
return buf
// Request XvmcDestroySurface
// size: 8
type XvmcDestroySurfaceCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for XvmcDestroySurface
func (c *Conn) XvmcDestroySurface(SurfaceId XvmcSurface) XvmcDestroySurfaceCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcDestroySurfaceRequest(SurfaceId), cookie)
return XvmcDestroySurfaceCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XvmcDestroySurfaceChecked(SurfaceId XvmcSurface) XvmcDestroySurfaceCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcDestroySurfaceRequest(SurfaceId), cookie)
return XvmcDestroySurfaceCookie{cookie}
func (cook XvmcDestroySurfaceCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XvmcDestroySurface
func (c *Conn) xvmcDestroySurfaceRequest(SurfaceId XvmcSurface) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
return buf
// Request XvmcCreateSubpicture
// size: 20
type XvmcCreateSubpictureCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XvmcCreateSubpicture(SubpictureId XvmcSubpicture, Context XvmcContext, XvimageId uint32, Width uint16, Height uint16) XvmcCreateSubpictureCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcCreateSubpictureRequest(SubpictureId, Context, XvimageId, Width, Height), cookie)
return XvmcCreateSubpictureCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XvmcCreateSubpictureUnchecked(SubpictureId XvmcSubpicture, Context XvmcContext, XvimageId uint32, Width uint16, Height uint16) XvmcCreateSubpictureCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcCreateSubpictureRequest(SubpictureId, Context, XvimageId, Width, Height), cookie)
return XvmcCreateSubpictureCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XvmcCreateSubpicture
// size: (32 + pad((int(Length) * 4)))
type XvmcCreateSubpictureReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
WidthActual uint16
HeightActual uint16
NumPaletteEntries uint16
EntryBytes uint16
ComponentOrder []byte // size: 4
// padding: 12 bytes
PrivData []uint32 // size: pad((int(Length) * 4))
// Waits and reads reply data from request XvmcCreateSubpicture
func (cook XvmcCreateSubpictureCookie) Reply() (*XvmcCreateSubpictureReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xvmcCreateSubpictureReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XvmcCreateSubpicture
func xvmcCreateSubpictureReply(buf []byte) *XvmcCreateSubpictureReply {
v := new(XvmcCreateSubpictureReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.WidthActual = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.HeightActual = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.NumPaletteEntries = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.EntryBytes = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ComponentOrder = make([]byte, 4)
copy(v.ComponentOrder[:4], buf[b:])
b += pad(int(4))
b += 12 // padding
v.PrivData = make([]uint32, v.Length)
for i := 0; i < int(v.Length); i++ {
v.PrivData[i] = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b = pad(b)
return v
func (cook XvmcCreateSubpictureCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XvmcCreateSubpicture
func (c *Conn) xvmcCreateSubpictureRequest(SubpictureId XvmcSubpicture, Context XvmcContext, XvimageId uint32, Width uint16, Height uint16) []byte {
size := 20
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SubpictureId))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Context))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], XvimageId)
b += 4
Put16(buf[b:], Width)
b += 2
Put16(buf[b:], Height)
b += 2
return buf
// Request XvmcDestroySubpicture
// size: 8
type XvmcDestroySubpictureCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for XvmcDestroySubpicture
func (c *Conn) XvmcDestroySubpicture(SubpictureId XvmcSubpicture) XvmcDestroySubpictureCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcDestroySubpictureRequest(SubpictureId), cookie)
return XvmcDestroySubpictureCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XvmcDestroySubpictureChecked(SubpictureId XvmcSubpicture) XvmcDestroySubpictureCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcDestroySubpictureRequest(SubpictureId), cookie)
return XvmcDestroySubpictureCookie{cookie}
func (cook XvmcDestroySubpictureCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XvmcDestroySubpicture
func (c *Conn) xvmcDestroySubpictureRequest(SubpictureId XvmcSubpicture) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SubpictureId))
b += 4
return buf
// Request XvmcListSubpictureTypes
// size: 12
type XvmcListSubpictureTypesCookie struct {
func (c *Conn) XvmcListSubpictureTypes(PortId XvPort, SurfaceId XvmcSurface) XvmcListSubpictureTypesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcListSubpictureTypesRequest(PortId, SurfaceId), cookie)
return XvmcListSubpictureTypesCookie{cookie}
func (c *Conn) XvmcListSubpictureTypesUnchecked(PortId XvPort, SurfaceId XvmcSurface) XvmcListSubpictureTypesCookie {
cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)
c.newRequest(c.xvmcListSubpictureTypesRequest(PortId, SurfaceId), cookie)
return XvmcListSubpictureTypesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for XvmcListSubpictureTypes
// size: (32 + XvImageFormatInfoListSize(Types))
type XvmcListSubpictureTypesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Num uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Types []XvImageFormatInfo // size: XvImageFormatInfoListSize(Types)
// Waits and reads reply data from request XvmcListSubpictureTypes
func (cook XvmcListSubpictureTypesCookie) Reply() (*XvmcListSubpictureTypesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return xvmcListSubpictureTypesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for XvmcListSubpictureTypes
func xvmcListSubpictureTypesReply(buf []byte) *XvmcListSubpictureTypesReply {
v := new(XvmcListSubpictureTypesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Num = Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Types = make([]XvImageFormatInfo, v.Num)
b += ReadXvImageFormatInfoList(buf[b:], v.Types)
return v
func (cook XvmcListSubpictureTypesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.check()
// Write request to wire for XvmcListSubpictureTypes
func (c *Conn) xvmcListSubpictureTypesRequest(PortId XvPort, SurfaceId XvmcSurface) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 8 // request opcode
b += 1
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(PortId))
b += 4
Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
package bigreq
This file was generated by bigreq.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:27pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the BIG-REQUESTS extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 12, "BIG-REQUESTS").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named BIG-REQUESTS could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["BIG-REQUESTS"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["BIG-REQUESTS"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["BIG-REQUESTS"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["BIG-REQUESTS"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["BIG-REQUESTS"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Request Enable
// size: 4
type EnableCookie struct {
func Enable(c *xgb.Conn) EnableCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(enableRequest(c), cookie)
return EnableCookie{cookie}
func EnableUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) EnableCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(enableRequest(c), cookie)
return EnableCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for Enable
// size: 12
type EnableReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
MaximumRequestLength uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request Enable
func (cook EnableCookie) Reply() (*EnableReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return enableReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for Enable
func enableReply(buf []byte) *EnableReply {
v := new(EnableReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MaximumRequestLength = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for Enable
func enableRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["BIG-REQUESTS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
package composite
This file was generated by composite.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:27pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the Composite extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 9, "Composite").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named Composite could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["Composite"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["Composite"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["Composite"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["Composite"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["Composite"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
const (
RedirectAutomatic = 0
RedirectManual = 1
// Request QueryVersion
// size: 12
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryVersion
// size: 32
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint32
MinorVersion uint32
// padding: 16 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryVersion
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryVersion
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 16 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 4
return buf
// Request RedirectWindow
// size: 12
type RedirectWindowCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for RedirectWindow
func RedirectWindow(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) RedirectWindowCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(redirectWindowRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return RedirectWindowCookie{cookie}
func RedirectWindowChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) RedirectWindowCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(redirectWindowRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return RedirectWindowCookie{cookie}
func (cook RedirectWindowCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for RedirectWindow
func redirectWindowRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = Update
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request RedirectSubwindows
// size: 12
type RedirectSubwindowsCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for RedirectSubwindows
func RedirectSubwindows(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) RedirectSubwindowsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(redirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return RedirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
func RedirectSubwindowsChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) RedirectSubwindowsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(redirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return RedirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
func (cook RedirectSubwindowsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for RedirectSubwindows
func redirectSubwindowsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = Update
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request UnredirectWindow
// size: 12
type UnredirectWindowCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for UnredirectWindow
func UnredirectWindow(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) UnredirectWindowCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(unredirectWindowRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return UnredirectWindowCookie{cookie}
func UnredirectWindowChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) UnredirectWindowCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(unredirectWindowRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return UnredirectWindowCookie{cookie}
func (cook UnredirectWindowCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for UnredirectWindow
func unredirectWindowRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = Update
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request UnredirectSubwindows
// size: 12
type UnredirectSubwindowsCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for UnredirectSubwindows
func UnredirectSubwindows(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) UnredirectSubwindowsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(unredirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return UnredirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
func UnredirectSubwindowsChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) UnredirectSubwindowsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(unredirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return UnredirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
func (cook UnredirectSubwindowsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for UnredirectSubwindows
func unredirectSubwindowsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = Update
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request CreateRegionFromBorderClip
// size: 12
type CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for CreateRegionFromBorderClip
func CreateRegionFromBorderClip(c *xgb.Conn, Region xfixes.Region, Window xproto.Window) CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(createRegionFromBorderClipRequest(c, Region, Window), cookie)
return CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie{cookie}
func CreateRegionFromBorderClipChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Region xfixes.Region, Window xproto.Window) CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(createRegionFromBorderClipRequest(c, Region, Window), cookie)
return CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie{cookie}
func (cook CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for CreateRegionFromBorderClip
func createRegionFromBorderClipRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Region xfixes.Region, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Region))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// Request NameWindowPixmap
// size: 12
type NameWindowPixmapCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for NameWindowPixmap
func NameWindowPixmap(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Pixmap xproto.Pixmap) NameWindowPixmapCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(nameWindowPixmapRequest(c, Window, Pixmap), cookie)
return NameWindowPixmapCookie{cookie}
func NameWindowPixmapChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Pixmap xproto.Pixmap) NameWindowPixmapCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(nameWindowPixmapRequest(c, Window, Pixmap), cookie)
return NameWindowPixmapCookie{cookie}
func (cook NameWindowPixmapCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for NameWindowPixmap
func nameWindowPixmapRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Pixmap xproto.Pixmap) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Pixmap))
b += 4
return buf
// Request GetOverlayWindow
// size: 8
type GetOverlayWindowCookie struct {
func GetOverlayWindow(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetOverlayWindowCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
func GetOverlayWindowUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetOverlayWindowCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetOverlayWindow
// size: 32
type GetOverlayWindowReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
OverlayWin xproto.Window
// padding: 20 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetOverlayWindow
func (cook GetOverlayWindowCookie) Reply() (*GetOverlayWindowReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getOverlayWindowReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetOverlayWindow
func getOverlayWindowReply(buf []byte) *GetOverlayWindowReply {
v := new(GetOverlayWindowReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.OverlayWin = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for GetOverlayWindow
func getOverlayWindowRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// Request ReleaseOverlayWindow
// size: 8
type ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ReleaseOverlayWindow
func ReleaseOverlayWindow(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(releaseOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
func ReleaseOverlayWindowChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(releaseOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
func (cook ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for ReleaseOverlayWindow
func releaseOverlayWindowRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 8 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ func (c *Conn) connect(display string) error {
return errors.New("unsupported auth protocol " + authName)
buf := make([]byte, 12+pad(len(authName))+pad(len(authData)))
buf := make([]byte, 12+Pad(len(authName))+Pad(len(authData)))
buf[0] = 0x6c
buf[1] = 0
Put16(buf[2:], 11)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func (c *Conn) connect(display string) error {
Put16(buf[8:], uint16(len(authData)))
Put16(buf[10:], 0)
copy(buf[12:], []byte(authName))
copy(buf[12+pad(len(authName)):], authData)
copy(buf[12+Pad(len(authName)):], authData)
if _, err = c.conn.Write(buf); err != nil {
return err
@ -78,11 +78,14 @@ func (c *Conn) connect(display string) error {
ReadSetupInfo(buf, &c.Setup)
// Unfortunately, it isn't really feasible to read the setup bytes here,
// since the code to do so is in a different package.
// Users must call 'xproto.Setup(X)' to get the setup info.
c.SetupBytes = buf
if c.defaultScreen >= len(c.Setup.Roots) {
c.defaultScreen = 0
// But also read stuff that we *need* to get started.
c.setupResourceIdBase = Get32(buf[12:])
c.setupResourceIdMask = Get32(buf[16:])
return nil
@ -137,7 +140,7 @@ func (c *Conn) dial(display string) error {
if len(scr) != 0 {
c.defaultScreen, err = strconv.Atoi(scr)
c.DefaultScreen, err = strconv.Atoi(scr)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("bad display string: " + display0)
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import (
// cookie is the internal representation of a cookie, where one is generated
// Cookie is the internal representation of a cookie, where one is generated
// for *every* request sent by XGB.
// 'cookie' is most frequently used by embedding it into a more specific
// kind of cookie, i.e., 'GetInputFocusCookie'.
type cookie struct {
type Cookie struct {
conn *Conn
Sequence uint16
replyChan chan []byte
@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ type cookie struct {
// function for more info on those.)
// Note that a sequence number is not set until just before the request
// corresponding to this cookie is sent over the wire.
func (c *Conn) newCookie(checked, reply bool) *cookie {
cookie := &cookie{
// This function should not be used. It is exported for use in the extension
// sub-packages.
func (c *Conn) NewCookie(checked, reply bool) *Cookie {
cookie := &Cookie{
conn: c,
Sequence: 0, // we add the sequence id just before sending a request
replyChan: nil,
@ -60,21 +62,23 @@ func (c *Conn) newCookie(checked, reply bool) *cookie {
return cookie
// reply detects whether this is a checked or unchecked cookie, and calls
// Reply detects whether this is a checked or unchecked cookie, and calls
// 'replyChecked' or 'replyUnchecked' appropriately.
func (c cookie) reply() ([]byte, error) {
// This should not be used. It is exported for use in extension sub-packages.
func (c Cookie) Reply() ([]byte, error) {
// checked
if c.errorChan != nil {
return c.replyChecked()
return c.ReplyChecked()
return c.replyUnchecked()
return c.ReplyUnchecked()
// replyChecked waits for a response on either the replyChan or errorChan
// ReplyChecked waits for a response on either the replyChan or errorChan
// channels. If the former arrives, the bytes are returned with a nil error.
// If the latter arrives, no bytes are returned (nil) and the error received
// is returned.
func (c cookie) replyChecked() ([]byte, error) {
// This should not be used. It is exported for use in extension sub-packages.
func (c Cookie) ReplyChecked() ([]byte, error) {
if c.replyChan == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Cannot call 'replyChecked' on a cookie that " +
"is not expecting a *reply* or an error.")
@ -93,13 +97,14 @@ func (c cookie) replyChecked() ([]byte, error) {
// replyChecked waits for a response on either the replyChan or pingChan
// ReplyChecked waits for a response on either the replyChan or pingChan
// channels. If the former arrives, the bytes are returned with a nil error.
// If the latter arrives, no bytes are returned (nil) and a nil error
// is returned. (In the latter case, the corresponding error can be retrieved
// from (Wait|Poll)ForEvent asynchronously.)
// In all honesty, you *probably* don't want to use this method.
func (c cookie) replyUnchecked() ([]byte, error) {
// This should not be used. It is exported for use in extension sub-packages.
func (c Cookie) ReplyUnchecked() ([]byte, error) {
if c.replyChan == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Cannot call 'replyUnchecked' on a cookie " +
"that is not expecting a *reply*.")
@ -114,7 +119,7 @@ func (c cookie) replyUnchecked() ([]byte, error) {
// check is used for checked requests that have no replies. It is a mechanism
// Check is used for checked requests that have no replies. It is a mechanism
// by which to report "success" or "error" in a synchronous fashion. (Therefore,
// unchecked requests without replies cannot use this method.)
// If the request causes an error, it is sent to this cookie's errorChan.
@ -122,7 +127,8 @@ func (c cookie) replyUnchecked() ([]byte, error) {
// Thus, pingChan is sent a value when the *next* reply is read.
// If no more replies are being processed, we force a round trip request with
// GetInputFocus.
func (c cookie) check() error {
// This should not be used. It is exported for use in extension sub-packages.
func (c Cookie) Check() error {
if c.replyChan != nil {
return errors.New("Cannot call 'Check' on a cookie that is " +
"expecting a *reply*. Use 'Reply' instead.")
@ -142,7 +148,7 @@ func (c cookie) check() error {
// Now force a round trip and try again, but block this time.
select {
case err := <-c.errorChan:
return err
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
package damage
This file was generated by damage.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:27pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the DAMAGE extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 6, "DAMAGE").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named DAMAGE could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["DAMAGE"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["DAMAGE"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["DAMAGE"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["DAMAGE"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["DAMAGE"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
const (
ReportLevelRawRectangles = 0
ReportLevelDeltaRectangles = 1
ReportLevelBoundingBox = 2
ReportLevelNonEmpty = 3
type Damage uint32
func NewDamageId(c *xgb.Conn) (Damage, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return Damage(id), nil
// Event definition Notify (0)
// Size: 32
const Notify = 0
type NotifyEvent struct {
Sequence uint16
Level byte
Drawable xproto.Drawable
Damage Damage
Timestamp xproto.Timestamp
Area xproto.Rectangle
Geometry xproto.Rectangle
// Event read Notify
func NotifyEventNew(buf []byte) xgb.Event {
v := NotifyEvent{}
b := 1 // don't read event number
v.Level = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Drawable = xproto.Drawable(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Damage = Damage(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Timestamp = xproto.Timestamp(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Area = xproto.Rectangle{}
b += xproto.RectangleRead(buf[b:], &v.Area)
v.Geometry = xproto.Rectangle{}
b += xproto.RectangleRead(buf[b:], &v.Geometry)
return v
// Event write Notify
func (v NotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 32)
b := 0
// write event number
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
buf[b] = v.Level
b += 1
b += 2 // skip sequence number
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Damage))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Timestamp))
b += 4
structBytes := v.Area.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))
structBytes := v.Geometry.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))
return buf
func (v NotifyEvent) ImplementsEvent() {}
func (v NotifyEvent) SequenceId() uint16 {
return v.Sequence
func (v NotifyEvent) String() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 6)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Sequence: %d", v.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Level: %d", v.Level))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Drawable: %d", v.Drawable))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Damage: %d", v.Damage))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Timestamp: %d", v.Timestamp))
return "Notify {" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["DAMAGE"][0] = NotifyEventNew
// Error definition BadDamage (0)
// Size: 32
const BadBadDamage = 0
type BadDamageError struct {
Sequence uint16
NiceName string
// Error read BadDamage
func BadDamageErrorNew(buf []byte) xgb.Error {
v := BadDamageError{}
v.NiceName = "BadDamage"
b := 1 // skip error determinant
b += 1 // don't read error number
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
func (err BadDamageError) ImplementsError() {}
func (err BadDamageError) SequenceId() uint16 {
return err.Sequence
func (err BadDamageError) BadId() uint32 {
return 0
func (err BadDamageError) Error() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 0)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, "NiceName: "+err.NiceName)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Sequence: %d", err.Sequence))
return "BadBadDamage {" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["DAMAGE"][0] = BadDamageErrorNew
// Request QueryVersion
// size: 12
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryVersion
// size: 32
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint32
MinorVersion uint32
// padding: 16 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryVersion
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryVersion
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 16 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 4
return buf
// Request Create
// size: 16
type CreateCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Create
func Create(c *xgb.Conn, Damage Damage, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Level byte) CreateCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(createRequest(c, Damage, Drawable, Level), cookie)
return CreateCookie{cookie}
func CreateChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Damage Damage, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Level byte) CreateCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(createRequest(c, Damage, Drawable, Level), cookie)
return CreateCookie{cookie}
func (cook CreateCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Create
func createRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Damage Damage, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Level byte) []byte {
size := 16
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Damage))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
buf[b] = Level
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request Destroy
// size: 8
type DestroyCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Destroy
func Destroy(c *xgb.Conn, Damage Damage) DestroyCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(destroyRequest(c, Damage), cookie)
return DestroyCookie{cookie}
func DestroyChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Damage Damage) DestroyCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(destroyRequest(c, Damage), cookie)
return DestroyCookie{cookie}
func (cook DestroyCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Destroy
func destroyRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Damage Damage) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Damage))
b += 4
return buf
// Request Subtract
// size: 16
type SubtractCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Subtract
func Subtract(c *xgb.Conn, Damage Damage, Repair xfixes.Region, Parts xfixes.Region) SubtractCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(subtractRequest(c, Damage, Repair, Parts), cookie)
return SubtractCookie{cookie}
func SubtractChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Damage Damage, Repair xfixes.Region, Parts xfixes.Region) SubtractCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(subtractRequest(c, Damage, Repair, Parts), cookie)
return SubtractCookie{cookie}
func (cook SubtractCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Subtract
func subtractRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Damage Damage, Repair xfixes.Region, Parts xfixes.Region) []byte {
size := 16
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Damage))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Repair))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Parts))
b += 4
return buf
// Request Add
// size: 12
type AddCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Add
func Add(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Region xfixes.Region) AddCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(addRequest(c, Drawable, Region), cookie)
return AddCookie{cookie}
func AddChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Region xfixes.Region) AddCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(addRequest(c, Drawable, Region), cookie)
return AddCookie{cookie}
func (cook AddCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Add
func addRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Region xfixes.Region) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Region))
b += 4
return buf
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ accompanying documentation can be found in examples/create-window.
import (
func main() {
@ -33,18 +34,19 @@ accompanying documentation can be found in examples/create-window.
wid, _ := X.NewId()
X.CreateWindow(X.DefaultScreen().RootDepth, wid, X.DefaultScreen().Root,
wid, _ := xproto.NewWindowId(X)
screen := xproto.Setup(X).DefaultScreen(X)
xproto.CreateWindow(X, screen.RootDepth, wid, screen.Root,
0, 0, 500, 500, 0,
xgb.WindowClassInputOutput, X.DefaultScreen().RootVisual,
xgb.CwBackPixel | xgb.CwEventMask,
xproto.WindowClassInputOutput, screen.RootVisual,
xproto.CwBackPixel | xproto.CwEventMask,
[]uint32{ // values must be in the order defined by the protocol
xgb.EventMaskStructureNotify |
xgb.EventMaskKeyPress |
xproto.EventMaskStructureNotify |
xproto.EventMaskKeyPress |
xproto.MapWindow(X, wid)
for {
ev, xerr := X.WaitForEvent()
if ev == nil && xerr == nil {
@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ can be found in examples/xinerama.
func main() {
@ -84,12 +87,12 @@ can be found in examples/xinerama.
// Initialize the Xinerama extension.
// The appropriate 'Init' function must be run for *every*
// extension before any of its requests can be used.
err = X.XineramaInit()
err = xinerama.Init(X)
if err != nil {
reply, err := X.XineramaQueryScreens().Reply()
reply, err := xinerama.QueryScreens(X).Reply()
if err != nil {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
package dpms
This file was generated by dpms.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:27pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the DPMS extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 4, "DPMS").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named DPMS could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["DPMS"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["DPMS"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["DPMS"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["DPMS"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["DPMS"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
const (
DPMSModeOn = 0
DPMSModeStandby = 1
DPMSModeSuspend = 2
DPMSModeOff = 3
// Request GetVersion
// size: 8
type GetVersionCookie struct {
func GetVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
func GetVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetVersion
// size: 12
type GetVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetVersion
func (cook GetVersionCookie) Reply() (*GetVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetVersion
func getVersionReply(buf []byte) *GetVersionReply {
v := new(GetVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for GetVersion
func getVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
// Request Capable
// size: 4
type CapableCookie struct {
func Capable(c *xgb.Conn) CapableCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(capableRequest(c), cookie)
return CapableCookie{cookie}
func CapableUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) CapableCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(capableRequest(c), cookie)
return CapableCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for Capable
// size: 32
type CapableReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Capable bool
// padding: 23 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request Capable
func (cook CapableCookie) Reply() (*CapableReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return capableReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for Capable
func capableReply(buf []byte) *CapableReply {
v := new(CapableReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Capable = true
} else {
v.Capable = false
b += 1
b += 23 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for Capable
func capableRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request GetTimeouts
// size: 4
type GetTimeoutsCookie struct {
func GetTimeouts(c *xgb.Conn) GetTimeoutsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getTimeoutsRequest(c), cookie)
return GetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
func GetTimeoutsUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) GetTimeoutsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getTimeoutsRequest(c), cookie)
return GetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetTimeouts
// size: 32
type GetTimeoutsReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
StandbyTimeout uint16
SuspendTimeout uint16
OffTimeout uint16
// padding: 18 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetTimeouts
func (cook GetTimeoutsCookie) Reply() (*GetTimeoutsReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getTimeoutsReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetTimeouts
func getTimeoutsReply(buf []byte) *GetTimeoutsReply {
v := new(GetTimeoutsReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.StandbyTimeout = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.SuspendTimeout = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.OffTimeout = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
b += 18 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for GetTimeouts
func getTimeoutsRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request SetTimeouts
// size: 12
type SetTimeoutsCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for SetTimeouts
func SetTimeouts(c *xgb.Conn, StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) SetTimeoutsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(setTimeoutsRequest(c, StandbyTimeout, SuspendTimeout, OffTimeout), cookie)
return SetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
func SetTimeoutsChecked(c *xgb.Conn, StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) SetTimeoutsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(setTimeoutsRequest(c, StandbyTimeout, SuspendTimeout, OffTimeout), cookie)
return SetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
func (cook SetTimeoutsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for SetTimeouts
func setTimeoutsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], StandbyTimeout)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SuspendTimeout)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], OffTimeout)
b += 2
return buf
// Request Enable
// size: 4
type EnableCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Enable
func Enable(c *xgb.Conn) EnableCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(enableRequest(c), cookie)
return EnableCookie{cookie}
func EnableChecked(c *xgb.Conn) EnableCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(enableRequest(c), cookie)
return EnableCookie{cookie}
func (cook EnableCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Enable
func enableRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request Disable
// size: 4
type DisableCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Disable
func Disable(c *xgb.Conn) DisableCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(disableRequest(c), cookie)
return DisableCookie{cookie}
func DisableChecked(c *xgb.Conn) DisableCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(disableRequest(c), cookie)
return DisableCookie{cookie}
func (cook DisableCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Disable
func disableRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request ForceLevel
// size: 8
type ForceLevelCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for ForceLevel
func ForceLevel(c *xgb.Conn, PowerLevel uint16) ForceLevelCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(forceLevelRequest(c, PowerLevel), cookie)
return ForceLevelCookie{cookie}
func ForceLevelChecked(c *xgb.Conn, PowerLevel uint16) ForceLevelCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(forceLevelRequest(c, PowerLevel), cookie)
return ForceLevelCookie{cookie}
func (cook ForceLevelCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for ForceLevel
func forceLevelRequest(c *xgb.Conn, PowerLevel uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], PowerLevel)
b += 2
return buf
// Request Info
// size: 4
type InfoCookie struct {
func Info(c *xgb.Conn) InfoCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(infoRequest(c), cookie)
return InfoCookie{cookie}
func InfoUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) InfoCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(infoRequest(c), cookie)
return InfoCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for Info
// size: 32
type InfoReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
PowerLevel uint16
State bool
// padding: 21 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request Info
func (cook InfoCookie) Reply() (*InfoReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return infoReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for Info
func infoReply(buf []byte) *InfoReply {
v := new(InfoReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.PowerLevel = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.State = true
} else {
v.State = false
b += 1
b += 21 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for Info
func infoRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
func main() {
@ -17,15 +18,23 @@ func main() {
// xproto.Setup retrieves the Setup information from the setup bytes
// gathered during connection.
setup := xproto.Setup(X)
// This is the default screen with all its associated info.
screen := setup.DefaultScreen(X)
// Any time a new resource (i.e., a window, pixmap, graphics context, etc.)
// is created, we need to generate a resource identifier with NewId.
wid, _ := X.NewId()
// is created, we need to generate a resource identifier.
// If the resource is a window, then use xproto.NewWindowId. If it's for
// a pixmap, then use xproto.NewPixmapId. And so on...
wid, _ := xproto.NewWindowId(X)
// CreateWindow takes a boatload of parameters.
X.CreateWindow(X.DefaultScreen().RootDepth, wid, X.DefaultScreen().Root,
xproto.CreateWindow(X, screen.RootDepth, wid, screen.Root,
0, 0, 500, 500, 0,
xgb.WindowClassInputOutput, X.DefaultScreen().RootVisual,
0, []uint32{})
xproto.WindowClassInputOutput, screen.RootVisual, 0, []uint32{})
// This call to ChangeWindowAttributes could be factored out and
// included with the above CreateWindow call, but it is left here for
@ -34,13 +43,13 @@ func main() {
// etc.) and when a key press or a key release has been made when the
// window has focus.
// We also set the 'BackPixel' to white so that the window isn't butt ugly.
xproto.ChangeWindowAttributes(X, wid,
[]uint32{ // values must be in the order defined by the protocol
xgb.EventMaskStructureNotify |
xgb.EventMaskKeyPress |
xproto.EventMaskStructureNotify |
xproto.EventMaskKeyPress |
// MapWindow makes the window we've created appear on the screen.
// We demonstrated the use of a 'checked' request here.
@ -58,7 +67,7 @@ func main() {
// Note that requests without replies are by default unchecked while
// requests *with* replies are checked by default.
err = X.MapWindowChecked(wid).Check()
err = xproto.MapWindowChecked(X, wid).Check()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Checked Error for mapping window %d: %s\n", wid, err)
} else {
@ -67,7 +76,7 @@ func main() {
// This is an example of an invalid MapWindow request and what an error
// looks like.
err = X.MapWindowChecked(0).Check()
err = xproto.MapWindowChecked(X, 0).Check()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Checked Error for mapping window 0x1: %s\n", err)
} else { // neva
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
func main() {
@ -16,18 +17,21 @@ func main() {
// Get the window id of the root window.
root := X.DefaultScreen().Root
setup := xproto.Setup(X)
root := setup.DefaultScreen(X).Root
// Get the atom id (i.e., intern an atom) of "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW".
activeAtom, err := X.InternAtom(true, uint16(len(aname)), aname).Reply()
activeAtom, err := xproto.InternAtom(X, true, uint16(len(aname)),
if err != nil {
// Get the atom id (i.e., intern an atom) of "_NET_WM_NAME".
aname = "_NET_WM_NAME"
nameAtom, err := X.InternAtom(true, uint16(len(aname)), aname).Reply()
nameAtom, err := xproto.InternAtom(X, true, uint16(len(aname)),
if err != nil {
@ -37,19 +41,19 @@ func main() {
// XGB helper function, 'Get32', to pull an unsigned 32-bit integer out
// of the byte slice. We then convert it to an X resource id so it can
// be used to get the name of the window in the next GetProperty request.
reply, err := X.GetProperty(false, root, activeAtom.Atom,
xgb.GetPropertyTypeAny, 0, (1<<32)-1).Reply()
reply, err := xproto.GetProperty(X, false, root, activeAtom.Atom,
xproto.GetPropertyTypeAny, 0, (1<<32)-1).Reply()
if err != nil {
windowId := xgb.Id(xgb.Get32(reply.Value))
windowId := xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(reply.Value))
fmt.Printf("Active window id: %X\n", windowId)
// Now get the value of _NET_WM_NAME for the active window.
// Note that this time, we simply convert the resulting byte slice,
// reply.Value, to a string.
reply, err = X.GetProperty(false, windowId, nameAtom.Atom,
xgb.GetPropertyTypeAny, 0, (1<<32)-1).Reply()
reply, err = xproto.GetProperty(X, false, windowId, nameAtom.Atom,
xproto.GetPropertyTypeAny, 0, (1<<32)-1).Reply()
if err != nil {
@ -15,27 +15,32 @@ import (
func main() {
X, _ := xgb.NewConn()
// Every extension must be initialized before it can be used.
err := X.RandrInit()
err := randr.Init(X)
if err != nil {
// Get the root window on the default screen.
root := xproto.Setup(X).DefaultScreen(X).Root
// Gets the current screen resources. Screen resources contains a list
// of names, crtcs, outputs and modes, among other things.
resources, err := X.RandrGetScreenResources(X.DefaultScreen().Root).Reply()
resources, err := randr.GetScreenResources(X, root).Reply()
if err != nil {
// Iterate through all of the outputs and show some of their info.
for _, output := range resources.Outputs {
info, err := X.RandrGetOutputInfo(output, 0).Reply()
info, err := randr.GetOutputInfo(X, output, 0).Reply()
if err != nil {
@ -52,7 +57,7 @@ func main() {
// Iterate through all of the crtcs and show some of their info.
for _, crtc := range resources.Crtcs {
info, err := X.RandrGetCrtcInfo(crtc, 0).Reply()
info, err := randr.GetCrtcInfo(X, crtc, 0).Reply()
if err != nil {
@ -61,11 +66,11 @@ func main() {
// Tell RandR to send us events. (I think these are all of them, as of 1.3.)
err = X.RandrSelectInputChecked(X.DefaultScreen().Root,
err = randr.SelectInputChecked(X, root,
if err != nil {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
func main() {
@ -17,13 +18,13 @@ func main() {
// Initialize the Xinerama extension.
// The appropriate 'Init' function must be run for *every*
// extension before any of its requests can be used.
err = X.XineramaInit()
err = xinerama.Init(X)
if err != nil {
// Issue a request to get the screen information.
reply, err := X.XineramaQueryScreens().Reply()
reply, err := xinerama.QueryScreens(X).Reply()
if err != nil {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
package ge
This file was generated by ge.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:27pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the Generic Event Extension extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 23, "Generic Event Extension").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named Generic Event Extension could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["Generic Event Extension"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["Generic Event Extension"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["Generic Event Extension"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["Generic Event Extension"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["Generic Event Extension"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Request QueryVersion
// size: 8
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryVersion
// size: 32
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint16
MinorVersion uint16
// padding: 20 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryVersion
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryVersion
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
b += 20 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["GENERIC EVENT EXTENSION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
package res
This file was generated by res.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:28pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the X-Resource extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 10, "X-Resource").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named X-Resource could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["X-Resource"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["X-Resource"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["X-Resource"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["X-Resource"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["X-Resource"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// 'Client' struct definition
// Size: 8
type Client struct {
ResourceBase uint32
ResourceMask uint32
// Struct read Client
func ClientRead(buf []byte, v *Client) int {
b := 0
v.ResourceBase = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.ResourceMask = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return b
// Struct list read Client
func ClientReadList(buf []byte, dest []Client) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = Client{}
b += ClientRead(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return xgb.Pad(b)
// Struct write Client
func (v Client) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
b := 0
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], v.ResourceBase)
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], v.ResourceMask)
b += 4
return buf
// Write struct list Client
func ClientListBytes(buf []byte, list []Client) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// 'Type' struct definition
// Size: 8
type Type struct {
ResourceType xproto.Atom
Count uint32
// Struct read Type
func TypeRead(buf []byte, v *Type) int {
b := 0
v.ResourceType = xproto.Atom(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Count = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return b
// Struct list read Type
func TypeReadList(buf []byte, dest []Type) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = Type{}
b += TypeRead(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return xgb.Pad(b)
// Struct write Type
func (v Type) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
b := 0
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.ResourceType))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], v.Count)
b += 4
return buf
// Write struct list Type
func TypeListBytes(buf []byte, list []Type) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// Request QueryVersion
// size: 8
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajor, ClientMinor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajor, ClientMinor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryVersion
// size: 12
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajor uint16
ServerMinor uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryVersion
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryVersion
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajor = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinor = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = ClientMajor
b += 1
buf[b] = ClientMinor
b += 1
return buf
// Request QueryClients
// size: 4
type QueryClientsCookie struct {
func QueryClients(c *xgb.Conn) QueryClientsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientsRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryClientsCookie{cookie}
func QueryClientsUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryClientsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientsRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryClientsCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryClients
// size: (32 + xgb.Pad((int(NumClients) * 8)))
type QueryClientsReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
NumClients uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Clients []Client // size: xgb.Pad((int(NumClients) * 8))
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryClients
func (cook QueryClientsCookie) Reply() (*QueryClientsReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryClientsReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryClients
func queryClientsReply(buf []byte) *QueryClientsReply {
v := new(QueryClientsReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.NumClients = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Clients = make([]Client, v.NumClients)
b += ClientReadList(buf[b:], v.Clients)
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryClients
func queryClientsRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request QueryClientResources
// size: 8
type QueryClientResourcesCookie struct {
func QueryClientResources(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientResourcesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientResourcesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientResourcesCookie{cookie}
func QueryClientResourcesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientResourcesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientResourcesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientResourcesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryClientResources
// size: (32 + xgb.Pad((int(NumTypes) * 8)))
type QueryClientResourcesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
NumTypes uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Types []Type // size: xgb.Pad((int(NumTypes) * 8))
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryClientResources
func (cook QueryClientResourcesCookie) Reply() (*QueryClientResourcesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryClientResourcesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryClientResources
func queryClientResourcesReply(buf []byte) *QueryClientResourcesReply {
v := new(QueryClientResourcesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.NumTypes = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Types = make([]Type, v.NumTypes)
b += TypeReadList(buf[b:], v.Types)
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryClientResources
func queryClientResourcesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Xid)
b += 4
return buf
// Request QueryClientPixmapBytes
// size: 8
type QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie struct {
func QueryClientPixmapBytes(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie{cookie}
func QueryClientPixmapBytesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryClientPixmapBytes
// size: 16
type QueryClientPixmapBytesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Bytes uint32
BytesOverflow uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryClientPixmapBytes
func (cook QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie) Reply() (*QueryClientPixmapBytesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryClientPixmapBytesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryClientPixmapBytes
func queryClientPixmapBytesReply(buf []byte) *QueryClientPixmapBytesReply {
v := new(QueryClientPixmapBytesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Bytes = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.BytesOverflow = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryClientPixmapBytes
func queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Xid)
b += 4
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
package screensaver
This file was generated by screensaver.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:28pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the MIT-SCREEN-SAVER extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 16, "MIT-SCREEN-SAVER").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named MIT-SCREEN-SAVER could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
const (
KindBlanked = 0
KindInternal = 1
KindExternal = 2
const (
EventNotifyMask = 1
EventCycleMask = 2
const (
StateOff = 0
StateOn = 1
StateCycle = 2
StateDisabled = 3
// Event definition Notify (0)
// Size: 32
const Notify = 0
type NotifyEvent struct {
Sequence uint16
Code byte
State byte
// padding: 1 bytes
SequenceNumber uint16
Time xproto.Timestamp
Root xproto.Window
Window xproto.Window
Kind byte
Forced bool
// padding: 14 bytes
// Event read Notify
func NotifyEventNew(buf []byte) xgb.Event {
v := NotifyEvent{}
b := 1 // don't read event number
v.Code = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.State = buf[b]
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
v.SequenceNumber = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Time = xproto.Timestamp(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Root = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Window = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Kind = buf[b]
b += 1
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Forced = true
} else {
v.Forced = false
b += 1
b += 14 // padding
return v
// Event write Notify
func (v NotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 32)
b := 0
// write event number
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
buf[b] = v.Code
b += 1
b += 2 // skip sequence number
buf[b] = v.State
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.SequenceNumber)
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Time))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Root))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = v.Kind
b += 1
if v.Forced {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 14 // padding
return buf
func (v NotifyEvent) ImplementsEvent() {}
func (v NotifyEvent) SequenceId() uint16 {
return v.Sequence
func (v NotifyEvent) String() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 10)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Sequence: %d", v.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Code: %d", v.Code))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("State: %d", v.State))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("SequenceNumber: %d", v.SequenceNumber))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Time: %d", v.Time))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Root: %d", v.Root))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Window: %d", v.Window))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Kind: %d", v.Kind))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Forced: %t", v.Forced))
return "Notify {" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"][0] = NotifyEventNew
// Request QueryVersion
// size: 8
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryVersion
// size: 32
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// padding: 20 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryVersion
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryVersion
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
b += 20 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = ClientMajorVersion
b += 1
buf[b] = ClientMinorVersion
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
return buf
// Request QueryInfo
// size: 8
type QueryInfoCookie struct {
func QueryInfo(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) QueryInfoCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryInfoRequest(c, Drawable), cookie)
return QueryInfoCookie{cookie}
func QueryInfoUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) QueryInfoCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryInfoRequest(c, Drawable), cookie)
return QueryInfoCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryInfo
// size: 32
type QueryInfoReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
State byte
SaverWindow xproto.Window
MsUntilServer uint32
MsSinceUserInput uint32
EventMask uint32
Kind byte
// padding: 7 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryInfo
func (cook QueryInfoCookie) Reply() (*QueryInfoReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryInfoReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryInfo
func queryInfoReply(buf []byte) *QueryInfoReply {
v := new(QueryInfoReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.State = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.SaverWindow = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.MsUntilServer = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.MsSinceUserInput = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.EventMask = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Kind = buf[b]
b += 1
b += 7 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryInfo
func queryInfoRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
return buf
// Request SelectInput
// size: 12
type SelectInputCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for SelectInput
func SelectInput(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, EventMask uint32) SelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(selectInputRequest(c, Drawable, EventMask), cookie)
return SelectInputCookie{cookie}
func SelectInputChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, EventMask uint32) SelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(selectInputRequest(c, Drawable, EventMask), cookie)
return SelectInputCookie{cookie}
func (cook SelectInputCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for SelectInput
func selectInputRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, EventMask uint32) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], EventMask)
b += 4
return buf
// Request SetAttributes
// size: xgb.Pad((24 + (4 + xgb.Pad((4 * xgb.PopCount(int(ValueMask)))))))
type SetAttributesCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for SetAttributes
func SetAttributes(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BorderWidth uint16, Class byte, Depth byte, Visual xproto.Visualid, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) SetAttributesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(setAttributesRequest(c, Drawable, X, Y, Width, Height, BorderWidth, Class, Depth, Visual, ValueMask, ValueList), cookie)
return SetAttributesCookie{cookie}
func SetAttributesChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BorderWidth uint16, Class byte, Depth byte, Visual xproto.Visualid, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) SetAttributesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(setAttributesRequest(c, Drawable, X, Y, Width, Height, BorderWidth, Class, Depth, Visual, ValueMask, ValueList), cookie)
return SetAttributesCookie{cookie}
func (cook SetAttributesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for SetAttributes
func setAttributesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BorderWidth uint16, Class byte, Depth byte, Visual xproto.Visualid, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) []byte {
size := xgb.Pad((24 + (4 + xgb.Pad((4 * xgb.PopCount(int(ValueMask)))))))
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(X))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(Y))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Width)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Height)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], BorderWidth)
b += 2
buf[b] = Class
b += 1
buf[b] = Depth
b += 1
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Visual))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], ValueMask)
b += 4
for i := 0; i < xgb.PopCount(int(ValueMask)); i++ {
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], ValueList[i])
b += 4
b = xgb.Pad(b)
return buf
// Request UnsetAttributes
// size: 8
type UnsetAttributesCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for UnsetAttributes
func UnsetAttributes(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) UnsetAttributesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(unsetAttributesRequest(c, Drawable), cookie)
return UnsetAttributesCookie{cookie}
func UnsetAttributesChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) UnsetAttributesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(unsetAttributesRequest(c, Drawable), cookie)
return UnsetAttributesCookie{cookie}
func (cook UnsetAttributesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for UnsetAttributes
func unsetAttributesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
return buf
// Request Suspend
// size: 8
type SuspendCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Suspend
func Suspend(c *xgb.Conn, Suspend bool) SuspendCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(suspendRequest(c, Suspend), cookie)
return SuspendCookie{cookie}
func SuspendChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Suspend bool) SuspendCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(suspendRequest(c, Suspend), cookie)
return SuspendCookie{cookie}
func (cook SuspendCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Suspend
func suspendRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Suspend bool) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
if Suspend {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
package shape
This file was generated by shape.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:28pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the SHAPE extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 5, "SHAPE").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named SHAPE could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["SHAPE"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["SHAPE"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["SHAPE"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["SHAPE"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["SHAPE"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
const (
SoSet = 0
SoUnion = 1
SoIntersect = 2
SoSubtract = 3
SoInvert = 4
const (
SkBounding = 0
SkClip = 1
SkInput = 2
type Op byte
type Kind byte
// Event definition Notify (0)
// Size: 32
const Notify = 0
type NotifyEvent struct {
Sequence uint16
ShapeKind Kind
AffectedWindow xproto.Window
ExtentsX int16
ExtentsY int16
ExtentsWidth uint16
ExtentsHeight uint16
ServerTime xproto.Timestamp
Shaped bool
// padding: 11 bytes
// Event read Notify
func NotifyEventNew(buf []byte) xgb.Event {
v := NotifyEvent{}
b := 1 // don't read event number
v.ShapeKind = Kind(buf[b])
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.AffectedWindow = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.ExtentsX = int16(xgb.Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.ExtentsY = int16(xgb.Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.ExtentsWidth = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ExtentsHeight = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerTime = xproto.Timestamp(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Shaped = true
} else {
v.Shaped = false
b += 1
b += 11 // padding
return v
// Event write Notify
func (v NotifyEvent) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 32)
b := 0
// write event number
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(v.ShapeKind)
b += 1
b += 2 // skip sequence number
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.AffectedWindow))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(v.ExtentsX))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(v.ExtentsY))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.ExtentsWidth)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.ExtentsHeight)
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.ServerTime))
b += 4
if v.Shaped {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 11 // padding
return buf
func (v NotifyEvent) ImplementsEvent() {}
func (v NotifyEvent) SequenceId() uint16 {
return v.Sequence
func (v NotifyEvent) String() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 9)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Sequence: %d", v.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("ShapeKind: %d", v.ShapeKind))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("AffectedWindow: %d", v.AffectedWindow))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("ExtentsX: %d", v.ExtentsX))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("ExtentsY: %d", v.ExtentsY))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("ExtentsWidth: %d", v.ExtentsWidth))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("ExtentsHeight: %d", v.ExtentsHeight))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("ServerTime: %d", v.ServerTime))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Shaped: %t", v.Shaped))
return "Notify {" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["SHAPE"][0] = NotifyEventNew
// Request QueryVersion
// size: 4
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryVersion
// size: 12
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint16
MinorVersion uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryVersion
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryVersion
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request Rectangles
// size: xgb.Pad((16 + xgb.Pad((len(Rectangles) * 8))))
type RectanglesCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Rectangles
func Rectangles(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle) RectanglesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(rectanglesRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, Ordering, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, Rectangles), cookie)
return RectanglesCookie{cookie}
func RectanglesChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle) RectanglesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(rectanglesRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, Ordering, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, Rectangles), cookie)
return RectanglesCookie{cookie}
func (cook RectanglesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Rectangles
func rectanglesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle) []byte {
size := xgb.Pad((16 + xgb.Pad((len(Rectangles) * 8))))
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(Operation)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
buf[b] = Ordering
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
b += xproto.RectangleListBytes(buf[b:], Rectangles)
return buf
// Request Mask
// size: 20
type MaskCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Mask
func Mask(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap xproto.Pixmap) MaskCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(maskRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceBitmap), cookie)
return MaskCookie{cookie}
func MaskChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap xproto.Pixmap) MaskCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(maskRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceBitmap), cookie)
return MaskCookie{cookie}
func (cook MaskCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Mask
func maskRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap xproto.Pixmap) []byte {
size := 20
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(Operation)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SourceBitmap))
b += 4
return buf
// Request Combine
// size: 20
type CombineCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Combine
func Combine(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, SourceKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceWindow xproto.Window) CombineCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(combineRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, SourceKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceWindow), cookie)
return CombineCookie{cookie}
func CombineChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, SourceKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceWindow xproto.Window) CombineCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(combineRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, SourceKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceWindow), cookie)
return CombineCookie{cookie}
func (cook CombineCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Combine
func combineRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, SourceKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceWindow xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 20
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(Operation)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(SourceKind)
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SourceWindow))
b += 4
return buf
// Request Offset
// size: 16
type OffsetCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Offset
func Offset(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16) OffsetCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(offsetRequest(c, DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset), cookie)
return OffsetCookie{cookie}
func OffsetChecked(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16) OffsetCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(offsetRequest(c, DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset), cookie)
return OffsetCookie{cookie}
func (cook OffsetCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Offset
func offsetRequest(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16) []byte {
size := 16
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
return buf
// Request QueryExtents
// size: 8
type QueryExtentsCookie struct {
func QueryExtents(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) QueryExtentsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryExtentsRequest(c, DestinationWindow), cookie)
return QueryExtentsCookie{cookie}
func QueryExtentsUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) QueryExtentsCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryExtentsRequest(c, DestinationWindow), cookie)
return QueryExtentsCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryExtents
// size: 28
type QueryExtentsReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
BoundingShaped bool
ClipShaped bool
// padding: 2 bytes
BoundingShapeExtentsX int16
BoundingShapeExtentsY int16
BoundingShapeExtentsWidth uint16
BoundingShapeExtentsHeight uint16
ClipShapeExtentsX int16
ClipShapeExtentsY int16
ClipShapeExtentsWidth uint16
ClipShapeExtentsHeight uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryExtents
func (cook QueryExtentsCookie) Reply() (*QueryExtentsReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryExtentsReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryExtents
func queryExtentsReply(buf []byte) *QueryExtentsReply {
v := new(QueryExtentsReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.BoundingShaped = true
} else {
v.BoundingShaped = false
b += 1
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.ClipShaped = true
} else {
v.ClipShaped = false
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
v.BoundingShapeExtentsX = int16(xgb.Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.BoundingShapeExtentsY = int16(xgb.Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.BoundingShapeExtentsWidth = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.BoundingShapeExtentsHeight = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ClipShapeExtentsX = int16(xgb.Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.ClipShapeExtentsY = int16(xgb.Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.ClipShapeExtentsWidth = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ClipShapeExtentsHeight = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryExtents
func queryExtentsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
return buf
// Request SelectInput
// size: 12
type SelectInputCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for SelectInput
func SelectInput(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, Enable bool) SelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(selectInputRequest(c, DestinationWindow, Enable), cookie)
return SelectInputCookie{cookie}
func SelectInputChecked(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, Enable bool) SelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(selectInputRequest(c, DestinationWindow, Enable), cookie)
return SelectInputCookie{cookie}
func (cook SelectInputCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for SelectInput
func selectInputRequest(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, Enable bool) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
if Enable {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request InputSelected
// size: 8
type InputSelectedCookie struct {
func InputSelected(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) InputSelectedCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(inputSelectedRequest(c, DestinationWindow), cookie)
return InputSelectedCookie{cookie}
func InputSelectedUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) InputSelectedCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(inputSelectedRequest(c, DestinationWindow), cookie)
return InputSelectedCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for InputSelected
// size: 8
type InputSelectedReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
Enabled bool
// Waits and reads reply data from request InputSelected
func (cook InputSelectedCookie) Reply() (*InputSelectedReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return inputSelectedReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for InputSelected
func inputSelectedReply(buf []byte) *InputSelectedReply {
v := new(InputSelectedReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Enabled = true
} else {
v.Enabled = false
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for InputSelected
func inputSelectedRequest(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
return buf
// Request GetRectangles
// size: 12
type GetRectanglesCookie struct {
func GetRectangles(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, SourceKind Kind) GetRectanglesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getRectanglesRequest(c, Window, SourceKind), cookie)
return GetRectanglesCookie{cookie}
func GetRectanglesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, SourceKind Kind) GetRectanglesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getRectanglesRequest(c, Window, SourceKind), cookie)
return GetRectanglesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetRectangles
// size: (32 + xgb.Pad((int(RectanglesLen) * 8)))
type GetRectanglesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
Ordering byte
RectanglesLen uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle // size: xgb.Pad((int(RectanglesLen) * 8))
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetRectangles
func (cook GetRectanglesCookie) Reply() (*GetRectanglesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getRectanglesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetRectangles
func getRectanglesReply(buf []byte) *GetRectanglesReply {
v := new(GetRectanglesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.Ordering = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.RectanglesLen = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Rectangles = make([]xproto.Rectangle, v.RectanglesLen)
b += xproto.RectangleReadList(buf[b:], v.Rectangles)
return v
// Write request to wire for GetRectangles
func getRectanglesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, SourceKind Kind) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 8 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = byte(SourceKind)
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
package shm
This file was generated by shm.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:28pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the MIT-SHM extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 7, "MIT-SHM").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named MIT-SHM could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["MIT-SHM"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SHM"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["MIT-SHM"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SHM"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
type Seg uint32
func NewSegId(c *xgb.Conn) (Seg, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return Seg(id), nil
// Event definition Completion (0)
// Size: 32
const Completion = 0
type CompletionEvent struct {
Sequence uint16
// padding: 1 bytes
Drawable xproto.Drawable
MinorEvent uint16
MajorEvent byte
// padding: 1 bytes
Shmseg Seg
Offset uint32
// Event read Completion
func CompletionEventNew(buf []byte) xgb.Event {
v := CompletionEvent{}
b := 1 // don't read event number
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Drawable = xproto.Drawable(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.MinorEvent = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MajorEvent = buf[b]
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
v.Shmseg = Seg(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Offset = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Event write Completion
func (v CompletionEvent) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 32)
b := 0
// write event number
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
b += 2 // skip sequence number
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.MinorEvent)
b += 2
buf[b] = v.MajorEvent
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Shmseg))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], v.Offset)
b += 4
return buf
func (v CompletionEvent) ImplementsEvent() {}
func (v CompletionEvent) SequenceId() uint16 {
return v.Sequence
func (v CompletionEvent) String() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 7)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Sequence: %d", v.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Drawable: %d", v.Drawable))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("MinorEvent: %d", v.MinorEvent))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("MajorEvent: %d", v.MajorEvent))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Shmseg: %d", v.Shmseg))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Offset: %d", v.Offset))
return "Completion {" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["MIT-SHM"][0] = CompletionEventNew
// ErrorCopy definition BadSeg (0)
const BadBadSeg = 0
type BadSegError xproto.ValueError
func BadSegErrorNew(buf []byte) xgb.Error {
v := BadSegError(xproto.ValueErrorNew(buf).(xproto.ValueError))
v.NiceName = "BadSeg"
return v
func (err BadSegError) ImplementsError() {}
func (err BadSegError) SequenceId() uint16 {
return err.Sequence
func (err BadSegError) BadId() uint32 {
return 0
func (err BadSegError) Error() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 4)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, "NiceName: "+err.NiceName)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Sequence: %d", err.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("BadValue: %d", err.BadValue))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("MinorOpcode: %d", err.MinorOpcode))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("MajorOpcode: %d", err.MajorOpcode))
return "BadBadSeg {" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SHM"][0] = BadSegErrorNew
// Request QueryVersion
// size: 4
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryVersion
// size: 32
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
SharedPixmaps bool
MajorVersion uint16
MinorVersion uint16
Uid uint16
Gid uint16
PixmapFormat byte
// padding: 15 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryVersion
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryVersion
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.SharedPixmaps = true
} else {
v.SharedPixmaps = false
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Uid = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Gid = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.PixmapFormat = buf[b]
b += 1
b += 15 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request Attach
// size: 16
type AttachCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Attach
func Attach(c *xgb.Conn, Shmseg Seg, Shmid uint32, ReadOnly bool) AttachCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(attachRequest(c, Shmseg, Shmid, ReadOnly), cookie)
return AttachCookie{cookie}
func AttachChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Shmseg Seg, Shmid uint32, ReadOnly bool) AttachCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(attachRequest(c, Shmseg, Shmid, ReadOnly), cookie)
return AttachCookie{cookie}
func (cook AttachCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Attach
func attachRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Shmseg Seg, Shmid uint32, ReadOnly bool) []byte {
size := 16
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Shmid)
b += 4
if ReadOnly {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// Request Detach
// size: 8
type DetachCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for Detach
func Detach(c *xgb.Conn, Shmseg Seg) DetachCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(detachRequest(c, Shmseg), cookie)
return DetachCookie{cookie}
func DetachChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Shmseg Seg) DetachCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(detachRequest(c, Shmseg), cookie)
return DetachCookie{cookie}
func (cook DetachCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Detach
func detachRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Shmseg Seg) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
return buf
// Request PutImage
// size: 40
type PutImageCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for PutImage
func PutImage(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Gc xproto.Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) PutImageCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(putImageRequest(c, Drawable, Gc, TotalWidth, TotalHeight, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstX, DstY, Depth, Format, SendEvent, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return PutImageCookie{cookie}
func PutImageChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Gc xproto.Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) PutImageCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(putImageRequest(c, Drawable, Gc, TotalWidth, TotalHeight, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstX, DstY, Depth, Format, SendEvent, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return PutImageCookie{cookie}
func (cook PutImageCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for PutImage
func putImageRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Gc xproto.Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) []byte {
size := 40
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Gc))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], TotalWidth)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], TotalHeight)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcX)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcY)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcWidth)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcHeight)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(DstX))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(DstY))
b += 2
buf[b] = Depth
b += 1
buf[b] = Format
b += 1
buf[b] = SendEvent
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Offset)
b += 4
return buf
// Request GetImage
// size: 32
type GetImageCookie struct {
func GetImage(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, PlaneMask uint32, Format byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) GetImageCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getImageRequest(c, Drawable, X, Y, Width, Height, PlaneMask, Format, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return GetImageCookie{cookie}
func GetImageUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, PlaneMask uint32, Format byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) GetImageCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getImageRequest(c, Drawable, X, Y, Width, Height, PlaneMask, Format, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return GetImageCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetImage
// size: 16
type GetImageReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
Depth byte
Visual xproto.Visualid
Size uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetImage
func (cook GetImageCookie) Reply() (*GetImageReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getImageReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetImage
func getImageReply(buf []byte) *GetImageReply {
v := new(GetImageReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.Depth = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Visual = xproto.Visualid(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Size = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for GetImage
func getImageRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, PlaneMask uint32, Format byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) []byte {
size := 32
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(X))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(Y))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Width)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Height)
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], PlaneMask)
b += 4
buf[b] = Format
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Offset)
b += 4
return buf
// Request CreatePixmap
// size: 28
type CreatePixmapCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for CreatePixmap
func CreatePixmap(c *xgb.Conn, Pid xproto.Pixmap, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) CreatePixmapCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(createPixmapRequest(c, Pid, Drawable, Width, Height, Depth, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return CreatePixmapCookie{cookie}
func CreatePixmapChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Pid xproto.Pixmap, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) CreatePixmapCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(createPixmapRequest(c, Pid, Drawable, Width, Height, Depth, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return CreatePixmapCookie{cookie}
func (cook CreatePixmapCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for CreatePixmap
func createPixmapRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Pid xproto.Pixmap, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) []byte {
size := 28
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Pid))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Width)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Height)
b += 2
buf[b] = Depth
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Offset)
b += 4
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package xgb
// Sync sends a round trip request and wait for the response.
// This forces all pending cookies to be dealt with.
// You actually shouldn't need to use this like you might with Xlib. Namely,
// buffers are automatically flushed using Go's channels and round trip requests
// are forced where appropriate automatically.
func (c *Conn) Sync() {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(c.getInputFocusRequest(), cookie)
cookie.Reply() // wait for the buffer to clear
// getInputFocusRequest writes the raw bytes to a buffer.
// It is duplicated from xproto/xproto.go.
func (c *Conn) getInputFocusRequest() []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = 43 // request opcode
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
package xcmisc
This file was generated by xc_misc.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:28pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the XC-MISC extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 7, "XC-MISC").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named XC-MISC could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["XC-MISC"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["XC-MISC"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XC-MISC"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["XC-MISC"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XC-MISC"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Request GetVersion
// size: 8
type GetVersionCookie struct {
func GetVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
func GetVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetVersion
// size: 12
type GetVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetVersion
func (cook GetVersionCookie) Reply() (*GetVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetVersion
func getVersionReply(buf []byte) *GetVersionReply {
v := new(GetVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for GetVersion
func getVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XC-MISC"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
// Request GetXIDRange
// size: 4
type GetXIDRangeCookie struct {
func GetXIDRange(c *xgb.Conn) GetXIDRangeCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getXIDRangeRequest(c), cookie)
return GetXIDRangeCookie{cookie}
func GetXIDRangeUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) GetXIDRangeCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getXIDRangeRequest(c), cookie)
return GetXIDRangeCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetXIDRange
// size: 16
type GetXIDRangeReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
StartId uint32
Count uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetXIDRange
func (cook GetXIDRangeCookie) Reply() (*GetXIDRangeReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getXIDRangeReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetXIDRange
func getXIDRangeReply(buf []byte) *GetXIDRangeReply {
v := new(GetXIDRangeReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.StartId = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Count = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for GetXIDRange
func getXIDRangeRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XC-MISC"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request GetXIDList
// size: 8
type GetXIDListCookie struct {
func GetXIDList(c *xgb.Conn, Count uint32) GetXIDListCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getXIDListRequest(c, Count), cookie)
return GetXIDListCookie{cookie}
func GetXIDListUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Count uint32) GetXIDListCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getXIDListRequest(c, Count), cookie)
return GetXIDListCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetXIDList
// size: (32 + xgb.Pad((int(IdsLen) * 4)))
type GetXIDListReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
IdsLen uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Ids []uint32 // size: xgb.Pad((int(IdsLen) * 4))
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetXIDList
func (cook GetXIDListCookie) Reply() (*GetXIDListReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getXIDListReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetXIDList
func getXIDListReply(buf []byte) *GetXIDListReply {
v := new(GetXIDListReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.IdsLen = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Ids = make([]uint32, v.IdsLen)
for i := 0; i < int(v.IdsLen); i++ {
v.Ids[i] = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b = xgb.Pad(b)
return v
// Write request to wire for GetXIDList
func getXIDListRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Count uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XC-MISC"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Count)
b += 4
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
package xevie
This file was generated by xevie.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:28pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the XEVIE extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 5, "XEVIE").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named XEVIE could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["XEVIE"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["XEVIE"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XEVIE"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["XEVIE"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XEVIE"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
const (
DatatypeUnmodified = 0
DatatypeModified = 1
// 'Event' struct definition
// Size: 32
type Event struct {
// padding: 32 bytes
// Struct read Event
func EventRead(buf []byte, v *Event) int {
b := 0
b += 32 // padding
return b
// Struct list read Event
func EventReadList(buf []byte, dest []Event) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = Event{}
b += EventRead(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return xgb.Pad(b)
// Struct write Event
func (v Event) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 32)
b := 0
b += 32 // padding
return buf
// Write struct list Event
func EventListBytes(buf []byte, list []Event) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// Request QueryVersion
// size: 8
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryVersion
// size: 32
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// padding: 20 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryVersion
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryVersion
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
b += 20 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
// Request Start
// size: 8
type StartCookie struct {
func Start(c *xgb.Conn, Screen uint32) StartCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(startRequest(c, Screen), cookie)
return StartCookie{cookie}
func StartUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Screen uint32) StartCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(startRequest(c, Screen), cookie)
return StartCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for Start
// size: 32
type StartReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request Start
func (cook StartCookie) Reply() (*StartReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return startReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for Start
func startReply(buf []byte) *StartReply {
v := new(StartReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for Start
func startRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Screen uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Screen)
b += 4
return buf
// Request End
// size: 8
type EndCookie struct {
func End(c *xgb.Conn, Cmap uint32) EndCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(endRequest(c, Cmap), cookie)
return EndCookie{cookie}
func EndUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Cmap uint32) EndCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(endRequest(c, Cmap), cookie)
return EndCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for End
// size: 32
type EndReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request End
func (cook EndCookie) Reply() (*EndReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return endReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for End
func endReply(buf []byte) *EndReply {
v := new(EndReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for End
func endRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Cmap uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Cmap)
b += 4
return buf
// Request Send
// size: 104
type SendCookie struct {
func Send(c *xgb.Conn, Event Event, DataType uint32) SendCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(sendRequest(c, Event, DataType), cookie)
return SendCookie{cookie}
func SendUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Event Event, DataType uint32) SendCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(sendRequest(c, Event, DataType), cookie)
return SendCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for Send
// size: 32
type SendReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request Send
func (cook SendCookie) Reply() (*SendReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return sendReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for Send
func sendReply(buf []byte) *SendReply {
v := new(SendReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for Send
func sendRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Event Event, DataType uint32) []byte {
size := 104
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
structBytes := Event.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], DataType)
b += 4
b += 64 // padding
return buf
// Request SelectInput
// size: 8
type SelectInputCookie struct {
func SelectInput(c *xgb.Conn, EventMask uint32) SelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(selectInputRequest(c, EventMask), cookie)
return SelectInputCookie{cookie}
func SelectInputUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, EventMask uint32) SelectInputCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(selectInputRequest(c, EventMask), cookie)
return SelectInputCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for SelectInput
// size: 32
type SelectInputReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Waits and reads reply data from request SelectInput
func (cook SelectInputCookie) Reply() (*SelectInputReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return selectInputReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for SelectInput
func selectInputReply(buf []byte) *SelectInputReply {
v := new(SelectInputReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for SelectInput
func selectInputRequest(c *xgb.Conn, EventMask uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], EventMask)
b += 4
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -9,7 +9,14 @@ import (
var logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "XGB: ", 0)
var (
logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "XGB: ", 0)
// ExtLock is a lock used whenever new extensions are initialized.
// It should not be used. It is exported for use in the extension
// sub-packages.
ExtLock sync.Mutex
const (
// cookieBuffer represents the queue size of cookies existing at any
@ -44,17 +51,21 @@ type Conn struct {
host string
conn net.Conn
display string
defaultScreen int
Setup SetupInfo
DefaultScreen int
SetupBytes []byte
setupResourceIdBase uint32
setupResourceIdMask uint32
eventChan chan eventOrError
cookieChan chan *cookie
cookieChan chan *Cookie
xidChan chan xid
seqChan chan uint16
reqChan chan *request
extLock sync.Mutex
extensions map[string]byte
// Extensions is a map from extension name to major opcode. It should
// not be used. It is exported for use in the extension sub-packages.
Extensions map[string]byte
// NewConn creates a new connection instance. It initializes locks, data
@ -83,9 +94,9 @@ func NewConnDisplay(display string) (*Conn, error) {
return nil, err
conn.extensions = make(map[string]byte)
conn.Extensions = make(map[string]byte)
conn.cookieChan = make(chan *cookie, cookieBuffer)
conn.cookieChan = make(chan *Cookie, cookieBuffer)
conn.xidChan = make(chan xid, xidBuffer)
conn.seqChan = make(chan uint16, seqBuffer)
conn.reqChan = make(chan *request, reqBuffer)
@ -104,12 +115,6 @@ func (c *Conn) Close() {
// DefaultScreen returns the Screen info for the default screen, which is
// 0 or the one given in the display argument to Dial.
func (c *Conn) DefaultScreen() *ScreenInfo {
return &c.Setup.Roots[c.defaultScreen]
// Event is an interface that can contain any of the events returned by the
// server. Use a type assertion switch to extract the Event structs.
type Event interface {
@ -118,16 +123,20 @@ type Event interface {
String() string
type newEventFun func(buf []byte) Event
// NewEventFun is the type of function use to construct events from raw bytes.
// It should not be used. It is exported for use in the extension sub-packages.
type NewEventFun func(buf []byte) Event
// newEventFuncs is a map from event numbers to functions that create
// the corresponding event.
var newEventFuncs = make(map[int]newEventFun)
// NewEventFuncs is a map from event numbers to functions that create
// the corresponding event. It should not be used. It is exported for use
// in the extension sub-packages.
var NewEventFuncs = make(map[int]NewEventFun)
// newExtEventFuncs is a temporary map that stores event constructor functions
// NewExtEventFuncs is a temporary map that stores event constructor functions
// for each extension. When an extension is initialized, each event for that
// extension is added to the 'newEventFuncs' map.
var newExtEventFuncs = make(map[string]map[int]newEventFun)
// extension is added to the 'NewEventFuncs' map. It should not be used. It is
// exported for use in the extension sub-packages.
var NewExtEventFuncs = make(map[string]map[int]NewEventFun)
// Error is an interface that can contain any of the errors returned by
// the server. Use a type assertion switch to extract the Error structs.
@ -138,16 +147,20 @@ type Error interface {
Error() string
type newErrorFun func(buf []byte) Error
// NewErrorFun is the type of function use to construct errors from raw bytes.
// It should not be used. It is exported for use in the extension sub-packages.
type NewErrorFun func(buf []byte) Error
// newErrorFuncs is a map from error numbers to functions that create
// the corresponding error.
var newErrorFuncs = make(map[int]newErrorFun)
// NewErrorFuncs is a map from error numbers to functions that create
// the corresponding error. It should not be used. It is exported for use in
// the extension sub-packages.
var NewErrorFuncs = make(map[int]NewErrorFun)
// newExtErrorFuncs is a temporary map that stores error constructor functions
// NewExtErrorFuncs is a temporary map that stores error constructor functions
// for each extension. When an extension is initialized, each error for that
// extension is added to the 'newErrorFuncs' map.
var newExtErrorFuncs = make(map[string]map[int]newErrorFun)
// extension is added to the 'NewErrorFuncs' map. It should not be used. It is
// exported for use in the extension sub-packages.
var NewExtErrorFuncs = make(map[string]map[int]NewErrorFun)
// eventOrError corresponds to values that can be either an event or an
// error.
@ -194,8 +207,8 @@ func (conn *Conn) generateXIds() {
// 00111000 & 11001000 = 00001000.
// And we use that value to increment the last resource id to get a new one.
// (And then, of course, we OR it with resource-id-base.)
inc := conn.Setup.ResourceIdMask & -conn.Setup.ResourceIdMask
max := conn.Setup.ResourceIdMask
inc := conn.setupResourceIdMask & -conn.setupResourceIdMask
max := conn.setupResourceIdMask
last := uint32(0)
for {
// TODO: Use the XC Misc extension to look for released ids.
@ -209,7 +222,7 @@ func (conn *Conn) generateXIds() {
last += inc
conn.xidChan <- xid{
id: last | conn.Setup.ResourceIdBase,
id: last | conn.setupResourceIdBase,
err: nil,
@ -244,14 +257,14 @@ func (c *Conn) generateSeqIds() {
// The cookie is used to match up the reply/error.
type request struct {
buf []byte
cookie *cookie
cookie *Cookie
// newRequest takes the bytes an a cookie, constructs a request type,
// NewRequest takes the bytes an a cookie, constructs a request type,
// and sends it over the Conn.reqChan channel.
// Note that the sequence number is added to the cookie after it is sent
// over the request channel.
func (c *Conn) newRequest(buf []byte, cookie *cookie) {
func (c *Conn) NewRequest(buf []byte, cookie *Cookie) {
c.reqChan <- &request{buf: buf, cookie: cookie}
@ -264,11 +277,11 @@ func (c *Conn) sendRequests() {
// Note that we circumvent the request channel, because we're *in*
// the request channel.
if len(c.cookieChan) == cookieBuffer-1 {
cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
cookie.Sequence = c.newSequenceId()
c.cookieChan <- cookie
GetInputFocusCookie{cookie}.Reply() // wait for the buffer to clear
cookie.Reply() // wait for the buffer to clear
req.cookie.Sequence = c.newSequenceId()
@ -315,7 +328,7 @@ func (c *Conn) readResponses() {
case 0: // This is an error
// Use the constructor function for this error (that is auto
// generated) by looking it up by the error number.
newErrFun, ok := newErrorFuncs[int(buf[1])]
newErrFun, ok := NewErrorFuncs[int(buf[1])]
if !ok {
logger.Printf("BUG: Could not find error constructor function "+
"for error with number %d.", buf[1])
@ -352,7 +365,7 @@ func (c *Conn) readResponses() {
// the most significant bit (which is set when it was sent from
// a SendEvent request).
evNum := int(buf[0] & 127)
newEventFun, ok := newEventFuncs[evNum]
newEventFun, ok := NewEventFuncs[evNum]
if !ok {
logger.Printf("BUG: Could not find event construct function "+
"for event with number %d.", evNum)
@ -5,30 +5,30 @@ import (
// stringsJoin is an alias to strings.Join. It allows us to avoid having to
// StringsJoin is an alias to strings.Join. It allows us to avoid having to
// import 'strings' in each of the generated Go files.
func stringsJoin(ss []string, sep string) string {
func StringsJoin(ss []string, sep string) string {
return strings.Join(ss, sep)
// sprintf is so we don't need to import 'fmt' in the generated Go files.
func sprintf(format string, v ...interface{}) string {
// Sprintf is so we don't need to import 'fmt' in the generated Go files.
func Sprintf(format string, v ...interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
// errorf is just a wrapper for fmt.Errorf. Exists for the same reason
// Errorf is just a wrapper for fmt.Errorf. Exists for the same reason
// that 'stringsJoin' and 'sprintf' exists.
func errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) error {
func Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) error {
return fmt.Errorf(format, v...)
// Pad a length to align on 4 bytes.
func pad(n int) int {
func Pad(n int) int {
return (n + 3) & ^3
// popCount counts the number of bits set in a value list mask.
func popCount(mask0 int) int {
func PopCount(mask0 int) int {
mask := uint32(mask0)
n := 0
for i := uint32(0); i < 32; i++ {
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import (
@ -49,10 +48,10 @@ func (c *Context) Morph(xmlBytes []byte) {
// Translate XML types to nice types
c.protocol = parsedXml.Translate()
c.protocol = parsedXml.Translate(nil)
// Start with Go header.
c.Putln("package xgb")
c.Putln("package %s", c.protocol.PkgName())
c.Putln("\tThis file was generated by %s.xml on %s.",
@ -61,44 +60,53 @@ func (c *Context) Morph(xmlBytes []byte) {
// Write imports in comments
if len(c.protocol.Imports) > 0 {
c.Putln("// Imports are not necessary for XGB because everything is ")
c.Putln("// in one package. They are still listed here for reference.")
for _, imp := range c.protocol.Imports {
c.Putln("// import \"%s\"", imp.Name)
// Write imports. We always need to import at least xgb.
// We also need to import xproto if it's an extension.
c.Putln("import (")
if c.protocol.isExt() {
for _, imp := range c.protocol.Imports {
// We always import xproto, so skip it if it's explicitly imported
if imp.Name == "xproto" {
c.Putln("\"github.com/BurntSushi/xgb/%s\"", imp.Name)
// If this is an extension, create a function to initialize the extension
// before it can be used.
if c.protocol.isExt() {
name := strings.Title(c.protocol.Name) + "Init"
xname := c.protocol.ExtXName
c.Putln("// %s must be called before using the %s extension.",
name, xname)
c.Putln("func (c *Conn) %s() error {", name)
c.Putln("reply, err := c.QueryExtension(%d, \"%s\").Reply()",
c.Putln("// Init must be called before using the %s extension.",
c.Putln("func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {")
c.Putln("reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, %d, \"%s\").Reply()",
len(xname), xname)
c.Putln("switch {")
c.Putln("case err != nil:")
c.Putln("return err")
c.Putln("case !reply.Present:")
c.Putln("return errorf(\"No extension named %s could be found on "+
c.Putln("return xgb.Errorf(\"No extension named %s could be found on "+
"on the server.\")", xname)
c.Putln("c.extensions[\"%s\"] = reply.MajorOpcode", xname)
c.Putln("for evNum, fun := range newExtEventFuncs[\"%s\"] {", xname)
c.Putln("newEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent) + evNum] = fun")
c.Putln("c.Extensions[\"%s\"] = reply.MajorOpcode", xname)
c.Putln("for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs[\"%s\"] {",
c.Putln("xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent) + evNum] = fun")
c.Putln("for errNum, fun := range newExtErrorFuncs[\"%s\"] {", xname)
c.Putln("newErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError) + errNum] = fun")
c.Putln("for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs[\"%s\"] {",
c.Putln("xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError) + errNum] = fun")
c.Putln("return nil")
@ -107,8 +115,26 @@ func (c *Context) Morph(xmlBytes []byte) {
// Make sure newExtEventFuncs["EXT_NAME"] map is initialized.
// Same deal for newExtErrorFuncs["EXT_NAME"]
c.Putln("func init() {")
c.Putln("newExtEventFuncs[\"%s\"] = make(map[int]newEventFun)", xname)
c.Putln("newExtErrorFuncs[\"%s\"] = make(map[int]newErrorFun)", xname)
c.Putln("xgb.NewExtEventFuncs[\"%s\"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)",
c.Putln("xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs[\"%s\"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)",
} else {
// In the xproto package, we must provide a Setup function that uses
// SetupBytes in xgb.Conn to return a SetupInfo structure.
c.Putln("// Setup parses the setup bytes retrieved when")
c.Putln("// connecting into a SetupInfo struct.")
c.Putln("func Setup(c *xgb.Conn) *SetupInfo {")
c.Putln("setup := new(SetupInfo)")
c.Putln("SetupInfoRead(c.SetupBytes, setup)")
c.Putln("return setup")
c.Putln("// DefaultScreen gets the default screen info from SetupInfo.")
c.Putln("func (s *SetupInfo) DefaultScreen(c *xgb.Conn) *ScreenInfo {")
c.Putln("return &s.Roots[c.DefaultScreen]")
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ func (e *Padding) Reduce(prefix string) string {
if e.Concrete() {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", e.Eval())
return fmt.Sprintf("pad(%s)", e.Expr.Reduce(prefix))
return fmt.Sprintf("xgb.Pad(%s)", e.Expr.Reduce(prefix))
func (e *Padding) String() string {
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ func (e *PopCount) Reduce(prefix string) string {
if e.Concrete() {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", e.Eval())
return fmt.Sprintf("popCount(%s)", e.Expr.Reduce(prefix))
return fmt.Sprintf("xgb.PopCount(%s)", e.Expr.Reduce(prefix))
func (e *PopCount) String() string {
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ func (f *ValueField) SrcType() string {
func (f *ValueField) Size() Size {
maskSize := f.MaskType.Size()
listSize := newExpressionSize(&Function{
Name: "pad",
Name: "xgb.Pad",
Expr: &BinaryOp{
Op: "*",
Expr1: &Value{v: 4},
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ func (enum *Enum) Define(c *Context) {
func (res *Resource) Define(c *Context) {
c.Putln("type %s uint32", res.SrcName())
c.Putln("func (c *Conn) New%sId() (%s, error) {",
c.Putln("func New%sId(c *xgb.Conn) (%s, error) {",
res.SrcName(), res.SrcName())
c.Putln("id, err := c.NewId()")
c.Putln("if err != nil {")
@ -167,10 +167,10 @@ func (f *ValueField) Read(c *Context, prefix string) {
c.Putln("%s%s = make([]uint32, %s)",
prefix, f.ListName, f.ListLength().Reduce(prefix))
c.Putln("for i := 0; i < %s; i++ {", f.ListLength().Reduce(prefix))
c.Putln("%s%s[i] = Get32(buf[b:])", prefix, f.ListName)
c.Putln("%s%s[i] = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])", prefix, f.ListName)
c.Putln("b += 4")
c.Putln("b = pad(b)")
c.Putln("b = xgb.Pad(b)")
func (f *ValueField) Write(c *Context, prefix string) {
@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ func (f *ValueField) Write(c *Context, prefix string) {
fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", prefix, f.MaskName), f.MaskType)
c.Putln("for i := 0; i < %s; i++ {", f.ListLength().Reduce(prefix))
c.Putln("Put32(buf[b:], %s%s[i])", prefix, f.ListName)
c.Putln("xgb.Put32(buf[b:], %s%s[i])", prefix, f.ListName)
c.Putln("b += 4")
c.Putln("b = pad(b)")
c.Putln("b = xgb.Pad(b)")
// Switch field
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ func (e *Error) Define(c *Context) {
// Let's the XGB event loop read this error.
c.Putln("func init() {")
if c.protocol.isExt() {
c.Putln("newExtErrorFuncs[\"%s\"][%d] = New%s",
c.Putln("xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs[\"%s\"][%d] = %sNew",
c.protocol.ExtXName, e.Number, e.ErrType())
} else {
c.Putln("newErrorFuncs[%d] = New%s", e.Number, e.ErrType())
c.Putln("xgb.NewErrorFuncs[%d] = %sNew", e.Number, e.ErrType())
@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ func (e *Error) Define(c *Context) {
func (e *Error) Read(c *Context) {
c.Putln("// Error read %s", e.SrcName())
c.Putln("func New%s(buf []byte) Error {", e.ErrType())
c.Putln("func %sNew(buf []byte) xgb.Error {", e.ErrType())
c.Putln("v := %s{}", e.ErrType())
c.Putln("v.NiceName = \"%s\"", e.SrcName())
c.Putln("b := 1 // skip error determinant")
c.Putln("b += 1 // don't read error number")
c.Putln("v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])")
c.Putln("v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])")
c.Putln("b += 2")
for _, field := range e.Fields {
@ -101,18 +101,18 @@ func (e *ErrorCopy) Define(c *Context) {
// Let's the XGB know how to read this error.
c.Putln("func init() {")
if c.protocol.isExt() {
c.Putln("newExtErrorFuncs[\"%s\"][%d] = New%s",
c.Putln("xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs[\"%s\"][%d] = %sNew",
c.protocol.ExtXName, e.Number, e.ErrType())
} else {
c.Putln("newErrorFuncs[%d] = New%s", e.Number, e.ErrType())
c.Putln("xgb.NewErrorFuncs[%d] = %sNew", e.Number, e.ErrType())
func (e *ErrorCopy) Read(c *Context) {
c.Putln("func New%s(buf []byte) Error {", e.ErrType())
c.Putln("v := %s(New%s(buf).(%s))",
c.Putln("func %sNew(buf []byte) xgb.Error {", e.ErrType())
c.Putln("v := %s(%sNew(buf).(%s))",
e.ErrType(), e.Old.(*Error).ErrType(), e.Old.(*Error).ErrType())
c.Putln("v.NiceName = \"%s\"", e.SrcName())
c.Putln("return v")
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ func ErrorFieldString(c *Context, fields []Field, errName string) {
c.Putln("fieldVals := make([]string, 0, %d)", len(fields))
c.Putln("fieldVals = append(fieldVals, \"NiceName: \" + err.NiceName)")
c.Putln("fieldVals = append(fieldVals, "+
"sprintf(\"Sequence: %s\", err.Sequence))", "%d")
"xgb.Sprintf(\"Sequence: %s\", err.Sequence))", "%d")
for _, field := range fields {
switch field.(type) {
case *PadField:
@ -158,11 +158,12 @@ func ErrorFieldString(c *Context, fields []Field, errName string) {
c.Putln("fieldVals = append(fieldVals, \"%s: \" + err.%s)",
field.SrcName(), field.SrcName())
} else {
format := fmt.Sprintf("sprintf(\"%s: %s\", err.%s)",
format := fmt.Sprintf("xgb.Sprintf(\"%s: %s\", err.%s)",
field.SrcName(), "%d", field.SrcName())
c.Putln("fieldVals = append(fieldVals, %s)", format)
c.Putln("return \"%s {\" + stringsJoin(fieldVals, \", \") + \"}\"", errName)
c.Putln("return \"%s {\" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, \", \") + \"}\"",
@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ func (e *Event) Define(c *Context) {
// Let's the XGB event loop read this event.
c.Putln("func init() {")
if c.protocol.isExt() {
c.Putln("newExtEventFuncs[\"%s\"][%d] = New%s",
c.Putln("xgb.NewExtEventFuncs[\"%s\"][%d] = %sNew",
c.protocol.ExtXName, e.Number, e.EvType())
} else {
c.Putln("newEventFuncs[%d] = New%s", e.Number, e.EvType())
c.Putln("xgb.NewEventFuncs[%d] = %sNew", e.Number, e.EvType())
@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ func (e *Event) Define(c *Context) {
func (e *Event) Read(c *Context) {
c.Putln("// Event read %s", e.SrcName())
c.Putln("func New%s(buf []byte) Event {", e.EvType())
c.Putln("func %sNew(buf []byte) xgb.Event {", e.EvType())
c.Putln("v := %s{}", e.EvType())
c.Putln("b := 1 // don't read event number")
for i, field := range e.Fields {
if i == 1 && !e.NoSequence {
c.Putln("v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])")
c.Putln("v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])")
c.Putln("b += 2")
@ -136,18 +136,18 @@ func (e *EventCopy) Define(c *Context) {
// Let's the XGB event loop read this event.
c.Putln("func init() {")
if c.protocol.isExt() {
c.Putln("newExtEventFuncs[\"%s\"][%d] = New%s",
c.Putln("xgb.NewExtEventFuncs[\"%s\"][%d] = %sNew",
c.protocol.ExtXName, e.Number, e.EvType())
} else {
c.Putln("newEventFuncs[%d] = New%s", e.Number, e.EvType())
c.Putln("xgb.NewEventFuncs[%d] = %sNew", e.Number, e.EvType())
func (e *EventCopy) Read(c *Context) {
c.Putln("func New%s(buf []byte) Event {", e.EvType())
c.Putln("return %s(New%s(buf).(%s))",
c.Putln("func %sNew(buf []byte) xgb.Event {", e.EvType())
c.Putln("return %s(%sNew(buf).(%s))",
e.EvType(), e.Old.(*Event).EvType(), e.Old.(*Event).EvType())
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ func EventFieldString(c *Context, fields []Field, evName string) {
c.Putln("fieldVals := make([]string, 0, %d)", len(fields))
if evName != "KeymapNotify" {
c.Putln("fieldVals = append(fieldVals, "+
"sprintf(\"Sequence: %s\", v.Sequence))", "%d")
"xgb.Sprintf(\"Sequence: %s\", v.Sequence))", "%d")
for _, field := range fields {
switch f := field.(type) {
@ -183,19 +183,20 @@ func EventFieldString(c *Context, fields []Field, evName string) {
switch field.SrcType() {
case "string":
format := fmt.Sprintf("sprintf(\"%s: %s\", v.%s)",
format := fmt.Sprintf("xgb.Sprintf(\"%s: %s\", v.%s)",
field.SrcName(), "%s", field.SrcName())
c.Putln("fieldVals = append(fieldVals, %s)", format)
case "bool":
format := fmt.Sprintf("sprintf(\"%s: %s\", v.%s)",
format := fmt.Sprintf("xgb.Sprintf(\"%s: %s\", v.%s)",
field.SrcName(), "%t", field.SrcName())
c.Putln("fieldVals = append(fieldVals, %s)", format)
format := fmt.Sprintf("sprintf(\"%s: %s\", v.%s)",
format := fmt.Sprintf("xgb.Sprintf(\"%s: %s\", v.%s)",
field.SrcName(), "%d", field.SrcName())
c.Putln("fieldVals = append(fieldVals, %s)", format)
c.Putln("return \"%s {\" + stringsJoin(fieldVals, \", \") + \"}\"", evName)
c.Putln("return \"%s {\" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, \", \") + \"}\"",
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ func (f *ListField) Read(c *Context, prefix string) {
c.Putln("for i := 0; i < int(%s); i++ {", length)
ReadSimpleSingleField(c, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s[i]", prefix, f.SrcName()), t)
c.Putln("b = pad(b)")
c.Putln("b = xgb.Pad(b)")
case *Base:
length := f.LengthExpr.Reduce(prefix)
if strings.ToLower(t.XmlName()) == "char" {
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ func (f *ListField) Read(c *Context, prefix string) {
c.Putln("byteString := make([]%s, %s)", t.SrcName(), length)
c.Putln("copy(byteString[:%s], buf[b:])", length)
c.Putln("%s%s = string(byteString)", prefix, f.SrcName())
c.Putln("b += pad(int(%s))", length)
c.Putln("b += xgb.Pad(int(%s))", length)
} else if t.SrcName() == "byte" {
c.Putln("%s%s = make([]%s, %s)",
prefix, f.SrcName(), t.SrcName(), length)
c.Putln("copy(%s%s[:%s], buf[b:])", prefix, f.SrcName(), length)
c.Putln("b += pad(int(%s))", length)
c.Putln("b += xgb.Pad(int(%s))", length)
} else {
c.Putln("%s%s = make([]%s, %s)",
prefix, f.SrcName(), t.SrcName(), length)
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ func (f *ListField) Read(c *Context, prefix string) {
fmt.Sprintf("%s%s[i]", prefix, f.SrcName()), t)
c.Putln("b = pad(b)")
c.Putln("b = xgb.Pad(b)")
case *TypeDef:
length := f.LengthExpr.Reduce(prefix)
@ -52,16 +52,16 @@ func (f *ListField) Read(c *Context, prefix string) {
c.Putln("for i := 0; i < int(%s); i++ {", length)
ReadSimpleSingleField(c, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s[i]", prefix, f.SrcName()), t)
c.Putln("b = pad(b)")
c.Putln("b = xgb.Pad(b)")
case *Union:
c.Putln("%s%s = make([]%s, %s)",
prefix, f.SrcName(), t.SrcName(), f.LengthExpr.Reduce(prefix))
c.Putln("b += Read%sList(buf[b:], %s%s)",
c.Putln("b += %sReadList(buf[b:], %s%s)",
t.SrcName(), prefix, f.SrcName())
case *Struct:
c.Putln("%s%s = make([]%s, %s)",
prefix, f.SrcName(), t.SrcName(), f.LengthExpr.Reduce(prefix))
c.Putln("b += Read%sList(buf[b:], %s%s)",
c.Putln("b += %sReadList(buf[b:], %s%s)",
t.SrcName(), prefix, f.SrcName())
log.Panicf("Cannot read list field '%s' with %T type.",
@ -77,18 +77,18 @@ func (f *ListField) Write(c *Context, prefix string) {
fmt.Sprintf("%s%s[i]", prefix, f.SrcName()), t)
c.Putln("b = pad(b)")
c.Putln("b = xgb.Pad(b)")
case *Base:
length := f.Length().Reduce(prefix)
if t.SrcName() == "byte" {
c.Putln("copy(buf[b:], %s%s[:%s])", prefix, f.SrcName(), length)
c.Putln("b += pad(int(%s))", length)
c.Putln("b += xgb.Pad(int(%s))", length)
} else {
c.Putln("for i := 0; i < int(%s); i++ {", length)
fmt.Sprintf("%s%s[i]", prefix, f.SrcName()), t)
c.Putln("b = pad(b)")
c.Putln("b = xgb.Pad(b)")
case *TypeDef:
length := f.Length().Reduce(prefix)
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ func (f *ListField) Write(c *Context, prefix string) {
fmt.Sprintf("%s%s[i]", prefix, f.SrcName()), t)
c.Putln("b = pad(b)")
c.Putln("b = xgb.Pad(b)")
case *Union:
c.Putln("b += %sListBytes(buf[b:], %s%s)",
t.SrcName(), prefix, f.SrcName())
@ -9,22 +9,22 @@ func (r *Request) Define(c *Context) {
c.Putln("// Request %s", r.SrcName())
c.Putln("// size: %s", r.Size(c))
c.Putln("type %s struct {", r.CookieName())
if r.Reply != nil {
c.Putln("func (c *Conn) %s(%s) %s {",
c.Putln("func %s(c *xgb.Conn, %s) %s {",
r.SrcName(), r.ParamNameTypes(), r.CookieName())
c.Putln("cookie := c.newCookie(true, true)")
c.Putln("c.newRequest(c.%s(%s), cookie)", r.ReqName(), r.ParamNames())
c.Putln("cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)")
c.Putln("c.NewRequest(%s(c, %s), cookie)", r.ReqName(), r.ParamNames())
c.Putln("return %s{cookie}", r.CookieName())
c.Putln("func (c *Conn) %sUnchecked(%s) %s {",
c.Putln("func %sUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, %s) %s {",
r.SrcName(), r.ParamNameTypes(), r.CookieName())
c.Putln("cookie := c.newCookie(false, true)")
c.Putln("c.newRequest(c.%s(%s), cookie)", r.ReqName(), r.ParamNames())
c.Putln("cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)")
c.Putln("c.NewRequest(%s(c, %s), cookie)", r.ReqName(), r.ParamNames())
c.Putln("return %s{cookie}", r.CookieName())
@ -32,27 +32,27 @@ func (r *Request) Define(c *Context) {
} else {
c.Putln("// Write request to wire for %s", r.SrcName())
c.Putln("func (c *Conn) %s(%s) %s {",
c.Putln("func %s(c *xgb.Conn, %s) %s {",
r.SrcName(), r.ParamNameTypes(), r.CookieName())
c.Putln("cookie := c.newCookie(false, false)")
c.Putln("c.newRequest(c.%s(%s), cookie)", r.ReqName(), r.ParamNames())
c.Putln("cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)")
c.Putln("c.NewRequest(%s(c, %s), cookie)", r.ReqName(), r.ParamNames())
c.Putln("return %s{cookie}", r.CookieName())
c.Putln("func (c *Conn) %sChecked(%s) %s {",
c.Putln("func %sChecked(c *xgb.Conn, %s) %s {",
r.SrcName(), r.ParamNameTypes(), r.CookieName())
c.Putln("cookie := c.newCookie(true, false)")
c.Putln("c.newRequest(c.%s(%s), cookie)", r.ReqName(), r.ParamNames())
c.Putln("cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)")
c.Putln("c.NewRequest(%s(c, %s), cookie)", r.ReqName(), r.ParamNames())
c.Putln("return %s{cookie}", r.CookieName())
c.Putln("func (cook %s) Check() error {", r.CookieName())
c.Putln("return cook.Cookie.Check()")
c.Putln("func (cook %s) Check() error {", r.CookieName())
c.Putln("return cook.check()")
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ func (r *Request) ReadReply(c *Context) {
c.Putln("// Waits and reads reply data from request %s", r.SrcName())
c.Putln("func (cook %s) Reply() (*%s, error) {",
r.CookieName(), r.ReplyTypeName())
c.Putln("buf, err := cook.reply()")
c.Putln("buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()")
c.Putln("if err != nil {")
c.Putln("return nil, err")
@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ func (r *Request) ReadReply(c *Context) {
field.Read(c, "v.")
if i == 0 {
c.Putln("v.Sequence = Get16(buf[b:])")
c.Putln("v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])")
c.Putln("b += 2")
c.Putln("v.Length = Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units")
c.Putln("v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units")
c.Putln("b += 4")
@ -107,19 +107,20 @@ func (r *Request) ReadReply(c *Context) {
func (r *Request) WriteRequest(c *Context) {
writeSize := func() {
c.Putln("Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size / 4)) " +
c.Putln("xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size / 4)) " +
"// write request size in 4-byte units")
c.Putln("b += 2")
c.Putln("// Write request to wire for %s", r.SrcName())
c.Putln("func (c *Conn) %s(%s) []byte {", r.ReqName(), r.ParamNameTypes())
c.Putln("func %s(c *xgb.Conn, %s) []byte {",
r.ReqName(), r.ParamNameTypes())
c.Putln("size := %s", r.Size(c))
c.Putln("b := 0")
c.Putln("buf := make([]byte, size)")
if c.protocol.isExt() {
c.Putln("buf[b] = c.extensions[\"%s\"]",
c.Putln("buf[b] = c.Extensions[\"%s\"]",
c.Putln("b += 1")
@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ func (r *Request) ParamNames() string {
names = append(names, fmt.Sprintf("%s", field.SrcName()))
return strings.Join(names, ",")
return strings.Join(names, ", ")
func (r *Request) ParamNameTypes() string {
@ -189,5 +190,5 @@ func (r *Request) ParamNameTypes() string {
fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", field.SrcName(), field.SrcType()))
return strings.Join(nameTypes, ",")
return strings.Join(nameTypes, ", ")
@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ func (f *SingleField) Define(c *Context) {
func ReadSimpleSingleField(c *Context, name string, typ Type) {
switch t := typ.(type) {
case *Resource:
c.Putln("%s = %s(Get32(buf[b:]))", name, t.SrcName())
c.Putln("%s = %s(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))", name, t.SrcName())
case *TypeDef:
switch t.Size().Eval() {
case 1:
c.Putln("%s = %s(buf[b])", name, t.SrcName())
case 2:
c.Putln("%s = %s(Get16(buf[b:]))", name, t.SrcName())
c.Putln("%s = %s(xgb.Get16(buf[b:]))", name, t.SrcName())
case 4:
c.Putln("%s = %s(Get32(buf[b:]))", name, t.SrcName())
c.Putln("%s = %s(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))", name, t.SrcName())
case 8:
c.Putln("%s = %s(Get64(buf[b:]))", name, t.SrcName())
c.Putln("%s = %s(xgb.Get64(buf[b:]))", name, t.SrcName())
case *Base:
// If this is a bool, stop short and do something special.
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ func ReadSimpleSingleField(c *Context, name string, typ Type) {
case 1:
val = fmt.Sprintf("buf[b]")
case 2:
val = fmt.Sprintf("Get16(buf[b:])")
val = fmt.Sprintf("xgb.Get16(buf[b:])")
case 4:
val = fmt.Sprintf("Get32(buf[b:])")
val = fmt.Sprintf("xgb.Get32(buf[b:])")
case 8:
val = fmt.Sprintf("Get64(buf[b:])")
val = fmt.Sprintf("xgb.Get64(buf[b:])")
// We need to convert base types if they aren't uintXX or byte
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ func (f *SingleField) Read(c *Context, prefix string) {
ReadSimpleSingleField(c, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", prefix, f.SrcName()), t)
case *Struct:
c.Putln("%s%s = %s{}", prefix, f.SrcName(), t.SrcName())
c.Putln("b += Read%s(buf[b:], &%s%s)", t.SrcName(), prefix, f.SrcName())
c.Putln("b += %sRead(buf[b:], &%s%s)", t.SrcName(), prefix, f.SrcName())
case *Union:
c.Putln("%s%s = %s{}", prefix, f.SrcName(), t.SrcName())
c.Putln("b += Read%s(buf[b:], &%s%s)", t.SrcName(), prefix, f.SrcName())
c.Putln("b += %sRead(buf[b:], &%s%s)", t.SrcName(), prefix, f.SrcName())
log.Panicf("Cannot read field '%s' with %T type.", f.XmlName(), f.Type)
@ -83,17 +83,17 @@ func (f *SingleField) Read(c *Context, prefix string) {
func WriteSimpleSingleField(c *Context, name string, typ Type) {
switch t := typ.(type) {
case *Resource:
c.Putln("Put32(buf[b:], uint32(%s))", name)
c.Putln("xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(%s))", name)
case *TypeDef:
switch t.Size().Eval() {
case 1:
c.Putln("buf[b] = byte(%s)", name)
case 2:
c.Putln("Put16(buf[b:], uint16(%s))", name)
c.Putln("xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(%s))", name)
case 4:
c.Putln("Put32(buf[b:], uint32(%s))", name)
c.Putln("xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(%s))", name)
case 8:
c.Putln("Put64(buf[b:], uint64(%s))", name)
c.Putln("xgb.Put64(buf[b:], uint64(%s))", name)
case *Base:
// If this is a bool, stop short and do something special.
@ -115,21 +115,21 @@ func WriteSimpleSingleField(c *Context, name string, typ Type) {
case 2:
if t.SrcName() != "uint16" {
c.Putln("Put16(buf[b:], uint16(%s))", name)
c.Putln("xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(%s))", name)
} else {
c.Putln("Put16(buf[b:], %s)", name)
c.Putln("xgb.Put16(buf[b:], %s)", name)
case 4:
if t.SrcName() != "uint32" {
c.Putln("Put32(buf[b:], uint32(%s))", name)
c.Putln("xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(%s))", name)
} else {
c.Putln("Put32(buf[b:], %s)", name)
c.Putln("xgb.Put32(buf[b:], %s)", name)
case 8:
if t.SrcName() != "uint64" {
c.Putln("Put64(buf[b:], uint64(%s))", name)
c.Putln("xgb.Put64(buf[b:], uint64(%s))", name)
} else {
c.Putln("Put64(buf[b:], %s)", name)
c.Putln("xgb.Put64(buf[b:], %s)", name)
@ -152,13 +152,13 @@ func (f *SingleField) Write(c *Context, prefix string) {
c.Putln("unionBytes := %s%s.Bytes()", prefix, f.SrcName())
c.Putln("copy(buf[b:], unionBytes)")
c.Putln("b += pad(len(unionBytes))")
c.Putln("b += xgb.Pad(len(unionBytes))")
case *Struct:
c.Putln("structBytes := %s%s.Bytes()", prefix, f.SrcName())
c.Putln("copy(buf[b:], structBytes)")
c.Putln("b += pad(len(structBytes))")
c.Putln("b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))")
log.Fatalf("Cannot read field '%s' with %T type.", f.XmlName(), f.Type)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ func (s *Struct) Define(c *Context) {
// 'ReadStructName' should only be used to read raw reply data from the wire.
func (s *Struct) Read(c *Context) {
c.Putln("// Struct read %s", s.SrcName())
c.Putln("func Read%s(buf []byte, v *%s) int {", s.SrcName(), s.SrcName())
c.Putln("func %sRead(buf []byte, v *%s) int {", s.SrcName(), s.SrcName())
c.Putln("b := 0")
@ -54,16 +54,16 @@ func (s *Struct) Read(c *Context) {
// the number of bytes read from the byte slice.
func (s *Struct) ReadList(c *Context) {
c.Putln("// Struct list read %s", s.SrcName())
c.Putln("func Read%sList(buf []byte, dest []%s) int {",
c.Putln("func %sReadList(buf []byte, dest []%s) int {",
s.SrcName(), s.SrcName())
c.Putln("b := 0")
c.Putln("for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {")
c.Putln("dest[i] = %s{}", s.SrcName())
c.Putln("b += Read%s(buf[b:], &dest[i])", s.SrcName())
c.Putln("b += %sRead(buf[b:], &dest[i])", s.SrcName())
c.Putln("return pad(b)")
c.Putln("return xgb.Pad(b)")
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ func (s *Struct) WriteList(c *Context) {
c.Putln("for _, item := range list {")
c.Putln("structBytes = item.Bytes()")
c.Putln("copy(buf[b:], structBytes)")
c.Putln("b += pad(len(structBytes))")
c.Putln("b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))")
c.Putln("return b")
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ func (u *Union) Define(c *Context) {
c.Putln("// Instead use one of the following constructors for '%s':",
for _, field := range u.Fields {
c.Putln("// New%s%s(%s %s) %s", u.SrcName(), field.SrcName(),
c.Putln("// %s%sNew(%s %s) %s", u.SrcName(), field.SrcName(),
field.SrcName(), field.SrcType(), u.SrcName())
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func (u *Union) New(c *Context) {
for _, field := range u.Fields {
c.Putln("// Union constructor for %s for field %s.",
u.SrcName(), field.SrcName())
c.Putln("func New%s%s(%s %s) %s {",
c.Putln("func %s%sNew(%s %s) %s {",
u.SrcName(), field.SrcName(), field.SrcName(),
field.SrcType(), u.SrcName())
c.Putln("var b int")
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ func (u *Union) New(c *Context) {
func (u *Union) Read(c *Context) {
c.Putln("// Union read %s", u.SrcName())
c.Putln("func Read%s(buf []byte, v *%s) int {", u.SrcName(), u.SrcName())
c.Putln("func %sRead(buf []byte, v *%s) int {", u.SrcName(), u.SrcName())
c.Putln("var b int")
for _, field := range u.Fields {
@ -81,14 +81,14 @@ func (u *Union) Read(c *Context) {
func (u *Union) ReadList(c *Context) {
c.Putln("// Union list read %s", u.SrcName())
c.Putln("func Read%sList(buf []byte, dest []%s) int {",
c.Putln("func %sReadList(buf []byte, dest []%s) int {",
u.SrcName(), u.SrcName())
c.Putln("b := 0")
c.Putln("for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {")
c.Putln("dest[i] = %s{}", u.SrcName())
c.Putln("b += Read%s(buf[b:], &dest[i])", u.SrcName())
c.Putln("b += %sRead(buf[b:], &dest[i])", u.SrcName())
c.Putln("return pad(b)")
c.Putln("return xgb.Pad(b)")
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func (u *Union) WriteList(c *Context) {
c.Putln("for _, item := range list {")
c.Putln("unionBytes = item.Bytes()")
c.Putln("copy(buf[b:], unionBytes)")
c.Putln("b += pad(len(unionBytes))")
c.Putln("b += xgb.Pad(len(unionBytes))")
c.Putln("return b")
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package main
import (
@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ import (
// if this protocol imports other other extensions. The import relationship
// is recursive.
type Protocol struct {
Parent *Protocol
Name string
ExtXName string
ExtName string
@ -33,6 +35,28 @@ func (p *Protocol) Initialize() {
// PkgName returns the name of this package.
// i.e., 'xproto' for the core X protocol, 'randr' for the RandR extension, etc.
func (p *Protocol) PkgName() string {
return strings.Replace(p.Name, "_", "", -1)
// ProtocolGet searches the current context for the protocol with the given
// name. (i.e., the current protocol and its imports.)
// It is an error if one is not found.
func (p *Protocol) ProtocolFind(name string) *Protocol {
if p.Name == name {
return p // that was easy
for _, imp := range p.Imports {
if imp.Name == name {
return imp
log.Panicf("Could not find protocol with name '%s'.", name)
// isExt returns true if this protocol is an extension.
// i.e., it's name isn't "xproto".
func (p *Protocol) isExt() bool {
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package main
import (
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ type Request struct {
func (r *Request) Initialize(p *Protocol) {
r.srcName = SrcName(p, r.xmlName)
if p.isExt() {
r.srcName = strings.Title(strings.ToLower(p.Name)) + r.srcName
r.srcName = r.srcName
if r.Reply != nil {
@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ import (
func (xml *XML) Translate() *Protocol {
func (xml *XML) Translate(parent *Protocol) *Protocol {
protocol := &Protocol{
Parent: parent,
Name: xml.Header,
ExtXName: xml.ExtensionXName,
ExtName: xml.ExtensionName,
@ -33,7 +34,8 @@ func (xml *XML) Translate() *Protocol {
for _, imp := range xml.Imports {
if imp.xml != nil {
protocol.Imports = append(protocol.Imports, imp.xml.Translate())
protocol.Imports = append(protocol.Imports,
@ -209,7 +211,7 @@ func (x *XMLRequest) Translate() *Request {
// The XML protocol description references 'string_len' in the
// computation of the 'odd_length' field. However, 'string_len' is not
// defined. Therefore, let's forcefully add it as a 'local field'.
// (i.e., a parameter in the caller but does not get send over the wire.)
// (i.e., a parameter in the caller but does not get sent over the wire.)
if x.Name == "QueryTextExtents" {
stringLenLocal := &LocalField{&SingleField{
xmlName: "string_len",
@ -399,27 +401,15 @@ func TypeSrcName(p *Protocol, typ Type) string {
if colon := strings.Index(t, ":"); colon > -1 {
namespace := t[:colon]
rest := t[colon+1:]
return splitAndTitle(namespace) + splitAndTitle(rest)
return p.ProtocolFind(namespace).PkgName() + "." + splitAndTitle(rest)
// Since there is no namespace, we need to look for a namespace
// in the current context.
niceType := splitAndTitle(t)
if p.isExt() {
for _, typ2 := range p.Types {
if t == typ2.XmlName() {
return strings.Title(p.Name) + niceType
for _, imp := range p.Imports {
for _, typ2 := range imp.Types {
if t == typ2.XmlName() {
return strings.Title(imp.Name) + niceType
// Since there's no namespace, we're left with the raw type name.
// If the type is part of the source we're generating (i.e., there is
// no parent protocol), then just return that type name.
// Otherwise, we must qualify it with a package name.
if p.Parent == nil {
return splitAndTitle(t)
// We couldn't find one, so return it without a prefix.
return niceType
return p.PkgName() + "." + splitAndTitle(t)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
package xinerama
This file was generated by xinerama.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:28pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the XINERAMA extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 8, "XINERAMA").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named XINERAMA could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["XINERAMA"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["XINERAMA"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XINERAMA"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["XINERAMA"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XINERAMA"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// 'ScreenInfo' struct definition
// Size: 8
type ScreenInfo struct {
XOrg int16
YOrg int16
Width uint16
Height uint16
// Struct read ScreenInfo
func ScreenInfoRead(buf []byte, v *ScreenInfo) int {
b := 0
v.XOrg = int16(xgb.Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.YOrg = int16(xgb.Get16(buf[b:]))
b += 2
v.Width = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Height = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return b
// Struct list read ScreenInfo
func ScreenInfoReadList(buf []byte, dest []ScreenInfo) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = ScreenInfo{}
b += ScreenInfoRead(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return xgb.Pad(b)
// Struct write ScreenInfo
func (v ScreenInfo) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
b := 0
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(v.XOrg))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(v.YOrg))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.Width)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.Height)
b += 2
return buf
// Write struct list ScreenInfo
func ScreenInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []ScreenInfo) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// Request QueryVersion
// size: 8
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, Major, Minor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, Major, Minor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryVersion
// size: 12
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Major uint16
Minor uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryVersion
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryVersion
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Major = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Minor = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = Major
b += 1
buf[b] = Minor
b += 1
return buf
// Request GetState
// size: 8
type GetStateCookie struct {
func GetState(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetStateCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getStateRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetStateCookie{cookie}
func GetStateUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetStateCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getStateRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetStateCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetState
// size: 12
type GetStateReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
State byte
Window xproto.Window
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetState
func (cook GetStateCookie) Reply() (*GetStateReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getStateReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetState
func getStateReply(buf []byte) *GetStateReply {
v := new(GetStateReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.State = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Window = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for GetState
func getStateRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// Request GetScreenCount
// size: 8
type GetScreenCountCookie struct {
func GetScreenCount(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetScreenCountCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getScreenCountRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetScreenCountCookie{cookie}
func GetScreenCountUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetScreenCountCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getScreenCountRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetScreenCountCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetScreenCount
// size: 12
type GetScreenCountReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
ScreenCount byte
Window xproto.Window
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetScreenCount
func (cook GetScreenCountCookie) Reply() (*GetScreenCountReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getScreenCountReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetScreenCount
func getScreenCountReply(buf []byte) *GetScreenCountReply {
v := new(GetScreenCountReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.ScreenCount = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Window = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for GetScreenCount
func getScreenCountRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// Request GetScreenSize
// size: 12
type GetScreenSizeCookie struct {
func GetScreenSize(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Screen uint32) GetScreenSizeCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getScreenSizeRequest(c, Window, Screen), cookie)
return GetScreenSizeCookie{cookie}
func GetScreenSizeUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Screen uint32) GetScreenSizeCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getScreenSizeRequest(c, Window, Screen), cookie)
return GetScreenSizeCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetScreenSize
// size: 24
type GetScreenSizeReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Width uint32
Height uint32
Window xproto.Window
Screen uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetScreenSize
func (cook GetScreenSizeCookie) Reply() (*GetScreenSizeReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getScreenSizeReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetScreenSize
func getScreenSizeReply(buf []byte) *GetScreenSizeReply {
v := new(GetScreenSizeReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Width = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Height = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Window = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Screen = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for GetScreenSize
func getScreenSizeRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Screen uint32) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Screen)
b += 4
return buf
// Request IsActive
// size: 4
type IsActiveCookie struct {
func IsActive(c *xgb.Conn) IsActiveCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(isActiveRequest(c), cookie)
return IsActiveCookie{cookie}
func IsActiveUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) IsActiveCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(isActiveRequest(c), cookie)
return IsActiveCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for IsActive
// size: 12
type IsActiveReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
State uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request IsActive
func (cook IsActiveCookie) Reply() (*IsActiveReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return isActiveReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for IsActive
func isActiveReply(buf []byte) *IsActiveReply {
v := new(IsActiveReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.State = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for IsActive
func isActiveRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request QueryScreens
// size: 4
type QueryScreensCookie struct {
func QueryScreens(c *xgb.Conn) QueryScreensCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryScreensRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryScreensCookie{cookie}
func QueryScreensUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryScreensCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryScreensRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryScreensCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryScreens
// size: (32 + xgb.Pad((int(Number) * 8)))
type QueryScreensReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Number uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
ScreenInfo []ScreenInfo // size: xgb.Pad((int(Number) * 8))
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryScreens
func (cook QueryScreensCookie) Reply() (*QueryScreensReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryScreensReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryScreens
func queryScreensReply(buf []byte) *QueryScreensReply {
v := new(QueryScreensReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Number = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.ScreenInfo = make([]ScreenInfo, v.Number)
b += ScreenInfoReadList(buf[b:], v.ScreenInfo)
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryScreens
func queryScreensRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package xgb
package xproto
Tests for XGB.
@ -21,17 +21,19 @@ import (
// The X connection used throughout testing.
var X *Conn
var X *xgb.Conn
// init initializes the X connection, seeds the RNG and starts waiting
// for events.
func init() {
var err error
X, err = NewConn()
X, err = xgb.NewConn()
if err != nil {
@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ func init() {
// TestSynchronousError purposefully causes a BadWindow error in a
// MapWindow request, and checks it synchronously.
func TestSynchronousError(t *testing.T) {
err := X.MapWindowChecked(0).Check() // resource id 0 is always invalid
err := MapWindowChecked(X, 0).Check() // resource 0 is always invalid
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("MapWindow: A MapWindow request that should return an " +
"error has returned a nil error.")
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ func TestSynchronousError(t *testing.T) {
// TestAsynchronousError does the same thing as TestSynchronousError, but
// grabs the error asynchronously instead.
func TestAsynchronousError(t *testing.T) {
X.MapWindow(0) // resource id 0 is always invalid
MapWindow(X, 0) // resource id 0 is always invalid
evOrErr := waitForEvent(t, 5)
if evOrErr.ev != nil {
@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ func TestAsynchronousError(t *testing.T) {
func TestCookieBuffer(t *testing.T) {
n := (1 << 16) + 10
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ func TestCookieBuffer(t *testing.T) {
func TestSequenceWrap(t *testing.T) {
n := (1 << 16) + 10
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
_, err := X.InternAtom(false, 5, "RANDO").Reply()
_, err := InternAtom(X, false, 5, "RANDO").Reply()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("InternAtom: %s", err)
@ -127,13 +129,13 @@ func TestWindowEvents(t *testing.T) {
// The geometry to set the window.
gx, gy, gw, gh := 200, 400, 1000, 300
wid, err := X.NewWindowId()
wid, err := NewWindowId(X)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewId: %s", err)
screen := X.DefaultScreen() // alias
err = X.CreateWindowChecked(screen.RootDepth, wid, screen.Root,
screen := Setup(X).DefaultScreen(X) // alias
err = CreateWindowChecked(X, screen.RootDepth, wid, screen.Root,
0, 0, 500, 500, 0,
WindowClassInputOutput, screen.RootVisual,
CwBackPixel|CwOverrideRedirect, []uint32{0xffffffff, 1}).Check()
@ -141,20 +143,20 @@ func TestWindowEvents(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("CreateWindow: %s", err)
err = X.MapWindowChecked(wid).Check()
err = MapWindowChecked(X, wid).Check()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("MapWindow: %s", err)
// We don't listen in the CreateWindow request so that we don't get
// a MapNotify event.
err = X.ChangeWindowAttributesChecked(wid,
err = ChangeWindowAttributesChecked(X, wid,
CwEventMask, []uint32{EventMaskStructureNotify}).Check()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ChangeWindowAttributes: %s", err)
err = X.ConfigureWindowChecked(wid,
err = ConfigureWindowChecked(X, wid,
[]uint32{uint32(gx), uint32(gy), uint32(gw), uint32(gh)}).Check()
@ -162,22 +164,6 @@ func TestWindowEvents(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("ConfigureWindow: %s", err)
err = X.ConfigureWindowChecked(wid,
[]uint32{uint32(gx + 2), uint32(gy), uint32(gw), uint32(gh)}).Check()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ConfigureWindow: %s", err)
err = X.ConfigureWindowChecked(wid,
[]uint32{uint32(gx + 1), uint32(gy), uint32(gw), uint32(gh)}).Check()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ConfigureWindow: %s", err)
evOrErr := waitForEvent(t, 5)
@ -204,13 +190,13 @@ func TestWindowEvents(t *testing.T) {
// Okay, clean up!
err = X.ChangeWindowAttributesChecked(wid,
err = ChangeWindowAttributesChecked(X, wid,
CwEventMask, []uint32{0}).Check()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ChangeWindowAttributes: %s", err)
err = X.DestroyWindowChecked(wid).Check()
err = DestroyWindowChecked(X, wid).Check()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("DestroyWindow: %s", err)
@ -234,7 +220,7 @@ func BenchmarkInternAtomsGood(b *testing.B) {
cookies := make([]InternAtomCookie, b.N)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
cookies[i] = X.InternAtom(false, uint16(len(names[i])), names[i])
cookies[i] = InternAtom(X, false, uint16(len(names[i])), names[i])
for _, cookie := range cookies {
@ -251,7 +237,7 @@ func BenchmarkInternAtomsPoor(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
X.InternAtom(false, uint16(len(names[i])), names[i]).Reply()
InternAtom(X, false, uint16(len(names[i])), names[i]).Reply()
@ -265,24 +251,27 @@ func BenchmarkInternAtomsPoor(b *testing.B) {
// It tests both requests with and without replies (GetProperty and
// ChangeProperty respectively.)
func changeAndGetProp(prop, val string) (string, error) {
propAtom, err := X.InternAtom(false, uint16(len(prop)), prop).Reply()
setup := Setup(X)
root := setup.DefaultScreen(X).Root
propAtom, err := InternAtom(X, false, uint16(len(prop)), prop).Reply()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("InternAtom: %s", err)
typName := "UTF8_STRING"
typAtom, err := X.InternAtom(false, uint16(len(typName)), typName).Reply()
typAtom, err := InternAtom(X, false, uint16(len(typName)), typName).Reply()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("InternAtom: %s", err)
err = X.ChangePropertyChecked(PropModeReplace, X.DefaultScreen().Root,
propAtom.Atom, typAtom.Atom, 8, uint32(len(val)), []byte(val)).Check()
err = ChangePropertyChecked(X, PropModeReplace, root, propAtom.Atom,
typAtom.Atom, 8, uint32(len(val)), []byte(val)).Check()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("ChangeProperty: %s", err)
reply, err := X.GetProperty(false, X.DefaultScreen().Root, propAtom.Atom,
reply, err := GetProperty(X, false, root, propAtom.Atom,
GetPropertyTypeAny, 0, (1<<32)-1).Reply()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("GetProperty: %s", err)
@ -343,8 +332,8 @@ func seqNames(n int) []string {
// evErr represents a value that is either an event or an error.
type evErr struct {
ev Event
err Error
ev xgb.Event
err xgb.Error
// channel used to pass evErrs.
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
package xtest
This file was generated by xtest.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:29pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the XTEST extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 5, "XTEST").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named XTEST could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["XTEST"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["XTEST"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XTEST"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["XTEST"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XTEST"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
const (
CursorNone = 0
CursorCurrent = 1
// Request GetVersion
// size: 8
type GetVersionCookie struct {
func GetVersion(c *xgb.Conn, MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, MajorVersion, MinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
func GetVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, MajorVersion, MinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for GetVersion
// size: 10
type GetVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
MajorVersion byte
MinorVersion uint16
// Waits and reads reply data from request GetVersion
func (cook GetVersionCookie) Reply() (*GetVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for GetVersion
func getVersionReply(buf []byte) *GetVersionReply {
v := new(GetVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.MajorVersion = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for GetVersion
func getVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XTEST"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = MajorVersion
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], MinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
// Request CompareCursor
// size: 12
type CompareCursorCookie struct {
func CompareCursor(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Cursor xproto.Cursor) CompareCursorCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(compareCursorRequest(c, Window, Cursor), cookie)
return CompareCursorCookie{cookie}
func CompareCursorUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Cursor xproto.Cursor) CompareCursorCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(compareCursorRequest(c, Window, Cursor), cookie)
return CompareCursorCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for CompareCursor
// size: 8
type CompareCursorReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
Same bool
// Waits and reads reply data from request CompareCursor
func (cook CompareCursorCookie) Reply() (*CompareCursorReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return compareCursorReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for CompareCursor
func compareCursorReply(buf []byte) *CompareCursorReply {
v := new(CompareCursorReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Same = true
} else {
v.Same = false
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for CompareCursor
func compareCursorRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Cursor xproto.Cursor) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XTEST"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Cursor))
b += 4
return buf
// Request FakeInput
// size: 36
type FakeInputCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for FakeInput
func FakeInput(c *xgb.Conn, Type byte, Detail byte, Time uint32, Root xproto.Window, RootX int16, RootY int16, Deviceid byte) FakeInputCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(fakeInputRequest(c, Type, Detail, Time, Root, RootX, RootY, Deviceid), cookie)
return FakeInputCookie{cookie}
func FakeInputChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Type byte, Detail byte, Time uint32, Root xproto.Window, RootX int16, RootY int16, Deviceid byte) FakeInputCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(fakeInputRequest(c, Type, Detail, Time, Root, RootX, RootY, Deviceid), cookie)
return FakeInputCookie{cookie}
func (cook FakeInputCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for FakeInput
func fakeInputRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Type byte, Detail byte, Time uint32, Root xproto.Window, RootX int16, RootY int16, Deviceid byte) []byte {
size := 36
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XTEST"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = Type
b += 1
buf[b] = Detail
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Time)
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Root))
b += 4
b += 8 // padding
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(RootX))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(RootY))
b += 2
b += 7 // padding
buf[b] = Deviceid
b += 1
return buf
// Request GrabControl
// size: 8
type GrabControlCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for GrabControl
func GrabControl(c *xgb.Conn, Impervious bool) GrabControlCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(grabControlRequest(c, Impervious), cookie)
return GrabControlCookie{cookie}
func GrabControlChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Impervious bool) GrabControlCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(grabControlRequest(c, Impervious), cookie)
return GrabControlCookie{cookie}
func (cook GrabControlCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for GrabControl
func grabControlRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Impervious bool) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XTEST"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
if Impervious {
buf[b] = 1
} else {
buf[b] = 0
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
package xvmc
This file was generated by xvmc.xml on May 10 2012 4:20:29pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
import (
// Init must be called before using the XVideo-MotionCompensation extension.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error {
reply, err := xproto.QueryExtension(c, 25, "XVideo-MotionCompensation").Reply()
switch {
case err != nil:
return err
case !reply.Present:
return xgb.Errorf("No extension named XVideo-MotionCompensation could be found on on the server.")
c.Extensions["XVideo-MotionCompensation"] = reply.MajorOpcode
for evNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["XVideo-MotionCompensation"] {
xgb.NewEventFuncs[int(reply.FirstEvent)+evNum] = fun
for errNum, fun := range xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XVideo-MotionCompensation"] {
xgb.NewErrorFuncs[int(reply.FirstError)+errNum] = fun
return nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["XVideo-MotionCompensation"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewEventFun)
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XVideo-MotionCompensation"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
type Context uint32
func NewContextId(c *xgb.Conn) (Context, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return Context(id), nil
type Surface uint32
func NewSurfaceId(c *xgb.Conn) (Surface, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return Surface(id), nil
type Subpicture uint32
func NewSubpictureId(c *xgb.Conn) (Subpicture, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return Subpicture(id), nil
// 'SurfaceInfo' struct definition
// Size: 24
type SurfaceInfo struct {
Id Surface
ChromaFormat uint16
Pad0 uint16
MaxWidth uint16
MaxHeight uint16
SubpictureMaxWidth uint16
SubpictureMaxHeight uint16
McType uint32
Flags uint32
// Struct read SurfaceInfo
func SurfaceInfoRead(buf []byte, v *SurfaceInfo) int {
b := 0
v.Id = Surface(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.ChromaFormat = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Pad0 = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MaxWidth = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MaxHeight = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.SubpictureMaxWidth = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.SubpictureMaxHeight = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.McType = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Flags = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return b
// Struct list read SurfaceInfo
func SurfaceInfoReadList(buf []byte, dest []SurfaceInfo) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = SurfaceInfo{}
b += SurfaceInfoRead(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return xgb.Pad(b)
// Struct write SurfaceInfo
func (v SurfaceInfo) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 24)
b := 0
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Id))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.ChromaFormat)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.Pad0)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.MaxWidth)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.MaxHeight)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.SubpictureMaxWidth)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], v.SubpictureMaxHeight)
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], v.McType)
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], v.Flags)
b += 4
return buf
// Write struct list SurfaceInfo
func SurfaceInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []SurfaceInfo) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))
return b
// Request QueryVersion
// size: 4
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for QueryVersion
// size: 16
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Major uint32
Minor uint32
// Waits and reads reply data from request QueryVersion
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for QueryVersion
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Major = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Minor = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Request ListSurfaceTypes
// size: 8
type ListSurfaceTypesCookie struct {
func ListSurfaceTypes(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port) ListSurfaceTypesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(listSurfaceTypesRequest(c, PortId), cookie)
return ListSurfaceTypesCookie{cookie}
func ListSurfaceTypesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port) ListSurfaceTypesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(listSurfaceTypesRequest(c, PortId), cookie)
return ListSurfaceTypesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ListSurfaceTypes
// size: (32 + xgb.Pad((int(Num) * 24)))
type ListSurfaceTypesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Num uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Surfaces []SurfaceInfo // size: xgb.Pad((int(Num) * 24))
// Waits and reads reply data from request ListSurfaceTypes
func (cook ListSurfaceTypesCookie) Reply() (*ListSurfaceTypesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return listSurfaceTypesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ListSurfaceTypes
func listSurfaceTypesReply(buf []byte) *ListSurfaceTypesReply {
v := new(ListSurfaceTypesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Num = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Surfaces = make([]SurfaceInfo, v.Num)
b += SurfaceInfoReadList(buf[b:], v.Surfaces)
return v
// Write request to wire for ListSurfaceTypes
func listSurfaceTypesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(PortId))
b += 4
return buf
// Request CreateContext
// size: 24
type CreateContextCookie struct {
func CreateContext(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context, PortId xv.Port, SurfaceId Surface, Width uint16, Height uint16, Flags uint32) CreateContextCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(createContextRequest(c, ContextId, PortId, SurfaceId, Width, Height, Flags), cookie)
return CreateContextCookie{cookie}
func CreateContextUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context, PortId xv.Port, SurfaceId Surface, Width uint16, Height uint16, Flags uint32) CreateContextCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(createContextRequest(c, ContextId, PortId, SurfaceId, Width, Height, Flags), cookie)
return CreateContextCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for CreateContext
// size: (36 + xgb.Pad((int(Length) * 4)))
type CreateContextReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
WidthActual uint16
HeightActual uint16
FlagsReturn uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
PrivData []uint32 // size: xgb.Pad((int(Length) * 4))
// Waits and reads reply data from request CreateContext
func (cook CreateContextCookie) Reply() (*CreateContextReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return createContextReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for CreateContext
func createContextReply(buf []byte) *CreateContextReply {
v := new(CreateContextReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.WidthActual = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.HeightActual = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.FlagsReturn = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.PrivData = make([]uint32, v.Length)
for i := 0; i < int(v.Length); i++ {
v.PrivData[i] = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b = xgb.Pad(b)
return v
// Write request to wire for CreateContext
func createContextRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context, PortId xv.Port, SurfaceId Surface, Width uint16, Height uint16, Flags uint32) []byte {
size := 24
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(ContextId))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(PortId))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Width)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Height)
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Flags)
b += 4
return buf
// Request DestroyContext
// size: 8
type DestroyContextCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for DestroyContext
func DestroyContext(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context) DestroyContextCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(destroyContextRequest(c, ContextId), cookie)
return DestroyContextCookie{cookie}
func DestroyContextChecked(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context) DestroyContextCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(destroyContextRequest(c, ContextId), cookie)
return DestroyContextCookie{cookie}
func (cook DestroyContextCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for DestroyContext
func destroyContextRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(ContextId))
b += 4
return buf
// Request CreateSurface
// size: 12
type CreateSurfaceCookie struct {
func CreateSurface(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface, ContextId Context) CreateSurfaceCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(createSurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId, ContextId), cookie)
return CreateSurfaceCookie{cookie}
func CreateSurfaceUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface, ContextId Context) CreateSurfaceCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(createSurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId, ContextId), cookie)
return CreateSurfaceCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for CreateSurface
// size: (32 + xgb.Pad((int(Length) * 4)))
type CreateSurfaceReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
PrivData []uint32 // size: xgb.Pad((int(Length) * 4))
// Waits and reads reply data from request CreateSurface
func (cook CreateSurfaceCookie) Reply() (*CreateSurfaceReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return createSurfaceReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for CreateSurface
func createSurfaceReply(buf []byte) *CreateSurfaceReply {
v := new(CreateSurfaceReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
v.PrivData = make([]uint32, v.Length)
for i := 0; i < int(v.Length); i++ {
v.PrivData[i] = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b = xgb.Pad(b)
return v
// Write request to wire for CreateSurface
func createSurfaceRequest(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface, ContextId Context) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(ContextId))
b += 4
return buf
// Request DestroySurface
// size: 8
type DestroySurfaceCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for DestroySurface
func DestroySurface(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface) DestroySurfaceCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(destroySurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId), cookie)
return DestroySurfaceCookie{cookie}
func DestroySurfaceChecked(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface) DestroySurfaceCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(destroySurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId), cookie)
return DestroySurfaceCookie{cookie}
func (cook DestroySurfaceCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for DestroySurface
func destroySurfaceRequest(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
return buf
// Request CreateSubpicture
// size: 20
type CreateSubpictureCookie struct {
func CreateSubpicture(c *xgb.Conn, SubpictureId Subpicture, Context Context, XvimageId uint32, Width uint16, Height uint16) CreateSubpictureCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(createSubpictureRequest(c, SubpictureId, Context, XvimageId, Width, Height), cookie)
return CreateSubpictureCookie{cookie}
func CreateSubpictureUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, SubpictureId Subpicture, Context Context, XvimageId uint32, Width uint16, Height uint16) CreateSubpictureCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(createSubpictureRequest(c, SubpictureId, Context, XvimageId, Width, Height), cookie)
return CreateSubpictureCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for CreateSubpicture
// size: (32 + xgb.Pad((int(Length) * 4)))
type CreateSubpictureReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
WidthActual uint16
HeightActual uint16
NumPaletteEntries uint16
EntryBytes uint16
ComponentOrder []byte // size: 4
// padding: 12 bytes
PrivData []uint32 // size: xgb.Pad((int(Length) * 4))
// Waits and reads reply data from request CreateSubpicture
func (cook CreateSubpictureCookie) Reply() (*CreateSubpictureReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return createSubpictureReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for CreateSubpicture
func createSubpictureReply(buf []byte) *CreateSubpictureReply {
v := new(CreateSubpictureReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.WidthActual = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.HeightActual = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.NumPaletteEntries = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.EntryBytes = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ComponentOrder = make([]byte, 4)
copy(v.ComponentOrder[:4], buf[b:])
b += xgb.Pad(int(4))
b += 12 // padding
v.PrivData = make([]uint32, v.Length)
for i := 0; i < int(v.Length); i++ {
v.PrivData[i] = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b = xgb.Pad(b)
return v
// Write request to wire for CreateSubpicture
func createSubpictureRequest(c *xgb.Conn, SubpictureId Subpicture, Context Context, XvimageId uint32, Width uint16, Height uint16) []byte {
size := 20
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SubpictureId))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Context))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], XvimageId)
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Width)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Height)
b += 2
return buf
// Request DestroySubpicture
// size: 8
type DestroySubpictureCookie struct {
// Write request to wire for DestroySubpicture
func DestroySubpicture(c *xgb.Conn, SubpictureId Subpicture) DestroySubpictureCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(destroySubpictureRequest(c, SubpictureId), cookie)
return DestroySubpictureCookie{cookie}
func DestroySubpictureChecked(c *xgb.Conn, SubpictureId Subpicture) DestroySubpictureCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(destroySubpictureRequest(c, SubpictureId), cookie)
return DestroySubpictureCookie{cookie}
func (cook DestroySubpictureCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for DestroySubpicture
func destroySubpictureRequest(c *xgb.Conn, SubpictureId Subpicture) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SubpictureId))
b += 4
return buf
// Request ListSubpictureTypes
// size: 12
type ListSubpictureTypesCookie struct {
func ListSubpictureTypes(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port, SurfaceId Surface) ListSubpictureTypesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(listSubpictureTypesRequest(c, PortId, SurfaceId), cookie)
return ListSubpictureTypesCookie{cookie}
func ListSubpictureTypesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port, SurfaceId Surface) ListSubpictureTypesCookie {
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(listSubpictureTypesRequest(c, PortId, SurfaceId), cookie)
return ListSubpictureTypesCookie{cookie}
// Request reply for ListSubpictureTypes
// size: (32 + xv.ImageFormatInfoListSize(Types))
type ListSubpictureTypesReply struct {
Sequence uint16
Length uint32
// padding: 1 bytes
Num uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Types []xv.ImageFormatInfo // size: xv.ImageFormatInfoListSize(Types)
// Waits and reads reply data from request ListSubpictureTypes
func (cook ListSubpictureTypesCookie) Reply() (*ListSubpictureTypesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return listSubpictureTypesReply(buf), nil
// Read reply into structure from buffer for ListSubpictureTypes
func listSubpictureTypesReply(buf []byte) *ListSubpictureTypesReply {
v := new(ListSubpictureTypesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Num = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Types = make([]xv.ImageFormatInfo, v.Num)
b += xv.ImageFormatInfoReadList(buf[b:], v.Types)
return v
// Write request to wire for ListSubpictureTypes
func listSubpictureTypesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port, SurfaceId Surface) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 8 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(PortId))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
return buf
Reference in New Issue
Block a user