
2262 lines
61 KiB

* zyklonb.c: the experimental IRC bot
* Copyright (c) 2014, Přemysl Janouch <p.janouch@gmail.com>
* All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
#define PROGRAM_NAME "ZyklonB"
#define PROGRAM_VERSION "alpha"
#include "common.c"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
// --- Configuration (application-specific) ------------------------------------
static struct config_item g_config_table[] =
{ "nickname", "ZyklonB", "IRC nickname" },
{ "username", "bot", "IRC user name" },
{ "realname", "ZyklonB IRC bot", "IRC real name/e-mail" },
{ "irc_host", NULL, "Address of the IRC server" },
{ "irc_port", "6667", "Port of the IRC server" },
{ "ssl_use", "off", "Whether to use SSL" },
{ "ssl_cert", NULL, "Client SSL certificate (PEM)" },
{ "autojoin", NULL, "Channels to join on start" },
{ "reconnect", "on", "Whether to reconnect on error" },
{ "reconnect_delay", "5", "Time between reconnecting" },
{ "socks_host", NULL, "Address of a SOCKS 4a/5 proxy" },
{ "socks_port", "1080", "SOCKS port number" },
{ "socks_username", NULL, "SOCKS auth. username" },
{ "socks_password", NULL, "SOCKS auth. password" },
{ "prefix", ":", "The prefix for bot commands" },
{ "admin", NULL, "Host mask for administrators" },
{ "plugins", NULL, "The plugins to load on startup" },
{ "plugin_dir", NULL, "Where to search for plugins" },
{ "recover", "on", "Whether to re-launch on crash" },
// --- Application data --------------------------------------------------------
struct plugin_data
LIST_HEADER (plugin_data)
struct bot_context *ctx; ///< Parent context
char *name; ///< Plugin identifier
pid_t pid; ///< PID of the plugin process
bool is_zombie; ///< Whether the child is a zombie
bool initialized; ///< Ready to exchange IRC messages
struct str queued_output; ///< Output queued up until initialized
// Since we're doing non-blocking I/O, we need to queue up data so that
// we don't stall on plugins unnecessarily.
int read_fd; ///< The read end of the comm. pipe
int write_fd; ///< The write end of the comm. pipe
struct str read_buffer; ///< Unprocessed input
struct str write_buffer; ///< Output yet to be sent out
static void
plugin_data_init (struct plugin_data *self)
memset (self, 0, sizeof *self);
self->pid = -1;
str_init (&self->queued_output);
self->read_fd = -1;
str_init (&self->read_buffer);
self->write_fd = -1;
str_init (&self->write_buffer);
static void
plugin_data_free (struct plugin_data *self)
soft_assert (self->pid == -1);
free (self->name);
str_free (&self->read_buffer);
if (!soft_assert (self->read_fd == -1))
xclose (self->read_fd);
str_free (&self->write_buffer);
if (!soft_assert (self->write_fd == -1))
xclose (self->write_fd);
if (!self->initialized)
str_free (&self->queued_output);
struct bot_context
struct str_map config; ///< User configuration
regex_t *admin_re; ///< Regex to match our administrator
bool reconnect; ///< Whether to reconnect on conn. fail.
unsigned long reconnect_delay; ///< Reconnect delay in seconds
int irc_fd; ///< Socket FD of the server
struct str read_buffer; ///< Input yet to be processed
bool irc_ready; ///< Whether we may send messages now
SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx; ///< SSL context
SSL *ssl; ///< SSL connection
struct plugin_data *plugins; ///< Linked list of plugins
struct str_map plugins_by_name; ///< Indexes @em plugins by their name
struct poller poller; ///< Manages polled descriptors
bool quitting; ///< User requested quitting
bool polling; ///< The event loop is running
static void
bot_context_init (struct bot_context *self)
str_map_init (&self->config);
self->config.free = free;
load_config_defaults (&self->config, g_config_table);
self->admin_re = NULL;
self->irc_fd = -1;
str_init (&self->read_buffer);
self->irc_ready = false;
self->ssl = NULL;
self->ssl_ctx = NULL;
self->plugins = NULL;
str_map_init (&self->plugins_by_name);
poller_init (&self->poller);
self->quitting = false;
self->polling = false;
static void
bot_context_free (struct bot_context *self)
str_map_free (&self->config);
if (self->admin_re)
regex_free (self->admin_re);
str_free (&self->read_buffer);
// TODO: terminate the plugins properly before this is called
struct plugin_data *link, *tmp;
for (link = self->plugins; link; link = tmp)
tmp = link->next;
plugin_data_free (link);
free (link);
if (self->irc_fd != -1)
xclose (self->irc_fd);
if (self->ssl)
SSL_free (self->ssl);
if (self->ssl_ctx)
SSL_CTX_free (self->ssl_ctx);
str_map_free (&self->plugins_by_name);
poller_free (&self->poller);
static void
irc_shutdown (struct bot_context *ctx)
// TODO: set a timer after which we cut the connection?
// Generally non-critical
if (ctx->ssl)
soft_assert (SSL_shutdown (ctx->ssl) != -1);
soft_assert (shutdown (ctx->irc_fd, SHUT_WR) == 0);
static void
try_finish_quit (struct bot_context *ctx)
if (ctx->quitting && ctx->irc_fd == -1 && !ctx->plugins)
ctx->polling = false;
static bool plugin_zombify (struct plugin_data *);
static void
initiate_quit (struct bot_context *ctx)
// Initiate bringing down of the two things that block our shutdown:
// a/ the IRC socket, b/ our child processes:
for (struct plugin_data *plugin = ctx->plugins;
plugin; plugin = plugin->next)
plugin_zombify (plugin);
if (ctx->irc_fd != -1)
irc_shutdown (ctx);
ctx->quitting = true;
try_finish_quit (ctx);
static bool irc_send (struct bot_context *ctx,
const char *format, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF (2, 3);
static bool
irc_send (struct bot_context *ctx, const char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
if (g_debug_mode)
fputs ("[IRC] <== \"", stderr);
va_start (ap, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, ap);
va_end (ap);
fputs ("\"\n", stderr);
if (!soft_assert (ctx->irc_fd != -1))
return false;
va_start (ap, format);
struct str str;
str_init (&str);
str_append_vprintf (&str, format, ap);
str_append (&str, "\r\n");
va_end (ap);
bool result = true;
if (ctx->ssl)
// TODO: call SSL_get_error() to detect if a clean shutdown has occured
if (SSL_write (ctx->ssl, str.str, str.len) != (int) str.len)
print_debug ("%s: %s: %s", __func__, "SSL_write",
ERR_error_string (ERR_get_error (), NULL));
result = false;
else if (write (ctx->irc_fd, str.str, str.len) != (ssize_t) str.len)
print_debug ("%s: %s: %s", __func__, "write", strerror (errno));
result = false;
str_free (&str);
return result;
static bool
irc_initialize_ssl (struct bot_context *ctx, struct error **e)
const char *error_info = NULL;
ctx->ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new (SSLv23_client_method ());
if (!ctx->ssl_ctx)
goto error_ssl_1;
// We don't care; some encryption is always better than no encryption
SSL_CTX_set_verify (ctx->ssl_ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL);
// XXX: maybe we should call SSL_CTX_set_options() for some workarounds
ctx->ssl = SSL_new (ctx->ssl_ctx);
if (!ctx->ssl)
goto error_ssl_2;
const char *ssl_cert = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "ssl_cert");
if (ssl_cert)
char *path = resolve_config_filename (ssl_cert);
if (!path)
print_error ("%s: %s", "cannot open file", ssl_cert);
// XXX: perhaps we should read the file ourselves for better messages
else if (!SSL_use_certificate_file (ctx->ssl, path, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
|| !SSL_use_PrivateKey_file (ctx->ssl, path, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM))
print_error ("%s: %s", "setting the SSL client certificate failed",
ERR_error_string (ERR_get_error (), NULL));
free (path);
SSL_set_connect_state (ctx->ssl);
if (!SSL_set_fd (ctx->ssl, ctx->irc_fd))
goto error_ssl_3;
// Avoid SSL_write() returning SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ
SSL_set_mode (ctx->ssl, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY);
switch (xssl_get_error (ctx->ssl, SSL_connect (ctx->ssl), &error_info))
return true;
error_info = "server closed the connection";
SSL_free (ctx->ssl);
ctx->ssl = NULL;
SSL_CTX_free (ctx->ssl_ctx);
ctx->ssl_ctx = NULL;
// XXX: these error strings are really nasty; also there could be
// multiple errors on the OpenSSL stack.
if (!error_info)
error_info = ERR_error_string (ERR_get_error (), NULL);
error_set (e, "%s: %s", "could not initialize SSL", error_info);
return false;
static bool
irc_establish_connection (struct bot_context *ctx,
const char *host, const char *port, struct error **e)
struct addrinfo gai_hints, *gai_result, *gai_iter;
memset (&gai_hints, 0, sizeof gai_hints);
// We definitely want TCP.
gai_hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
int err = getaddrinfo (host, port, &gai_hints, &gai_result);
if (err)
error_set (e, "%s: %s: %s",
"connection failed", "getaddrinfo", gai_strerror (err));
return false;
int sockfd;
for (gai_iter = gai_result; gai_iter; gai_iter = gai_iter->ai_next)
sockfd = socket (gai_iter->ai_family,
gai_iter->ai_socktype, gai_iter->ai_protocol);
if (sockfd == -1)
set_cloexec (sockfd);
int yes = 1;
soft_assert (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE,
&yes, sizeof yes) != -1);
const char *real_host = host;
// Let's try to resolve the address back into a real hostname;
// we don't really need this, so we can let it quietly fail
char buf[NI_MAXHOST];
err = getnameinfo (gai_iter->ai_addr, gai_iter->ai_addrlen,
buf, sizeof buf, NULL, 0, 0);
if (err)
print_debug ("%s: %s", "getnameinfo", gai_strerror (err));
real_host = buf;
// XXX: we shouldn't mix these statuses with `struct error'; choose 1!
char *address = format_host_port_pair (real_host, port);
print_status ("connecting to %s...", address);
free (address);
if (!connect (sockfd, gai_iter->ai_addr, gai_iter->ai_addrlen))
xclose (sockfd);
freeaddrinfo (gai_result);
if (!gai_iter)
error_set (e, "connection failed");
return false;
ctx->irc_fd = sockfd;
return true;
// --- Signals -----------------------------------------------------------------
static int g_signal_pipe[2]; ///< A pipe used to signal... signals
static struct str_vector
g_original_argv, ///< Original program arguments
g_recovery_env; ///< Environment for re-exec recovery
/// Program termination has been requested by a signal
static volatile sig_atomic_t g_termination_requested;
/// Points to startup reason location within `g_recovery_environment'
static char **g_startup_reason_location;
/// The environment variable used to pass the startup reason when re-executing
static const char g_startup_reason_str[] = "STARTUP_REASON";
static void
sigchld_handler (int signum)
(void) signum;
int original_errno = errno;
// Just so that the read end of the pipe wakes up the poller.
// NOTE: Linux has signalfd() and eventfd(), and the BSD's have kqueue.
// All of them are better than this approach, although platform-specific.
if (write (g_signal_pipe[1], "c", 1) == -1)
soft_assert (errno == EAGAIN);
errno = original_errno;
static void
sigterm_handler (int signum)
(void) signum;
g_termination_requested = true;
int original_errno = errno;
if (write (g_signal_pipe[1], "t", 1) == -1)
soft_assert (errno == EAGAIN);
errno = original_errno;
static void
setup_signal_handlers (void)
if (pipe (g_signal_pipe) == -1)
exit_fatal ("%s: %s", "pipe", strerror (errno));
set_cloexec (g_signal_pipe[0]);
set_cloexec (g_signal_pipe[1]);
// So that the pipe cannot overflow; it would make write() block within
// the signal handler, which is something we really don't want to happen.
// The same holds true for read().
set_blocking (g_signal_pipe[0], false);
set_blocking (g_signal_pipe[1], false);
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
sa.sa_handler = sigchld_handler;
sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
if (sigaction (SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL) == -1)
exit_fatal ("sigaction: %s", strerror (errno));
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
sa.sa_handler = sigterm_handler;
if (sigaction (SIGINT, &sa, NULL) == -1
|| sigaction (SIGTERM, &sa, NULL) == -1)
exit_fatal ("sigaction: %s", strerror (errno));
static void
translate_signal_info (int no, const char **name, int code, const char **reason)
if (code == SI_USER) *reason = "signal sent by kill()";
if (code == SI_QUEUE) *reason = "signal sent by sigqueue()";
switch (no)
case SIGILL:
*name = "SIGILL";
if (code == ILL_ILLOPC) *reason = "illegal opcode";
if (code == ILL_ILLOPN) *reason = "illegal operand";
if (code == ILL_ILLADR) *reason = "illegal addressing mode";
if (code == ILL_ILLTRP) *reason = "illegal trap";
if (code == ILL_PRVOPC) *reason = "privileged opcode";
if (code == ILL_PRVREG) *reason = "privileged register";
if (code == ILL_COPROC) *reason = "coprocessor error";
if (code == ILL_BADSTK) *reason = "internal stack error";
case SIGFPE:
*name = "SIGFPE";
if (code == FPE_INTDIV) *reason = "integer divide by zero";
if (code == FPE_INTOVF) *reason = "integer overflow";
if (code == FPE_FLTDIV) *reason = "floating-point divide by zero";
if (code == FPE_FLTOVF) *reason = "floating-point overflow";
if (code == FPE_FLTUND) *reason = "floating-point underflow";
if (code == FPE_FLTRES) *reason = "floating-point inexact result";
if (code == FPE_FLTINV) *reason = "invalid floating-point operation";
if (code == FPE_FLTSUB) *reason = "subscript out of range";
*name = "SIGSEGV";
if (code == SEGV_MAPERR)
*reason = "address not mapped to object";
if (code == SEGV_ACCERR)
*reason = "invalid permissions for mapped object";
case SIGBUS:
*name = "SIGBUS";
if (code == BUS_ADRALN) *reason = "invalid address alignment";
if (code == BUS_ADRERR) *reason = "nonexistent physical address";
if (code == BUS_OBJERR) *reason = "object-specific hardware error";
*name = NULL;
static void
recovery_handler (int signum, siginfo_t *info, void *context)
(void) context;
// TODO: maybe try to force a core dump like this: if (fork() == 0) return;
// TODO: maybe we could even send "\r\nQUIT :reason\r\n" to the server. >_>
// As long as we're not connected via TLS, that is.
const char *signal_name = NULL, *reason = NULL;
translate_signal_info (signum, &signal_name, info->si_code, &reason);
char buf[128], numbuf[8];
if (!signal_name)
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d", signum);
signal_name = numbuf;
if (reason)
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%s=%s: %s: %s", g_startup_reason_str,
"signal received", signal_name, reason);
snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%s=%s: %s", g_startup_reason_str,
"signal received", signal_name);
*g_startup_reason_location = buf;
// TODO: maybe pregenerate the path, see the following for some other ways
// that would be illegal to do from within a signal handler:
// http://stackoverflow.com/a/1024937
// http://stackoverflow.com/q/799679
// Especially if we change the current working directory in the program.
// Note that I can just overwrite g_orig_argv[0].
// NOTE: our children will read EOF on the read ends of their pipes as a
// a result of O_CLOEXEC. That should be enough to make them terminate.
char **argv = g_original_argv.vector, **argp = g_recovery_env.vector;
execve ("/proc/self/exe", argv, argp); // Linux
execve ("/proc/curproc/file", argv, argp); // BSD
execve ("/proc/curproc/exe", argv, argp); // BSD
execve ("/proc/self/path/a.out", argv, argp); // Solaris
execve (argv[0], argv, argp); // unreliable fallback
// Let's just crash
perror ("execve");
signal (signum, SIG_DFL);
raise (signum);
static void
prepare_recovery_environment (void)
str_vector_init (&g_recovery_env);
str_vector_add_vector (&g_recovery_env, environ);
// Prepare a location within the environment where we will put the startup
// (or maybe rather restart) reason in case of an irrecoverable error.
char **iter;
for (iter = g_recovery_env.vector; *iter; iter++)
const size_t len = sizeof g_startup_reason_str - 1;
if (!strncmp (*iter, g_startup_reason_str, len) && (*iter)[len] == '=')
if (iter)
g_startup_reason_location = iter;
str_vector_add (&g_recovery_env, "");
g_startup_reason_location =
g_recovery_env.vector + g_recovery_env.len - 1;
static void
setup_recovery_handler (struct bot_context *ctx)
const char *recover_str = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "recover");
hard_assert (recover_str != NULL); // We have a default value for this
bool recover;
if (!set_boolean_if_valid (&recover, recover_str))
print_error ("invalid configuration value for `%s'", "recover");
if (!recover)
// Make sure these signals aren't blocked, otherwise we would be unable
// to handle them, making the critical conditions fatal.
sigset_t mask;
sigemptyset (&mask);
sigaddset (&mask, SIGSEGV);
sigaddset (&mask, SIGBUS);
sigaddset (&mask, SIGFPE);
sigaddset (&mask, SIGILL);
sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, &mask, NULL);
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
sa.sa_sigaction = recovery_handler;
sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
prepare_recovery_environment ();
// TODO: also handle SIGABRT... or avoid doing abort() in the first place?
if (sigaction (SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL) == -1
|| sigaction (SIGBUS, &sa, NULL) == -1
|| sigaction (SIGFPE, &sa, NULL) == -1
|| sigaction (SIGILL, &sa, NULL) == -1)
print_error ("sigaction: %s", strerror (errno));
// --- SOCKS 5/4a (blocking implementation) ------------------------------------
// These are awkward protocols. Note that the `username' is used differently
// in SOCKS 4a and 5. In the former version, it is the username that you can
// get ident'ed against. In the latter version, it forms a pair with the
// password field and doesn't need to be an actual user on your machine.
// TODO: make a non-blocking poller-based version of this; we need c-ares
struct socks_addr
enum socks_addr_type
SOCKS_IPV4 = 1, ///< IPv4 address
SOCKS_DOMAIN = 3, ///< Domain name to be resolved
SOCKS_IPV6 = 4 ///< IPv6 address
type; ///< The type of this address
uint8_t ipv4[4]; ///< IPv4 address, network octet order
const char *domain; ///< Domain name
uint8_t ipv6[16]; ///< IPv6 address, network octet order
data; ///< The address itself
struct socks_data
struct socks_addr address; ///< Target address
uint16_t port; ///< Target port
const char *username; ///< Authentication username
const char *password; ///< Authentication password
struct socks_addr bound_address; ///< Bound address at the server
uint16_t bound_port; ///< Bound port at the server
static bool
socks_get_socket (struct addrinfo *addresses, int *fd, struct error **e)
int sockfd;
for (; addresses; addresses = addresses->ai_next)
sockfd = socket (addresses->ai_family,
addresses->ai_socktype, addresses->ai_protocol);
if (sockfd == -1)
set_cloexec (sockfd);
int yes = 1;
soft_assert (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE,
&yes, sizeof yes) != -1);
if (!connect (sockfd, addresses->ai_addr, addresses->ai_addrlen))
xclose (sockfd);
if (!addresses)
error_set (e, "couldn't connect to the SOCKS server");
return false;
*fd = sockfd;
return true;
#define SOCKS_FAIL(...) \
error_set (e, __VA_ARGS__); \
goto fail; \
#define SOCKS_RECV(buf, len) \
if ((n = recv (sockfd, (buf), (len), 0)) == -1) \
SOCKS_FAIL ("%s: %s", "recv", strerror (errno)); \
if (n != (len)) \
SOCKS_FAIL ("%s: %s", "protocol error", "unexpected EOF"); \
static bool
socks_4a_connect (struct addrinfo *addresses, struct socks_data *data,
int *fd, struct error **e)
int sockfd;
if (!socks_get_socket (addresses, &sockfd, e))
return false;
const void *dest_ipv4 = "\x00\x00\x00\x01";
const char *dest_domain = NULL;
switch (data->address.type)
case SOCKS_IPV4:
dest_ipv4 = data->address.data.ipv4;
case SOCKS_IPV6:
// About the best thing we can do, not sure if it works anywhere at all
if (!inet_ntop (AF_INET6, &data->address.data.ipv6, buf, sizeof buf))
SOCKS_FAIL ("%s: %s", "inet_ntop", strerror (errno));
dest_domain = buf;
dest_domain = data->address.data.domain;
struct str req;
str_init (&req);
str_append_c (&req, 4); // version
str_append_c (&req, 1); // connect
str_append_c (&req, data->port >> 8); // higher bits of port
str_append_c (&req, data->port); // lower bits of port
str_append_data (&req, dest_ipv4, 4); // destination address
if (data->username)
str_append (&req, data->username);
str_append_c (&req, '\0');
if (dest_domain)
str_append (&req, dest_domain);
str_append_c (&req, '\0');
ssize_t n = send (sockfd, req.str, req.len, 0);
str_free (&req);
if (n == -1)
SOCKS_FAIL ("%s: %s", "send", strerror (errno));
uint8_t resp[8];
SOCKS_RECV (resp, sizeof resp);
if (resp[0] != 0)
SOCKS_FAIL ("protocol error");
switch (resp[1])
case 90:
case 91:
SOCKS_FAIL ("request rejected or failed");
case 92:
SOCKS_FAIL ("%s: %s", "request rejected",
"SOCKS server cannot connect to identd on the client");
case 93:
SOCKS_FAIL ("%s: %s", "request rejected",
"identd reports different user-id");
SOCKS_FAIL ("protocol error");
*fd = sockfd;
return true;
xclose (sockfd);
return false;
#define SOCKS_FAIL(...) \
error_set (e, __VA_ARGS__); \
return false; \
static bool
socks_5_userpass_auth (int sockfd, struct socks_data *data, struct error **e)
size_t ulen = strlen (data->username);
if (ulen > 255)
ulen = 255;
size_t plen = strlen (data->password);
if (plen > 255)
plen = 255;
uint8_t req[3 + ulen + plen], *p = req;
*p++ = 0x01; // version
*p++ = ulen; // username length
memcpy (p, data->username, ulen);
p += ulen;
*p++ = plen; // password length
memcpy (p, data->password, plen);
p += plen;
ssize_t n = send (sockfd, req, p - req, 0);
if (n == -1)
SOCKS_FAIL ("%s: %s", "send", strerror (errno));
uint8_t resp[2];
SOCKS_RECV (resp, sizeof resp);
if (resp[0] != 0x01)
SOCKS_FAIL ("protocol error");
if (resp[1] != 0x00)
SOCKS_FAIL ("authentication failure");
return true;
static bool
socks_5_auth (int sockfd, struct socks_data *data, struct error **e)
bool can_auth = data->username && data->password;
uint8_t hello[4];
hello[0] = 0x05; // version
hello[1] = 1 + can_auth; // number of authentication methods
hello[2] = 0x00; // no authentication required
hello[3] = 0x02; // username/password
ssize_t n = send (sockfd, hello, 3 + can_auth, 0);
if (n == -1)
SOCKS_FAIL ("%s: %s", "send", strerror (errno));
uint8_t resp[2];
SOCKS_RECV (resp, sizeof resp);
if (resp[0] != 0x05)
SOCKS_FAIL ("protocol error");
switch (resp[1])
case 0x02:
if (!can_auth)
SOCKS_FAIL ("protocol error");
if (!socks_5_userpass_auth (sockfd, data, e))
return false;
case 0x00:
case 0xFF:
SOCKS_FAIL ("no acceptable authentication methods");
SOCKS_FAIL ("protocol error");
return true;
static bool
socks_5_send_req (int sockfd, struct socks_data *data, struct error **e)
uint8_t req[4 + 256 + 2], *p = req;
*p++ = 0x05; // version
*p++ = 0x01; // connect
*p++ = 0x00; // reserved
*p++ = data->address.type;
switch (data->address.type)
case SOCKS_IPV4:
memcpy (p, data->address.data.ipv4, sizeof data->address.data.ipv4);
p += sizeof data->address.data.ipv4;
size_t dlen = strlen (data->address.data.domain);
if (dlen > 255)
dlen = 255;
*p++ = dlen;
memcpy (p, data->address.data.domain, dlen);
p += dlen;
case SOCKS_IPV6:
memcpy (p, data->address.data.ipv6, sizeof data->address.data.ipv6);
p += sizeof data->address.data.ipv6;
*p++ = data->port >> 8;
*p++ = data->port;
if (send (sockfd, req, p - req, 0) == -1)
SOCKS_FAIL ("%s: %s", "send", strerror (errno));
return true;
static bool
socks_5_process_resp (int sockfd, struct socks_data *data, struct error **e)
uint8_t resp_header[4];
ssize_t n;
SOCKS_RECV (resp_header, sizeof resp_header);
if (resp_header[0] != 0x05)
SOCKS_FAIL ("protocol error");
switch (resp_header[1])
case 0x00:
case 0x01: SOCKS_FAIL ("general SOCKS server failure");
case 0x02: SOCKS_FAIL ("connection not allowed by ruleset");
case 0x03: SOCKS_FAIL ("network unreachable");
case 0x04: SOCKS_FAIL ("host unreachable");
case 0x05: SOCKS_FAIL ("connection refused");
case 0x06: SOCKS_FAIL ("TTL expired");
case 0x07: SOCKS_FAIL ("command not supported");
case 0x08: SOCKS_FAIL ("address type not supported");
default: SOCKS_FAIL ("protocol error");
switch ((data->bound_address.type = resp_header[3]))
case SOCKS_IPV4:
SOCKS_RECV (data->bound_address.data.ipv4,
sizeof data->bound_address.data.ipv4);
case SOCKS_IPV6:
SOCKS_RECV (data->bound_address.data.ipv6,
sizeof data->bound_address.data.ipv6);
uint8_t len;
SOCKS_RECV (&len, sizeof len);
char domain[len + 1];
SOCKS_RECV (domain, len);
domain[len] = '\0';
data->bound_address.data.domain = xstrdup (domain);
SOCKS_FAIL ("protocol error");
uint16_t port;
SOCKS_RECV (&port, sizeof port);
data->bound_port = ntohs (port);
return true;
static bool
socks_5_connect (struct addrinfo *addresses, struct socks_data *data,
int *fd, struct error **e)
int sockfd;
if (!socks_get_socket (addresses, &sockfd, e))
return false;
if (!socks_5_auth (sockfd, data, e)
|| !socks_5_send_req (sockfd, data, e)
|| !socks_5_process_resp (sockfd, data, e))
xclose (sockfd);
return false;
*fd = sockfd;
return true;
static int
socks_connect (const char *socks_host, const char *socks_port,
const char *host, const char *port,
const char *username, const char *password, struct error **e)
struct addrinfo gai_hints, *gai_result;
memset (&gai_hints, 0, sizeof gai_hints);
gai_hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
int err = getaddrinfo (socks_host, socks_port, &gai_hints, &gai_result);
if (err)
error_set (e, "%s: %s", "getaddrinfo", gai_strerror (err));
return false;
unsigned long port_no;
const struct servent *serv;
if ((serv = getservbyname (port, "tcp")))
port_no = (uint16_t) ntohs (serv->s_port);
else if (!xstrtoul (&port_no, port, 10) || !port_no || port_no > UINT16_MAX)
error_set (e, "invalid port number");
return false;
struct socks_data data =
{ .username = username, .password = password, .port = port_no };
if (inet_pton (AF_INET, host, &data.address.data.ipv4) == 1)
data.address.type = SOCKS_IPV4;
else if (inet_pton (AF_INET6, host, &data.address.data.ipv6) == 1)
data.address.type = SOCKS_IPV6;
data.address.type = SOCKS_DOMAIN;
data.address.data.domain = host;
int fd;
bool success = socks_5_connect (gai_result, &data, &fd, NULL)
|| socks_4a_connect (gai_result, &data, &fd, e);
freeaddrinfo (gai_result);
if (data.bound_address.type == SOCKS_DOMAIN)
free ((char *) data.bound_address.data.domain);
return success ? fd : -1;
// --- Plugins -----------------------------------------------------------------
/// The name of the special IRC command for interprocess communication
static const char *plugin_ipc_command = "ZYKLONB";
static struct plugin_data *
plugin_find_by_pid (struct bot_context *ctx, pid_t pid)
struct plugin_data *iter;
for (iter = ctx->plugins; iter; iter = iter->next)
if (iter->pid == pid)
return iter;
return NULL;
static bool
plugin_zombify (struct plugin_data *plugin)
if (plugin->is_zombie)
return false;
// FIXME: make sure that we don't remove entries from the poller while we
// still may have stuff to read; maybe just check that the read pipe is
// empty before closing it... and then on EOF check if `pid == -1' and
// only then dispose of it (it'd be best to simulate that both of these
// cases may happen).
ssize_t poller_idx =
poller_find_by_fd (&plugin->ctx->poller, plugin->write_fd);
if (poller_idx != -1)
poller_remove_at_index (&plugin->ctx->poller, poller_idx);
// TODO: try to flush the write buffer (non-blocking)?
// The plugin should terminate itself after it receives EOF.
xclose (plugin->write_fd);
plugin->write_fd = -1;
// Make it a pseudo-anonymous zombie. In this state we process any
// remaining commands it attempts to send to us before it finally dies.
str_map_set (&plugin->ctx->plugins_by_name, plugin->name, NULL);
plugin->is_zombie = true;
// TODO: wait a few seconds and then send SIGKILL to the plugin
return true;
static void
on_plugin_writable (const struct pollfd *fd, struct plugin_data *plugin)
struct bot_context *ctx = plugin->ctx;
struct str *buf = &plugin->write_buffer;
size_t written_total = 0;
if (fd->revents & ~(POLLOUT | POLLHUP | POLLERR))
print_debug ("fd %d: unexpected revents: %d", fd->fd, fd->revents);
while (written_total != buf->len)
ssize_t n_written = write (fd->fd, buf->str + written_total,
buf->len - written_total);
if (n_written < 0)
if (errno == EAGAIN)
if (errno == EINTR)
soft_assert (errno == EPIPE);
// Zombies shouldn't get dispatched for writability
hard_assert (!plugin->is_zombie);
print_debug ("%s: %s", "write", strerror (errno));
print_error ("failure on writing to plugin `%s',"
" therefore I'm unloading it", plugin->name);
plugin_zombify (plugin);
// This may be equivalent to EAGAIN on some implementations
if (n_written == 0)
written_total += n_written;
if (written_total != 0)
str_remove_slice (buf, 0, written_total);
if (buf->len == 0)
// Everything has been written, there's no need to end up in here again
ssize_t index = poller_find_by_fd (&ctx->poller, fd->fd);
if (index != -1)
poller_remove_at_index (&ctx->poller, index);
static void
plugin_queue_write (struct plugin_data *plugin)
if (plugin->is_zombie)
// Don't let the write buffer grow infinitely. If there's a ton of data
// waiting to be processed by the plugin, it usually means there's something
// wrong with it (such as someone stopping the process).
if (plugin->write_buffer.len >= (1 << 20))
print_warning ("plugin `%s' does not seem to process messages fast"
" enough, I'm unloading it", plugin->name);
plugin_zombify (plugin);
poller_set (&plugin->ctx->poller, plugin->write_fd, POLLOUT,
(poller_dispatcher_func) on_plugin_writable, plugin);
static void
plugin_send (struct plugin_data *plugin, const char *format, ...)
static void
plugin_send (struct plugin_data *plugin, const char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
if (g_debug_mode)
fprintf (stderr, "[%s] <-- \"", plugin->name);
va_start (ap, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, ap);
va_end (ap);
fputs ("\"\n", stderr);
va_start (ap, format);
str_append_vprintf (&plugin->write_buffer, format, ap);
va_end (ap);
str_append (&plugin->write_buffer, "\r\n");
plugin_queue_write (plugin);
static void
plugin_process_message (const struct irc_message *msg,
const char *raw, void *user_data)
struct plugin_data *plugin = user_data;
struct bot_context *ctx = plugin->ctx;
if (g_debug_mode)
fprintf (stderr, "[%s] --> \"%s\"\n", plugin->name, raw);
if (!strcasecmp (msg->command, plugin_ipc_command))
// Replies are sent in the order in which they came in, so there's
// no need to attach a special identifier to them. It might be
// desirable in some cases, though.
if (msg->params.len < 1)
const char *command = msg->params.vector[0];
if (!plugin->initialized && !strcasecmp (command, "register"))
// Register for relaying of IRC traffic
plugin->initialized = true;
// Flush any queued up traffic here. The point of queuing it in
// the first place is so that we don't have to wait for plugin
// initialization during startup.
// Note that if we start filtering data coming to the plugins e.g.
// based on what it tells us upon registration, we might need to
// filter `queued_output' as well.
str_append_str (&plugin->write_buffer, &plugin->queued_output);
str_free (&plugin->queued_output);
// NOTE: this may trigger the buffer length check
plugin_queue_write (plugin);
else if (!strcasecmp (command, "get_config"))
if (msg->params.len < 2)
const char *value =
str_map_find (&ctx->config, msg->params.vector[1]);
// TODO: escape the value (although there's no need to ATM)
plugin_send (plugin, "%s :%s",
plugin_ipc_command, value ? value : "");
else if (!strcasecmp (command, "print"))
if (msg->params.len < 2)
printf ("%s\n", msg->params.vector[1]);
else if (plugin->initialized && ctx->irc_ready)
// Pass everything else through to the IRC server
// XXX: when the server isn't ready yet, these messages get silently
// discarded, which shouldn't pose a problem most of the time.
// Perhaps we could send a "connected" notification on `register'
// if `irc_ready' is true, or after it becomes true later, so that
// plugins know when to start sending unprovoked IRC messages.
// XXX: another case is when the connection gets interrupted and the
// plugin tries to send something back while we're reconnecting.
// For that we might set up a global buffer that gets flushed out
// after `irc_ready' becomes true. Note that there is always some
// chance of messages getting lost without us even noticing it.
irc_send (ctx, "%s", raw);
static void
on_plugin_readable (const struct pollfd *fd, struct plugin_data *plugin)
if (fd->revents & ~(POLLIN | POLLHUP | POLLERR))
print_debug ("fd %d: unexpected revents: %d", fd->fd, fd->revents);
// TODO: see if I can reuse irc_fill_read_buffer()
struct str *buf = &plugin->read_buffer;
while (true)
str_ensure_space (buf, 512 + 1);
ssize_t n_read = read (fd->fd, buf->str + buf->len,
buf->alloc - buf->len - 1);
if (n_read < 0)
if (errno == EAGAIN)
if (soft_assert (errno == EINTR))
if (!plugin->is_zombie)
print_error ("failure on reading from plugin `%s',"
" therefore I'm unloading it", plugin->name);
plugin_zombify (plugin);
// EOF; hopefully it will die soon (maybe it already has)
if (n_read == 0)
buf->str[buf->len += n_read] = '\0';
if (buf->len >= (1 << 20))
// XXX: this isn't really the best flood prevention mechanism,
// but it wasn't even supposed to be one.
if (plugin->is_zombie)
print_error ("a zombie of plugin `%s' is trying to flood us,"
" therefore I'm killing it", plugin->name);
kill (plugin->pid, SIGKILL);
print_error ("plugin `%s' seems to spew out data frantically,"
" therefore I'm unloading it", plugin->name);
plugin_zombify (plugin);
irc_process_buffer (buf, plugin_process_message, plugin);
static bool
is_valid_plugin_name (const char *name)
if (!*name)
return false;
for (const char *p = name; *p; p++)
if (!isgraph (*p) || *p == '/')
return false;
return true;
static bool
plugin_load (struct bot_context *ctx, const char *name, struct error **e)
const char *plugin_dir = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "plugin_dir");
if (!plugin_dir)
error_set (e, "plugin directory not set");
return false;
if (!is_valid_plugin_name (name))
error_set (e, "invalid plugin name");
return false;
if (str_map_find (&ctx->plugins_by_name, name))
error_set (e, "the plugin has already been loaded");
return false;
int stdin_pipe[2];
if (pipe (stdin_pipe) == -1)
error_set (e, "%s: %s: %s",
"failed to load the plugin", "pipe", strerror (errno));
goto fail_1;
int stdout_pipe[2];
if (pipe (stdout_pipe) == -1)
error_set (e, "%s: %s: %s",
"failed to load the plugin", "pipe", strerror (errno));
goto fail_2;
set_cloexec (stdin_pipe[1]);
set_cloexec (stdout_pipe[0]);
pid_t pid = fork ();
if (pid == -1)
error_set (e, "%s: %s: %s",
"failed to load the plugin", "fork", strerror (errno));
goto fail_3;
if (pid == 0)
// Redirect the child's stdin and stdout to the pipes
hard_assert (dup2 (stdin_pipe[0], STDIN_FILENO) != -1);
hard_assert (dup2 (stdout_pipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO) != -1);
xclose (stdin_pipe[0]);
xclose (stdout_pipe[1]);
struct str pathname;
str_init (&pathname);
str_append (&pathname, plugin_dir);
str_append_c (&pathname, '/');
str_append (&pathname, name);
// Restore some of the signal handling
signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
char *const argv[] = { pathname.str, NULL };
execve (argv[0], argv, environ);
// We will collect the failure later via SIGCHLD
print_error ("%s: %s: %s",
"failed to load the plugin", "exec", strerror (errno));
xclose (stdin_pipe[0]);
xclose (stdout_pipe[1]);
set_blocking (stdout_pipe[0], false);
set_blocking (stdin_pipe[1], false);
struct plugin_data *plugin = xmalloc (sizeof *plugin);
plugin_data_init (plugin);
plugin->ctx = ctx;
plugin->pid = pid;
plugin->name = xstrdup (name);
plugin->read_fd = stdout_pipe[0];
plugin->write_fd = stdin_pipe[1];
LIST_PREPEND (ctx->plugins, plugin);
str_map_set (&ctx->plugins_by_name, name, plugin);
poller_set (&ctx->poller, stdout_pipe[0], POLLIN,
(poller_dispatcher_func) on_plugin_readable, plugin);
return true;
xclose (stdout_pipe[0]);
xclose (stdout_pipe[1]);
xclose (stdin_pipe[0]);
xclose (stdin_pipe[1]);
return false;
static bool
plugin_unload (struct bot_context *ctx, const char *name, struct error **e)
struct plugin_data *plugin = str_map_find (&ctx->plugins_by_name, name);
if (!plugin)
error_set (e, "no such plugin is loaded");
return false;
plugin_zombify (plugin);
// TODO: add a `kill zombies' command to forcefully get rid of processes
// that do not understand the request.
return true;
static void
plugin_load_all_from_config (struct bot_context *ctx)
const char *plugin_list = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "plugins");
if (!plugin_list)
struct str_vector plugins;
str_vector_init (&plugins);
split_str_ignore_empty (plugin_list, ',', &plugins);
for (size_t i = 0; i < plugins.len; i++)
char *name = strip_str_in_place (plugins.vector[i], " ");
struct error *e = NULL;
if (!plugin_load (ctx, name, &e))
print_error ("plugin `%s' failed to load: %s", name, e->message);
error_free (e);
str_vector_free (&plugins);
// --- Main program ------------------------------------------------------------
static bool
parse_bot_command (const char *s, const char *command, const char **following)
size_t command_len = strlen (command);
if (strncasecmp (s, command, command_len))
return false;
s += command_len;
// Expect a word boundary, so that we don't respond to invalid things
if (isalnum (*s))
return false;
// Ignore any initial spaces; the rest is the command's argument
while (isblank (*s))
*following = s;
return true;
static void
split_bot_command_argument_list (const char *arguments, struct str_vector *out)
split_str_ignore_empty (arguments, ',', out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < out->len; )
if (!*strip_str_in_place (out->vector[i], " \t"))
str_vector_remove (out, i);
static bool
is_private_message (const struct irc_message *msg)
hard_assert (msg->params.len);
return !strchr ("#&+!", *msg->params.vector[0]);
static bool
is_sent_by_admin (struct bot_context *ctx, const struct irc_message *msg)
// No administrator set -> everyone is an administrator
if (!ctx->admin_re)
return true;
return regexec (ctx->admin_re, msg->prefix, 0, NULL, 0) != REG_NOMATCH;
static void respond_to_user (struct bot_context *ctx, const struct
irc_message *msg, const char *format, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF (3, 4);
static void
respond_to_user (struct bot_context *ctx, const struct irc_message *msg,
const char *format, ...)
if (!soft_assert (msg->prefix && msg->params.len))
char nick[strcspn (msg->prefix, "!") + 1];
strncpy (nick, msg->prefix, sizeof nick - 1);
nick[sizeof nick - 1] = '\0';
struct str text;
va_list ap;
str_init (&text);
va_start (ap, format);
str_append_vprintf (&text, format, ap);
va_end (ap);
if (is_private_message (msg))
irc_send (ctx, "PRIVMSG %s :%s", nick, text.str);
irc_send (ctx, "PRIVMSG %s :%s: %s",
msg->params.vector[0], nick, text.str);
str_free (&text);
static void
process_plugin_load (struct bot_context *ctx,
const struct irc_message *msg, const char *name)
struct error *e = NULL;
if (plugin_load (ctx, name, &e))
respond_to_user (ctx, msg, "plugin `%s' queued for loading", name);
respond_to_user (ctx, msg, "plugin `%s' could not be loaded: %s",
name, e->message);
error_free (e);
static void
process_plugin_unload (struct bot_context *ctx,
const struct irc_message *msg, const char *name)
struct error *e = NULL;
if (plugin_unload (ctx, name, &e))
respond_to_user (ctx, msg, "plugin `%s' unloaded", name);
respond_to_user (ctx, msg, "plugin `%s' could not be unloaded: %s",
name, e->message);
error_free (e);
static void
process_plugin_reload (struct bot_context *ctx,
const struct irc_message *msg, const char *name)
// XXX: we might want to wait until the plugin terminates before we try
// to reload it (so that it can save its configuration or whatever)
// So far the only error that can occur is that the plugin hasn't been
// loaded, which in this case doesn't really matter.
plugin_unload (ctx, name, NULL);
process_plugin_load (ctx, msg, name);
static void
process_privmsg (struct bot_context *ctx, const struct irc_message *msg)
if (!is_sent_by_admin (ctx, msg))
if (msg->params.len < 2)
const char *prefix = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "prefix");
hard_assert (prefix != NULL); // We have a default value for this
// For us to recognize the command, it has to start with the prefix,
// with the exception of PM's sent directly to us.
const char *text = msg->params.vector[1];
if (!strncmp (text, prefix, strlen (prefix)))
text += strlen (prefix);
else if (!is_private_message (msg))
const char *following;
struct str_vector list;
str_vector_init (&list);
if (parse_bot_command (text, "quote", &following))
// This seems to replace tons of random stupid commands
irc_send (ctx, "%s", following);
else if (parse_bot_command (text, "quit", &following))
// We actually need this command (instead of just `quote') because we
// could try to reconnect to the server automatically otherwise.
if (*following)
irc_send (ctx, "QUIT :%s", following);
irc_send (ctx, "QUIT");
initiate_quit (ctx);
else if (parse_bot_command (text, "status", &following))
struct str report;
str_init (&report);
const char *reason = getenv (g_startup_reason_str);
if (!reason)
reason = "launched normally";
str_append_printf (&report,
"\x02startup reason:\x0f %s; \x02plugins:\x0f ", reason);
size_t zombies = 0;
const char *prepend = "";
for (struct plugin_data *plugin = ctx->plugins;
plugin; plugin = plugin->next)
if (plugin->is_zombie)
str_append_printf (&report, "%s%s", prepend, plugin->name);
prepend = ", ";
if (!ctx->plugins)
str_append (&report, "\x02none\x0f");
str_append_printf (&report, "; \x02zombies:\x0f %zu", zombies);
respond_to_user (ctx, msg, "%s", report.str);
str_free (&report);
else if (parse_bot_command (text, "load", &following))
split_bot_command_argument_list (following, &list);
for (size_t i = 0; i < list.len; i++)
process_plugin_load (ctx, msg, list.vector[i]);
else if (parse_bot_command (text, "reload", &following))
split_bot_command_argument_list (following, &list);
for (size_t i = 0; i < list.len; i++)
process_plugin_reload (ctx, msg, list.vector[i]);
else if (parse_bot_command (text, "unload", &following))
split_bot_command_argument_list (following, &list);
for (size_t i = 0; i < list.len; i++)
process_plugin_unload (ctx, msg, list.vector[i]);
str_vector_free (&list);
static void
irc_forward_message_to_plugins (struct bot_context *ctx, const char *raw)
// For consistency with plugin_process_message()
if (!ctx->irc_ready)
for (struct plugin_data *plugin = ctx->plugins;
plugin; plugin = plugin->next)
if (plugin->is_zombie)
if (plugin->initialized)
plugin_send (plugin, "%s", raw);
// TODO: make sure that this buffer doesn't get too large either
str_append_printf (&plugin->queued_output, "%s\r\n", raw);
static void
irc_process_message (const struct irc_message *msg,
const char *raw, void *user_data)
struct bot_context *ctx = user_data;
if (g_debug_mode)
fprintf (stderr, "[%s] ==> \"%s\"\n", "IRC", raw);
// This should be as minimal as possible, I don't want to have the whole bot
// written in C, especially when I have this overengineered plugin system.
// Therefore the very basic functionality only.
// I should probably even rip out the autojoin...
irc_forward_message_to_plugins (ctx, raw);
if (!strcasecmp (msg->command, "PING"))
if (msg->params.len)
irc_send (ctx, "PONG :%s", msg->params.vector[0]);
irc_send (ctx, "PONG");
else if (!ctx->irc_ready && (!strcasecmp (msg->command, "MODE")
|| !strcasecmp (msg->command, "376") // RPL_ENDOFMOTD
|| !strcasecmp (msg->command, "422"))) // ERR_NOMOTD
print_status ("successfully connected");
ctx->irc_ready = true;
const char *autojoin = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "autojoin");
if (autojoin)
irc_send (ctx, "JOIN :%s", autojoin);
else if (!strcasecmp (msg->command, "PRIVMSG"))
process_privmsg (ctx, msg);
enum irc_read_result
IRC_READ_OK, ///< Some data were read successfully
IRC_READ_EOF, ///< The server has closed connection
IRC_READ_AGAIN, ///< No more data at the moment
IRC_READ_ERROR ///< General connection failure
static enum irc_read_result
irc_fill_read_buffer_ssl (struct bot_context *ctx, struct str *buf)
int n_read;
n_read = SSL_read (ctx->ssl, buf->str + buf->len,
buf->alloc - buf->len - 1 /* null byte */);
const char *error_info = NULL;
switch (xssl_get_error (ctx->ssl, n_read, &error_info))
buf->str[buf->len += n_read] = '\0';
return IRC_READ_OK;
return IRC_READ_EOF;
// Let it finish the handshake as we don't poll for writability;
// any errors are to be collected by SSL_read() in the next iteration
struct pollfd pfd = { .fd = ctx->irc_fd, .events = POLLOUT };
soft_assert (poll (&pfd, 1, 0) > 0);
goto start;
goto start;
print_debug ("%s: %s: %s", __func__, "SSL_read", error_info);
static enum irc_read_result
irc_fill_read_buffer (struct bot_context *ctx, struct str *buf)
ssize_t n_read;
n_read = recv (ctx->irc_fd, buf->str + buf->len,
buf->alloc - buf->len - 1 /* null byte */, 0);
if (n_read > 0)
buf->str[buf->len += n_read] = '\0';
return IRC_READ_OK;
if (n_read == 0)
return IRC_READ_EOF;
if (errno == EAGAIN)
if (errno == EINTR)
goto start;
print_debug ("%s: %s: %s", __func__, "recv", strerror (errno));
static bool irc_connect (struct bot_context *, struct error **);
static void irc_queue_reconnect (struct bot_context *);
static void
irc_cancel_timers (struct bot_context *ctx)
ssize_t i;
struct poller_timers *timers = &ctx->poller.timers;
while ((i = poller_timers_find_by_data (timers, ctx)) != -1)
poller_timers_remove_at_index (timers, i);
static void
irc_on_reconnect_timeout (void *user_data)
struct bot_context *ctx = user_data;
struct error *e = NULL;
if (irc_connect (ctx, &e))
// TODO: inform plugins about the new connection
print_error ("%s", e->message);
error_free (e);
irc_queue_reconnect (ctx);
static void
irc_queue_reconnect (struct bot_context *ctx)
hard_assert (ctx->irc_fd == -1);
print_status ("trying to reconnect in %ld seconds...",
poller_timers_add (&ctx->poller.timers,
irc_on_reconnect_timeout, ctx, ctx->reconnect_delay * 1000);
static void
on_irc_disconnected (struct bot_context *ctx)
// Get rid of the dead socket and related things
if (ctx->ssl)
SSL_free (ctx->ssl);
ctx->ssl = NULL;
SSL_CTX_free (ctx->ssl_ctx);
ctx->ssl_ctx = NULL;
ssize_t i = poller_find_by_fd (&ctx->poller, ctx->irc_fd);
if (i != -1)
poller_remove_at_index (&ctx->poller, i);
xclose (ctx->irc_fd);
ctx->irc_fd = -1;
ctx->irc_ready = false;
// TODO: inform plugins about the disconnect event
// All of our timers have lost their meaning now
irc_cancel_timers (ctx);
if (ctx->quitting)
try_finish_quit (ctx);
else if (!ctx->reconnect)
initiate_quit (ctx);
irc_queue_reconnect (ctx);
static void
on_irc_ping_timeout (void *user_data)
struct bot_context *ctx = user_data;
print_error ("connection timeout");
on_irc_disconnected (ctx);
static void
on_irc_timeout (void *user_data)
// Provoke a response from the server
struct bot_context *ctx = user_data;
irc_send (ctx, "PING :%s",
(char *) str_map_find (&ctx->config, "nickname"));
static void
irc_reset_connection_timeouts (struct bot_context *ctx)
irc_cancel_timers (ctx);
poller_timers_add (&ctx->poller.timers,
on_irc_timeout, ctx, 3 * 60 * 1000);
poller_timers_add (&ctx->poller.timers,
on_irc_ping_timeout, ctx, (3 * 60 + 30) * 1000);
static void
on_irc_readable (const struct pollfd *fd, struct bot_context *ctx)
if (fd->revents & ~(POLLIN | POLLHUP | POLLERR))
print_debug ("fd %d: unexpected revents: %d", fd->fd, fd->revents);
(void) set_blocking (ctx->irc_fd, false);
struct str *buf = &ctx->read_buffer;
enum irc_read_result (*fill_buffer)(struct bot_context *, struct str *)
= ctx->ssl
? irc_fill_read_buffer_ssl
: irc_fill_read_buffer;
bool disconnected = false;
while (true)
str_ensure_space (buf, 512);
switch (fill_buffer (ctx, buf))
goto end;
print_error ("reading from the IRC server failed");
disconnected = true;
goto end;
print_status ("the IRC server closed the connection");
disconnected = true;
goto end;
if (buf->len >= (1 << 20))
print_error ("the IRC server seems to spew out data frantically");
irc_shutdown (ctx);
goto end;
(void) set_blocking (ctx->irc_fd, true);
irc_process_buffer (buf, irc_process_message, ctx);
if (disconnected)
on_irc_disconnected (ctx);
irc_reset_connection_timeouts (ctx);
static bool
irc_connect (struct bot_context *ctx, struct error **e)
const char *irc_host = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "irc_host");
const char *irc_port = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "irc_port");
const char *ssl_use_str = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "ssl_use");
const char *socks_host = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "socks_host");
const char *socks_port = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "socks_port");
const char *socks_username = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "socks_username");
const char *socks_password = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "socks_password");
const char *nickname = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "nickname");
const char *username = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "username");
const char *realname = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "realname");
// We have a default value for these
hard_assert (irc_port && ssl_use_str && socks_port);
hard_assert (nickname && username && realname);
// TODO: again, get rid of `struct error' in here. The question is: how
// do we tell our caller that he should not try to reconnect?
if (!irc_host)
error_set (e, "no hostname specified in configuration");
return false;
bool use_ssl;
if (!set_boolean_if_valid (&use_ssl, ssl_use_str))
error_set (e, "invalid configuration value for `%s'", "use_ssl");
return false;
if (socks_host)
char *address = format_host_port_pair (irc_host, irc_port);
char *socks_address = format_host_port_pair (socks_host, socks_port);
print_status ("connecting to %s via %s...", address, socks_address);
free (socks_address);
free (address);
struct error *error = NULL;
int fd = socks_connect (socks_host, socks_port, irc_host, irc_port,
socks_username, socks_password, &error);
if (fd == -1)
error_set (e, "%s: %s", "SOCKS connection failed", error->message);
error_free (error);
return false;
ctx->irc_fd = fd;
else if (!irc_establish_connection (ctx, irc_host, irc_port, e))
return false;
if (use_ssl && !irc_initialize_ssl (ctx, e))
xclose (ctx->irc_fd);
ctx->irc_fd = -1;
return false;
print_status ("connection established");
// TODO: in exec try: 1/ set blocking, 2/ setsockopt() SO_LINGER,
// (struct linger) { .l_onoff = true; .l_linger = 1 /* 1s should do */; }
// 3/ /* O_CLOEXEC */ But only if the QUIT message proves unreliable.
poller_set (&ctx->poller, ctx->irc_fd, POLLIN,
(poller_dispatcher_func) on_irc_readable, ctx);
irc_reset_connection_timeouts (ctx);
irc_send (ctx, "NICK %s", nickname);
irc_send (ctx, "USER %s 8 * :%s", username, realname);
return true;
static bool
parse_config (struct bot_context *ctx, struct error **e)
const char *reconnect_str = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "reconnect");
hard_assert (reconnect_str != NULL); // We have a default value for this
if (!set_boolean_if_valid (&ctx->reconnect, reconnect_str))
error_set (e, "invalid configuration value for `%s'", "reconnect");
return false;
const char *delay_str = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "reconnect_delay");
hard_assert (delay_str != NULL); // We have a default value for this
if (!xstrtoul (&ctx->reconnect_delay, delay_str, 10))
error_set (e, "invalid configuration value for `%s'",
return false;
hard_assert (!ctx->admin_re);
const char *admin = str_map_find (&ctx->config, "admin");
if (!admin)
return true;
struct error *error = NULL;
ctx->admin_re = regex_compile (admin, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB, &error);
if (!error)
return true;
error_set (e, "invalid configuration value for `%s': %s",
"admin", error->message);
error_free (error);
return false;
static void
on_signal_pipe_readable (const struct pollfd *fd, struct bot_context *ctx)
char *dummy;
(void) read (fd->fd, &dummy, 1);
if (g_termination_requested && !ctx->quitting)
// There may be a timer set to reconnect to the server
irc_cancel_timers (ctx);
if (ctx->irc_fd != -1)
irc_send (ctx, "QUIT :Terminated by signal");
initiate_quit (ctx);
// Reap all dead children (since the pipe may overflow, we ask waitpid()
// to return all the zombies it knows about).
while (true)
int status;
pid_t zombie = waitpid (-1, &status, WNOHANG);
if (zombie == -1)
// No children to wait on
if (errno == ECHILD)
hard_assert (errno == EINTR);
if (zombie == 0)
struct plugin_data *plugin = plugin_find_by_pid (ctx, zombie);
// Something has died but we don't recognize it (re-exec?)
if (!soft_assert (plugin != NULL))
// TODO: callbacks on children death, so that we may tell the user
// "plugin `name' died like a dirty jewish pig"; use `status'
if (!plugin->is_zombie && WIFSIGNALED (status))
const char *notes = "";
if (WCOREDUMP (status))
notes = " (core dumped)";
print_warning ("Plugin `%s' died from signal %d%s",
plugin->name, WTERMSIG (status), notes);
// Let's go through the zombie state to simplify things a bit
// TODO: might not be a completely bad idea to restart the plugin
plugin_zombify (plugin);
plugin->pid = -1;
ssize_t poller_idx = poller_find_by_fd (&ctx->poller, plugin->read_fd);
if (poller_idx != -1)
poller_remove_at_index (&ctx->poller, poller_idx);
xclose (plugin->read_fd);
plugin->read_fd = -1;
LIST_UNLINK (ctx->plugins, plugin);
plugin_data_free (plugin);
free (plugin);
// Living child processes block us from quitting
try_finish_quit (ctx);
static void
print_usage (const char *program_name)
fprintf (stderr,
"Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
"Experimental IRC bot.\n"
" -d, --debug run in debug mode\n"
" -h, --help display this help and exit\n"
" -V, --version output version information and exit\n"
" --write-default-cfg [filename]\n"
" write a default configuration file and exit\n",
main (int argc, char *argv[])
const char *invocation_name = argv[0];
str_vector_init (&g_original_argv);
str_vector_add_vector (&g_original_argv, argv);
static struct option opts[] =
{ "debug", no_argument, NULL, 'd' },
{ "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
{ "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' },
{ "write-default-cfg", optional_argument, NULL, 'w' },
{ NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }
while (1)
int c, opt_index;
c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "dhV", opts, &opt_index);
if (c == -1)
switch (c)
case 'd':
g_debug_mode = true;
case 'h':
print_usage (invocation_name);
case 'V':
case 'w':
call_write_default_config (optarg, g_config_table);
print_error ("wrong options");
print_status (PROGRAM_NAME " " PROGRAM_VERSION " starting");
setup_signal_handlers ();
SSL_library_init ();
atexit (EVP_cleanup);
SSL_load_error_strings ();
// XXX: ERR_load_BIO_strings()? Anything else?
atexit (ERR_free_strings);
struct bot_context ctx;
bot_context_init (&ctx);
struct error *e = NULL;
if (!read_config_file (&ctx.config, &e))
print_error ("error loading configuration: %s", e->message);
error_free (e);
setup_recovery_handler (&ctx);
poller_set (&ctx.poller, g_signal_pipe[0], POLLIN,
(poller_dispatcher_func) on_signal_pipe_readable, &ctx);
plugin_load_all_from_config (&ctx);
if (!parse_config (&ctx, &e)
|| !irc_connect (&ctx, &e))
print_error ("%s", e->message);
error_free (e);
// TODO: clean re-exec support; to save the state I can either use argv,
// argp, or I can create a temporary file, unlink it and use the FD
// (mkstemp() on a `struct str' constructed from XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, TMPDIR
// or /tmp as a last resort + PROGRAM_NAME + ".XXXXXX" -> unlink();
// remember to use O_CREAT | O_EXCL). The state needs to be versioned.
// Unfortunately I cannot de/serialize SSL state.
ctx.polling = true;
while (ctx.polling)
poller_run (&ctx.poller);
bot_context_free (&ctx);
str_vector_free (&g_original_argv);