ZyklonB ======= `ZyklonB' is an experimental IRC bot, building upon the concept of my other VitaminA IRC bot. The main characteristic of these two bots is that they run plugins as coprocesses, which allows for enhanced reliability and programming language freedom. While originally intended to be a simple C99 rewrite of the original bot, which was written in the GNU dialect of AWK, it fairly quickly became a playground where I added everything that seemed nice. kike ---- Also included is a simple IRC daemon that mostly follows the RFC's but is limited to single-server networks, due to the protocol being incredibly ugly and tricky to implement correctly (the poor quality of the RFC's doesn't help). It is designed for use as a regular user application rather than a system daemon. It is complete enough to be useful but there are still some things that need to be resolved before I can consider it stable. Some interesting features: - SSL/TLS autodetection - IRCop authentication through SSL/TLS client certificates - epoll support on Linux - superfast build time, small memory footprint Building and Running -------------------- Build dependencies: openssl, clang, pkg-config, make, awk, sh If you don't have Clang, you can edit the Makefile to use GCC or TCC, they work just as good. But there's no CMake support yet, so I force it in the Makefile. $ git clone https://github.com/pjanouch/ZyklonB.git $ make That is all, no installation is required, or supported for that matter. First you might want to generate a configuration file: $ ./zyklonb --write-default-config $ ./kike --write-default-config After making any necessary edits to the file (there are comments to aid you in doing that), simply run the appropriate program with no arguments: $ ./zyklonb $ ./kike ZyklonB stays running in the foreground, so I recommend launching it inside a Screen or tmux session. kike, on the other hand, immediately forks into the background. Use something like `killall' if you want to terminate it. Client Certificates ------------------- `kike' uses SHA1 fingerprints of SSL client certificates to authenticate users. To get the fingerprint from a certificate file, use: $ openssl x509 -noout -in cert.pem -sha1 -fingerprint Disclaimer ---------- I am not an antisemitist, I'm just being an offensive asshole with the naming. And no, I'm not going to change the names. License ------- `ZyklonB' is written by Přemysl Janouch <p.janouch@gmail.com>. You may use the software under the terms of the ISC license, the text of which is included within the package, or, at your option, you may relicense the work under the MIT or the Modified BSD License, as listed at the following site: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html
2.1.0 (2024-12-19)