Fix git commit tracking

This commit is contained in:
Přemysl Eric Janouch 2016-03-13 17:07:04 +01:00
parent 90842c23a2
commit a83ef111c8

View File

@ -19,8 +19,16 @@ set (project_version "0.9.2")
# we could also detect dirty worktrees but that's very hard to get right.
find_package (Git)
set (git_head "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git/HEAD")
if (GIT_FOUND AND EXISTS ${git_head})
configure_file (${git_head} git-head.tag COPYONLY)
if (GIT_FOUND AND EXISTS "${git_head}")
configure_file ("${git_head}" git-head.tag COPYONLY)
file (READ "${git_head}" git_head_content)
if (git_head_content MATCHES "^ref: ([^\r\n]+)")
set (git_ref "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git/${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
if (EXISTS "${git_ref}")
configure_file ("${git_ref}" git-ref.tag COPYONLY)
endif (EXISTS "${git_ref}")
endif (git_head_content MATCHES "^ref: ([^\r\n]+)")
execute_process (COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} describe --tags --match v*
RESULT_VARIABLE git_describe_result
@ -28,7 +36,7 @@ if (GIT_FOUND AND EXISTS ${git_head})
if (NOT git_describe_result)
string (REGEX REPLACE "^v" "" project_version "${git_describe}")
endif (NOT git_describe_result)
endif (GIT_FOUND AND EXISTS ${git_head})
endif (GIT_FOUND AND EXISTS "${git_head}")
# Dashes make filenames confusing and upset packaging software
string (REPLACE "-" "+" project_version_safe "${project_version}")