degesch: refactor Lua
And fix handling of nil returns from filter callbacks.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7601,7 +7601,7 @@ static luaL_Reg lua_hook_table[] =
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Append a traceback to all errors so that we can later extract it
/// Append a traceback to all errors so that we can later extract it
static int
lua_plugin_error_handler (lua_State *L)
@ -7632,16 +7632,33 @@ lua_plugin_process_error (struct lua_plugin *self, const char *message,
return false;
// Convenience function; replaces the "original" string or produces an error
/// Call a Lua function and process errors using our special error handler
static bool
lua_plugin_handle_string_filter_result (struct lua_plugin *self,
int result, char **original, bool utf8, struct error **e)
lua_plugin_call (struct lua_plugin *self,
int n_params, int n_results, struct error **e)
lua_State *L = self->L;
lua_pushcfunction (L, lua_plugin_error_handler);
int error_handler_idx = -n_params - 2;
lua_insert (L, error_handler_idx);
if (!lua_pcall (L, n_params, n_results, error_handler_idx))
return true;
(void) lua_plugin_process_error (self, lua_tostring (L, -1), e);
lua_pop (L, 1);
return false;
/// Convenience function; replaces the "original" string or produces an error
static bool
lua_plugin_handle_string_filter_result (struct lua_plugin *self,
char **original, bool utf8, struct error **e)
lua_State *L = self->L;
if (result)
return lua_plugin_process_error (self, lua_tostring (L, -1), e);
if (lua_isnil (L, -1))
return NULL;
return true;
if (!lua_isstring (L, -1))
FAIL ("must return either a string or nil");
@ -7659,6 +7676,15 @@ lua_plugin_handle_string_filter_result (struct lua_plugin *self,
return true;
static void
(struct lua_plugin *self, const char *where, struct error *error)
log_global_error (self->ctx, "Lua: plugin \"#s\": #s: #s",
self->, where, error->message);
error_free (error);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static char *
@ -7670,24 +7696,19 @@ lua_input_hook_filter (struct input_hook *self, struct buffer *buffer,
struct lua_plugin *plugin = hook->plugin;
lua_State *L = plugin->L;
lua_pushcfunction (L, lua_plugin_error_handler);
lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, hook->ref_callback);
lua_rawgetp (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, hook); // 1: hook
lua_plugin_push_buffer (plugin, buffer); // 2: buffer
lua_pushstring (L, input); // 3: input
struct error *e = NULL;
bool failed = !lua_plugin_handle_string_filter_result
(plugin, lua_pcall (L, 3, 1, -5), &input, true, &e);
lua_pop (L, 1);
if (failed)
if (lua_plugin_call (plugin, 3, 1, &e))
log_global_error (plugin->ctx, "Lua: plugin \"#s\": #s: #s",
plugin->, "input hook", e->message);
error_free (e);
lua_plugin_handle_string_filter_result (plugin, &input, true, &e);
lua_pop (L, 1);
if (e)
lua_plugin_log_error (plugin, "input hook", e);
return input;
@ -7706,24 +7727,19 @@ lua_irc_hook_filter (struct irc_hook *self, struct server *s, char *message)
struct lua_plugin *plugin = hook->plugin;
lua_State *L = plugin->L;
lua_pushcfunction (L, lua_plugin_error_handler);
lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, hook->ref_callback);
lua_rawgetp (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, hook); // 1: hook
lua_plugin_push_server (plugin, s); // 2: server
lua_pushstring (L, message); // 3: message
struct error *e = NULL;
bool failed = !lua_plugin_handle_string_filter_result
(plugin, lua_pcall (L, 3, 1, -5), &message, false, &e);
lua_pop (L, 1);
if (failed)
if (lua_plugin_call (plugin, 3, 1, &e))
log_global_error (plugin->ctx, "Lua: plugin \"#s\": #s: #s",
plugin->, "IRC hook", e->message);
error_free (e);
lua_plugin_handle_string_filter_result (plugin, &message, false, &e);
lua_pop (L, 1);
if (e)
lua_plugin_log_error (plugin, "IRC hook", e);
return message;
@ -7741,21 +7757,12 @@ lua_timer_hook_dispatch (void *user_data)
struct lua_plugin *plugin = hook->plugin;
lua_State *L = plugin->L;
lua_pushcfunction (L, lua_plugin_error_handler);
lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, hook->ref_callback);
lua_rawgetp (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, hook); // 1: hook
if (lua_pcall (L, 1, 0, -3))
struct error *e = NULL;
(void) lua_plugin_process_error (plugin, lua_tostring (L, -1), &e);
lua_pop (L, 1);
log_global_error (plugin->ctx, "Lua: plugin \"#s\": #s: #s",
plugin->, "timer hook", e->message);
error_free (e);
struct error *e = NULL;
if (!lua_plugin_call (plugin, 1, 0, &e))
lua_plugin_log_error (plugin, "timer hook", e);
// There's no need to keep the hook around once the timer is dispatched
lua_cache_invalidate (L, hook);
@ -7929,21 +7936,12 @@ lua_schema_item_validate (const struct config_item *item, struct error **e)
if (self->ref_validate == LUA_REFNIL)
return true;
struct lua_plugin *plugin = self->plugin;
lua_State *L = plugin->L;
lua_pushcfunction (L, lua_plugin_error_handler);
lua_State *L = self->plugin->L;
lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, self->ref_validate);
lua_plugin_push_config_item (L, item);
// The callback can make use of error("...", 0) to produce nice messages
if (lua_pcall (L, 1, 0, -3))
(void) lua_plugin_process_error (plugin, lua_tostring (L, -1), e);
lua_pop (L, 1);
return false;
return true;
return lua_plugin_call (self->plugin, 1, 0, e);
static void
@ -7953,23 +7951,13 @@ lua_schema_item_on_change (struct config_item *item)
if (self->ref_on_change == LUA_REFNIL)
struct lua_plugin *plugin = self->plugin;
lua_State *L = plugin->L;
lua_pushcfunction (L, lua_plugin_error_handler);
lua_State *L = self->plugin->L;
lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, self->ref_on_change);
lua_plugin_push_config_item (L, item);
if (lua_pcall (L, 1, 0, -3))
struct error *e = NULL;
(void) lua_plugin_process_error (plugin, lua_tostring (L, -1), &e);
lua_pop (L, 1);
log_global_error (plugin->ctx, "Lua: plugin \"#s\": #s: #s",
plugin->, "schema on_change", e->message);
error_free (e);
struct error *e = NULL;
if (!lua_plugin_call (self->plugin, 1, 0, &e))
lua_plugin_log_error (self->plugin, "schema on_change", e);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@ -8244,30 +8232,21 @@ static void
lua_connector_on_connected (void *user_data, int socket, const char *hostname)
struct lua_connector *self = user_data;
struct lua_plugin *plugin = self->plugin;
lua_State *L = plugin->L;
// TODO: use this for SNI once TLS is implemented
(void) hostname;
if (self->ref_on_success != LUA_REFNIL)
lua_pushcfunction (L, lua_plugin_error_handler);
lua_State *L = self->plugin->L;
lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, self->ref_on_success);
lua_plugin_push_connection (plugin, socket); // 1: connection
lua_plugin_push_connection (self->plugin, socket); // 1: connection
if (lua_pcall (L, 1, 0, -3))
struct error *e = NULL;
(void) lua_plugin_process_error (plugin, lua_tostring (L, -1), &e);
lua_pop (L, 1);
log_global_error (plugin->ctx, "Lua: plugin \"#s\": #s: #s",
plugin->, "connector on_success", e->message);
error_free (e);
struct error *e = NULL;
if (!lua_plugin_call (self->plugin, 1, 0, &e))
lua_plugin_log_error (self->plugin, "connector on_success", e);
lua_connector_discard (self);
@ -8275,27 +8254,17 @@ static void
lua_connector_on_failure (void *user_data)
struct lua_connector *self = user_data;
struct lua_plugin *plugin = self->plugin;
lua_State *L = plugin->L;
if (self->ref_on_error != LUA_REFNIL)
lua_pushcfunction (L, lua_plugin_error_handler);
lua_State *L = self->plugin->L;
lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, self->ref_on_error);
lua_pushstring (L, self->last_error); // 1: error string
if (lua_pcall (L, 1, 0, -3))
struct error *e = NULL;
(void) lua_plugin_process_error (plugin, lua_tostring (L, -1), &e);
lua_pop (L, 1);
log_global_error (plugin->ctx, "Lua: plugin \"#s\": #s: #s",
plugin->, "connector on_error", e->message);
error_free (e);
struct error *e = NULL;
if (!lua_plugin_call (self->plugin, 1, 0, &e))
lua_plugin_log_error (self->plugin, "connector on_error", e);
lua_connector_discard (self);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user