degesch: Lua: finish implementation of connection
This commit is contained in:
@ -8089,8 +8089,36 @@ struct lua_connection
struct lua_plugin *plugin; ///< The plugin we belong to
struct poller_fd socket_event; ///< Socket is ready
int socket_fd; ///< Underlying connected socket
bool got_eof; ///< Half-closed by remote host
bool closing; ///< We're closing the connection
struct str read_buffer; ///< Read buffer
struct str write_buffer; ///< Write buffer
static void
lua_connection_update_poller (struct lua_connection *self)
poller_fd_set (&self->socket_event,
self->write_buffer.len ? (POLLIN | POLLOUT) : POLLIN);
static int
lua_connection_send (lua_State *L)
struct lua_connection *self =
luaL_checkudata (L, 1, XLUA_CONNECTION_METATABLE);
if (self->socket_fd == -1)
return luaL_error (L, "connection has been closed");
size_t len;
const char *s = luaL_checklstring (L, 2, &len);
str_append_data (&self->write_buffer, s, len);
lua_connection_update_poller (self);
return 0;
static void
lua_connection_discard (struct lua_connection *self)
@ -8099,6 +8127,9 @@ lua_connection_discard (struct lua_connection *self)
poller_fd_reset (&self->socket_event);
xclose (self->socket_fd);
self->socket_fd = -1;
str_free (&self->read_buffer);
str_free (&self->write_buffer);
// Connection is dead, we don't need to hold onto any resources anymore
@ -8107,6 +8138,22 @@ lua_connection_discard (struct lua_connection *self)
static int
lua_connection_close (lua_State *L)
struct lua_connection *self =
luaL_checkudata (L, 1, XLUA_CONNECTION_METATABLE);
if (self->socket_fd != -1)
self->closing = true;
(void) shutdown (self->socket_fd, SHUT_RD);
if (!self->write_buffer.len)
lua_connection_discard (self);
return 0;
static int
lua_connection_gc (lua_State *L)
lua_connection_discard (luaL_checkudata (L, 1, XLUA_CONNECTION_METATABLE));
return 0;
@ -8114,19 +8161,147 @@ lua_connection_close (lua_State *L)
static luaL_Reg lua_connection_table[] =
{ "send", lua_connection_send },
{ "close", lua_connection_close },
{ "__gc", lua_connection_close },
{ "__gc", lua_connection_gc },
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static int
lua_connection_check_fn (lua_State *L)
lua_plugin_check_field (L, 1, luaL_checkstring (L, 2), LUA_TFUNCTION, true);
return 1;
// We need to run it in a protected environment because of lua_getfield()
static bool
lua_connection_cb_lookup (struct lua_connection *self, const char *name,
struct error **e)
lua_State *L = self->plugin->L;
lua_pushcfunction (L, lua_connection_check_fn);
hard_assert (lua_cache_get (L, self));
lua_pushstring (L, name);
return lua_plugin_call (self->plugin, 2, 1, e);
// Ideally lua_connection_cb_lookup() would return a ternary value
static bool
lua_connection_eat_nil (struct lua_connection *self)
if (lua_toboolean (self->plugin->L, -1))
return false;
lua_pop (self->plugin->L, 1);
return true;
static bool
lua_connection_invoke_on_data (struct lua_connection *self, struct error **e)
if (!lua_connection_cb_lookup (self, "on_data", e))
return false;
if (lua_connection_eat_nil (self))
return true;
lua_pushlstring (self->plugin->L,
self->read_buffer.str, self->read_buffer.len);
return lua_plugin_call (self->plugin, 1, 0, e);
static bool
lua_connection_invoke_on_eof (struct lua_connection *self, struct error **e)
if (!lua_connection_cb_lookup (self, "on_eof", e))
return false;
if (lua_connection_eat_nil (self))
return true;
return lua_plugin_call (self->plugin, 0, 0, e);
static bool
lua_connection_invoke_on_error (struct lua_connection *self,
struct error *error, struct error **e)
if (!self->closing
&& lua_connection_cb_lookup (self, "on_error", e)
&& !lua_connection_eat_nil (self))
lua_pushstring (self->plugin->L, error->message);
lua_plugin_call (self->plugin, 1, 0, e);
error_free (error);
return false;
static bool
lua_connection_try_read (struct lua_connection *self, struct error **e)
// Avoid the read call when it's obviously not going to return any data
// and would only cause unwanted invocation of callbacks
if (self->closing || self->got_eof)
return true;
struct error *error = NULL;
enum socket_io_result read_result =
socket_io_try_read (self->socket_fd, &self->read_buffer, &error);
// Dispatch any data that we got before an EOF or any error
if (self->read_buffer.len)
if (!lua_connection_invoke_on_data (self, e))
if (error)
error_free (error);
return false;
str_reset (&self->read_buffer);
if (read_result == SOCKET_IO_EOF)
if (!lua_connection_invoke_on_eof (self, e))
return false;
self->got_eof = true;
if (read_result == SOCKET_IO_ERROR)
return lua_connection_invoke_on_error (self, error, e);
return true;
static bool
lua_connection_try_write (struct lua_connection *self, struct error **e)
struct error *error = NULL;
enum socket_io_result write_result =
socket_io_try_write (self->socket_fd, &self->write_buffer, &error);
if (write_result == SOCKET_IO_ERROR)
return lua_connection_invoke_on_error (self, error, e);
return !self->closing || self->write_buffer.len;
static void
lua_connection_on_ready (const struct pollfd *pfd, struct lua_connection *self)
// TODO: handle the event, invoke on_data, on_close, on_error from
// our associated uservalue table as needed
lua_cache_invalidate (self->plugin->L, self);
(void) pfd;
// Hold a reference so that it doesn't get collected on close()
hard_assert (lua_cache_get (self->plugin->L, self));
struct error *e = NULL;
bool keep = lua_connection_try_read (self, &e)
&& lua_connection_try_write (self, &e);
if (e)
lua_plugin_log_error (self->plugin, "network I/O", e);
if (keep)
lua_connection_update_poller (self);
lua_connection_discard (self);
lua_pop (self->plugin->L, 1);
static struct lua_connection *
@ -8145,6 +8320,9 @@ lua_plugin_push_connection (struct lua_plugin *plugin, int socket_fd)
self->socket_event.user_data = self;
poller_fd_set (&self->socket_event, POLLIN);
str_init (&self->read_buffer);
str_init (&self->write_buffer);
// Make sure the connection doesn't get garbage collected and return it
lua_cache_store (L, self, -1);
return self;
Reference in New Issue
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