Start X11 and web frontends for xC
For this, we needed a wire protocol. After surveying available options,
it was decided to implement an XDR-like protocol code generator
in portable AWK. It now has two backends, per each of:
- xF, the X11 frontend, is in C, and is meant to be the primary
user interface in the future.
- xP, the web frontend, relies on a protocol proxy written in Go,
and is meant for use on-the-go (no pun intended).
They are very much work-in-progress proofs of concept right now,
and the relay protocol is certain to change.
2022-08-08 04:39:20 +02:00
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2023-07-09 09:35:03 +02:00
Start X11 and web frontends for xC
For this, we needed a wire protocol. After surveying available options,
it was decided to implement an XDR-like protocol code generator
in portable AWK. It now has two backends, per each of:
- xF, the X11 frontend, is in C, and is meant to be the primary
user interface in the future.
- xP, the web frontend, relies on a protocol proxy written in Go,
and is meant for use on-the-go (no pun intended).
They are very much work-in-progress proofs of concept right now,
and the relay protocol is certain to change.
2022-08-08 04:39:20 +02:00
<linearGradient id="background" x1="0" y1="0" x2="1" y2="1">
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<!-- librsvg screws up the filter's orientation in a weird way
otherwise a larger blur value would look better -->
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fill="url(#background)" stroke="#404040" stroke-width="2" />
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fill="#ffffff" />
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