Make Vala builds efficient with Ninja

This commit is contained in:
Přemysl Eric Janouch 2016-10-18 16:09:35 +02:00
parent 8052b2b754
commit 6636df643e
Signed by: p
GPG Key ID: B715679E3A361BE6

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@ -40,18 +40,25 @@ macro (_vala_parse_source_path)
set (output_c "${directory}/${without_extension}.c")
endmacro ()
# XXX: it would be best to have it working without touching the vapi (which
# forces rebuilds even if the API doesn't change) but it appears this cannot
# be done in CMake (at least with make, with ninja it seems to be possible
# via stamps and BYPRODUCTS)
# TODO: check ${CMAKE_GENERATOR} and try to do better -> OUTPUT and "touch"
# a stamp, use BYPRODUCTS instead, ... maybe make a target for all stamps,
# then DEPEND on that target when precompiling. This should be enough.
function (_vala_make_fast file)
_vala_parse_source_path ()
add_custom_command (OUTPUT "${output_vapi}"
# See `cmake --help-policy CMP0058` for a rather nice explanation.
# TODO: it says we can fix this situation even for non-Ninja
# (rebuilds are forced even when the external API doesn't change),
# just make sure to only use BYPRODUCTS when it's supported by CMake
set (stamp "${output_vapi}")
set (byproducts)
set (stamp "${output_vapi}.stamp")
set (byproducts BYPRODUCTS "${output_vapi}")
set (stamp_target ${stamp_target} "${stamp}" PARENT_SCOPE)
endif ()
add_custom_command (OUTPUT "${stamp}"
COMMAND ${VALA_COMPILER} "${file}" "--fast-vapi=${output_vapi}"
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch "${output_vapi}"
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch "${stamp}"
DEPENDS "${file}"
COMMENT "Generating a fast vapi for ${basename}" VERBATIM)
set (fast_vapi_deps ${fast_vapi_deps} "${output_vapi}" PARENT_SCOPE)
@ -69,13 +76,18 @@ function (_vala_make_c file)
add_custom_command (OUTPUT "${output_c}"
COMMAND ${VALA_COMPILER} "${file}" -C ${compiler_args} ${fast_vapis}
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch "${output_c}"
DEPENDS "${file}" ${fast_vapi_deps} ${vapis}
DEPENDS "${file}" ${fast_vapi_deps} ${vapis} ${stamp_target}
WORKING_DIRECTORY "${directory}"
COMMENT "Precompiling ${basename}" VERBATIM)
set (c_outputs ${c_outputs} "${output_c}" PARENT_SCOPE)
endfunction ()
set (_vala_counter 0)
function (vala_precompile)
# So that the user doesn't need to name any targets, we can do it ourselves
math (EXPR counter "${_vala_counter} + 1")
set (_vala_counter "${counter}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set (_multi_value PACKAGES OPTIONS)
cmake_parse_arguments (arg "" "${_single_value}" "${_multi_value}" ${ARGN})
@ -105,9 +117,14 @@ function (vala_precompile)
set (fast_vapi_deps)
set (fast_vapi_args)
set (stamp_target)
foreach (_source ${sources})
_vala_make_fast ("${_source}")
endforeach ()
if (stamp_target)
add_custom_target ("vala_fast_vapis_${counter}" DEPENDS ${stamp_target})
set (stamp_target "vala_fast_vapis_${counter}")
endif ()
set (compiler_args)
foreach (_pkg ${arg_PACKAGES})