#include "termkey.h" #include "termkey-internal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include struct ti_keyinfo { const char *seq; size_t seqlen; // cached strlen of seq since we'll use it lots struct keyinfo key; }; typedef struct { termkey_t *tk; int nseqs; int alloced_seqs; struct ti_keyinfo *seqs; } termkey_ti; static int funcname2keysym(const char *funcname, termkey_type *typep, termkey_keysym *symp, int *modmask, int *modsetp); static void register_seq(termkey_ti *ti, const char *seq, termkey_type type, termkey_keysym sym, int modmask, int modset); static void *new_driver(termkey_t *tk, const char *term) { int err; if(setupterm(term, 1, &err) != OK) return NULL; termkey_ti *ti = malloc(sizeof *ti); if(!ti) return NULL; ti->tk = tk; ti->alloced_seqs = 32; // We'll allocate more space if we need ti->nseqs = 0; ti->seqs = malloc(ti->alloced_seqs * sizeof(ti->seqs[0])); if(!ti->seqs) goto abort_free_ti; int i; for(i = 0; strfnames[i]; i++) { // Only care about the key_* constants const char *name = strfnames[i]; if(strncmp(name, "key_", 4) != 0) continue; const char *value = tigetstr(strnames[i]); if(!value || value == (char*)-1) continue; termkey_type type; termkey_keysym sym; int mask = 0; int set = 0; if(!funcname2keysym(strfnames[i] + 4, &type, &sym, &mask, &set)) continue; register_seq(ti, value, type, sym, mask, set); } return ti; abort_free_ti: free(ti); return NULL; } static void start_driver(termkey_t *tk) { /* The terminfo database will contain keys in application cursor key mode. * We may need to enable that mode */ if(keypad_xmit) { // Can't call putp or tputs because they suck and don't give us fd control write(tk->fd, keypad_xmit, strlen(keypad_xmit)); } } static void stop_driver(termkey_t *tk) { if(keypad_local) { // Can't call putp or tputs because they suck and don't give us fd control write(tk->fd, keypad_local, strlen(keypad_local)); } } static void free_driver(void *private) { } #define CHARAT(i) (tk->buffer[tk->buffstart + (i)]) static termkey_result getkey(termkey_t *tk, termkey_key *key, int force) { termkey_ti *ti = tk->driver_info; if(tk->buffcount == 0) return tk->is_closed ? TERMKEY_RES_EOF : TERMKEY_RES_NONE; // Now we're sure at least 1 byte is valid unsigned char b0 = CHARAT(0); int i; for(i = 0; i < ti->nseqs; i++) { struct ti_keyinfo *s = &(ti->seqs[i]); if(s->seq[0] != b0) continue; if(tk->buffcount >= s->seqlen) { if(strncmp(s->seq, (const char*)tk->buffer + tk->buffstart, s->seqlen) == 0) { key->type = s->key.type; key->code.sym = s->key.sym; key->modifiers = s->key.modifier_set; (*tk->method.eat_bytes)(tk, s->seqlen); return TERMKEY_RES_KEY; } } else if(!force) { // Maybe we'd get a partial match if(strncmp(s->seq, (const char*)tk->buffer + tk->buffstart, tk->buffcount) == 0) return TERMKEY_RES_AGAIN; } } // No special seq. Must be a simple key then return (*tk->method.getkey_simple)(tk, key, force); } static struct { const char *funcname; termkey_type type; termkey_keysym sym; int mods; } funcs[] = { /* THIS LIST MUST REMAIN SORTED! */ { "backspace", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_BACKSPACE, 0 }, { "begin", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_BEGIN, 0 }, { "beg", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_BEGIN, 0 }, { "btab", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_TAB, TERMKEY_KEYMOD_SHIFT }, { "cancel", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_CANCEL, 0 }, { "clear", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_CLEAR, 0 }, { "close", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_CLOSE, 0 }, { "command", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_COMMAND, 0 }, { "copy", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_COPY, 0 }, { "dc", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_DELETE, 0 }, { "down", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_DOWN, 0 }, { "end", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_END, 0 }, { "enter", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_ENTER, 0 }, { "exit", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_EXIT, 0 }, { "find", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_FIND, 0 }, { "help", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_HELP, 0 }, { "home", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_HOME, 0 }, { "ic", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_INSERT, 0 }, { "left", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_LEFT, 0 }, { "mark", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_MARK, 0 }, { "message", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_MESSAGE, 0 }, { "move", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_MOVE, 0 }, { "next", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_PAGEDOWN, 0 }, // Not quite, but it's the best we can do { "npage", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_PAGEDOWN, 0 }, { "open", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_OPEN, 0 }, { "options", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_OPTIONS, 0 }, { "ppage", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_PAGEUP, 0 }, { "previous", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_PAGEUP, 0 }, // Not quite, but it's the best we can do { "print", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_PRINT, 0 }, { "redo", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_REDO, 0 }, { "reference", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_REFERENCE, 0 }, { "refresh", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_REFRESH, 0 }, { "replace", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_REPLACE, 0 }, { "restart", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_RESTART, 0 }, { "resume", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_RESUME, 0 }, { "right", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_RIGHT, 0 }, { "save", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_SAVE, 0 }, { "select", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_SELECT, 0 }, { "suspend", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_SUSPEND, 0 }, { "undo", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_UNDO, 0 }, { "up", TERMKEY_TYPE_KEYSYM, TERMKEY_SYM_UP, 0 }, { NULL }, }; static int funcname2keysym(const char *funcname, termkey_type *typep, termkey_keysym *symp, int *modmaskp, int *modsetp) { // Binary search int start = 0; int end = sizeof(funcs)/sizeof(funcs[0]); // is "one past" the end of the range while(1) { int i = (start+end) / 2; int cmp = strcmp(funcname, funcs[i].funcname); if(cmp == 0) { *typep = funcs[i].type; *symp = funcs[i].sym; *modmaskp = funcs[i].mods; *modsetp = funcs[i].mods; return 1; } else if(end == start + 1) // That was our last choice and it wasn't it - not found break; else if(cmp > 0) start = i; else end = i; } if(funcname[0] == 'f' && isdigit(funcname[1])) { *typep = TERMKEY_TYPE_FUNCTION; *symp = atoi(funcname + 1); return 1; } // Last-ditch attempt; maybe it's a shift key? if(funcname[0] == 's' && funcname2keysym(funcname + 1, typep, symp, modmaskp, modsetp)) { *modmaskp |= TERMKEY_KEYMOD_SHIFT; *modsetp |= TERMKEY_KEYMOD_SHIFT; return 1; } printf("TODO: Need to convert funcname %s to a type/sym\n", funcname); return 0; } static void register_seq(termkey_ti *ti, const char *seq, termkey_type type, termkey_keysym sym, int modmask, int modset) { if(ti->nseqs == ti->alloced_seqs) { ti->alloced_seqs *= 2; void *newseqs = realloc(ti->seqs, ti->alloced_seqs * sizeof(ti->seqs[9])); // TODO: Handle realloc() failure ti->seqs = newseqs; } int i = ti->nseqs++; ti->seqs[i].seq = seq; ti->seqs[i].seqlen = strlen(seq); ti->seqs[i].key.type = type; ti->seqs[i].key.sym = sym; ti->seqs[i].key.modifier_mask = modmask; ti->seqs[i].key.modifier_set = modset; } struct termkey_driver termkey_driver_ti = { .new_driver = new_driver, .free_driver = free_driver, .start_driver = start_driver, .stop_driver = stop_driver, .getkey = getkey, };