Simplify, optimize terminal output
Finally getting rid off app_add_utf8_string(). Just like in nncmpp, the dependency on ncurses is now a bit narrower.
This commit is contained in:
@ -805,13 +805,13 @@ static void
row_buffer_print (RowBuffer *self, gunichar *ucs4, size_t len, chtype attrs)
gsize locale_str_len;
guchar *str = (guchar *) g_convert_with_iconv
((const gchar *) ucs4, len * sizeof *ucs4,
gchar *str = g_convert_with_iconv ((const gchar *) ucs4, len * sizeof *ucs4,
self->app->ucs4_to_locale, NULL, &locale_str_len, NULL);
g_return_if_fail (str != NULL);
for (gsize i = 0; i < locale_str_len; i++)
addch (str[i] | attrs);
attrset (attrs);
addstr (str);
attrset (0);
g_free (str);
@ -839,71 +839,62 @@ row_buffer_flush (RowBuffer *self)
g_array_index (self->chars, RowChar, self->chars->len - 1).attrs);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// Write the given UTF-8 string padded with spaces.
/// @param[in] n The number of characters to write, or -1 for the whole string.
/// @param[in] attrs Text attributes for the text, without padding.
/// To change the attributes of all output, use attrset().
/// @return The number of characters output.
static gsize
app_add_utf8_string (Application *self, const gchar *str, chtype attrs, int n)
/// Align the buffer to @a width (if not lesser than zero) using @a attrs
static void
row_buffer_finish (RowBuffer *self, int width, chtype attrs)
if (!n)
return 0;
if (width >= 0 && self->total_width > width)
row_buffer_ellipsis (self, width, attrs);
while (self->total_width < width)
struct row_char rc = { ' ', attrs, 1 };
g_array_append_val (self->chars, rc);
self->total_width += rc.width;
RowBuffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf, self);
row_buffer_append (&buf, str, attrs);
if (n < 0)
n = buf.total_width;
if (buf.total_width > n)
row_buffer_ellipsis (&buf, n, attrs);
row_buffer_flush (&buf);
for (int i = buf.total_width; i < n; i++)
addch (' ');
row_buffer_free (&buf);
return n;
row_buffer_flush (self);
row_buffer_free (self);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// Render the top bar.
static void
app_redraw_top (Application *self)
attrset (APP_ATTR (HEADER));
mvwhline (stdscr, 0, 0, APP_ATTR (HEADER), COLS);
gsize indent = app_add_utf8_string (self, APP_TITLE, A_BOLD, -1);
RowBuffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf, self);
row_buffer_append (&buf, APP_TITLE, APP_ATTR (HEADER) | A_BOLD);
attrset (0);
for (guint i = 0; i < self->dictionaries->len; i++)
Dictionary *dict = &g_array_index (self->dictionaries, Dictionary, i);
indent += app_add_utf8_string (self, dict->name,
row_buffer_append (&buf, dict->name,
(self->dictionaries->len > 1 && self->dict == dict->dict)
MIN (COLS - indent, dict->name_width));
move (0, 0);
row_buffer_finish (&buf, COLS, APP_ATTR (HEADER));
attrset (APP_ATTR (SEARCH));
mvwhline (stdscr, 1, 0, APP_ATTR (SEARCH), COLS);
indent = app_add_utf8_string (self, self->search_label, 0, -1);
row_buffer_init (&buf, self);
row_buffer_append (&buf, self->search_label, APP_ATTR (SEARCH));
gsize indent = buf.total_width;
int word_attrs = APP_ATTR (SEARCH);
if (self->input_confirmed)
word_attrs |= A_BOLD;
gchar *input_utf8 = g_ucs4_to_utf8
((gunichar *) self->input->data, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
g_return_if_fail (input_utf8 != NULL);
int word_attrs = 0;
if (self->input_confirmed)
word_attrs |= A_BOLD;
app_add_utf8_string (self, input_utf8, word_attrs, COLS - indent - 1);
row_buffer_append (&buf, input_utf8, word_attrs);
g_free (input_utf8);
row_buffer_finish (&buf, COLS, APP_ATTR (SEARCH));
guint offset, i;
for (offset = i = 0; i < self->input_pos; i++)
// This may be inconsistent with the output of app_add_utf8_string()
// This may be inconsistent with RowBuffer
offset += unichar_width (g_array_index (self->input, gunichar, i));
move (1, MIN ((gint) (indent + offset), COLS - 1));
@ -935,7 +926,6 @@ app_show_message (Application *self, const gchar *lines[], gsize len)
clrtoeol ();
attrset (0);
while (len-- && i < LINES - TOP_BAR_CUTOFF)
move (TOP_BAR_CUTOFF + i, 0);
@ -946,7 +936,11 @@ app_show_message (Application *self, const gchar *lines[], gsize len)
x = 0;
move (TOP_BAR_CUTOFF + i, x);
app_add_utf8_string (self, *lines, 0, COLS - x);
RowBuffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf, self);
row_buffer_append (&buf, *lines, 0);
row_buffer_finish (&buf, -1, 0);
@ -988,6 +982,7 @@ app_redraw_view (Application *self)
// TODO: clean this stuff up a bit, it's all rather ugly
gchar *input_utf8 = g_ucs4_to_utf8
((gunichar *) self->input->data, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
gint left_width = app_get_left_column_width (self);
guint i, k = self->top_offset, shown = 0;
for (i = 0; i < self->entries->len; i++)
@ -1001,8 +996,6 @@ app_redraw_view (Application *self)
gboolean last = k + 1 == ve->definitions_length;
if (last && self->underline_last) attrs |= A_UNDERLINE;
attrset (attrs);
RowBuffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf, self);
@ -1013,22 +1006,16 @@ app_redraw_view (Application *self)
(self->dict, ve->word, input_utf8);
gchar *prefix = g_strndup (ve->word, common);
row_buffer_append (&buf, prefix, A_BOLD);
row_buffer_append (&buf, prefix, attrs | A_BOLD);
g_free (prefix);
row_buffer_append (&buf, ve->word + common, 0);
row_buffer_append (&buf, ve->word + common, attrs);
row_buffer_finish (&buf, left_width, attrs);
gint left_width = app_get_left_column_width (self);
if (buf.total_width > left_width)
row_buffer_ellipsis (&buf, left_width, attrs);
row_buffer_flush (&buf);
for (int i = buf.total_width; i < left_width + 1; i++)
addch (' ');
row_buffer_free (&buf);
app_add_utf8_string (self,
ve->definitions[k], 0, COLS - left_width - 1);
row_buffer_init (&buf, self);
row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", attrs);
row_buffer_append (&buf, ve->definitions[k], attrs);
row_buffer_finish (&buf, COLS - left_width, attrs);
if ((gint) ++shown == LINES - TOP_BAR_CUTOFF)
goto done;
@ -1039,7 +1026,6 @@ app_redraw_view (Application *self)
free (input_utf8);
attrset (0);
refresh ();
@ -1916,9 +1902,10 @@ log_handler_curses (Application *self, const gchar *message)
in_processing = TRUE;
attrset (A_REVERSE);
mvwhline (stdscr, 0, 0, A_REVERSE, COLS);
app_add_utf8_string (self, message, 0, COLS);
RowBuffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf, self);
row_buffer_append (&buf, message, A_REVERSE);
row_buffer_finish (&buf, COLS, A_REVERSE);
in_processing = FALSE;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user