This commit is contained in:
@ -11,5 +11,5 @@
#cmakedefine WITH_GTK
#cmakedefine HAVE_RESIZETERM
#endif /* ! CONFIG_H */
#endif // ! CONFIG_H
@ -40,43 +40,43 @@ typedef struct worker_data WorkerData;
struct worker_data
gchar **cmdline; //! eSpeak command line
guint ignore_acronyms : 1; //! Don't spell out acronyms
GRegex *re_stop; //! Regex for stop sequences
GRegex *re_acronym; //! Regex for ACRONYMS
gchar **cmdline; ///< eSpeak command line
guint ignore_acronyms : 1; ///< Don't spell out acronyms
GRegex *re_stop; ///< Regex for stop sequences
GRegex *re_acronym; ///< Regex for ACRONYMS
guint32 start_entry; //! The first entry to be processed
guint32 end_entry; //! Past the last entry to be processed
guint32 start_entry; ///< The first entry to be processed
guint32 end_entry; ///< Past the last entry to be processed
/* Reader, writer */
GMutex *dict_mutex; //! Locks the dictionary object
// Reader, writer
GMutex *dict_mutex; ///< Locks the dictionary object
/* Reader */
GThread *main_thread; //! A handle to the reader thread
StardictDict *dict; //! The dictionary object
gpointer output; //! Linked-list of pronunciation data
// Reader
GThread *main_thread; ///< A handle to the reader thread
StardictDict *dict; ///< The dictionary object
gpointer output; ///< Linked-list of pronunciation data
GMutex *remaining_mutex; //! Locks the progress stats
GCond *remaining_cond; //! Signals a change in progress
guint32 remaining; //! How many entries remain
guint32 total; //! Total number of entries
GMutex *remaining_mutex; ///< Locks the progress stats
GCond *remaining_cond; ///< Signals a change in progress
guint32 remaining; ///< How many entries remain
guint32 total; ///< Total number of entries
/* Writer */
StardictIterator *iterator; //! Iterates over the dictionary
FILE *child_stdin; //! Standard input of eSpeak
// Writer
StardictIterator *iterator; ///< Iterates over the dictionary
FILE *child_stdin; ///< Standard input of eSpeak
/** eSpeak splits the output on certain characters. */
/// eSpeak splits the output on certain characters.
#define LINE_SPLITTING_CHARS ".,:;?!"
/** We don't want to include brackets either. */
/// We don't want to include brackets either.
#define OTHER_STOP_CHARS "([{<"
/** A void word used to make a unique "no pronunciation available" mark. */
/// A void word used to make a unique "no pronunciation available" mark.
#define VOID_ENTRY "not present in any dictionary"
/** Adds dots between characters. */
/// Adds dots between characters.
static gboolean
writer_acronym_cb (const GMatchInfo *info, GString *res,
G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer data)
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ writer_acronym_cb (const GMatchInfo *info, GString *res,
return FALSE;
/** Writes to espeak's stdin. */
/// Writes to espeak's stdin.
static gpointer
worker_writer (WorkerData *data)
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ worker_writer (WorkerData *data)
word += strspn (word, LINE_SPLITTING_CHARS " \t");
gchar *x = g_strdup (word);
/* Cut the word if needed be */
// Cut the word if needed be
error = NULL;
if (g_regex_match_full (data->re_stop,
x, -1, 0, 0, &match_info, &error))
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ worker_writer (WorkerData *data)
g_match_info_free (match_info);
/* Change acronyms so that they're not pronounced as words */
// Change acronyms so that they're not pronounced as words
if (!error && !data->ignore_acronyms)
char *tmp = g_regex_replace_eval (data->re_acronym,
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ worker_writer (WorkerData *data)
*x = 0;
/* We might have accidentally cut off everything */
// We might have accidentally cut off everything
if (!*x)
g_free (x);
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ worker_writer (WorkerData *data)
return GINT_TO_POINTER (fclose (data->child_stdin));
/** Get the void entry (and test if espeak works). */
/// Get the void entry (and test if espeak works).
static gchar *
get_void_entry (gchar *cmdline[])
@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ get_void_entry (gchar *cmdline[])
return output;
/** Reads from espeak's stdout. */
/// Reads from espeak's stdout.
static gpointer
worker (WorkerData *data)
/* Spawn eSpeak */
// Spawn eSpeak
GError *error = NULL;
gint child_in, child_out;
if (!g_spawn_async_with_pipes (NULL, data->cmdline, NULL,
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ worker (WorkerData *data)
if (!child_stdout)
perror ("fdopen");
/* Spawn a writer thread */
// Spawn a writer thread
g_mutex_lock (data->dict_mutex);
data->iterator = stardict_iterator_new (data->dict, data->start_entry);
g_mutex_unlock (data->dict_mutex);
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ worker (WorkerData *data)
GThread *writer = g_thread_new ("write worker",
(GThreadFunc) worker_writer, data);
/* Read the output */
// Read the output
g_mutex_lock (data->remaining_mutex);
guint32 remaining = data->remaining;
g_mutex_unlock (data->remaining_mutex);
@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ worker (WorkerData *data)
*output_end = translation;
output_end = (gpointer *) translation;
/* We limit progress reporting so that
* the mutex doesn't spin like crazy */
// We limit progress reporting so that
// the mutex doesn't spin like crazy
if ((--remaining & 255) != 0)
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ worker (WorkerData *data)
// --- Main --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Copy the contents of one StardictInfo object into another. Ignores path. */
/// Copy the contents of one StardictInfo object into another. Ignores path.
static void
stardict_info_copy (StardictInfo *dest, const StardictInfo *src)
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ stardict_info_copy (StardictInfo *dest, const StardictInfo *src)
/** Write a list of data fields back to a dictionary. */
/// Write a list of data fields back to a dictionary.
static gboolean
write_fields (Generator *generator, GList *fields, gboolean sts, GError **error)
g_option_context_free (ctx);
/* See if we can run espeak */
// See if we can run espeak
static gchar *cmdline[] = { "espeak", "--ipa", "-q", NULL, NULL, NULL };
if (voice)
gchar *void_entry = g_strstrip (get_void_entry (cmdline));
/* Load the dictionary */
// Load the dictionary
printf ("Loading the original dictionary...\n");
StardictDict *dict = stardict_dict_new (argv[1], &error);
if (!dict)
/* Spawn worker threads to generate pronunciation data */
// Spawn worker threads to generate pronunciation data
static GMutex dict_mutex;
static GMutex remaining_mutex;
g_thread_new ("worker", (GThreadFunc) worker, &data[i]);
/* Loop while the threads still have some work to do and report status */
// Loop while the threads still have some work to do and report status
g_mutex_lock (&remaining_mutex);
for (;;)
g_regex_unref (re_stop);
g_regex_unref (re_acronym);
/* Put extended entries into a new dictionary */
// Put extended entries into a new dictionary
Generator *generator = generator_new (argv[2], &error);
if (!generator)
StardictInfo *info = generator->info;
stardict_info_copy (info, stardict_dict_get_info (dict));
/* This gets incremented each time an entry is finished */
// This gets incremented each time an entry is finished
info->word_count = 0;
if (info->same_type_sequence)
info->same_type_sequence = new_sts;
/* Write out all the entries together with the pronunciation */
// Write out all the entries together with the pronunciation
for (i = 0; i < n_processes; i++)
StardictIterator *iterator =
// g_printerr ("%s /%s/\n",
// stardict_iterator_get_word (iterator), pronunciation);
/* For the sake of simplicity we fake a new start;
* write_fields() only iterates the list in one direction. */
// For the sake of simplicity we fake a new start;
// write_fields() only iterates the list in one direction.
StardictEntryField field;
field.type = 't';
|||| = pronunciation;
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ free_gzip_header (gz_header *gzh)
g_free (gzh->name); gzh->name = NULL;
/* Reading the header in manually due to stupidity of the ZLIB API. */
// Reading the header in manually due to stupidity of the ZLIB API.
static gboolean
read_gzip_header (GInputStream *is, gz_header *gzh,
goffset *first_block_offset, GError **error)
@ -279,19 +279,19 @@ static gssize dictzip_input_stream_skip (GInputStream *stream, gsize count,
struct dictzip_input_stream_private
GFileInfo * file_info; //!< File information from gzip header
GFileInfo * file_info; ///< File information from gzip header
goffset first_block_offset; //!< Offset to the first block/chunk
gsize chunk_length; //!< Uncompressed chunk length
gsize n_chunks; //!< Number of chunks in file
guint16 * chunks; //!< Chunk sizes after compression
goffset first_block_offset; ///< Offset to the first block/chunk
gsize chunk_length; ///< Uncompressed chunk length
gsize n_chunks; ///< Number of chunks in file
guint16 * chunks; ///< Chunk sizes after compression
z_stream zs; //!< zlib decompression context
gpointer input_buffer; //!< Input buffer
z_stream zs; ///< zlib decompression context
gpointer input_buffer; ///< Input buffer
goffset offset; //!< Current offset
gpointer * decompressed; //!< Array of decompressed chunks
gsize last_chunk_length; //!< Size of the last chunk
goffset offset; ///< Current offset
gpointer * decompressed; ///< Array of decompressed chunks
gsize last_chunk_length; ///< Size of the last chunk
G_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED (DictzipInputStream, dictzip_input_stream,
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ get_chunk (DictzipInputStream *self, guint chunk_id, GError **error)
gpointer chunk = priv->decompressed[chunk_id];
if (!chunk)
/* Just inflating the file piece by piece as needed. */
// Just inflating the file piece by piece as needed.
gsize chunk_size;
chunk = inflate_chunk (self, chunk_id, &chunk_size, error);
if (!chunk)
@ -452,8 +452,8 @@ dictzip_input_stream_seek (GSeekable *seekable, goffset offset,
if (type == G_SEEK_END)
/* This could be implemented by retrieving the last chunk
* and deducing the filesize, should the functionality be needed. */
// This could be implemented by retrieving the last chunk
// and deducing the filesize, should the functionality be needed.
g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
"I don't know where the stream ends, cannot seek there");
return FALSE;
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ dictzip_input_stream_skip (GInputStream *stream, gsize count,
return count;
/** Create an input stream for the underlying dictzip file. */
/// Create an input stream for the underlying dictzip file.
DictzipInputStream *
dictzip_input_stream_new (GInputStream *base_stream, GError **error)
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ dictzip_input_stream_new (GInputStream *base_stream, GError **error)
"base-stream", base_stream, "close-base-stream", FALSE, NULL);
DictzipInputStreamPrivate *priv = self->priv;
/* Decode the header. */
// Decode the header.
gz_header gzh;
if (!read_gzip_header (G_INPUT_STREAM (base_stream),
&gzh, &priv->first_block_offset, &err))
@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ dictzip_input_stream_new (GInputStream *base_stream, GError **error)
goto error;
/* Store file information. */
// Store file information.
priv->file_info = g_file_info_new ();
if (gzh.time != 0)
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ dictzip_input_stream_new (GInputStream *base_stream, GError **error)
if ( && *
g_file_info_set_name (priv->file_info, (gchar *);
/* Initialise zlib. */
// Initialise zlib.
int z_err;
z_err = inflateInit2 (&priv->zs, -15);
if (z_err != Z_OK)
@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ dictzip_input_stream_new (GInputStream *base_stream, GError **error)
priv->input_buffer = g_malloc (65536);
priv->decompressed = g_new0 (gpointer, priv->n_chunks);
priv->last_chunk_length = -1; // We don't know yet.
priv->last_chunk_length = -1; // We don't know yet.
free_gzip_header (&gzh);
return self;
@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ error:
return NULL;
/** Return file information for the compressed file. */
/// Return file information for the compressed file.
GFileInfo *
dictzip_input_stream_get_file_info (DictzipInputStream *self)
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
/** Random-access dictzip reader. */
/// Random-access dictzip reader.
typedef struct dictzip_input_stream DictzipInputStream;
typedef struct dictzip_input_stream_class DictzipInputStreamClass;
typedef struct dictzip_input_stream_private DictzipInputStreamPrivate;
/* GObject boilerplate. */
// GObject boilerplate.
#define DICTZIP_TYPE_INPUT_STREAM (dictzip_input_stream_get_type ())
@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ DictzipInputStream *dictzip_input_stream_new
GFileInfo *dictzip_input_stream_get_file_info (DictzipInputStream *self);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#include "generator.h"
/** Creates an output stream for a path plus suffix. */
/// Creates an output stream for a path plus suffix.
static GFileOutputStream *
replace_file_by_suffix (const gchar *base, const gchar *suffix, GError **error)
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ replace_file_by_suffix (const gchar *base, const gchar *suffix, GError **error)
return stream;
/** Creates a Stardict dictionary generator for the specified base. */
/// Creates a Stardict dictionary generator for the specified basename.
Generator *
generator_new (const gchar *base, GError **error)
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ error_dict:
return NULL;
/** Finishes the dictionary and writes the .ifo file. */
/// Finishes the dictionary and writes the .ifo file.
generator_finish (Generator *self, GError **error)
@ -132,21 +132,21 @@ generator_finish (Generator *self, GError **error)
return success;
/** Start writing a dictionary entry. */
/// Start writing a dictionary entry.
generator_begin_entry (Generator *self)
self->entry_mark = g_seekable_tell (G_SEEKABLE (self->dict_stream));
/** Write the data type of an entry field, when there's no sametypesequence. */
/// Write the data type of an entry field, when there's no sametypesequence.
generator_write_type (Generator *self, gchar type, GError **error)
return g_data_output_stream_put_byte (self->dict_data, type, NULL, error);
/** Write a raw binary field. */
/// Write a raw binary field.
generator_write_raw (Generator *self,
gpointer data, gsize data_size, gboolean mark_end, GError **error)
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ generator_write_raw (Generator *self,
return TRUE;
/** Write a text string. */
/// Write a text string.
generator_write_string (Generator *self,
const gchar *s, gboolean mark_end, GError **error)
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ generator_write_string (Generator *self,
return TRUE;
/** Finishes the current entry and writes it into the index. */
/// Finishes the current entry and writes it into the index.
generator_finish_entry (Generator *self, const gchar *word, GError **error)
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ generator_finish_entry (Generator *self, const gchar *word, GError **error)
return TRUE;
/** Destroys the generator object, freeing up system resources. */
/// Destroys the generator object, freeing up system resources.
generator_free (Generator *self)
@ -24,20 +24,20 @@
/** Simplifies the task of creating a StarDict dictionary. */
/// Simplifies the task of creating a StarDict dictionary.
typedef struct generator Generator;
struct generator
StardictInfo * info; //!< Dictionary information, fill it in
StardictInfo * info; ///< Dictionary information, fill it in
goffset entry_mark; //!< Marks the entry's start offset
goffset entry_mark; ///< Marks the entry's start offset
GFileOutputStream * dict_stream; //!< Dictionary stream
GDataOutputStream * dict_data; //!< Dictionary data stream wrapper
GFileOutputStream * dict_stream; ///< Dictionary stream
GDataOutputStream * dict_data; ///< Dictionary data stream wrapper
GFileOutputStream * idx_stream; //!< Index file stream
GDataOutputStream * idx_data; //!< Index file data stream wrapper
GFileOutputStream * idx_stream; ///< Index file stream
GDataOutputStream * idx_data; ///< Index file data stream wrapper
Generator *generator_new (const gchar *base, GError **error);
@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ gboolean generator_write_string (Generator *self,
gboolean generator_finish_entry (Generator *self,
const gchar *word, GError **error);
#endif /* ! GENERATOR_H */
#endif // ! GENERATOR_H
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
#define CTRL_KEY(x) ((x) - 'A' + 1)
#define TOP_BAR_CUTOFF 2 //!< How many lines are reserved on top
#define TOP_BAR_CUTOFF 2 ///< How many lines are reserved on top
// --- Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------
@ -62,55 +62,55 @@ unichar_width (gunichar ch)
// --- Application -------------------------------------------------------------
/** Data relating to one entry within the dictionary. */
/// Data relating to one entry within the dictionary.
typedef struct view_entry ViewEntry;
/** Encloses application data. */
/// Encloses application data.
typedef struct application Application;
/** Application options. */
/// Application options.
typedef struct app_options AppOptions;
struct view_entry
gchar * word; //!< Word
gchar ** definitions; //!< Word definition entries
gsize definitions_length; //!< Length of the @a definitions array
gchar * word; ///< Word
gchar ** definitions; ///< Word definition entries
gsize definitions_length; ///< Length of the @a definitions array
struct application
GMainLoop * loop; //!< Main loop
termo_t * tk; //!< termo handle
guint tk_timer; //!< termo timeout timer
GIConv ucs4_to_locale; //!< UTF-32 -> locale conversion
gboolean locale_is_utf8; //!< The locale is Unicode
GMainLoop * loop; ///< Main loop
termo_t * tk; ///< termo handle
guint tk_timer; ///< termo timeout timer
GIConv ucs4_to_locale; ///< UTF-32 -> locale conversion
gboolean locale_is_utf8; ///< The locale is Unicode
StardictDict * dict; //!< The current dictionary
guint show_help : 1; //!< Whether help can be shown
StardictDict * dict; ///< The current dictionary
guint show_help : 1; ///< Whether help can be shown
guint32 top_position; //!< Index of the topmost dict. entry
guint top_offset; //!< Offset into the top entry
guint selected; //!< Offset to the selected definition
GPtrArray * entries; //!< ViewEntry's within the view
guint32 top_position; ///< Index of the topmost dict. entry
guint top_offset; ///< Offset into the top entry
guint selected; ///< Offset to the selected definition
GPtrArray * entries; ///< ViewEntry's within the view
gchar * search_label; //!< Text of the "Search" label
GArray * input; //!< The current search input
guint input_pos; //!< Cursor position within input
gboolean input_confirmed; //!< Input has been confirmed
gchar * search_label; ///< Text of the "Search" label
GArray * input; ///< The current search input
guint input_pos; ///< Cursor position within input
gboolean input_confirmed; ///< Input has been confirmed
gfloat division; //!< Position of the division column
gfloat division; ///< Position of the division column
guint selection_timer; //!< Selection watcher timeout timer
gint selection_interval; //!< Selection watcher timer interval
gchar * selection_contents; //!< Selection contents
guint selection_timer; ///< Selection watcher timeout timer
gint selection_interval; ///< Selection watcher timer interval
gchar * selection_contents; ///< Selection contents
struct app_options
gboolean show_version; //!< Output version information and quit
gint selection_watcher; //!< Interval in milliseconds, or -1
gboolean show_version; ///< Output version information and quit
gint selection_watcher; ///< Interval in milliseconds, or -1
/** Splits the entry and adds it to a pointer array. */
/// Splits the entry and adds it to a pointer array.
static void
view_entry_split_add (GPtrArray *out, const gchar *text)
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ view_entry_split_add (GPtrArray *out, const gchar *text)
g_strfreev (tmp);
/** Decomposes a dictionary entry into the format we want. */
/// Decomposes a dictionary entry into the format we want.
static ViewEntry *
view_entry_new (StardictIterator *iterator)
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ view_entry_new (StardictIterator *iterator)
return ve;
/** Release resources associated with the view entry. */
/// Release resources associated with the view entry.
static void
view_entry_free (ViewEntry *ve)
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ view_entry_free (ViewEntry *ve)
g_slice_free1 (sizeof *ve, ve);
/** Reload view items. */
/// Reload view items.
static void
app_reload_view (Application *self)
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ rearm_selection_watcher (Application *self)
#endif // WITH_GTK
/** Initialize the application core. */
/// Initialize the application core.
static void
app_init (Application *self, AppOptions *options, const gchar *filename)
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ app_init (Application *self, AppOptions *options, const gchar *filename)
app_reload_view (self);
/** Free any resources used by the application. */
/// Free any resources used by the application.
static void
app_destroy (Application *self)
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ app_destroy (Application *self)
g_iconv_close (self->ucs4_to_locale);
/** Run the main event dispatch loop. */
/// Run the main event dispatch loop.
static void
app_run (Application *self)
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ app_run (Application *self)
#endif // WITH_GTK
/** Quit the main event dispatch loop. */
/// Quit the main event dispatch loop.
static void
app_quit (Application *self)
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ app_quit (Application *self)
#endif // WITH_GTK
/** Returns if the Unicode character is representable in the current locale. */
/// Returns if the Unicode character is representable in the current locale.
static gboolean
app_is_character_in_locale (Application *self, gunichar ch)
@ -337,12 +337,11 @@ app_is_character_in_locale (Application *self, gunichar ch)
return TRUE;
/** Write the given UTF-8 string padded with spaces.
* @param[in] n The number of characters to write, or -1 for the whole string.
* @param[in] attrs Text attributes for the text, without padding.
* To change the attributes of all output, use attrset().
* @return The number of characters output.
/// Write the given UTF-8 string padded with spaces.
/// @param[in] n The number of characters to write, or -1 for the whole string.
/// @param[in] attrs Text attributes for the text, without padding.
/// To change the attributes of all output, use attrset().
/// @return The number of characters output.
static gsize
app_add_utf8_string (Application *self, const gchar *str, int attrs, int n)
@ -412,7 +411,7 @@ app_add_utf8_string (Application *self, const gchar *str, int attrs, int n)
return n;
/** Render the top bar. */
/// Render the top bar.
static void
app_redraw_top (Application *self)
@ -445,7 +444,7 @@ app_redraw_top (Application *self)
refresh ();
/** Computes width for the left column. */
/// Computes width for the left column.
static guint
app_get_left_column_width (Application *self)
@ -457,7 +456,7 @@ app_get_left_column_width (Application *self)
return width;
/** Display a message in the view area. */
/// Display a message in the view area.
static void
app_show_message (Application *self, const gchar *lines[], gsize len)
@ -491,7 +490,7 @@ app_show_message (Application *self, const gchar *lines[], gsize len)
refresh ();
/** Show some information about the program. */
/// Show some information about the program.
static void
app_show_help (Application *self)
@ -507,7 +506,7 @@ app_show_help (Application *self)
app_show_message (self, lines, G_N_ELEMENTS (lines));
/** Redraw the dictionary view. */
/// Redraw the dictionary view.
static void
app_redraw_view (Application *self)
@ -549,7 +548,7 @@ done:
refresh ();
/** Just prepends a new view entry into the entries array. */
/// Just prepends a new view entry into the entries array.
static ViewEntry *
prepend_entry (Application *self, guint32 position)
@ -563,7 +562,7 @@ prepend_entry (Application *self, guint32 position)
return g_ptr_array_index (self->entries, 0) = ve;
/** Just appends a new view entry to the entries array. */
/// Just appends a new view entry to the entries array.
static ViewEntry *
append_entry (Application *self, guint32 position)
@ -579,7 +578,7 @@ append_entry (Application *self, guint32 position)
return ve;
/** Counts the number of definitions available for seeing. */
/// Counts the number of definitions available for seeing.
static guint
app_count_view_items (Application *self)
@ -592,7 +591,7 @@ app_count_view_items (Application *self)
return n_definitions;
/** Scroll up @a n entries. */
/// Scroll up @a n entries.
static gboolean
app_scroll_up (Application *self, guint n)
@ -606,7 +605,7 @@ app_scroll_up (Application *self, guint n)
/* We've reached the top */
// We've reached the top
if (self->top_position == 0)
success = FALSE;
@ -617,7 +616,7 @@ app_scroll_up (Application *self, guint n)
self->top_offset = ve->definitions_length - 1;
n_definitions += ve->definitions_length;
/* Remove the last entry if not shown */
// Remove the last entry if not shown
ViewEntry *last_entry =
g_ptr_array_index (self->entries, self->entries->len - 1);
if ((gint) (n_definitions - self->top_offset
@ -633,7 +632,7 @@ app_scroll_up (Application *self, guint n)
return success;
/** Scroll down @a n entries. */
/// Scroll down @a n entries.
static gboolean
app_scroll_down (Application *self, guint n)
@ -667,7 +666,7 @@ app_scroll_down (Application *self, guint n)
/* Fix cursor to not point below the view items */
// Fix cursor to not point below the view items
if (self->selected >= n_definitions - self->top_offset)
self->selected = n_definitions - self->top_offset - 1;
@ -675,7 +674,7 @@ app_scroll_down (Application *self, guint n)
return success;
/** Moves the selection one entry up. */
/// Moves the selection one entry up.
static gboolean
app_one_entry_up (Application *self)
@ -711,7 +710,7 @@ app_one_entry_up (Application *self)
return TRUE;
/** Moves the selection one entry down. */
/// Moves the selection one entry down.
static void
app_one_entry_down (Application *self)
@ -738,7 +737,7 @@ app_one_entry_down (Application *self)
/** Redraw everything. */
/// Redraw everything.
static void
app_redraw (Application *self)
@ -746,7 +745,7 @@ app_redraw (Application *self)
app_redraw_top (self);
/** Search for the current entry. */
/// Search for the current entry.
static void
app_search_for_entry (Application *self)
@ -776,7 +775,7 @@ app_search_for_entry (Application *self)
move (last_y, last_x); \
refresh ();
/** The terminal has been resized, make appropriate changes. */
/// The terminal has been resized, make appropriate changes.
static gboolean
app_process_resize (Application *self)
@ -798,7 +797,7 @@ app_process_resize (Application *self)
// --- User input handling -----------------------------------------------------
/** All the actions that can be performed by the user. */
/// All the actions that can be performed by the user.
typedef enum user_action UserAction;
enum user_action
@ -1160,7 +1159,7 @@ app_process_left_mouse_click (Application *self, int line, int column)
/** Process mouse input. */
/// Process mouse input.
static gboolean
app_process_mouse (Application *self, termo_key_t *event)
@ -1181,7 +1180,7 @@ app_process_mouse (Application *self, termo_key_t *event)
return TRUE;
/** Process input events from the terminal. */
/// Process input events from the terminal.
static gboolean
app_process_termo_event (Application *self, termo_key_t *event)
@ -1200,7 +1199,7 @@ app_process_termo_event (Application *self, termo_key_t *event)
// --- SIGWINCH ----------------------------------------------------------------
static int g_winch_pipe[2]; /**< SIGWINCH signalling pipe. */
static int g_winch_pipe[2]; ///< SIGWINCH signalling pipe.
static void
winch_handler (int signum)
app_redraw (&app);
/* Message loop. */
// Message loop.
g_io_add_watch (g_io_channel_unix_new (STDIN_FILENO),
G_IO_IN, process_stdin_input, &app);
g_io_add_watch (g_io_channel_unix_new (g_winch_pipe[0]),
@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
/** Describes a single entry in the dictionary index. */
/// Describes a single entry in the dictionary index.
typedef struct stardict_index_entry StardictIndexEntry;
/** Describes a single entry in the synonyms index. */
/// Describes a single entry in the synonyms index.
typedef struct stardict_synonym_entry StardictSynonymEntry;
@ -53,31 +53,31 @@ struct stardict_info
struct stardict_index_entry
gchar * name; //!< The word in utf-8
guint64 data_offset; //!< Offset of the definition
guint32 data_size; //!< Size of the definition
gchar * name; ///< The word in utf-8
guint64 data_offset; ///< Offset of the definition
guint32 data_size; ///< Size of the definition
struct stardict_synonym_entry
gchar * word; //!< A synonymous word
guint32 original_word; //!< The original word's index
gchar * word; ///< A synonymous word
guint32 original_word; ///< The original word's index
struct stardict_ifo_key
const gchar *name; //!< Name of the key
const gchar *name; ///< Name of the key
enum {
IFO_STRING, //!< A @code gchar * @endcode value
IFO_NUMBER //!< A @code gulong @endcode value
} type; //!< Type of the value
size_t offset; //!< Offset within StardictInfo
IFO_STRING, ///< A @code gchar * @endcode value
IFO_NUMBER ///< A @code gulong @endcode value
} type; ///< Type of the value
size_t offset; ///< Offset within StardictInfo
/** Lists all the entries in StardictInfo. */
/// Lists all the entries in StardictInfo.
extern const struct stardict_ifo_key _stardict_ifo_keys[];
/** Denotes the length of _stardict_ifo_keys. */
/// Denotes the length of _stardict_ifo_keys.
extern gsize _stardict_ifo_keys_length;
#endif /* ! STARDICTPRIVATE_H */
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
// --- Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------
/** String compare function used for StarDict indexes. */
/// String compare function used for StarDict indexes.
static inline gint
stardict_strcmp (const gchar *s1, const gchar *s2)
@ -60,18 +60,18 @@ stardict_error_quark (void)
// --- IFO reader --------------------------------------------------------------
/** Helper class for reading .ifo files. */
/// Helper class for reading .ifo files.
typedef struct ifo_reader IfoReader;
struct ifo_reader
gchar * data; //!< File data terminated with \0
gchar * data_end; //!< Where the final \0 char. is
gchar * data; ///< File data terminated with \0
gchar * data_end; ///< Where the final \0 char. is
gchar * start; //!< Start of the current token
gchar * start; ///< Start of the current token
gchar * key; //!< The key (points into @a data)
gchar * value; //!< The value (points into @a data)
gchar * key; ///< The key (points into @a data)
gchar * value; ///< The value (points into @a data)
static gboolean
@ -148,31 +148,30 @@ ifo_reader_read (IfoReader *ir)
// --- StardictInfo ------------------------------------------------------------
/** Return the filesystem path for the dictionary. */
/// Return the filesystem path for the dictionary.
const gchar *
stardict_info_get_path (StardictInfo *sdi)
return sdi->path;
/** Return the name of the dictionary. */
/// Return the name of the dictionary.
const gchar *
stardict_info_get_book_name (StardictInfo *sdi)
return sdi->book_name;
/** Return the word count of the dictionary. Note that this information comes
* from the .ifo file, while the dictionary could successfully load with
* a different count of word entries.
/// Return the word count of the dictionary. Note that this information comes
/// from the .ifo file, while the dictionary could successfully load with
/// a different count of word entries.
stardict_info_get_word_count (StardictInfo *sdi)
return sdi->word_count;
/** Destroy the dictionary info object. */
/// Destroy the dictionary info object.
stardict_info_free (StardictInfo *sdi)
@ -328,12 +327,11 @@ error:
return ret_val;
/** List all dictionary files located in a path.
* @return GList<StardictInfo *>. Deallocate the list with:
* @code
* g_list_free_full ((GDestroyNotify) stardict_info_free);
* @endcode
/// List all dictionary files located in a path.
/// @return GList<StardictInfo *>. Deallocate the list with:
/// @code
/// g_list_free_full ((GDestroyNotify) stardict_info_free);
/// @endcode
GList *
stardict_list_dictionaries (const gchar *path)
@ -369,18 +367,17 @@ struct stardict_dict_private
GArray * index; //!< Word index
GArray * synonyms; //!< Synonyms
/* The collated indexes are only permutations of their normal selves. */
// The collated indexes are only permutations of their normal selves.
UCollator * collator; //!< ICU index collator
GArray * collated_index; //!< Sorted indexes into @a index
GArray * collated_synonyms; //!< Sorted indexes into @a synonyms
/* There are currently three ways the dictionary data can be read:
* through mmap(), from a seekable GInputStream, or from a preallocated
* chunk of memory that the whole dictionary has been decompressed into.
* It wouldn't be unreasonable to drop the support for regular gzip files.
// There are currently three ways the dictionary data can be read:
// through mmap(), from a seekable GInputStream, or from a preallocated
// chunk of memory that the whole dictionary has been decompressed into.
// It wouldn't be unreasonable to drop the support for regular gzip files.
GInputStream * dict_stream; //!< Dictionary input stream handle
GMappedFile * mapped_dict; //!< Dictionary memory map handle
@ -432,9 +429,8 @@ stardict_dict_init (StardictDict *self)
STARDICT_TYPE_DICT, StardictDictPrivate);
/** Load a StarDict dictionary.
* @param[in] filename Path to the .ifo file
/// Load a StarDict dictionary.
/// @param[in] filename Path to the .ifo file
StardictDict *
stardict_dict_new (const gchar *filename, GError **error)
@ -450,9 +446,8 @@ stardict_dict_new (const gchar *filename, GError **error)
return sd;
/** Return information about a loaded dictionary. The returned reference is
* only valid for the lifetime of the dictionary object.
/// Return information about a loaded dictionary. The returned reference is
/// only valid for the lifetime of the dictionary object.
StardictInfo *
stardict_dict_get_info (StardictDict *sd)
@ -460,7 +455,7 @@ stardict_dict_get_info (StardictDict *sd)
return sd->priv->info;
/** Load a StarDict index from a GIO input stream. */
/// Load a StarDict index from a GIO input stream.
static gboolean
load_idx_internal (StardictDict *sd, GInputStream *is, GError **error)
@ -503,7 +498,7 @@ error:
return FALSE;
/** Load a StarDict index. */
/// Load a StarDict index.
static gboolean
load_idx (StardictDict *sd, const gchar *filename,
gboolean gzipped, GError **error)
@ -577,7 +572,7 @@ cannot_open:
return ret_val;
/** Destroy an index entry. */
/// Destroy an index entry.
static void
index_destroy_cb (gpointer sde)
@ -585,7 +580,7 @@ index_destroy_cb (gpointer sde)
g_free (e->name);
/** Destroy a synonym entry. */
/// Destroy a synonym entry.
static void
syn_destroy_cb (gpointer sde)
@ -593,7 +588,7 @@ syn_destroy_cb (gpointer sde)
g_free (e->word);
/** Load StarDict dictionary data. */
/// Load StarDict dictionary data.
static gboolean
load_dict (StardictDict *sd, const gchar *filename, gboolean gzipped,
GError **error)
@ -667,7 +662,7 @@ cannot_open:
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/** Compare the two strings by collation rules. */
/// Compare the two strings by collation rules.
static inline gint
stardict_dict_strcoll (gconstpointer s1, gconstpointer s2, gpointer data)
@ -699,7 +694,7 @@ stardict_dict_strcoll (gconstpointer s1, gconstpointer s2, gpointer data)
#endif // U_ICU_VERSION_MAJOR_NUM >= 50
/** Stricter stardict_dict_strcoll() used to sort the collated index. */
/// Stricter stardict_dict_strcoll() used to sort the collated index.
static inline gint
(gconstpointer s1, gconstpointer s2, gpointer data)
@ -772,9 +767,8 @@ stardict_dict_set_collation (StardictDict *sd, const gchar *collation)
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/** Load a StarDict dictionary.
* @param[in] sdi Parsed .ifo data. The dictionary assumes ownership.
/// Load a StarDict dictionary.
/// @param[in] sdi Parsed .ifo data. The dictionary assumes ownership.
StardictDict *
stardict_dict_new_from_info (StardictInfo *sdi, GError **error)
@ -870,9 +864,8 @@ stardict_dict_cmp_synonym (StardictDict *sd, const gchar *word, gint i)
g_array_index (synonyms, StardictSynonymEntry, i).word);
/** Return words for which the argument is a synonym of or NULL
* if there are no such words.
/// Return words for which the argument is a synonym of or NULL
/// if there are no such words.
gchar **
stardict_dict_get_synonyms (StardictDict *sd, const gchar *word)
@ -916,11 +909,10 @@ stardict_dict_cmp_index (StardictDict *sd, const gchar *word, gint i)
g_array_index (index, StardictIndexEntry, i).name);
/** Search for a word. The search is ASCII-case-insensitive.
* @param[in] word The word in utf-8 encoding
* @param[out] success TRUE if found
* @return An iterator object pointing to the word, or where it would be
/// Search for a word. The search is ASCII-case-insensitive.
/// @param[in] word The word in utf-8 encoding
/// @param[out] success TRUE if found
/// @return An iterator object pointing to the word, or where it would be
StardictIterator *
stardict_dict_search (StardictDict *sd, const gchar *word, gboolean *success)
@ -1053,7 +1045,7 @@ error:
return NULL;
/** Read entry data from GInputStream. */
/// Read entry data from GInputStream.
static gchar *
(GInputStream *stream, guint32 offset, StardictIndexEntry *sie)
@ -1089,7 +1081,7 @@ read_entry_data_from_stream
return data;
/** Return the data for the specified offset in the index. Unsafe. */
/// Return the data for the specified offset in the index. Unsafe.
static StardictEntry *
stardict_dict_get_entry (StardictDict *sd, guint32 offset)
@ -1164,9 +1156,8 @@ stardict_entry_init (G_GNUC_UNUSED StardictEntry *sde)
/** Return the entries present within the entry.
* @return GList<StardictEntryField *>
/// Return the entries present within the entry.
/// @return GList<StardictEntryField *>
const GList *
stardict_entry_get_fields (StardictEntry *sde)
@ -1199,7 +1190,7 @@ stardict_iterator_init (G_GNUC_UNUSED StardictIterator *sd)
/** Create a new iterator for the dictionary with offset @a offset. */
/// Create a new iterator for the dictionary with offset @a offset.
StardictIterator *
stardict_iterator_new (StardictDict *sd, guint32 offset)
@ -1218,7 +1209,7 @@ stardict_iterator_get_real_offset (StardictIterator *sdi)
(sdi->owner->priv->collated_index, guint32, sdi->offset) : sdi->offset;
/** Return the word in the index that the iterator points at, or NULL. */
/// Return the word in the index that the iterator points at, or NULL.
const gchar *
stardict_iterator_get_word (StardictIterator *sdi)
@ -1229,7 +1220,7 @@ stardict_iterator_get_word (StardictIterator *sdi)
StardictIndexEntry, stardict_iterator_get_real_offset (sdi)).name;
/** Return the dictionary entry that the iterator points at, or NULL. */
/// Return the dictionary entry that the iterator points at, or NULL.
StardictEntry *
stardict_iterator_get_entry (StardictIterator *sdi)
@ -1240,7 +1231,7 @@ stardict_iterator_get_entry (StardictIterator *sdi)
stardict_iterator_get_real_offset (sdi));
/** Return whether the iterator points to a valid index entry. */
/// Return whether the iterator points to a valid index entry.
stardict_iterator_is_valid (StardictIterator *sdi)
@ -1248,7 +1239,7 @@ stardict_iterator_is_valid (StardictIterator *sdi)
return sdi->offset >= 0 && sdi->offset < sdi->owner->priv->index->len;
/** Return the offset of the iterator within the dictionary index. */
/// Return the offset of the iterator within the dictionary index.
stardict_iterator_get_offset (StardictIterator *sdi)
@ -1256,7 +1247,7 @@ stardict_iterator_get_offset (StardictIterator *sdi)
return sdi->offset;
/** Set the offset of the iterator. */
/// Set the offset of the iterator.
(StardictIterator *sdi, gint64 offset, gboolean relative)
@ -25,26 +25,26 @@
#ifndef STARDICT_H
#define STARDICT_H
/** An object intended for interacting with a dictionary. */
/// An object intended for interacting with a dictionary.
typedef struct stardict_dict StardictDict;
typedef struct stardict_dict_class StardictDictClass;
typedef struct stardict_dict_private StardictDictPrivate;
/** Overall information about a particular dictionary. */
/// Overall information about a particular dictionary.
typedef struct stardict_info StardictInfo;
/** Handles the task of moving around the dictionary. */
/// Handles the task of moving around the dictionary.
typedef struct stardict_iterator StardictIterator;
typedef struct stardict_iterator_class StardictIteratorClass;
/** Contains the decoded data for a single word definition. */
/// Contains the decoded data for a single word definition.
typedef struct stardict_entry StardictEntry;
typedef struct stardict_entry_class StardictEntryClass;
/** A single field of a word definition. */
/// A single field of a word definition.
typedef struct stardict_entry_field StardictEntryField;
/* GObject boilerplate. */
// GObject boilerplate.
#define STARDICT_TYPE_DICT (stardict_dict_get_type ())
#define STARDICT_DICT(obj) \
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ typedef struct stardict_entry_field StardictEntryField;
// --- Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------
/** General error type. */
/// General error type.
typedef enum {
STARDICT_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, //!< Some file was not found
STARDICT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA //!< Dictionary contains invalid data
@ -161,43 +161,43 @@ gint64 stardict_iterator_get_offset (StardictIterator *sdi) G_GNUC_PURE;
void stardict_iterator_set_offset
(StardictIterator *sdi, gint64 offset, gboolean relative);
/** Go to the next entry. */
/// Go to the next entry.
#define stardict_iterator_next(sdi) \
(stardict_iterator_set_offset (sdi, 1, TRUE))
/** Go to the previous entry. */
/// Go to the previous entry.
#define stardict_iterator_prev(sdi) \
(stardict_iterator_set_offset (sdi, -1, TRUE))
// --- Dictionary entries ------------------------------------------------------
typedef enum {
STARDICT_FIELD_MEANING = 'm', //!< Word's purely textual meaning
STARDICT_FIELD_LOCALE = 'l', //!< Locale-dependent meaning
STARDICT_FIELD_PANGO = 'g', //!< Pango text markup language
STARDICT_FIELD_PHONETIC = 't', //!< English phonetic string
STARDICT_FIELD_XDXF = 'x', //!< xdxf language
STARDICT_FIELD_YB_KANA = 'y', //!< Chinese YinBiao or Japanese KANA
STARDICT_FIELD_POWERWORD = 'k', //!< KingSoft PowerWord's data
STARDICT_FIELD_MEDIAWIKI = 'w', //!< MediaWiki markup language
STARDICT_FIELD_HTML = 'h', //!< HTML codes
STARDICT_FIELD_RESOURCE = 'r', //!< Resource file list
STARDICT_FIELD_PICTURE = 'P', //!< Picture file
STARDICT_FIELD_X = 'X' //!< Reserved, experimental extensions
STARDICT_FIELD_MEANING = 'm', ///< Word's purely textual meaning
STARDICT_FIELD_LOCALE = 'l', ///< Locale-dependent meaning
STARDICT_FIELD_PANGO = 'g', ///< Pango text markup language
STARDICT_FIELD_PHONETIC = 't', ///< English phonetic string
STARDICT_FIELD_XDXF = 'x', ///< xdxf language
STARDICT_FIELD_YB_KANA = 'y', ///< Chinese YinBiao or Japanese KANA
STARDICT_FIELD_POWERWORD = 'k', ///< KingSoft PowerWord's data
STARDICT_FIELD_MEDIAWIKI = 'w', ///< MediaWiki markup language
STARDICT_FIELD_HTML = 'h', ///< HTML codes
STARDICT_FIELD_RESOURCE = 'r', ///< Resource file list
STARDICT_FIELD_PICTURE = 'P', ///< Picture file
STARDICT_FIELD_X = 'X' ///< Reserved, experimental extensions
} StardictEntryFieldType;
struct stardict_entry_field
gchar type; //!< Type of entry (EntryFieldType)
gpointer data; //!< Raw data or null-terminated string
gsize data_size; //!< Size of data, includding any \0
gchar type; ///< Type of entry (EntryFieldType)
gpointer data; ///< Raw data or null-terminated string
gsize data_size; ///< Size of data, includding any \0
struct stardict_entry
GObject parent_instance;
GList * fields; //!< List of StardictEntryField's
GList * fields; ///< List of StardictEntryField's
struct stardict_entry_class
@ -208,4 +208,4 @@ struct stardict_entry_class
GType stardict_entry_get_type (void);
const GList *stardict_entry_get_fields (StardictEntry *sde) G_GNUC_PURE;
#endif /* ! STARDICT_H */
#endif // ! STARDICT_H
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
#include "utils.h"
/** Read the whole stream into a byte array. */
/// Read the whole stream into a byte array.
stream_read_all (GByteArray *ba, GInputStream *is, GError **error)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ stream_read_all (GByteArray *ba, GInputStream *is, GError **error)
return FALSE;
/** Read a null-terminated string from a data input stream. */
/// Read a null-terminated string from a data input stream.
gchar *
stream_read_string (GDataInputStream *dis, GError **error)
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
#ifndef UTILS_H
#define UTILS_H
/** After this statement, the element has been found and its index is stored
* in the variable "imid". */
/// After this statement, the element has been found and its index is stored
/// in the variable "imid".
#define BINARY_SEARCH_BEGIN(max, compare) \
gint imin = 0, imax = max, imid; \
while (imin <= imax) { \
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
else if (cmp < 0) imax = imid - 1; \
else {
/** After this statement, the binary search has failed and "imin" stores
* the position where the element can be inserted. */
/// After this statement, the binary search has failed and "imin" stores
/// the position where the element can be inserted.
} \
@ -43,4 +43,4 @@ gchar *stream_read_string (GDataInputStream *dis, GError **error);
gboolean xstrtoul (unsigned long *out, const char *s, int base);
void update_curses_terminal_size (void);
#endif /* ! UTILS_H */
#endif // ! UTILS_H
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