sensei-raw-ctl ============== :compact-option: This program makes it possible to change the configuration of your SteelSeries Sensei Raw mouse from within Linux, *BSD or any other POSIX-compatible system supported by libusb. Run `sensei-raw-ctl --help` or `man sensei-raw-ctl` for usage information. If you don't fancy command line tools, there's also a basic GTK+ frontend available. On Ubuntu and its derivatives, you should be able to find it in your System Settings. image::sensei-raw-ctl-gui.png[align="center"] Supported devices ----------------- - SteelSeries Sensei Raw - SteelSeries Call of Duty: Black Ops II - SteelSeries Guild Wars 2 Packages -------- Regular releases are sporadic. git master should be stable enough. You can get a package with the latest development version from Archlinux's AUR. Installation ------------ Build dependencies: cmake >= 2.8.5, help2man + Runtime dependencies: libusb >= 1.0, gtk+ >= 3.0 (optional) $ git clone $ mkdir sensei-raw-ctl/build $ cd sensei-raw-ctl/build $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug # make install Note that there's no `make uninstall` and the GUI needs to be installed in the right location in order to work correctly. If you don't want the GUI frontend, append `-DBUILD_GUI=NO` to the `cmake` command. The GUI also isn't going to be built if you don't have the GTK+ 3 development packages installed, if your distribution has any. For Debian-based distros, you can do the following instead of the last step: $ cpack -G DEB # dpkg -i sensei-raw-ctl-*.deb Note that for versions of CMake before 2.8.9, you need to prefix `cpack` with `fakeroot` or file ownership will end up wrong. Contributing and Support ------------------------ Use to report bugs, request features, or submit pull requests. `git send-email` is tolerated. If you want to discuss the project, feel free to join me at ircs://, channel #dev. Bitcoin donations are accepted at: 12r5uEWEgcHC46xd64tt3hHt9EUvYYDHe9 License ------- This software is released under the terms of the 0BSD license, the text of which is included within the package along with the list of authors.