Add a configuration file

Now you can have pretty colors w/o having to hardcode them.
The selection is rather limited for now, though.

Search "centering" can now be disabled by default as well.
This commit is contained in:
Přemysl Eric Janouch 2016-09-26 16:19:36 +02:00
parent 4755033781
commit 81d702ed66
Signed by: p
GPG Key ID: B715679E3A361BE6
2 changed files with 201 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -66,7 +66,24 @@ As the original StarDict is a bit of a clusterfuck with regard to collation of
dictionary entries, I had to introduce an additional `collation` field into the
'.ifo' file. When sdtui discovers this field while reading the dictionary, it
automatically reorders the index according to that locale (e.g. "cs_CZ").
This operation may take a little while.
This operation may take a little while, in the order of seconds.
To get a nicer look in 256color terminals, create ~/.config/sdtui/sdtui.conf
with the following. Note that it is intended for black-on-white terminals.
center-search = true
underline-last = false
header = reverse
search = ul
even = 16 231
odd = 16 255

View File

@ -63,6 +63,29 @@ unichar_width (gunichar ch)
// --- Application -------------------------------------------------------------
XX( HEADER, "header", -1, -1, A_REVERSE ) \
XX( SEARCH, "search", -1, -1, A_UNDERLINE ) \
XX( EVEN, "even", -1, -1, 0 ) \
XX( ODD, "odd", -1, -1, 0 )
#define XX(name, config, fg_, bg_, attrs_) ATTRIBUTE_ ## name,
#undef XX
struct attrs
short fg; ///< Foreground color index
short bg; ///< Background color index
chtype attrs; ///< Other attributes
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/// Data relating to one entry within the dictionary.
typedef struct view_entry ViewEntry;
/// Encloses application data.
@ -88,6 +111,7 @@ struct application
StardictDict * dict; ///< The current dictionary
guint show_help : 1; ///< Whether help can be shown
guint center_search : 1; ///< Whether to center the search
guint underline_last : 1; ///< Underline the last definition
guint32 top_position; ///< Index of the topmost dict. entry
guint top_offset; ///< Offset into the top entry
@ -104,8 +128,13 @@ struct application
guint selection_timer; ///< Selection watcher timeout timer
gint selection_interval; ///< Selection watcher timer interval
gchar * selection_contents; ///< Selection contents
struct attrs attrs[ATTRIBUTE_COUNT];
/// Shortcut to retrieve named terminal attributes
#define APP_ATTR(name) self->attrs[ATTRIBUTE_ ## name].attrs
struct app_options
gboolean show_version; ///< Output version information and quit
@ -221,6 +250,112 @@ rearm_selection_watcher (Application *self)
#endif // WITH_GTK
/// Load configuration for a color using a subset of git config colors.
static void
app_load_color (Application *self, GKeyFile *kf, const gchar *name, int id)
gchar *value = g_key_file_get_string (kf, "Colors", name, NULL);
if (!value)
struct attrs attrs = { -1, -1, 0 };
gchar **values = g_strsplit (value, " ", 0);
gint colors = 0;
for (gchar **it = values; *it; it++)
gchar *end = NULL;
gint64 n = g_ascii_strtoll (*it, &end, 10);
if (*it != end && !*end && n >= G_MINSHORT && n <= G_MAXSHORT)
if (colors == 0) attrs.fg = n;
if (colors == 1) = n;
else if (!strcmp (*it, "bold")) attrs.attrs |= A_BOLD;
else if (!strcmp (*it, "dim")) attrs.attrs |= A_DIM;
else if (!strcmp (*it, "ul")) attrs.attrs |= A_UNDERLINE;
else if (!strcmp (*it, "blink")) attrs.attrs |= A_BLINK;
else if (!strcmp (*it, "reverse")) attrs.attrs |= A_REVERSE;
else if (!strcmp (*it, "italic")) attrs.attrs |= A_ITALIC;
g_strfreev (values);
g_free (value);
self->attrs[id] = attrs;
static void
app_load_config_values (Application *self, GKeyFile *kf)
GError *e;
const gchar *settings = "Settings";
e = NULL;
bool center_search =
g_key_file_get_boolean (kf, settings, "center-search", &e);
if (e)
g_error_free (e);
self->center_search = center_search;
e = NULL;
bool underline_last =
g_key_file_get_boolean (kf, settings, "underline-last", &e);
if (e)
g_error_free (e);
self->underline_last = underline_last;
#define XX(name, config, fg_, bg_, attrs_) \
app_load_color (self, kf, config, ATTRIBUTE_ ## name);
#undef XX
static void
app_load_config (Application *self)
GKeyFile *kf = g_key_file_new ();
GPtrArray *paths = g_ptr_array_new ();
g_ptr_array_add (paths, (gpointer) g_get_user_config_dir ());
for (const gchar *const *system = g_get_system_config_dirs ();
*system; system++)
g_ptr_array_add (paths, (gpointer) *system);
g_ptr_array_add (paths, NULL);
// XXX: if there are dashes in the final path component,
// the function tries to replace them with directory separators,
// which is completely undocumented
GError *e = NULL;
g_key_file_load_from_dirs (kf,
(const gchar **) paths->pdata, NULL, 0, &e);
g_ptr_array_free (paths, TRUE);
// TODO: proper error handling showing all relevant information;
// we can afford that here since the terminal hasn't been initialized yet
if (e)
if (e->code != G_KEY_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
g_error ("%s: %s\n", _("Cannot load configuration"), e->message);
g_error_free (e);
app_load_config_values (self, kf);
g_key_file_free (kf);
static void
app_init_attrs (Application *self)
#define XX(name, config, fg_, bg_, attrs_) \
self->attrs[ATTRIBUTE_ ## name].fg = fg_; \
self->attrs[ATTRIBUTE_ ## name].bg = bg_; \
self->attrs[ATTRIBUTE_ ## name].attrs = attrs_;
#undef XX
/// Initialize the application core.
static void
app_init (Application *self, AppOptions *options, const gchar *filename)
@ -255,6 +390,7 @@ app_init (Application *self, AppOptions *options, const gchar *filename)
self->show_help = TRUE;
self->center_search = TRUE;
self->underline_last = TRUE;
self->top_position = 0;
self->top_offset = 0;
@ -279,6 +415,42 @@ app_init (Application *self, AppOptions *options, const gchar *filename)
app_reload_view (self);
app_init_attrs (self);
app_load_config (self);
static void
app_init_terminal (Application *self)
if (!(self->tk = termo_new (STDIN_FILENO, NULL, 0)))
abort ();
if (!initscr () || nonl () == ERR)
abort ();
// By default we don't use any colors so they're not required...
if (start_color () == ERR
|| use_default_colors () == ERR
gboolean failed = false;
for (int a = 0; a < ATTRIBUTE_COUNT; a++)
if (self->attrs[a].fg >= COLORS || self->attrs[a].fg < -1
|| self->attrs[a].bg >= COLORS || self->attrs[a].bg < -1)
failed = true;
init_pair (a + 1, self->attrs[a].fg, self->attrs[a].bg);
self->attrs[a].attrs |= COLOR_PAIR (a + 1);
// ...thus we can reset back to defaults even after initializing some
if (failed)
app_init_attrs (self);
/// Free any resources used by the application.
@ -503,14 +675,14 @@ app_add_utf8_string (Application *self, const gchar *str, chtype attrs, int n)
static void
app_redraw_top (Application *self)
attrset (A_REVERSE);
mvwhline (stdscr, 0, 0, A_REVERSE, COLS);
attrset (APP_ATTR (HEADER));
mvwhline (stdscr, 0, 0, APP_ATTR (HEADER), COLS);
gsize indent = app_add_utf8_string (self, PROJECT_NAME " ", A_BOLD, -1);
app_add_utf8_string (self, stardict_info_get_book_name
(stardict_dict_get_info (self->dict)), 0, COLS - indent);
attrset (A_UNDERLINE);
mvwhline (stdscr, 1, 0, A_UNDERLINE, COLS);
attrset (APP_ATTR (SEARCH));
mvwhline (stdscr, 1, 0, APP_ATTR (SEARCH), COLS);
indent = app_add_utf8_string (self, self->search_label, 0, -1);
gchar *input_utf8 = g_ucs4_to_utf8
@ -616,9 +788,12 @@ app_redraw_view (Application *self)
ViewEntry *ve = g_ptr_array_index (self->entries, i);
for (; k < ve->definitions_length; k++)
int attrs = 0;
if (shown == self->selected) attrs |= A_REVERSE;
if (k + 1 == ve->definitions_length) attrs |= A_UNDERLINE;
int attrs = ((self->top_position + i) & 1)
if (shown == self->selected) attrs |= A_REVERSE;
gboolean last = k + 1 == ve->definitions_length;
if (last && self->underline_last) attrs |= A_UNDERLINE;
attrset (attrs);
RowBuffer buf;
@ -1630,13 +1805,7 @@ G_GNUC_END_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS
Application app;
app_init (&app, &options, argv[1]);
if (!( = termo_new (STDIN_FILENO, NULL, 0)))
abort ();
if (!initscr () || nonl () == ERR)
abort ();
app_init_terminal (&app);
app_redraw (&app);
// g_unix_signal_add() cannot handle SIGWINCH