/* * http.c: IRC service detection plugin * * Copyright (c) 2014, Přemysl Janouch * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "../utils.c" #include "../plugin-api.h" // --- IRC utilities ----------------------------------------------------------- struct irc_message { struct str_map tags; ///< IRC 3.2 message tags char *prefix; ///< Message prefix char *command; ///< IRC command struct str_vector params; ///< Command parameters }; static void irc_parse_message_tags (const char *tags, struct str_map *out) { struct str_vector v; str_vector_init (&v); split_str_ignore_empty (tags, ';', &v); for (size_t i = 0; i < v.len; i++) { char *key = v.vector[i], *equal_sign = strchr (key, '='); if (equal_sign) { *equal_sign = '\0'; str_map_set (out, key, xstrdup (equal_sign + 1)); } else str_map_set (out, key, xstrdup ("")); } str_vector_free (&v); } static void irc_parse_message (struct irc_message *msg, const char *line) { str_map_init (&msg->tags); msg->tags.free = free; msg->prefix = NULL; msg->command = NULL; str_vector_init (&msg->params); // IRC 3.2 message tags if (*line == '@') { size_t tags_len = strcspn (++line, " "); char *tags = xstrndup (line, tags_len); irc_parse_message_tags (tags, &msg->tags); free (tags); line += tags_len; while (*line == ' ') line++; } // Prefix if (*line == ':') { size_t prefix_len = strcspn (++line, " "); msg->prefix = xstrndup (line, prefix_len); line += prefix_len; } // Command name { while (*line == ' ') line++; size_t cmd_len = strcspn (line, " "); msg->command = xstrndup (line, cmd_len); line += cmd_len; } // Arguments while (true) { while (*line == ' ') line++; if (*line == ':') { str_vector_add (&msg->params, ++line); break; } size_t param_len = strcspn (line, " "); if (!param_len) break; str_vector_add_owned (&msg->params, xstrndup (line, param_len)); line += param_len; } } static void irc_free_message (struct irc_message *msg) { str_map_free (&msg->tags); free (msg->prefix); free (msg->command); str_vector_free (&msg->params); } static void irc_process_buffer (struct str *buf, void (*callback)(const struct irc_message *, const char *, void *), void *user_data) { char *start = buf->str, *end = start + buf->len; for (char *p = start; p + 1 < end; p++) { // Split the input on newlines if (p[0] != '\r' || p[1] != '\n') continue; *p = 0; struct irc_message msg; irc_parse_message (&msg, start); callback (&msg, start, user_data); irc_free_message (&msg); start = p + 2; } // XXX: we might want to just advance some kind of an offset to avoid // moving memory around unnecessarily. str_remove_slice (buf, 0, start - buf->str); } static int irc_tolower (int c) { if (c == '[') return '{'; if (c == ']') return '}'; if (c == '\\') return '|'; if (c == '~') return '^'; return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ? c + ('a' - 'A') : c; } static size_t irc_strxfrm (char *dest, const char *src, size_t n) { size_t len = strlen (src); while (n-- && (*dest++ = irc_tolower (*src++))) ; return len; } static int irc_strcmp (const char *a, const char *b) { int x; while (*a || *b) if ((x = irc_tolower (*a++) - irc_tolower (*b++))) return x; return 0; } static int irc_fnmatch (const char *pattern, const char *string) { size_t pattern_size = strlen (pattern) + 1; size_t string_size = strlen (string) + 1; char x_pattern[pattern_size], x_string[string_size]; irc_strxfrm (x_pattern, pattern, pattern_size); irc_strxfrm (x_string, string, string_size); return fnmatch (x_pattern, x_string, 0); } // --- Other selected IRC stuff ------------------------------------------------ #define IRC_MAX_NICKNAME 9 ///< The limit from RFC 2812 #define IRC_RPL_WELCOME 1 #define IRC_RPL_MYINFO 4 // --- Service detection ------------------------------------------------------- static struct plugin_data { void *ctx; ///< Application context struct plugin_api *api; ///< Plugin API vtable } g_data; struct scan_data { struct str input; ///< Input buffer struct unit *u; ///< Scan unit }; static void * scan_init (struct unit *u) { char nick[IRC_MAX_NICKNAME + 1]; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof nick - 1; i++) nick[i] = 'a' + rand () % ('z' - 'a' + 1); nick[i] = '\0'; struct str hello; str_init (&hello); str_append_printf (&hello, "NICK %s\r\nUSER %s 8 * :%s\r\n", nick, nick, nick); g_data.api->unit_write (u, hello.str, hello.len); str_free (&hello); struct scan_data *scan = xcalloc (1, sizeof *scan); str_init (&scan->input); scan->u = u; return scan; } static void scan_free (void *handle) { struct scan_data *scan = handle; str_free (&scan->input); free (scan); } static void on_irc_message (const struct irc_message *msg, const char *raw, void *user_data) { (void) raw; struct scan_data *scan = user_data; unsigned long code; if (!irc_strcmp (msg->command, "PING")) { // Without this we might be unable to finish registration struct str pong; str_init (&pong); str_append_printf (&pong, "PONG :%s\r\n", msg->params.len > 0 ? msg->params.vector[0] : ""); g_data.api->unit_write (scan->u, pong.str, pong.len); } else if (strlen (msg->command) == 3 && xstrtoul (&code, msg->command, 10)) { // It looks like we've successfully registered if (msg->prefix && code == IRC_RPL_WELCOME) g_data.api->unit_set_success (scan->u, true); // Extract the server name at least if (code == IRC_RPL_MYINFO && msg->params.len > 0) { char *info = xstrdup_printf ("%s: %s", "server name", msg->params.vector[1]); g_data.api->unit_add_info (scan->u, info); free (info); g_data.api->unit_abort (scan->u); } } } static void on_data (void *handle, struct unit *u, struct str *data) { (void) u; struct scan_data *scan = handle; str_append_str (&scan->input, data); irc_process_buffer (&scan->input, on_irc_message, scan); } static struct service g_irc_service = { .name = "IRC", .flags = SERVICE_SUPPORTS_TLS, .scan_init = scan_init, .scan_free = scan_free, .on_data = on_data, .on_eof = NULL, .on_error = NULL, .on_aborted = NULL }; static bool initialize (void *ctx, struct plugin_api *api) { g_data = (struct plugin_data) { .ctx = ctx, .api = api }; api->register_service (ctx, &g_irc_service); return true; } struct plugin_info ponymap_plugin_info = { .api_version = API_VERSION, .initialize = initialize };