#!/usr/bin/env lpg
local project_url = "https://git.janouch.name/p/pdf-simple-sign"
function h1 (title)
return lpg.VBox {fontsize=18., fontweight=600,
title, lpg.HLine {2}, lpg.Filler {-1, 6}}
function h2 (title)
return lpg.VBox {fontsize=16., fontweight=600,
lpg.Filler {-1, 8}, title, lpg.HLine {1}, lpg.Filler {-1, 6}}
function h3 (title)
return lpg.VBox {fontsize=14., fontweight=600,
lpg.Filler {-1, 8}, title, lpg.HLine {.25}, lpg.Filler {-1, 6}}
function p (...)
return lpg.VBox {..., lpg.Filler {-1, 6}}
function code (...)
return lpg.VBox {
lpg.Filler {-1, 4},
lpg.HBox {
lpg.Filler {12},
lpg.VBox {"" .. table.concat {...} .. ""},
lpg.Filler {},
lpg.Filler {-1, 6},
function define (name, ...)
return lpg.VBox {
lpg.Filler {-1, 2},
lpg.Text {fontweight=600, name}, lpg.Filler {-1, 2},
lpg.HBox {lpg.Filler {12}, lpg.VBox {...}, lpg.Filler {}},
lpg.Filler {-1, 2},
function pad (widget)
return lpg.VBox {
lpg.Filler {-1, 2},
lpg.HBox {lpg.Filler {4}, widget, lpg.Filler {}, lpg.Filler {4}},
lpg.Filler {-1, 2},
local page1 = lpg.VBox {fontfamily="sans serif", fontsize=12.,
h1("lpg User Manual"),
p("lpg is a Lua-based PDF document generator, exposing a trivial " ..
"layouting engine on top of the Cairo graphics library, " ..
"with manual paging."),
p("The author has primarily been using this system to typeset invoices."),
p("lpg program.lua [args...]"),
p("The Lua program receives lpg's and its own path joined " ..
"as arg[0]. Any remaining sequential elements " ..
"of this table represent the passed args."),
define("lpg.cm (centimeters)",
p("Returns how many document points are needed " ..
"for the given physical length.")),
define("lpg.ntoa {number [, precision=…]\n" ..
"\t[, thousands_sep=…] [, decimal_point=…] [, grouping=…]}",
p("Formats a number using the C++ localization " ..
"and I/O libraries. " ..
"For example, the following call results in “3 141,59”:"),
code("ntoa {3141.592, precision=2,\n" ..
" thousands_sep=\" \", decimal_point=\",\", " ..
define("lpg.escape (values...)",
p("Interprets all values as strings, " ..
"and escapes them to be used as literal text—" ..
"all text within lpg is parsed as Pango markup, " ..
"which is a subset of XML.")),
h3("PDF documents"),
define("lpg.Document (filename, width, height [, margin])",
p("Returns a new Document object, whose pages are all " ..
"the same size in 72 DPI points, as specified by width " ..
"and height. The margin is used by show " ..
"on all sides of pages."),
p("The file is finalized when the object is garbage collected.")),
define("Document.title, author, subject, keywords, " ..
"creator, create_date, mod_date",
p("Write-only PDF Info dictionary metadata strings.")),
define("Document:show ([widget...])",
p("Starts a new document page, and renders Widget trees over " ..
"the whole print area.")),
lpg.Filler {},
local page2 = lpg.VBox {fontfamily="sans serif", fontsize=12.,
p("The layouting system makes heavy use of composition, " ..
"and thus stays simple."),
p("For convenience, anywhere a Widget is expected but another " ..
"kind of value is received, lpg.Text widget will be invoked " ..
"on that value."),
p("Once a Widget is included in another Widget, " ..
"the original Lua object can no longer be used, " ..
"as its reference has been consumed."),
p("Widgets can be indexed by strings to get or set " ..
"their attributes. All Widget constructor tables " ..
"also accept attributes, for convenience. Attributes can be " ..
"either strings or numbers, mostly only act " ..
"on specific Widget kinds, and are hereditary. " ..
"Prefix their names with an underscore to set them ‘privately’."),
p("Widget sizes can be set negative, which signals to their " ..
"container that they should take any remaining space, " ..
"after all their siblings’ requests have been satisfied. " ..
"When multiple widgets make this request, that space is distributed " ..
"in proportion to these negative values."),
define("lpg.Filler {[width] [, height]}",
p("Returns a new blank widget with the given dimensions, " ..
"which default to -1, -1.")),
define("lpg.HLine {[thickness]}",
p("Returns a new widget that draws a simple horizontal line " ..
"of the given thickness.")),
define("lpg.VLine {[thickness]}",
p("Returns a new widget that draws a simple vertical line " ..
"of the given thickness.")),
define("lpg.Text {[value...]}",
p("Returns a new text widget that renders the concatenation of all " ..
"passed values filtered through Lua’s tostring " ..
"function. Non-strings will additionally be escaped."),
define("Text.fontfamily, fontsize, fontweight, lineheight",
p("Various font properties, similar to their CSS counterparts."))),
define("lpg.Frame {widget}",
p("Returns a special container widget that can override " ..
"a few interesting properties."),
p("Text and line colour, for example 0xff0000 for red.")),
p("Forcefully changes the child Widget’s " ..
"requested width, such as to negative values.")),
p("Forcefully changes the child Widget’s " ..
"requested height, such as to negative values."))),
lpg.Filler {},
local page3 = lpg.VBox {fontfamily="sans serif", fontsize=12.,
define("lpg.Link {target, widget}",
p("Returns a new hyperlink widget pointing to the target, " ..
"which is a URL. The hyperlink applies " ..
"to the entire area of the child widget. " ..
"It has no special appearance.")),
define("lpg.HBox {[widget...]}",
p("Returns a new container widget that places children " ..
"horizontally, from left to right."),
p("If any space remains after satisfying the children widgets’ " ..
"requisitions, it is distributed equally amongst all of them. " ..
"Also see the note about negative sizes.")),
define("lpg.VBox {[widget...]}",
p("Returns a new container widget that places children " ..
"vertically, from top to bottom.")),
define("lpg.Picture {filename}",
p("Returns a new picture widget, showing the given filename, " ..
"which currently must be in the PNG format. " ..
"Pictures are rescaled to fit, but keep their aspect ratio.")),
define("lpg.QR {contents, module}",
p("Returns a new QR code widget, encoding the contents " ..
"string using the given module size. " ..
"The QR code version is chosen automatically.")),
p("See the source code of this user manual " ..
"for the general structure of scripts."),
h3("Size distribution and composition"),
lpg.VBox {
lpg.HLine {},
lpg.HBox {
lpg.VLine {}, lpg.Frame {_w_override=lpg.cm(3), pad "3cm"},
lpg.VLine {}, lpg.Frame {pad "Measured"},
lpg.VLine {}, lpg.Frame {_w_override=-1, pad "-1"},
lpg.VLine {}, lpg.Frame {_w_override=-2, pad "-2"},
lpg.VLine {},
lpg.HLine {},
lpg.Filler {-1, 6},
function pad (widget)
local function f (...) return lpg.Filler {...} end
return lpg.VBox {f(-1, 2), lpg.HBox {f(4), w, f(), f(4)}, f(-1, 2)}
lpg.VBox {lpg.HLine {}, lpg.HBox {
lpg.VLine {}, lpg.Frame {_w_override=lpg.cm(3), pad "3cm"},
lpg.VLine {}, lpg.Frame {pad "Measured"},
lpg.VLine {}, lpg.Frame {_w_override=-1, pad "-1"},
lpg.VLine {}, lpg.Frame {_w_override=-2, pad "-2"},
lpg.VLine {},
}, lpg.HLine {}}]]),
h3("Clickable QR code link"),
lpg.HBox {
lpg.VBox {
p("Go here to report bugs, request features, " ..
"or submit pull requests:"),
url = "%s"
lpg.Link {url, lpg.QR {url, 2.5}}]]):format(project_url)),
lpg.Filler {},
lpg.Link {project_url, lpg.QR {project_url, 2.5}},
lpg.Filler {},
if #arg < 1 then
io.stderr:write("Usage: " .. arg[0] .. " OUTPUT-PDF..." .. "\n")
local width, height, margin = lpg.cm(21), lpg.cm(29.7), lpg.cm(2.0)
for i = 1, #arg do
local pdf = lpg.Document(arg[i], width, height, margin)
pdf.title = "lpg User Manual"
pdf.subject = "lpg User Manual"
pdf.author = "Přemysl Eric Janouch"
pdf.creator = ("lpg (%s)"):format(project_url)