Finish display of the top part
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ I focus on things that aren't worthless to me.
If it's not obvious enough, the name is a pun on all those ridiculous client
names, and should be pronounced as "nincompoop".
Currently it's under development and doesn't work in any sense yet.
Currently it's under development and doesn't do much.
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ static struct app_context
// Connection:
struct mpd_client client; ///< MPD client interface
struct poller_timer reconnect_event;///< MPD reconnect timer
struct poller_timer connect_event; ///< MPD reconnect timer
enum player_state state; ///< Player state
struct str_map song_info; ///< Current song info
@ -540,6 +540,24 @@ row_buffer_append (struct row_buffer *self, const char *str, chtype attrs)
static void
row_buffer_addv (struct row_buffer *self, const char *s, ...)
static void
row_buffer_addv (struct row_buffer *self, const char *s, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, s);
while (s)
row_buffer_append (self, s, va_arg (ap, chtype));
s = va_arg (ap, const char *);
va_end (ap);
/// Pop as many codepoints as needed to free up "space" character cells.
/// Given the suffix nature of combining marks, this should work pretty fine.
static int
@ -655,7 +673,7 @@ help_tab_create ()
return super;
// --- Application -------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Rendering ---------------------------------------------------------------
/// Write the given UTF-8 string padded with spaces.
/// @param[in] n The number of characters to write, or -1 for the whole string.
@ -692,8 +710,66 @@ app_next_row (chtype attrs)
mvwhline (stdscr, g_ctx.list_offset++, 0, ' ' | attrs, COLS);
static size_t
app_write_time (int seconds, chtype attrs)
// We typically write here to a single buffer serving the entire line
static void
app_flush_buffer (struct row_buffer *buf, chtype attrs)
if (buf->total_width > COLS)
row_buffer_ellipsis (buf, COLS, attrs);
app_next_row (attrs);
row_buffer_flush (buf);
row_buffer_free (buf);
static void
app_redraw_song_info (void)
// The map doesn't need to be initialized at all, so we need to check
struct str_map *map = &g_ctx.song_info;
if (!soft_assert (map->len != 0))
// XXX: can we get rid of this and still make it look acceptable?
chtype a_normal = APP_ATTR (HEADER);
chtype a_highlight = APP_ATTR (HIGHLIGHT);
char *title;
if ((title = str_map_find (map, "title"))
|| (title = str_map_find (map, "name"))
|| (title = str_map_find (map, "file")))
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
row_buffer_append (&buf, title, a_highlight);
app_flush_buffer (&buf, a_highlight);
char *artist = str_map_find (map, "artist");
char *album = str_map_find (map, "album");
if (!artist && !album)
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
if (artist)
if (buf.total_width)
row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", a_normal);
row_buffer_addv (&buf, "by ", a_normal, artist, a_highlight, NULL);
if (album)
if (buf.total_width)
row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", a_normal);
row_buffer_addv (&buf, "from ", a_normal, album, a_highlight, NULL);
app_flush_buffer (&buf, a_normal);
static void
app_write_time (struct row_buffer *buf, int seconds, chtype attrs)
int minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60;
int hours = minutes / 60; hours %= 60;
@ -702,134 +778,87 @@ app_write_time (int seconds, chtype attrs)
str_init (&s);
if (hours)
str_append_printf (&s, "%d:", hours);
str_append_printf (&s, "%02d:", minutes);
str_append_printf (&s, "%d:%02d:", hours, minutes);
str_append_printf (&s, "%d:", minutes);
str_append_printf (&s, "%02d", seconds);
size_t result = app_write_utf8 (s.str, attrs, -1);
row_buffer_append (buf, s.str, attrs);
str_free (&s);
return result;
static void
app_redraw_status (void)
chtype normal = APP_ATTR (HEADER);
chtype highlight = APP_ATTR (HIGHLIGHT);
if (g_ctx.state != PLAYER_STOPPED)
app_redraw_song_info ();
if (g_ctx.state == PLAYER_STOPPED)
goto line;
// XXX: can we get rid of this and still make it look acceptable?
chtype a_normal = APP_ATTR (HEADER);
chtype a_highlight = APP_ATTR (HIGHLIGHT);
// The map doesn't need to be initialized at all, so we need to check
struct str_map *map = &g_ctx.song_info;
if (!soft_assert (map->len != 0))
char *title;
if ((title = str_map_find (map, "title"))
|| (title = str_map_find (map, "name"))
|| (title = str_map_find (map, "file")))
app_next_row (normal);
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
row_buffer_append (&buf, title, highlight);
if (buf.total_width > COLS)
row_buffer_ellipsis (&buf, COLS, highlight);
row_buffer_flush (&buf);
row_buffer_free (&buf);
char *artist = str_map_find (map, "artist");
char *album = str_map_find (map, "album");
if (artist || album)
app_next_row (normal);
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
bool first = true;
if (artist)
if (!first) row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", normal);
row_buffer_append (&buf, "by ", normal);
row_buffer_append (&buf, artist, highlight);
first = false;
if (album)
if (!first) row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", normal);
row_buffer_append (&buf, "from ", normal);
row_buffer_append (&buf, album, highlight);
first = false;
if (buf.total_width > COLS)
row_buffer_ellipsis (&buf, COLS, normal);
row_buffer_flush (&buf);
row_buffer_free (&buf);
app_next_row (normal);
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
bool stopped = g_ctx.state == PLAYER_STOPPED;
chtype active = stopped ? normal : highlight;
// TODO: we desperately need some better abstractions for this;
// at minimum we need to count characters already written
app_write_utf8 ("<<", active, -1);
addch (' ' | normal);
chtype a_song_action = stopped ? a_normal : a_highlight;
row_buffer_addv (&buf, "<<", a_song_action, " ", a_normal, NULL);
if (g_ctx.state == PLAYER_PLAYING)
app_write_utf8 ("||", highlight, -1);
row_buffer_addv (&buf, "||", a_highlight, " ", a_normal, NULL);
app_write_utf8 ("|>", highlight, -1);
addch (' ' | normal);
app_write_utf8 ("[]", active, -1);
addch (' ' | normal);
app_write_utf8 (">>", active, -1);
addch (' ' | normal);
addch (' ' | normal);
row_buffer_addv (&buf, "|>", a_highlight, " ", a_normal, NULL);
row_buffer_addv (&buf, "[]", a_song_action, " ", a_normal, NULL);
row_buffer_addv (&buf, ">>", a_song_action, " ", a_normal, NULL);
if (stopped)
app_write_utf8 ("Stopped", normal, COLS);
row_buffer_append (&buf, "Stopped", a_normal);
// TODO: convert the display to minutes
if (g_ctx.song_elapsed >= 0)
app_write_time (g_ctx.song_elapsed, normal);
addch (' ' | normal);
app_write_time (&buf, g_ctx.song_elapsed, a_normal);
row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", a_normal);
if (g_ctx.song_duration >= 0)
if (g_ctx.song_duration >= 1)
addch ('/' | normal);
addch (' ' | normal);
app_write_time (g_ctx.song_duration, normal);
addch (' ' | normal);
addch (' ' | normal);
if (g_ctx.song_elapsed >= 0 && g_ctx.song_duration >= 0)
// TODO: display a gauge representing the same information,
// attributes BAR_ELAPSED and BAR_REMAINS
// TODO: just fill the space
row_buffer_append (&buf, "/ ", a_normal);
app_write_time (&buf, g_ctx.song_duration, a_normal);
row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", a_normal);
row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", a_normal);
// TODO: append the volume value if available
// It gets a bit complicated due to the only right-aligned item on the row
char *volume = NULL;
int remaining = COLS - buf.total_width;
if (g_ctx.volume >= 0)
volume = xstrdup_printf (" %3d%%", g_ctx.volume);
remaining -= strlen (volume);
// TODO: store the coordinates of the progress bar
if (!stopped && g_ctx.song_elapsed >= 0 && g_ctx.song_duration >= 1
&& remaining > 0)
int len_elapsed = (int) ((float) g_ctx.song_elapsed
/ g_ctx.song_duration * remaining + 0.5);
int len_remains = remaining - len_elapsed;
while (len_elapsed-- > 0)
row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", APP_ATTR (ELAPSED));
while (len_remains-- > 0)
row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", APP_ATTR (REMAINS));
else while (remaining-- > 0)
row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", a_normal);
if (volume)
row_buffer_append (&buf, volume, a_normal);
free (volume);
app_flush_buffer (&buf, a_normal);
static void
@ -915,7 +944,7 @@ app_redraw (void)
app_redraw_view ();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// --- Actions -----------------------------------------------------------------
/// Scroll up @a n items. Doesn't redraw.
static bool
@ -1427,7 +1456,7 @@ mpd_on_events (unsigned subsystems, void *user_data)
static void
mpd_queue_reconnect (void)
poller_timer_set (&g_ctx.reconnect_event, 5 * 1000);
poller_timer_set (&g_ctx.connect_event, 5 * 1000);
static void
@ -1624,9 +1653,9 @@ app_init_poller_events (void)
poller_timer_init (&g_ctx.tk_timer, &g_ctx.poller);
g_ctx.tk_timer.dispatcher = app_on_key_timer;
poller_timer_init (&g_ctx.reconnect_event, &g_ctx.poller);
g_ctx.reconnect_event.dispatcher = app_on_reconnect;
poller_timer_set (&g_ctx.reconnect_event, 0);
poller_timer_init (&g_ctx.connect_event, &g_ctx.poller);
g_ctx.connect_event.dispatcher = app_on_reconnect;
poller_timer_set (&g_ctx.connect_event, 0);
poller_timer_init (&g_ctx.elapsed_event, &g_ctx.poller);
g_ctx.elapsed_event.dispatcher = mpd_on_tick;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user