Bump liberty
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.5)
# Moar warnings
set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=gnu99")
"${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-function")
set (wdisabled "-Wno-unused-function -Wno-implicit-fallthrough")
set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra ${wdisabled}")
# Version
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 1dcd259d0506b9e2de3715bdf07144b22f57903a
Subproject commit 3835b6e49975039a9f72b8920238f3141e7becea
@ -133,8 +133,7 @@ xbasename (const char *path)
static char *
latin1_to_utf8 (const char *latin1)
struct str converted;
str_init (&converted);
struct str converted = str_make ();
while (*latin1)
uint8_t c = *latin1++;
@ -273,7 +272,7 @@ poller_curl_on_socket_action (CURL *easy, curl_socket_t s, int what,
fd = xmalloc (sizeof *fd);
LIST_PREPEND (self->fds, fd);
poller_fd_init (&fd->fd, self->poller, s);
fd->fd = poller_fd_make (self->poller, s);
fd->fd.dispatcher = poller_curl_on_socket;
fd->fd.user_data = self;
curl_multi_assign (self->multi, s, fd);
@ -337,7 +336,7 @@ poller_curl_init (struct poller_curl *self, struct poller *poller,
"cURL setup failed", curl_multi_strerror (mres));
poller_timer_init (&self->timer, (self->poller = poller));
self->timer = poller_timer_make ((self->poller = poller));
self->timer.dispatcher = poller_curl_on_timer;
self->timer.user_data = self;
return true;
@ -418,10 +417,8 @@ typedef uint8_t *compact_map_t; ///< Compacted (string -> string) map
static compact_map_t
compact_map (struct str_map *map)
struct str s;
str_init (&s);
struct str_map_iter iter;
str_map_iter_init (&iter, map);
struct str s = str_make ();
struct str_map_iter iter = str_map_iter_make (map);
char *value;
static const size_t zero = 0, alignment = sizeof zero;
@ -755,8 +752,7 @@ load_config_streams (struct config_item *subtree, void *user_data)
// XXX: we can't use the tab in load_config_streams() because it hasn't
// been initialized yet, and we cannot initialize it before the
// configuration has been loaded. Thus we load it into the app_context.
struct str_map_iter iter;
str_map_iter_init (&iter, &subtree->value.object);
struct str_map_iter iter = str_map_iter_make (&subtree->value.object);
struct config_item *item;
while ((item = str_map_iter_next (&iter)))
if (!config_item_type_is_string (item->type))
@ -820,14 +816,13 @@ static void
app_init_context (void)
poller_init (&g.poller);
mpd_client_init (&g.client, &g.poller);
config_init (&g.config);
strv_init (&g.streams);
g.client = mpd_client_make (&g.poller);
g.config = config_make ();
g.streams = strv_make ();
item_list_init (&g.playlist);
str_map_init (&g.playback_info);
g.playback_info = str_map_make (free);
g.playback_info.key_xfrm = tolower_ascii_strxfrm;
g.playback_info.free = free;
// This is also approximately what libunistring does internally,
// since the locale name is canonicalized by locale_charset().
@ -940,8 +935,7 @@ app_flush_buffer (struct row_buffer *buf, int width, chtype attrs)
static void
app_write_line (const char *str, chtype attrs)
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
struct row_buffer buf = row_buffer_make ();
row_buffer_append (&buf, str, attrs);
app_flush_buffer (&buf, COLS, attrs);
@ -970,8 +964,7 @@ app_draw_song_info (void)
|| (title = compact_map_find (map, "name"))
|| (title = compact_map_find (map, "file")))
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
struct row_buffer buf = row_buffer_make ();
row_buffer_append (&buf, title, attr_highlight);
app_flush_header (&buf, attr_normal);
@ -981,9 +974,7 @@ app_draw_song_info (void)
if (!artist && !album)
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
struct row_buffer buf = row_buffer_make ();
if (artist)
row_buffer_append_args (&buf, " by " + !buf.total_width, attr_normal,
artist, attr_highlight, NULL);
@ -999,9 +990,7 @@ app_time_string (int seconds)
int minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60;
int hours = minutes / 60; minutes %= 60;
struct str s;
str_init (&s);
struct str s = str_make ();
if (hours)
str_append_printf (&s, "%d:%02d:", hours, minutes);
@ -1055,9 +1044,7 @@ app_draw_status (void)
chtype attr_normal = APP_ATTR (NORMAL);
chtype attr_highlight = APP_ATTR (HIGHLIGHT);
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
struct row_buffer buf = row_buffer_make ();
bool stopped = g.state == PLAYER_STOPPED;
chtype attr_song_action = stopped ? attr_normal : attr_highlight;
@ -1142,10 +1129,8 @@ app_draw_header (void)
chtype attrs[2] = { APP_ATTR (TAB_BAR), APP_ATTR (TAB_ACTIVE) };
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
// The help tab is disguised so that it's not too intruding
struct row_buffer buf = row_buffer_make ();
row_buffer_append (&buf, APP_TITLE, attrs[g.active_tab == g.help_tab]);
row_buffer_append (&buf, " ", attrs[false]);
@ -1157,7 +1142,7 @@ app_draw_header (void)
const char *header = g.active_tab->header;
if (header)
row_buffer_init (&buf);
buf = row_buffer_make ();
row_buffer_append (&buf, header, APP_ATTR (HEADER));
app_flush_header (&buf, APP_ATTR (HEADER));
@ -1236,8 +1221,7 @@ app_draw_scrollbar (void)
move (g.header_height + row, COLS - 1);
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
struct row_buffer buf = row_buffer_make ();
row_buffer_append (&buf, c, attrs);
row_buffer_flush (&buf);
row_buffer_free (&buf);
@ -1263,8 +1247,7 @@ app_draw_view (void)
if (item_index == tab->item_selected)
row_attrs = APP_ATTR (SELECTION);
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
struct row_buffer buf = row_buffer_make ();
tab->on_item_draw (item_index, &buf, view_width);
// Combine attributes used by the handler with the defaults.
@ -1291,9 +1274,7 @@ app_draw_view (void)
static void
app_write_mpd_status_playlist (struct row_buffer *buf)
struct str stats;
str_init (&stats);
struct str stats = str_make ();
if (g.playlist.len == 1)
str_append_printf (&stats, "1 song ");
@ -1328,9 +1309,6 @@ app_write_mpd_status (struct row_buffer *buf)
app_write_mpd_status_playlist (buf);
struct row_buffer right;
row_buffer_init (&right);
const char *s;
bool repeat = (s = str_map_find (map, "repeat")) && strcmp (s, "0");
bool random = (s = str_map_find (map, "random")) && strcmp (s, "0");
@ -1338,6 +1316,7 @@ app_write_mpd_status (struct row_buffer *buf)
bool consume = (s = str_map_find (map, "consume")) && strcmp (s, "0");
// TODO: remove the conditionals once we make them clickable
struct row_buffer right = row_buffer_make ();
chtype a[2] = { APP_ATTR (NORMAL), APP_ATTR (HIGHLIGHT) };
if (repeat) row_buffer_append_args (&right,
" ", APP_ATTR (NORMAL), "repeat", a[repeat], NULL);
@ -1358,9 +1337,7 @@ app_write_mpd_status (struct row_buffer *buf)
static void
app_draw_statusbar (void)
struct row_buffer buf;
row_buffer_init (&buf);
struct row_buffer buf = row_buffer_make ();
if (g.message)
row_buffer_append (&buf, g.message, APP_ATTR (HIGHLIGHT));
else if (g.client.state == MPD_CONNECTED)
@ -1555,9 +1532,7 @@ g_actions[] =
static void
mpd_client_vsend_command (struct mpd_client *self, va_list ap)
struct strv v;
strv_init (&v);
struct strv v = strv_make ();
const char *command;
while ((command = va_arg (ap, const char *)))
strv_append (&v, command);
@ -2182,8 +2157,7 @@ library_tab_on_data (const struct mpd_response *response,
free (parent);
struct str_map map;
str_map_init (&map);
struct str_map map = str_map_make (NULL);
map.key_xfrm = tolower_ascii_strxfrm;
char *key, *value, type;
@ -2289,8 +2263,8 @@ library_tab_on_action (enum action action)
static struct tab *
library_tab_init (void)
str_init (&g_library_tab.path);
strv_init (&g_library_tab.items);
g_library_tab.path = str_make ();
g_library_tab.items = strv_make ();
struct tab *super = &g_library_tab.super;
tab_init (super, "Library");
@ -2355,8 +2329,7 @@ streams_tab_parse_playlist (const char *playlist, const char *content_type,
struct strv *out)
// We accept a lot of very broken stuff because this is the real world
struct strv lines;
strv_init (&lines);
struct strv lines = strv_make ();
cstr_split (playlist, "\r\n", true, &lines);
// Since this excludes '"', it should even work for XMLs (w/o entities)
@ -2436,9 +2409,7 @@ streams_tab_on_downloaded (CURLMsg *msg, struct poller_curl_task *task)
if (self->replace)
mpd_client_send_command (c, "clear", NULL);
struct strv links;
strv_init (&links);
struct strv links = strv_make ();
if (!streams_tab_extract_links (&self->data, type, &links))
strv_append (&links, uri);
for (size_t i = 0; i < links.len; i++)
@ -2477,7 +2448,7 @@ streams_tab_process (const char *uri, bool replace, struct error **e)
hard_assert (poller_curl_spawn (&task.curl, NULL));
CURL *easy = task.curl.easy;
str_init (&task.data);
task.data = str_make ();
task.replace = replace;
bool result = false;
@ -2633,8 +2604,8 @@ info_tab_update (void)
static struct tab *
info_tab_init (void)
strv_init (&g_info_tab.keys);
strv_init (&g_info_tab.values);
g_info_tab.keys = strv_make ();
g_info_tab.values = strv_make ();
struct tab *super = &g_info_tab.super;
tab_init (super, "Info");
@ -2793,8 +2764,7 @@ mpd_update_playback_state (void)
const char *elapsed = str_map_find (map, "elapsed");
const char *duration = str_map_find (map, "duration");
struct strv fields;
strv_init (&fields);
struct strv fields = strv_make ();
if (time)
cstr_split (time, ":", false, &fields);
@ -2848,8 +2818,7 @@ mpd_process_info (const struct strv *data)
// It's much better to process the playlist from the back
struct str_map item;
str_map_init (&item);
struct str_map item = str_map_make (NULL);
item.key_xfrm = tolower_ascii_strxfrm;
for (size_t i = data->len - 1; i-- && data->vector[i]; )
@ -3225,8 +3194,7 @@ app_log_handler (void *user_data, const char *quote, const char *fmt,
in_processing = true;
struct str message;
str_init (&message);
struct str message = str_make ();
str_append (&message, quote);
str_append_vprintf (&message, fmt, ap);
@ -3252,28 +3220,28 @@ app_log_handler (void *user_data, const char *quote, const char *fmt,
static void
app_init_poller_events (void)
poller_fd_init (&g.signal_event, &g.poller, g_signal_pipe[0]);
g.signal_event = poller_fd_make (&g.poller, g_signal_pipe[0]);
g.signal_event.dispatcher = app_on_signal_pipe_readable;
poller_fd_set (&g.signal_event, POLLIN);
poller_fd_init (&g.tty_event, &g.poller, STDIN_FILENO);
g.tty_event = poller_fd_make (&g.poller, STDIN_FILENO);
g.tty_event.dispatcher = app_on_tty_readable;
poller_fd_set (&g.tty_event, POLLIN);
poller_timer_init (&g.message_timer, &g.poller);
g.message_timer = poller_timer_make (&g.poller);
g.message_timer.dispatcher = app_on_message_timer;
poller_timer_init (&g.tk_timer, &g.poller);
g.tk_timer = poller_timer_make (&g.poller);
g.tk_timer.dispatcher = app_on_key_timer;
poller_timer_init (&g.connect_event, &g.poller);
g.connect_event = poller_timer_make (&g.poller);
g.connect_event.dispatcher = app_on_reconnect;
poller_timer_set (&g.connect_event, 0);
poller_timer_init (&g.elapsed_event, &g.poller);
g.elapsed_event = poller_timer_make (&g.poller);
g.elapsed_event.dispatcher = mpd_on_tick;
poller_idle_init (&g.refresh_event, &g.poller);
g.refresh_event = poller_idle_make (&g.poller);
g.refresh_event.dispatcher = app_on_refresh;
@ -3288,8 +3256,8 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
{ 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }
struct opt_handler oh;
opt_handler_init (&oh, argc, argv, opts, NULL, "MPD client.");
struct opt_handler oh =
opt_handler_make (argc, argv, opts, NULL, "MPD client.");
int c;
while ((c = opt_handler_get (&oh)) != -1)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user