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:doctype: manpage
:manmanual: wdye Manual
:mansource: wdye {release-version}
wdye - what did you expect: Lua-based Expect tool
*wdye* _program.lua_
*wdye* executes a Lua script, providing an *expect*(1)-like API targeted
at application testing.
This list is logically ordered. Uppercase names represent object types.
wdye.spawn {file [, arg1, ...] [, environ=env]}
Creates a new pseudoterminal, spawns the given program in it,
and returns a _process_ object. When *file* doesn't contain slashes,
the program will be searched for in _PATH_.
The *env* map may be used to override environment variables, notably _TERM_.
Variables evaluating to _false_ will be removed from the environment.
The program's whole process group receives SIGKILL when the _process_
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is garbage-collected, unless *wait* has collected the process group leader.
wdye.expect ([pattern1, ...])
Waits until any pattern is ready, in order.
When no *timeout* (or *default*) patterns are included, one is added implicitly.
The function returns the matching _pattern_'s values, while replacing
any included functions with the results of their immediate evaluation,
passing the matching _pattern_ as their sole argument.
wdye.timeout {[timeout, ] [value1, ...]}
Returns a new timeout _pattern_. When no *timeout* is given, which is specified
in seconds, a default timeout value is assumed. Any further values
are remembered to be later processed by *expect*.
wdye.continue ()
Raises a _nil_ error, which is interpreted by *expect* as a signal to restart
all processing.
A string with the _process_' current read buffer contents.
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An integer with the _process_' process ID, or -1 if *wait* has collected it.
A table with the _process_' *terminfo*(5) capabilities,
notably containing all **key_...** codes.
This functionality may not be enabled, then this table will always be empty.
PROCESS:send ([string, ...])
Writes the given strings to the _process_' terminal slave,
and returns the _process_ for method chaining.
Beware of echoing and deadlocks, as only *expect* can read from the _process_,
and thus consume the terminal slave's output queue.
PROCESS:regex {pattern [, nocase=true] [, notransfer=true] [, value1, ...]}
Returns a new regular expression _pattern_. The *pattern* is a POSIX
Extended Regular Expression. Whether it can match NUL bytes depends on your
system C library.
When the *nocase* option is _true_, the expression will be matched
Unless the *notransfer* option is _true_, all data up until the end of the match
will be erased from the _process_' read buffer upon a successful match.
PROCESS:exact {literal [, nocase=true] [, notransfer=true] [, value1, ...]}
Returns a new literal string _pattern_. This behaves as if the *literal*
had its ERE special characters quoted, and was then passed to *regex*.
This _pattern_ can always match NUL bytes.
PROCESS:eof {[notransfer=true, ] [value1, ...]}
Returns a new end-of-file _pattern_, which matches the entire read buffer
contents once the child process closes the terminal.
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PROCESS:wait ([nowait])
Waits for the program to terminate, and returns three values:
a combined status as used by `$?` in shells,
an exit status, and a termination signal number.
One of the latter two values will be _nil_, as appropriate.
When the *nowait* option is _true_, the function returns immediately.
If the process hasn't terminated yet, the function then returns no values.
PROCESS:default {[timeout, ] [notransfer=true, ] [value1, ...]}
Returns a new _pattern_ combining *wdye.timeout* with *eof*.
A reference to the _pattern_'s respective process, or _nil_.
For patterns that can match data, the zeroth group will be the whole matched
input sequence.
For *regex* patterns, positive groups relate to regular expression subgroups.
Missing groups evaluate to _nil_.
for k, v in pairs(wdye) do _G[k] = v end
local rot13 = spawn {"tr", "A-Za-z", "N-ZA-Mn-za-m", environ={TERM="dumb"}}
rot13:send "Hello\r"
expect(rot13:exact {"Uryyb\r"})
When this environment variable is present, *wdye* produces asciicast v2
files for every spawned program, in the current working directory.
Reporting bugs
Use to report bugs, request features,
or submit pull requests.
See also
*expect*(1), *terminfo*(5), *regex*(7)