Steady progress
Started parsing Content-Type properly after studying the HTTP RFC for a significant period of time. Some further WebSockets stuff.
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ configure_file (${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/config.h
include_directories (${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR})
# Build the executables
add_executable (demo-json-rpc-server demo-json-rpc-server.c)
add_executable (demo-json-rpc-server
demo-json-rpc-server.c http-parser/http_parser.c)
target_link_libraries (demo-json-rpc-server ${project_libraries})
# The files to be installed
@ -38,9 +38,7 @@
#include <jansson.h>
#include <magic.h>
// FIXME: don't include the implementation, include the header and compile
// the implementation separately
#include "http-parser/http_parser.c"
#include "http-parser/http_parser.h"
// --- Extensions to liberty ---------------------------------------------------
@ -129,6 +127,17 @@ tolower_ascii_strxfrm (char *dest, const char *src, size_t n)
return len;
static int
strcasecmp_ascii (const char *a, const char *b)
while (*a && *b)
if (tolower_ascii (*a) != tolower_ascii (*b))
return *a - *b;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static void
base64_encode (const void *data, size_t len, struct str *output)
@ -169,6 +178,211 @@ base64_encode (const void *data, size_t len, struct str *output)
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Basic tokenizer for HTTP headers, to be used in various parsers.
// The input should already be unwrapped.
enum http_tokenizer_field
HTTP_T_EOF, ///< Input error
HTTP_T_ERROR, ///< End of input
HTTP_T_TOKEN, ///< "token"
HTTP_T_QUOTED_STRING, ///< "quoted-string"
HTTP_T_SEPARATOR ///< "separators"
struct http_tokenizer
const char *input; ///< The input string
size_t input_len; ///< Length of the input
size_t offset; ///< Position in the input
char separator; ///< The separator character
struct str string; ///< "token" / "quoted-string" content
static void
http_tokenizer_init (struct http_tokenizer *self, const char *input)
memset (self, 0, sizeof *self);
self->input = input;
self->input_len = strlen (input);
str_init (&self->string);
static void
http_tokenizer_free (struct http_tokenizer *self)
str_free (&self->string);
static bool
http_tokenizer_is_ctl (int c)
return (c >= 0 && c <= 31) || c == 127;
static bool
http_tokenizer_is_char (int c)
return c >= 0 && c <= 127;
static enum http_tokenizer_field
http_tokenizer_quoted_string (struct http_tokenizer *self)
bool quoted_pair = false;
while (self->offset < self->input_len)
int c = self->input[self->offset++];
if (quoted_pair)
if (!http_tokenizer_is_char (c))
return HTTP_T_ERROR;
str_append_c (&self->string, c);
quoted_pair = false;
else if (c == '\\')
quoted_pair = true;
else if (c == '"')
else if (http_tokenizer_is_ctl (c))
return HTTP_T_ERROR;
str_append_c (&self->string, c);
// Premature end of input
return HTTP_T_ERROR;
static enum http_tokenizer_field
http_tokenizer_next (struct http_tokenizer *self, bool skip_lws)
const char *separators = "()<>@.;:\\\"/[]?={} \t";
str_reset (&self->string);
if (self->offset >= self->input_len)
return HTTP_T_EOF;
int c = self->input[self->offset++];
if (skip_lws)
while (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
if (self->offset >= self->input_len)
return HTTP_T_EOF;
c = self->input[self->offset++];
if (c == '"')
return http_tokenizer_quoted_string (self);
if (strchr (separators, c))
self->separator = c;
if (!http_tokenizer_is_char (c)
|| http_tokenizer_is_ctl (c))
return HTTP_T_ERROR;
str_append_c (&self->string, c);
while (self->offset < self->input_len)
c = self->input[self->offset];
if (!http_tokenizer_is_char (c)
|| http_tokenizer_is_ctl (c)
|| strchr (separators, c))
str_append_c (&self->string, c);
return HTTP_T_TOKEN;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static bool
(struct http_tokenizer *t, struct str_map *parameters)
bool result = false;
char *attribute = NULL;
if (http_tokenizer_next (t, true) != HTTP_T_TOKEN)
goto end;
attribute = xstrdup (t->string.str);
if (http_tokenizer_next (t, false) != HTTP_T_SEPARATOR
|| t->separator != '=')
goto end;
switch (http_tokenizer_next (t, false))
str_map_set (parameters, attribute, xstrdup (t->string.str));
result = true;
free (attribute);
return result;
/// Parser for Accept and Content-Type. @a type and @a subtype may be non-NULL
/// even if the function fails. @a parameters should be case-insensitive.
static bool
http_parse_media_type (const char *media_type,
char **type, char **subtype, struct str_map *parameters)
// The parsing is strict wrt. LWS as per RFC 2616 section 3.7
bool result = false;
struct http_tokenizer t;
http_tokenizer_init (&t, media_type);
if (http_tokenizer_next (&t, true) != HTTP_T_TOKEN)
goto end;
*type = xstrdup (t.string.str);
if (http_tokenizer_next (&t, false) != HTTP_T_SEPARATOR
|| t.separator != '/')
goto end;
if (http_tokenizer_next (&t, false) != HTTP_T_TOKEN)
goto end;
*subtype = xstrdup (t.string.str);
while (true)
switch (http_tokenizer_next (&t, true))
if (t.separator != ';')
goto end;
if (!http_parse_media_type_parameter (&t, parameters))
goto end;
case HTTP_T_EOF:
result = true;
goto end;
http_tokenizer_free (&t);
return result;
// --- libev helpers -----------------------------------------------------------
static bool
@ -1065,10 +1279,11 @@ scgi_parser_push (struct scgi_parser *self,
#define WS_GUID "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
#define SEC_WS_KEY "Sec-WebSocket-Key"
#define SEC_WS_ACCEPT "Sec-WebSocket-Accept"
#define SEC_WS_PROTOCOL "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"
#define SEC_WS_VERSION "Sec-WebSocket-Version"
#define SEC_WS_KEY "Sec-WebSocket-Key"
#define SEC_WS_ACCEPT "Sec-WebSocket-Accept"
#define SEC_WS_PROTOCOL "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"
#define SEC_WS_EXTENSIONS "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"
#define SEC_WS_VERSION "Sec-WebSocket-Version"
@ -1290,10 +1505,6 @@ ws_parser_push (struct ws_parser *self, const void *data, size_t len)
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// TODO: something to build frames for data
// - - Server handler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// WebSockets aren't CGI-compatible, therefore we must handle the initial HTTP
@ -1304,7 +1515,8 @@ ws_parser_push (struct ws_parser *self, const void *data, size_t len)
enum ws_handler_state
WS_HANDLER_WEBSOCKETS ///< Parsing WebSockets frames
WS_HANDLER_OPEN, ///< Parsing WebSockets frames
WS_HANDLER_CLOSING ///< Closing the connection
struct ws_handler
@ -1327,7 +1539,7 @@ struct ws_handler
unsigned ping_interval; ///< Ping interval in seconds
uint64_t max_payload_len; ///< Maximum length of any message
// TODO: bool closing; // XXX: rather a { OPEN, CLOSING } state?
// TODO: handshake_timeout
// TODO: a close timer
// TODO: a ping timer (when no pong is received by the second time the
@ -1361,8 +1573,8 @@ struct ws_handler
static void
ws_handler_send_control (struct ws_handler *self, enum ws_opcode opcode,
const void *data, size_t len)
ws_handler_send_control (struct ws_handler *self,
enum ws_opcode opcode, const void *data, size_t len)
@ -1392,6 +1604,33 @@ ws_handler_fail (struct ws_handler *self, enum ws_status reason)
// ignore frames up to a corresponding close from the client.
// Read the RFC once again to see if we can really process the frames.
// TODO: add support for fragmented responses
static void
ws_handler_send (struct ws_handler *self,
enum ws_opcode opcode, const void *data, size_t len)
struct str header;
str_init (&header);
str_pack_u8 (&header, 0x80 | (opcode & 0x0F));
if (len > UINT16_MAX)
str_pack_u8 (&header, 127);
str_pack_u64 (&header, len);
else if (len > 125)
str_pack_u8 (&header, 126);
str_pack_u16 (&header, len);
str_pack_u8 (&header, len);
self->write_cb (self->user_data, header.str, header.len);
self->write_cb (self->user_data, data, len);
str_free (&header);
static bool
ws_handler_on_frame_header (void *user_data, const struct ws_parser *parser)
@ -1529,9 +1768,19 @@ ws_handler_free (struct ws_handler *self)
static void
ws_handler_on_header_read (struct ws_handler *self)
// TODO: some headers can appear more than once, concatenate their values;
// for example "Sec-WebSocket-Version"
str_map_set (&self->headers, self->field.str, self->value.str);
const char *field = self->field.str;
bool can_concat =
!strcasecmp_ascii (field, SEC_WS_PROTOCOL) ||
!strcasecmp_ascii (field, SEC_WS_EXTENSIONS);
const char *current = str_map_find (&self->headers, field);
if (can_concat && current)
str_map_set (&self->headers, field,
xstrdup_printf ("%s, %s", current, self->value.str));
// If the field cannot be concatenated, just overwrite the last value.
// Maybe we should issue a warning or something.
str_map_set (&self->headers, field, xstrdup (self->value.str));
static int
@ -1576,48 +1825,104 @@ ws_handler_on_url (http_parser *parser, const char *at, size_t len)
return 0;
#define HTTP_101_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS "101 Switching Protocols"
#define HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST "400 Bad Request"
#define HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED "405 Method Not Allowed"
#define HTTP_505_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED "505 HTTP Version Not Supported"
static void
ws_handler_http_responsev (struct ws_handler *self,
const char *status, char *const *fields)
hard_assert (status != NULL);
struct str response;
str_init (&response);
str_append_printf (&response, "HTTP/1.1 %s\r\n", status);
while (*fields)
str_append_printf (&response, "%s\r\n", *fields++);
str_append (&response, "Server: "
self->write_cb (self->user_data, response.str, response.len);
str_free (&response);
static void
ws_handler_http_response (struct ws_handler *self, const char *status, ...)
struct str_vector v;
str_vector_init (&v);
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, status);
const char *s;
while ((s = va_arg (ap, const char *)))
str_vector_add (&v, s);
va_end (ap);
ws_handler_http_responsev (self, status, v.vector);
str_vector_free (&v);
#define FAIL_HANDSHAKE(status, ...) \
ws_handler_http_response (self, (status), __VA_ARGS__); \
return false; \
static bool
ws_handler_finish_handshake (struct ws_handler *self)
// TODO: probably factor this block out into its own function
// TODO: check if everything seems to be right
if (self->hp.method != HTTP_GET
|| self->hp.http_major != 1
|| self->hp.http_minor != 1)
; // TODO: error (maybe send a frame depending on conditions)
// ...mostly just 400 Bad Request
if (self->hp.http_major != 1 || self->hp.http_minor != 1)
if (self->hp.method != HTTP_GET)
// Reject weird URLs specifying the schema and the host
struct http_parser_url url;
if (http_parser_parse_url (self->url.str, self->url.len, false, &url)
|| (url.field_set & (1 << UF_SCHEMA | 1 << UF_HOST | 1 << UF_PORT)))
const char *upgrade = str_map_find (&self->headers, "Upgrade");
// TODO: we should ideally check that this is a 16-byte base64-encoded value
const char *key = str_map_find (&self->headers, SEC_WS_KEY);
const char *version = str_map_find (&self->headers, SEC_WS_VERSION);
const char *protocol = str_map_find (&self->headers, SEC_WS_PROTOCOL);
if (!upgrade || strcmp (upgrade, "websocket")
|| !version || strcmp (version, "13"))
; // TODO: error
// ... if the version doesn't match, we must send back a header indicating
// the version we do support
if (!upgrade || strcmp (upgrade, "websocket") || !version)
if (strcmp (version, "13"))
struct str response;
str_init (&response);
str_append (&response, "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n");
str_append (&response, "Upgrade: websocket\r\n");
str_append (&response, "Connection: Upgrade\r\n");
struct str_vector fields;
str_vector_init (&fields);
// TODO: prepare the rest of the headers
str_vector_add_args (&fields,
"Upgrade: websocket",
"Connection: Upgrade",
// TODO: we should ideally check that this is a 16-byte base64-encoded value
char *response_key = ws_encode_response_key (key);
str_append_printf (&response, SEC_WS_ACCEPT ": %s\r\n", response_key);
str_vector_add_owned (&fields,
xstrdup_printf (SEC_WS_ACCEPT ": %s", response_key));
free (response_key);
str_append (&response, "\r\n");
self->write_cb (self->user_data, response.str, response.len);
str_free (&response);
// TODO: check and set Sec-Websocket-{Extensions,Protocol}
ws_handler_http_responsev (self,
HTTP_101_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, fields.vector);
str_vector_free (&fields);
// XXX: maybe we should start it earlier so that the handshake can
// timeout as well. ws_handler_connected()?
// But it should rather be named "connect_timer"
ev_timer_start (EV_DEFAULT_ &self->ping_timer);
return true;
@ -1625,8 +1930,13 @@ ws_handler_finish_handshake (struct ws_handler *self)
static bool
ws_handler_push (struct ws_handler *self, const void *data, size_t len)
if (self->state == WS_HANDLER_WEBSOCKETS)
if (self->state != WS_HANDLER_HANDSHAKE)
// TODO: handle the case of len == 0:
// CLOSING: just close the connection
return ws_parser_push (&self->parser, data, len);
// The handshake hasn't been done yet, process HTTP headers
static const http_parser_settings http_settings =
@ -1637,33 +1947,37 @@ ws_handler_push (struct ws_handler *self, const void *data, size_t len)
.on_url = ws_handler_on_url,
// NOTE: the HTTP parser unfolds values and removes preceeding whitespace,
// but otherwise doesn't touch the values or the following whitespace;
// we might want to strip at least the trailing whitespace
size_t n_parsed = http_parser_execute (&self->hp,
&http_settings, data, len);
if (self->hp.upgrade)
// The handshake hasn't been finished, yet there is more data
// to be processed after the headers already
if (len - n_parsed)
// TODO: error: the handshake hasn't been finished, yet there
// is more data to process after the headers
if (!ws_handler_finish_handshake (self))
return false;
self->state = WS_HANDLER_OPEN;
return true;
if (n_parsed != len || HTTP_PARSER_ERRNO (&self->hp) != HPE_OK)
enum http_errno err = HTTP_PARSER_ERRNO (&self->hp);
if (n_parsed != len || err != HPE_OK)
// TODO: error
// print_debug (..., http_errno_description
// (HTTP_PARSER_ERRNO (&self->hp));
// NOTE: if == HPE_CB_headers_complete, "Upgrade" is missing
return false;
if (err == HPE_CB_headers_complete)
print_debug ("WS handshake failed: %s", "missing `Upgrade' field");
print_debug ("WS handshake failed: %s",
http_errno_description (err));
return true;
@ -1776,45 +2090,37 @@ json_rpc_response (json_t *id, json_t *result, json_t *error)
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
static bool
try_advance (const char **p, const char *text)
validate_json_rpc_content_type (const char *content_type)
size_t len = strlen (text);
if (strncmp (*p, text, len))
return false;
char *type = NULL;
char *subtype = NULL;
*p += len;
return true;
struct str_map parameters;
str_map_init (¶meters);
|||| = free;
parameters.key_xfrm = tolower_ascii_strxfrm;
static bool
validate_json_rpc_content_type (const char *type)
const char *content_types[] =
"application/json-rpc", // obsolete
const char *tails[] =
"; charset=utf-8",
"; charset=UTF-8",
bool result = http_parse_media_type
(content_type, &type, &subtype, ¶meters);
if (!result)
goto end;
bool found = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS (content_types); i++)
if ((found = try_advance (&type, content_types[i])))
if (!found)
return false;
if (strcasecmp_ascii (type, "application")
|| (strcasecmp_ascii (subtype, "json") &&
strcasecmp_ascii (subtype, "json-rpc" /* obsolete */)))
result = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS (tails); i++)
if ((found = try_advance (&type, tails[i])))
if (!found)
return false;
const char *charset = str_map_find (¶meters, "charset");
if (charset && strcasecmp_ascii (charset, "UTF-8"))
result = false;
return !*type;
// Currently ignoring all unknown parametrs
free (type);
free (subtype);
str_map_free (¶meters);
return result;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@ -2588,10 +2894,17 @@ client_ws_on_message (void *user_data,
struct client *client = user_data;
struct client_ws *self = client->impl_data;
if (type != WS_OPCODE_TEXT)
ws_handler_fail (&self->handler, WS_STATUS_UNACCEPTABLE);
return false;
struct str response;
str_init (&response);
process_json_rpc (client->ctx, data, len, &response);
// TODO: send the response
ws_handler_send (&self->handler,
WS_OPCODE_TEXT, response.str, response.len);
str_free (&response);
return true;
@ -2607,6 +2920,9 @@ client_ws_init (struct client *client)
self->handler.on_message = client_ws_on_message;
self->handler.user_data = client;
// TODO: configure the handler some more, e.g. regarding the protocol
// One mebibyte seems to be a reasonable value
self->handler.max_payload_len = 1 << 10;
static void
Reference in New Issue
Block a user