package main func (s *Struct) Define(c *Context) { c.Putln("type %s struct {", s.SrcName()) for _, field := range s.Fields { field.Define(c) } c.Putln("}") c.Putln("") // Write function that reads bytes and produces this struct. s.Read(c) // Write function that reads bytes and produces a list of this struct. s.ReadList(c) // Write function that writes bytes given this struct. s.Write(c) // Write function that writes a list of this struct. s.WriteList(c) // Write function that computes the size of a list of these structs, // IF there is a list field in this struct. if s.HasList() { s.WriteListSize(c) } } // Read for a struct creates a function 'ReadStructName' that takes a source // byte slice (i.e., the buffer) and a destination struct, and returns // the number of bytes read off the buffer. // 'ReadStructName' should only be used to read raw reply data from the wire. func (s *Struct) Read(c *Context) { c.Putln("// %sRead reads a byte slice into a %s value.", s.SrcName(), s.SrcName()) c.Putln("func %sRead(buf []byte, v *%s) int {", s.SrcName(), s.SrcName()) c.Putln("b := 0") c.Putln("") for _, field := range s.Fields { field.Read(c, "v.") c.Putln("") } c.Putln("return b") c.Putln("}") c.Putln("") } // ReadList for a struct creates a function 'ReadStructNameList' that takes // a source (i.e., the buffer) byte slice, and a destination slice and returns // the number of bytes read from the byte slice. func (s *Struct) ReadList(c *Context) { c.Putln("// %sReadList reads a byte slice into a list of %s values.", s.SrcName(), s.SrcName()) c.Putln("func %sReadList(buf []byte, dest []%s) int {", s.SrcName(), s.SrcName()) c.Putln("b := 0") c.Putln("for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {") c.Putln("dest[i] = %s{}", s.SrcName()) c.Putln("b += %sRead(buf[b:], &dest[i])", s.SrcName()) c.Putln("}") c.Putln("return xgb.Pad(b)") c.Putln("}") c.Putln("") } func (s *Struct) Write(c *Context) { c.Putln("// Bytes writes a %s value to a byte slice.", s.SrcName()) c.Putln("func (v %s) Bytes() []byte {", s.SrcName()) c.Putln("buf := make([]byte, %s)", s.Size().Reduce("v.")) c.Putln("b := 0") c.Putln("") for _, field := range s.Fields { field.Write(c, "v.") c.Putln("") } c.Putln("return buf") c.Putln("}") c.Putln("") } func (s *Struct) WriteList(c *Context) { c.Putln("// %sListBytes writes a list of %s values to a byte slice.", s.SrcName()) c.Putln("func %sListBytes(buf []byte, list []%s) int {", s.SrcName(), s.SrcName()) c.Putln("b := 0") c.Putln("var structBytes []byte") c.Putln("for _, item := range list {") c.Putln("structBytes = item.Bytes()") c.Putln("copy(buf[b:], structBytes)") c.Putln("b += xgb.Pad(len(structBytes))") c.Putln("}") c.Putln("return b") c.Putln("}") c.Putln("") } func (s *Struct) WriteListSize(c *Context) { c.Putln("// %sListSize computes the size (bytes) of a list of %s values.", s.SrcName(), s.SrcName()) c.Putln("func %sListSize(list []%s) int {", s.SrcName(), s.SrcName()) c.Putln("size := 0") if s.Size().Expression.Concrete() { c.Putln("for _ = range list {") } else { c.Putln("for _, item := range list {") } c.Putln("size += %s", s.Size().Reduce("item.")) c.Putln("}") c.Putln("return size") c.Putln("}") c.Putln("") }