nexgb: update to xcb-proto 1.13
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
const (
MajorVersion = 1
MinorVersion = 5
MinorVersion = 6
// Init must be called before using the RANDR extension.
@ -350,6 +350,89 @@ func CrtcChangeListBytes(buf []byte, list []CrtcChange) int {
return xgb.Pad(b)
type Lease uint32
func NewLeaseId(c *xgb.Conn) (Lease, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return Lease(id), nil
type LeaseNotify struct {
Timestamp xproto.Timestamp
Window xproto.Window
Lease Lease
Created byte
// padding: 15 bytes
// LeaseNotifyRead reads a byte slice into a LeaseNotify value.
func LeaseNotifyRead(buf []byte, v *LeaseNotify) int {
b := 0
v.Timestamp = xproto.Timestamp(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Window = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Lease = Lease(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
v.Created = buf[b]
b += 1
b += 15 // padding
return b
// LeaseNotifyReadList reads a byte slice into a list of LeaseNotify values.
func LeaseNotifyReadList(buf []byte, dest []LeaseNotify) int {
b := 0
for i := 0; i < len(dest); i++ {
dest[i] = LeaseNotify{}
b += LeaseNotifyRead(buf[b:], &dest[i])
return xgb.Pad(b)
// Bytes writes a LeaseNotify value to a byte slice.
func (v LeaseNotify) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 28)
b := 0
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Timestamp))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Window))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(v.Lease))
b += 4
buf[b] = v.Created
b += 1
b += 15 // padding
return buf[:b]
// LeaseNotifyListBytes writes a list of LeaseNotify values to a byte slice.
func LeaseNotifyListBytes(buf []byte, list []LeaseNotify) int {
b := 0
var structBytes []byte
for _, item := range list {
structBytes = item.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += len(structBytes)
return xgb.Pad(b)
type Mode uint32
func NewModeId(c *xgb.Conn) (Mode, error) {
@ -662,6 +745,7 @@ const (
NotifyProviderChange = 3
NotifyProviderProperty = 4
NotifyResourceChange = 5
NotifyLease = 6
// Notify is the event number for a NotifyEvent.
@ -742,6 +826,7 @@ func init() {
// NotifyDataUnionPcNew(Pc ProviderChange) NotifyDataUnion
// NotifyDataUnionPpNew(Pp ProviderProperty) NotifyDataUnion
// NotifyDataUnionRcNew(Rc ResourceChange) NotifyDataUnion
// NotifyDataUnionLcNew(Lc LeaseNotify) NotifyDataUnion
type NotifyDataUnion struct {
Cc CrtcChange
Oc OutputChange
@ -749,6 +834,7 @@ type NotifyDataUnion struct {
Pc ProviderChange
Pp ProviderProperty
Rc ResourceChange
Lc LeaseNotify
// NotifyDataUnionCcNew constructs a new NotifyDataUnion union type with the Cc field.
@ -791,6 +877,10 @@ func NotifyDataUnionCcNew(Cc CrtcChange) NotifyDataUnion {
v.Rc = ResourceChange{}
b += ResourceChangeRead(buf[b:], &v.Rc)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Lc = LeaseNotify{}
b += LeaseNotifyRead(buf[b:], &v.Lc)
return v
@ -834,6 +924,10 @@ func NotifyDataUnionOcNew(Oc OutputChange) NotifyDataUnion {
v.Rc = ResourceChange{}
b += ResourceChangeRead(buf[b:], &v.Rc)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Lc = LeaseNotify{}
b += LeaseNotifyRead(buf[b:], &v.Lc)
return v
@ -877,6 +971,10 @@ func NotifyDataUnionOpNew(Op OutputProperty) NotifyDataUnion {
v.Rc = ResourceChange{}
b += ResourceChangeRead(buf[b:], &v.Rc)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Lc = LeaseNotify{}
b += LeaseNotifyRead(buf[b:], &v.Lc)
return v
@ -920,6 +1018,10 @@ func NotifyDataUnionPcNew(Pc ProviderChange) NotifyDataUnion {
v.Rc = ResourceChange{}
b += ResourceChangeRead(buf[b:], &v.Rc)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Lc = LeaseNotify{}
b += LeaseNotifyRead(buf[b:], &v.Lc)
return v
@ -963,6 +1065,10 @@ func NotifyDataUnionPpNew(Pp ProviderProperty) NotifyDataUnion {
v.Rc = ResourceChange{}
b += ResourceChangeRead(buf[b:], &v.Rc)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Lc = LeaseNotify{}
b += LeaseNotifyRead(buf[b:], &v.Lc)
return v
@ -1006,6 +1112,57 @@ func NotifyDataUnionRcNew(Rc ResourceChange) NotifyDataUnion {
v.Rc = ResourceChange{}
b += ResourceChangeRead(buf[b:], &v.Rc)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Lc = LeaseNotify{}
b += LeaseNotifyRead(buf[b:], &v.Lc)
return v
// NotifyDataUnionLcNew constructs a new NotifyDataUnion union type with the Lc field.
func NotifyDataUnionLcNew(Lc LeaseNotify) NotifyDataUnion {
var b int
buf := make([]byte, 28)
structBytes := Lc.Bytes()
copy(buf[b:], structBytes)
b += len(structBytes)
// Create the Union type
v := NotifyDataUnion{}
// Now copy buf into all fields
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Cc = CrtcChange{}
b += CrtcChangeRead(buf[b:], &v.Cc)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Oc = OutputChange{}
b += OutputChangeRead(buf[b:], &v.Oc)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Op = OutputProperty{}
b += OutputPropertyRead(buf[b:], &v.Op)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Pc = ProviderChange{}
b += ProviderChangeRead(buf[b:], &v.Pc)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Pp = ProviderProperty{}
b += ProviderPropertyRead(buf[b:], &v.Pp)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Rc = ResourceChange{}
b += ResourceChangeRead(buf[b:], &v.Rc)
b = 0 // always read the same bytes
v.Lc = LeaseNotify{}
b += LeaseNotifyRead(buf[b:], &v.Lc)
return v
@ -1037,6 +1194,10 @@ func NotifyDataUnionRead(buf []byte, v *NotifyDataUnion) int {
v.Rc = ResourceChange{}
b += ResourceChangeRead(buf[b:], &v.Rc)
b = 0 // re-read the same bytes
v.Lc = LeaseNotify{}
b += LeaseNotifyRead(buf[b:], &v.Lc)
return 28
@ -1085,6 +1246,7 @@ const (
NotifyMaskProviderChange = 16
NotifyMaskProviderProperty = 32
NotifyMaskResourceChange = 64
NotifyMaskLease = 128
type Output uint32
@ -2214,6 +2376,118 @@ func configureProviderPropertyRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Provider Provider, Property x
return buf
// CreateLeaseCookie is a cookie used only for CreateLease requests.
type CreateLeaseCookie struct {
// CreateLease sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling CreateLeaseCookie.Reply.
func CreateLease(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Lid Lease, NumCrtcs, NumOutputs uint16, Crtcs []Crtc, Outputs []Output) CreateLeaseCookie {
defer c.ExtLock.RUnlock()
if _, ok := c.Extensions["RANDR"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreateLease' using the uninitialized extension 'RANDR'. randr.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(createLeaseRequest(c, Window, Lid, NumCrtcs, NumOutputs, Crtcs, Outputs), cookie)
return CreateLeaseCookie{cookie}
// CreateLeaseUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func CreateLeaseUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Lid Lease, NumCrtcs, NumOutputs uint16, Crtcs []Crtc, Outputs []Output) CreateLeaseCookie {
defer c.ExtLock.RUnlock()
if _, ok := c.Extensions["RANDR"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreateLease' using the uninitialized extension 'RANDR'. randr.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(createLeaseRequest(c, Window, Lid, NumCrtcs, NumOutputs, Crtcs, Outputs), cookie)
return CreateLeaseCookie{cookie}
// CreateLeaseReply represents the data returned from a CreateLease request.
type CreateLeaseReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
Nfd byte
// padding: 24 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a CreateLease request.
func (cook CreateLeaseCookie) Reply() (*CreateLeaseReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return createLeaseReply(buf), nil
// createLeaseReply reads a byte slice into a CreateLeaseReply value.
func createLeaseReply(buf []byte) *CreateLeaseReply {
v := new(CreateLeaseReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.Nfd = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
return v
// createLeaseRequest writes a CreateLease request to a byte slice for transfer.
func createLeaseRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Lid Lease, NumCrtcs, NumOutputs uint16, Crtcs []Crtc, Outputs []Output) []byte {
size := xgb.Pad(((16 + xgb.Pad((int(NumCrtcs) * 4))) + xgb.Pad((int(NumOutputs) * 4))))
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["RANDR"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 45 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Lid))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], NumCrtcs)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], NumOutputs)
b += 2
for i := 0; i < int(NumCrtcs); i++ {
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Crtcs[i]))
b += 4
for i := 0; i < int(NumOutputs); i++ {
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Outputs[i]))
b += 4
return buf
// CreateModeCookie is a cookie used only for CreateMode requests.
type CreateModeCookie struct {
@ -2631,6 +2905,69 @@ func destroyModeRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Mode Mode) []byte {
return buf
// FreeLeaseCookie is a cookie used only for FreeLease requests.
type FreeLeaseCookie struct {
// FreeLease sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func FreeLease(c *xgb.Conn, Lid Lease, Terminate byte) FreeLeaseCookie {
defer c.ExtLock.RUnlock()
if _, ok := c.Extensions["RANDR"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'FreeLease' using the uninitialized extension 'RANDR'. randr.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(freeLeaseRequest(c, Lid, Terminate), cookie)
return FreeLeaseCookie{cookie}
// FreeLeaseChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using FreeLeaseCookie.Check.
func FreeLeaseChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Lid Lease, Terminate byte) FreeLeaseCookie {
defer c.ExtLock.RUnlock()
if _, ok := c.Extensions["RANDR"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'FreeLease' using the uninitialized extension 'RANDR'. randr.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(freeLeaseRequest(c, Lid, Terminate), cookie)
return FreeLeaseCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook FreeLeaseCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// freeLeaseRequest writes a FreeLease request to a byte slice for transfer.
func freeLeaseRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Lid Lease, Terminate byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["RANDR"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 46 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Lid))
b += 4
buf[b] = Terminate
b += 1
return buf
// GetCrtcGammaCookie is a cookie used only for GetCrtcGamma requests.
type GetCrtcGammaCookie struct {
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ func ClientIdSpecListBytes(buf []byte, list []ClientIdSpec) int {
type ClientIdValue struct {
Spec ClientIdSpec
Length uint32
Value []uint32 // size: xgb.Pad((int(Length) * 4))
Value []uint32 // size: xgb.Pad(((int(Length) / 4) * 4))
// ClientIdValueRead reads a byte slice into a ClientIdValue value.
@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ func ClientIdValueRead(buf []byte, v *ClientIdValue) int {
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Value = make([]uint32, v.Length)
for i := 0; i < int(v.Length); i++ {
v.Value = make([]uint32, (int(v.Length) / 4))
for i := 0; i < int((int(v.Length) / 4)); i++ {
v.Value[i] = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ func ClientIdValueReadList(buf []byte, dest []ClientIdValue) int {
// Bytes writes a ClientIdValue value to a byte slice.
func (v ClientIdValue) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, (12 + xgb.Pad((int(v.Length) * 4))))
buf := make([]byte, (12 + xgb.Pad(((int(v.Length) / 4) * 4))))
b := 0
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ func (v ClientIdValue) Bytes() []byte {
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], v.Length)
b += 4
for i := 0; i < int(v.Length); i++ {
for i := 0; i < int((int(v.Length) / 4)); i++ {
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], v.Value[i])
b += 4
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ func ClientIdValueListBytes(buf []byte, list []ClientIdValue) int {
func ClientIdValueListSize(list []ClientIdValue) int {
size := 0
for _, item := range list {
size += (12 + xgb.Pad((int(item.Length) * 4)))
size += (12 + xgb.Pad(((int(item.Length) / 4) * 4)))
return size
@ -5882,7 +5882,9 @@ type SetupRequest struct {
AuthorizationProtocolDataLen uint16
// padding: 2 bytes
AuthorizationProtocolName string // size: xgb.Pad((int(AuthorizationProtocolNameLen) * 1))
// alignment gap to multiple of 4
AuthorizationProtocolData string // size: xgb.Pad((int(AuthorizationProtocolDataLen) * 1))
// alignment gap to multiple of 4
// SetupRequestRead reads a byte slice into a SetupRequest value.
@ -5915,6 +5917,8 @@ func SetupRequestRead(buf []byte, v *SetupRequest) int {
b += int(v.AuthorizationProtocolNameLen)
b = (b + 3) & ^3 // alignment gap
byteString := make([]byte, v.AuthorizationProtocolDataLen)
copy(byteString[:v.AuthorizationProtocolDataLen], buf[b:])
@ -5922,6 +5926,8 @@ func SetupRequestRead(buf []byte, v *SetupRequest) int {
b += int(v.AuthorizationProtocolDataLen)
b = (b + 3) & ^3 // alignment gap
return b
@ -5937,7 +5943,7 @@ func SetupRequestReadList(buf []byte, dest []SetupRequest) int {
// Bytes writes a SetupRequest value to a byte slice.
func (v SetupRequest) Bytes() []byte {
buf := make([]byte, ((12 + xgb.Pad((int(v.AuthorizationProtocolNameLen) * 1))) + xgb.Pad((int(v.AuthorizationProtocolDataLen) * 1))))
buf := make([]byte, ((((12 + xgb.Pad((int(v.AuthorizationProtocolNameLen) * 1))) + 4) + xgb.Pad((int(v.AuthorizationProtocolDataLen) * 1))) + 4))
b := 0
buf[b] = v.ByteOrder
@ -5962,9 +5968,13 @@ func (v SetupRequest) Bytes() []byte {
copy(buf[b:], v.AuthorizationProtocolName[:v.AuthorizationProtocolNameLen])
b += int(v.AuthorizationProtocolNameLen)
b = (b + 3) & ^3 // alignment gap
copy(buf[b:], v.AuthorizationProtocolData[:v.AuthorizationProtocolDataLen])
b += int(v.AuthorizationProtocolDataLen)
b = (b + 3) & ^3 // alignment gap
return buf[:b]
@ -5984,7 +5994,7 @@ func SetupRequestListBytes(buf []byte, list []SetupRequest) int {
func SetupRequestListSize(list []SetupRequest) int {
size := 0
for _, item := range list {
size += ((12 + xgb.Pad((int(item.AuthorizationProtocolNameLen) * 1))) + xgb.Pad((int(item.AuthorizationProtocolDataLen) * 1)))
size += ((((12 + xgb.Pad((int(item.AuthorizationProtocolNameLen) * 1))) + 4) + xgb.Pad((int(item.AuthorizationProtocolDataLen) * 1))) + 4)
return size
Reference in New Issue
Block a user