Update to latest xproto XML.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package bigreq
This file was generated by bigreq.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:11:58am EDT.
This file was generated by bigreq.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:42pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -40,30 +40,30 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["BIG-REQUESTS"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// EnableCookie is a cookie used only for Enable requests.
type EnableCookie struct {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package composite
This file was generated by composite.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:11:58am EDT.
This file was generated by composite.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:43pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -41,34 +41,241 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["Composite"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
const (
RedirectAutomatic = 0
RedirectManual = 1
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie is a cookie used only for CreateRegionFromBorderClip requests.
type CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie struct {
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// CreateRegionFromBorderClip sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func CreateRegionFromBorderClip(c *xgb.Conn, Region xfixes.Region, Window xproto.Window) CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreateRegionFromBorderClip' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(createRegionFromBorderClipRequest(c, Region, Window), cookie)
return CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// CreateRegionFromBorderClipChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie.Check()
func CreateRegionFromBorderClipChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Region xfixes.Region, Window xproto.Window) CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreateRegionFromBorderClip' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(createRegionFromBorderClipRequest(c, Region, Window), cookie)
return CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Write request to wire for CreateRegionFromBorderClip
// createRegionFromBorderClipRequest writes a CreateRegionFromBorderClip request to a byte slice.
func createRegionFromBorderClipRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Region xfixes.Region, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
const (
RedirectAutomatic = 0
RedirectManual = 1
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Region))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// GetOverlayWindowCookie is a cookie used only for GetOverlayWindow requests.
type GetOverlayWindowCookie struct {
// GetOverlayWindow sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetOverlayWindowCookie.Reply()
func GetOverlayWindow(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetOverlayWindowCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetOverlayWindow' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
// GetOverlayWindowUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func GetOverlayWindowUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetOverlayWindowCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetOverlayWindow' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
// GetOverlayWindowReply represents the data returned from a GetOverlayWindow request.
type GetOverlayWindowReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
OverlayWin xproto.Window
// padding: 20 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetOverlayWindow request.
func (cook GetOverlayWindowCookie) Reply() (*GetOverlayWindowReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getOverlayWindowReply(buf), nil
// getOverlayWindowReply reads a byte slice into a GetOverlayWindowReply value.
func getOverlayWindowReply(buf []byte) *GetOverlayWindowReply {
v := new(GetOverlayWindowReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.OverlayWin = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for GetOverlayWindow
// getOverlayWindowRequest writes a GetOverlayWindow request to a byte slice.
func getOverlayWindowRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// NameWindowPixmapCookie is a cookie used only for NameWindowPixmap requests.
type NameWindowPixmapCookie struct {
// NameWindowPixmap sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func NameWindowPixmap(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Pixmap xproto.Pixmap) NameWindowPixmapCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'NameWindowPixmap' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(nameWindowPixmapRequest(c, Window, Pixmap), cookie)
return NameWindowPixmapCookie{cookie}
// NameWindowPixmapChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using NameWindowPixmapCookie.Check()
func NameWindowPixmapChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Pixmap xproto.Pixmap) NameWindowPixmapCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'NameWindowPixmap' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(nameWindowPixmapRequest(c, Window, Pixmap), cookie)
return NameWindowPixmapCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook NameWindowPixmapCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for NameWindowPixmap
// nameWindowPixmapRequest writes a NameWindowPixmap request to a byte slice.
func nameWindowPixmapRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Pixmap xproto.Pixmap) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Pixmap))
b += 4
return buf
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
@ -168,6 +375,66 @@ func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVers
return buf
// RedirectSubwindowsCookie is a cookie used only for RedirectSubwindows requests.
type RedirectSubwindowsCookie struct {
// RedirectSubwindows sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func RedirectSubwindows(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) RedirectSubwindowsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'RedirectSubwindows' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(redirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return RedirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
// RedirectSubwindowsChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using RedirectSubwindowsCookie.Check()
func RedirectSubwindowsChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) RedirectSubwindowsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'RedirectSubwindows' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(redirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return RedirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook RedirectSubwindowsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for RedirectSubwindows
// redirectSubwindowsRequest writes a RedirectSubwindows request to a byte slice.
func redirectSubwindowsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = Update
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// RedirectWindowCookie is a cookie used only for RedirectWindow requests.
type RedirectWindowCookie struct {
@ -228,42 +495,97 @@ func redirectWindowRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) []byt
return buf
// RedirectSubwindowsCookie is a cookie used only for RedirectSubwindows requests.
type RedirectSubwindowsCookie struct {
// ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie is a cookie used only for ReleaseOverlayWindow requests.
type ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie struct {
// RedirectSubwindows sends an unchecked request.
// ReleaseOverlayWindow sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func RedirectSubwindows(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) RedirectSubwindowsCookie {
func ReleaseOverlayWindow(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'RedirectSubwindows' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'ReleaseOverlayWindow' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(redirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return RedirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(releaseOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
// RedirectSubwindowsChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using RedirectSubwindowsCookie.Check()
func RedirectSubwindowsChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) RedirectSubwindowsCookie {
// ReleaseOverlayWindowChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie.Check()
func ReleaseOverlayWindowChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'RedirectSubwindows' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'ReleaseOverlayWindow' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(redirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return RedirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(releaseOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook RedirectSubwindowsCookie) Check() error {
func (cook ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for RedirectSubwindows
// redirectSubwindowsRequest writes a RedirectSubwindows request to a byte slice.
func redirectSubwindowsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) []byte {
// Write request to wire for ReleaseOverlayWindow
// releaseOverlayWindowRequest writes a ReleaseOverlayWindow request to a byte slice.
func releaseOverlayWindowRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 8 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// UnredirectSubwindowsCookie is a cookie used only for UnredirectSubwindows requests.
type UnredirectSubwindowsCookie struct {
// UnredirectSubwindows sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func UnredirectSubwindows(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) UnredirectSubwindowsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'UnredirectSubwindows' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(unredirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return UnredirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
// UnredirectSubwindowsChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using UnredirectSubwindowsCookie.Check()
func UnredirectSubwindowsChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) UnredirectSubwindowsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'UnredirectSubwindows' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(unredirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return UnredirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook UnredirectSubwindowsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for UnredirectSubwindows
// unredirectSubwindowsRequest writes a UnredirectSubwindows request to a byte slice.
func unredirectSubwindowsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
@ -271,7 +593,7 @@ func redirectSubwindowsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) [
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
@ -347,325 +669,3 @@ func unredirectWindowRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) []b
return buf
// UnredirectSubwindowsCookie is a cookie used only for UnredirectSubwindows requests.
type UnredirectSubwindowsCookie struct {
// UnredirectSubwindows sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func UnredirectSubwindows(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) UnredirectSubwindowsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'UnredirectSubwindows' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(unredirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return UnredirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
// UnredirectSubwindowsChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using UnredirectSubwindowsCookie.Check()
func UnredirectSubwindowsChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) UnredirectSubwindowsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'UnredirectSubwindows' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(unredirectSubwindowsRequest(c, Window, Update), cookie)
return UnredirectSubwindowsCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook UnredirectSubwindowsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for UnredirectSubwindows
// unredirectSubwindowsRequest writes a UnredirectSubwindows request to a byte slice.
func unredirectSubwindowsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Update byte) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = Update
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie is a cookie used only for CreateRegionFromBorderClip requests.
type CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie struct {
// CreateRegionFromBorderClip sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func CreateRegionFromBorderClip(c *xgb.Conn, Region xfixes.Region, Window xproto.Window) CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreateRegionFromBorderClip' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(createRegionFromBorderClipRequest(c, Region, Window), cookie)
return CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie{cookie}
// CreateRegionFromBorderClipChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie.Check()
func CreateRegionFromBorderClipChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Region xfixes.Region, Window xproto.Window) CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreateRegionFromBorderClip' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(createRegionFromBorderClipRequest(c, Region, Window), cookie)
return CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook CreateRegionFromBorderClipCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for CreateRegionFromBorderClip
// createRegionFromBorderClipRequest writes a CreateRegionFromBorderClip request to a byte slice.
func createRegionFromBorderClipRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Region xfixes.Region, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Region))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// NameWindowPixmapCookie is a cookie used only for NameWindowPixmap requests.
type NameWindowPixmapCookie struct {
// NameWindowPixmap sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func NameWindowPixmap(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Pixmap xproto.Pixmap) NameWindowPixmapCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'NameWindowPixmap' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(nameWindowPixmapRequest(c, Window, Pixmap), cookie)
return NameWindowPixmapCookie{cookie}
// NameWindowPixmapChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using NameWindowPixmapCookie.Check()
func NameWindowPixmapChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Pixmap xproto.Pixmap) NameWindowPixmapCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'NameWindowPixmap' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(nameWindowPixmapRequest(c, Window, Pixmap), cookie)
return NameWindowPixmapCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook NameWindowPixmapCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for NameWindowPixmap
// nameWindowPixmapRequest writes a NameWindowPixmap request to a byte slice.
func nameWindowPixmapRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Pixmap xproto.Pixmap) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Pixmap))
b += 4
return buf
// GetOverlayWindowCookie is a cookie used only for GetOverlayWindow requests.
type GetOverlayWindowCookie struct {
// GetOverlayWindow sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetOverlayWindowCookie.Reply()
func GetOverlayWindow(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetOverlayWindowCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetOverlayWindow' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
// GetOverlayWindowUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func GetOverlayWindowUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetOverlayWindowCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetOverlayWindow' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
// GetOverlayWindowReply represents the data returned from a GetOverlayWindow request.
type GetOverlayWindowReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
OverlayWin xproto.Window
// padding: 20 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetOverlayWindow request.
func (cook GetOverlayWindowCookie) Reply() (*GetOverlayWindowReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getOverlayWindowReply(buf), nil
// getOverlayWindowReply reads a byte slice into a GetOverlayWindowReply value.
func getOverlayWindowReply(buf []byte) *GetOverlayWindowReply {
v := new(GetOverlayWindowReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.OverlayWin = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for GetOverlayWindow
// getOverlayWindowRequest writes a GetOverlayWindow request to a byte slice.
func getOverlayWindowRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie is a cookie used only for ReleaseOverlayWindow requests.
type ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie struct {
// ReleaseOverlayWindow sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func ReleaseOverlayWindow(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'ReleaseOverlayWindow' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(releaseOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
// ReleaseOverlayWindowChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie.Check()
func ReleaseOverlayWindowChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'ReleaseOverlayWindow' using the uninitialized extension 'Composite'. composite.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(releaseOverlayWindowRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook ReleaseOverlayWindowCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for ReleaseOverlayWindow
// releaseOverlayWindowRequest writes a ReleaseOverlayWindow request to a byte slice.
func releaseOverlayWindowRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["COMPOSITE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 8 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package damage
This file was generated by damage.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:11:59am EDT.
This file was generated by damage.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:43pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -41,36 +41,51 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["DAMAGE"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// BadBadDamage is the error number for a BadBadDamage.
const BadBadDamage = 0
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
type BadDamageError struct {
Sequence uint16
NiceName string
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// BadDamageErrorNew constructs a BadDamageError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.
func BadDamageErrorNew(buf []byte) xgb.Error {
v := BadDamageError{}
v.NiceName = "BadDamage"
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
b := 1 // skip error determinant
b += 1 // don't read error number
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
return v
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadBadDamage error.
// This is mostly used internally.
func (err BadDamageError) SequenceId() uint16 {
return err.Sequence
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadBadDamage error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.
func (err BadDamageError) BadId() uint32 {
return 0
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadBadDamage error.
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
func (err BadDamageError) Error() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 0)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, "NiceName: "+err.NiceName)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Sequence: %d", err.Sequence))
return "BadBadDamage {" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
const (
ReportLevelRawRectangles = 0
ReportLevelDeltaRectangles = 1
ReportLevelBoundingBox = 2
ReportLevelNonEmpty = 3
func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["DAMAGE"][0] = BadDamageErrorNew
type Damage uint32
@ -184,128 +199,73 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["DAMAGE"][0] = NotifyEventNew
// BadBadDamage is the error number for a BadBadDamage.
const BadBadDamage = 0
const (
ReportLevelRawRectangles = 0
ReportLevelDeltaRectangles = 1
ReportLevelBoundingBox = 2
ReportLevelNonEmpty = 3
type BadDamageError struct {
Sequence uint16
NiceName string
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// BadDamageErrorNew constructs a BadDamageError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.
func BadDamageErrorNew(buf []byte) xgb.Error {
v := BadDamageError{}
v.NiceName = "BadDamage"
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
b := 1 // skip error determinant
b += 1 // don't read error number
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
return v
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadBadDamage error.
// This is mostly used internally.
func (err BadDamageError) SequenceId() uint16 {
return err.Sequence
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadBadDamage error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.
func (err BadDamageError) BadId() uint32 {
return 0
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadBadDamage error.
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
func (err BadDamageError) Error() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 0)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, "NiceName: "+err.NiceName)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Sequence: %d", err.Sequence))
return "BadBadDamage {" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["DAMAGE"][0] = BadDamageErrorNew
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// AddCookie is a cookie used only for Add requests.
type AddCookie struct {
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'DAMAGE'. damage.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// Add sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) QueryVersionCookie {
func Add(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Region xfixes.Region) AddCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'DAMAGE'. damage.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'Add' using the uninitialized extension 'DAMAGE'. damage.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(addRequest(c, Drawable, Region), cookie)
return AddCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint32
MinorVersion uint32
// padding: 16 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// AddChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using AddCookie.Check()
func AddChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Region xfixes.Region) AddCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Add' using the uninitialized extension 'DAMAGE'. damage.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(addRequest(c, Drawable, Region), cookie)
return AddCookie{cookie}
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 16 // padding
return v
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook AddCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) []byte {
// Write request to wire for Add
// addRequest writes a Add request to a byte slice.
func addRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Region xfixes.Region) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
@ -313,16 +273,16 @@ func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVers
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Region))
b += 4
return buf
@ -446,6 +406,104 @@ func destroyRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Damage Damage) []byte {
return buf
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'DAMAGE'. damage.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'DAMAGE'. damage.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint32
MinorVersion uint32
// padding: 16 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 16 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint32, ClientMinorVersion uint32) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 4
return buf
// SubtractCookie is a cookie used only for Subtract requests.
type SubtractCookie struct {
@ -506,61 +564,3 @@ func subtractRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Damage Damage, Repair xfixes.Region, Parts xfi
return buf
// AddCookie is a cookie used only for Add requests.
type AddCookie struct {
// Add sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func Add(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Region xfixes.Region) AddCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Add' using the uninitialized extension 'DAMAGE'. damage.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(addRequest(c, Drawable, Region), cookie)
return AddCookie{cookie}
// AddChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using AddCookie.Check()
func AddChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Region xfixes.Region) AddCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Add' using the uninitialized extension 'DAMAGE'. damage.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(addRequest(c, Drawable, Region), cookie)
return AddCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook AddCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Add
// addRequest writes a Add request to a byte slice.
func addRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Region xfixes.Region) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DAMAGE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Region))
b += 4
return buf
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package dpms
This file was generated by dpms.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:11:59am EDT.
This file was generated by dpms.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:43pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -40,30 +40,6 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["DPMS"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
const (
DPMSModeOn = 0
DPMSModeStandby = 1
@ -71,100 +47,29 @@ const (
DPMSModeOff = 3
// GetVersionCookie is a cookie used only for GetVersion requests.
type GetVersionCookie struct {
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// GetVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetVersionCookie.Reply()
func GetVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// GetVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func GetVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// GetVersionReply represents the data returned from a GetVersion request.
type GetVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetVersion request.
func (cook GetVersionCookie) Reply() (*GetVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getVersionReply(buf), nil
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// getVersionReply reads a byte slice into a GetVersionReply value.
func getVersionReply(buf []byte) *GetVersionReply {
v := new(GetVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
b += 1 // padding
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
v.ServerMajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
v.ServerMinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
return v
// Write request to wire for GetVersion
// getVersionRequest writes a GetVersion request to a byte slice.
func getVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// CapableCookie is a cookie used only for Capable requests.
type CapableCookie struct {
@ -258,6 +163,165 @@ func capableRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
return buf
// DisableCookie is a cookie used only for Disable requests.
type DisableCookie struct {
// Disable sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func Disable(c *xgb.Conn) DisableCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Disable' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(disableRequest(c), cookie)
return DisableCookie{cookie}
// DisableChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using DisableCookie.Check()
func DisableChecked(c *xgb.Conn) DisableCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Disable' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(disableRequest(c), cookie)
return DisableCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook DisableCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Disable
// disableRequest writes a Disable request to a byte slice.
func disableRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// EnableCookie is a cookie used only for Enable requests.
type EnableCookie struct {
// Enable sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func Enable(c *xgb.Conn) EnableCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Enable' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(enableRequest(c), cookie)
return EnableCookie{cookie}
// EnableChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using EnableCookie.Check()
func EnableChecked(c *xgb.Conn) EnableCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Enable' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(enableRequest(c), cookie)
return EnableCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook EnableCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Enable
// enableRequest writes a Enable request to a byte slice.
func enableRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// ForceLevelCookie is a cookie used only for ForceLevel requests.
type ForceLevelCookie struct {
// ForceLevel sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func ForceLevel(c *xgb.Conn, PowerLevel uint16) ForceLevelCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'ForceLevel' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(forceLevelRequest(c, PowerLevel), cookie)
return ForceLevelCookie{cookie}
// ForceLevelChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using ForceLevelCookie.Check()
func ForceLevelChecked(c *xgb.Conn, PowerLevel uint16) ForceLevelCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'ForceLevel' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(forceLevelRequest(c, PowerLevel), cookie)
return ForceLevelCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook ForceLevelCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for ForceLevel
// forceLevelRequest writes a ForceLevel request to a byte slice.
func forceLevelRequest(c *xgb.Conn, PowerLevel uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], PowerLevel)
b += 2
return buf
// GetTimeoutsCookie is a cookie used only for GetTimeouts requests.
type GetTimeoutsCookie struct {
@ -354,207 +418,79 @@ func getTimeoutsRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
return buf
// SetTimeoutsCookie is a cookie used only for SetTimeouts requests.
type SetTimeoutsCookie struct {
// GetVersionCookie is a cookie used only for GetVersion requests.
type GetVersionCookie struct {
// SetTimeouts sends an unchecked request.
// GetVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetVersionCookie.Reply()
func GetVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
// GetVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func SetTimeouts(c *xgb.Conn, StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) SetTimeoutsCookie {
func GetVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'SetTimeouts' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(setTimeoutsRequest(c, StandbyTimeout, SuspendTimeout, OffTimeout), cookie)
return SetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
// SetTimeoutsChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using SetTimeoutsCookie.Check()
func SetTimeoutsChecked(c *xgb.Conn, StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) SetTimeoutsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'SetTimeouts' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
// GetVersionReply represents the data returned from a GetVersion request.
type GetVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetVersion request.
func (cook GetVersionCookie) Reply() (*GetVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(setTimeoutsRequest(c, StandbyTimeout, SuspendTimeout, OffTimeout), cookie)
return SetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getVersionReply(buf), nil
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook SetTimeoutsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// getVersionReply reads a byte slice into a GetVersionReply value.
func getVersionReply(buf []byte) *GetVersionReply {
v := new(GetVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
// Write request to wire for SetTimeouts
// setTimeoutsRequest writes a SetTimeouts request to a byte slice.
func setTimeoutsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
b += 1 // padding
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], StandbyTimeout)
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SuspendTimeout)
v.ServerMinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], OffTimeout)
b += 2
return buf
return v
// EnableCookie is a cookie used only for Enable requests.
type EnableCookie struct {
// Enable sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func Enable(c *xgb.Conn) EnableCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Enable' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(enableRequest(c), cookie)
return EnableCookie{cookie}
// EnableChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using EnableCookie.Check()
func EnableChecked(c *xgb.Conn) EnableCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Enable' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(enableRequest(c), cookie)
return EnableCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook EnableCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Enable
// enableRequest writes a Enable request to a byte slice.
func enableRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// DisableCookie is a cookie used only for Disable requests.
type DisableCookie struct {
// Disable sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func Disable(c *xgb.Conn) DisableCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Disable' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(disableRequest(c), cookie)
return DisableCookie{cookie}
// DisableChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using DisableCookie.Check()
func DisableChecked(c *xgb.Conn) DisableCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Disable' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(disableRequest(c), cookie)
return DisableCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook DisableCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Disable
// disableRequest writes a Disable request to a byte slice.
func disableRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// ForceLevelCookie is a cookie used only for ForceLevel requests.
type ForceLevelCookie struct {
// ForceLevel sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func ForceLevel(c *xgb.Conn, PowerLevel uint16) ForceLevelCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'ForceLevel' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(forceLevelRequest(c, PowerLevel), cookie)
return ForceLevelCookie{cookie}
// ForceLevelChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using ForceLevelCookie.Check()
func ForceLevelChecked(c *xgb.Conn, PowerLevel uint16) ForceLevelCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'ForceLevel' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(forceLevelRequest(c, PowerLevel), cookie)
return ForceLevelCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook ForceLevelCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for ForceLevel
// forceLevelRequest writes a ForceLevel request to a byte slice.
func forceLevelRequest(c *xgb.Conn, PowerLevel uint16) []byte {
// Write request to wire for GetVersion
// getVersionRequest writes a GetVersion request to a byte slice.
func getVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
@ -562,13 +498,16 @@ func forceLevelRequest(c *xgb.Conn, PowerLevel uint16) []byte {
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 6 // request opcode
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], PowerLevel)
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMajorVersion)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], ClientMinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
@ -669,3 +608,64 @@ func infoRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
return buf
// SetTimeoutsCookie is a cookie used only for SetTimeouts requests.
type SetTimeoutsCookie struct {
// SetTimeouts sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func SetTimeouts(c *xgb.Conn, StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) SetTimeoutsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'SetTimeouts' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(setTimeoutsRequest(c, StandbyTimeout, SuspendTimeout, OffTimeout), cookie)
return SetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
// SetTimeoutsChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using SetTimeoutsCookie.Check()
func SetTimeoutsChecked(c *xgb.Conn, StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) SetTimeoutsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["DPMS"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'SetTimeouts' using the uninitialized extension 'DPMS'. dpms.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(setTimeoutsRequest(c, StandbyTimeout, SuspendTimeout, OffTimeout), cookie)
return SetTimeoutsCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook SetTimeoutsCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for SetTimeouts
// setTimeoutsRequest writes a SetTimeouts request to a byte slice.
func setTimeoutsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, StandbyTimeout uint16, SuspendTimeout uint16, OffTimeout uint16) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["DPMS"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], StandbyTimeout)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SuspendTimeout)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], OffTimeout)
b += 2
return buf
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package ge
This file was generated by ge.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:11:59am EDT.
This file was generated by ge.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:43pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -40,30 +40,30 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["Generic Event Extension"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package res
This file was generated by res.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:11:59am EDT.
This file was generated by res.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:43pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -40,30 +40,6 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["X-Resource"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
type Client struct {
ResourceBase uint32
ResourceMask uint32
@ -172,44 +148,68 @@ func TypeListBytes(buf []byte, list []Type) int {
return b
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie is a cookie used only for QueryClientPixmapBytes requests.
type QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie struct {
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
// QueryClientPixmapBytes sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie.Reply()
func QueryClientPixmapBytes(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryClientPixmapBytes' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajor, ClientMinor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// QueryClientPixmapBytesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
func QueryClientPixmapBytesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryClientPixmapBytes' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajor, ClientMinor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
// QueryClientPixmapBytesReply represents the data returned from a QueryClientPixmapBytes request.
type QueryClientPixmapBytesReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajor uint16
ServerMinor uint16
Bytes uint32
BytesOverflow uint32
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryClientPixmapBytes request.
func (cook QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie) Reply() (*QueryClientPixmapBytesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
return queryClientPixmapBytesReply(buf), nil
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
// queryClientPixmapBytesReply reads a byte slice into a QueryClientPixmapBytesReply value.
func queryClientPixmapBytesReply(buf []byte) *QueryClientPixmapBytesReply {
v := new(QueryClientPixmapBytesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
@ -233,18 +233,18 @@ func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajor = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Bytes = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.ServerMinor = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.BytesOverflow = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) []byte {
// Write request to wire for QueryClientPixmapBytes
// queryClientPixmapBytesRequest writes a QueryClientPixmapBytes request to a byte slice.
func queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
@ -252,110 +252,15 @@ func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) []byte
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = ClientMajor
b += 1
buf[b] = ClientMinor
b += 1
return buf
// QueryClientsCookie is a cookie used only for QueryClients requests.
type QueryClientsCookie struct {
// QueryClients sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryClientsCookie.Reply()
func QueryClients(c *xgb.Conn) QueryClientsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryClients' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientsRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryClientsCookie{cookie}
// QueryClientsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryClientsUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryClientsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryClients' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientsRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryClientsCookie{cookie}
// QueryClientsReply represents the data returned from a QueryClients request.
type QueryClientsReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
NumClients uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Clients []Client // size: xgb.Pad((int(NumClients) * 8))
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryClients request.
func (cook QueryClientsCookie) Reply() (*QueryClientsReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryClientsReply(buf), nil
// queryClientsReply reads a byte slice into a QueryClientsReply value.
func queryClientsReply(buf []byte) *QueryClientsReply {
v := new(QueryClientsReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Xid)
b += 4
v.NumClients = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Clients = make([]Client, v.NumClients)
b += ClientReadList(buf[b:], v.Clients)
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryClients
// queryClientsRequest writes a QueryClients request to a byte slice.
func queryClientsRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
@ -454,44 +359,45 @@ func queryClientResourcesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) []byte {
return buf
// QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie is a cookie used only for QueryClientPixmapBytes requests.
type QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie struct {
// QueryClientsCookie is a cookie used only for QueryClients requests.
type QueryClientsCookie struct {
// QueryClientPixmapBytes sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie.Reply()
func QueryClientPixmapBytes(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie {
// QueryClients sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryClientsCookie.Reply()
func QueryClients(c *xgb.Conn) QueryClientsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryClientPixmapBytes' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryClients' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(queryClientsRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryClientsCookie{cookie}
// QueryClientPixmapBytesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// QueryClientsUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryClientPixmapBytesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie {
func QueryClientsUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryClientsCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryClientPixmapBytes' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryClients' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c, Xid), cookie)
return QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(queryClientsRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryClientsCookie{cookie}
// QueryClientPixmapBytesReply represents the data returned from a QueryClientPixmapBytes request.
type QueryClientPixmapBytesReply struct {
// QueryClientsReply represents the data returned from a QueryClients request.
type QueryClientsReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
Bytes uint32
BytesOverflow uint32
NumClients uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Clients []Client // size: xgb.Pad((int(NumClients) * 8))
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryClientPixmapBytes request.
func (cook QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie) Reply() (*QueryClientPixmapBytesReply, error) {
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryClients request.
func (cook QueryClientsCookie) Reply() (*QueryClientsReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -499,12 +405,12 @@ func (cook QueryClientPixmapBytesCookie) Reply() (*QueryClientPixmapBytesReply,
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryClientPixmapBytesReply(buf), nil
return queryClientsReply(buf), nil
// queryClientPixmapBytesReply reads a byte slice into a QueryClientPixmapBytesReply value.
func queryClientPixmapBytesReply(buf []byte) *QueryClientPixmapBytesReply {
v := new(QueryClientPixmapBytesReply)
// queryClientsReply reads a byte slice into a QueryClientsReply value.
func queryClientsReply(buf []byte) *QueryClientsReply {
v := new(QueryClientsReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
@ -515,18 +421,109 @@ func queryClientPixmapBytesReply(buf []byte) *QueryClientPixmapBytesReply {
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Bytes = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
v.NumClients = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.BytesOverflow = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Clients = make([]Client, v.NumClients)
b += ClientReadList(buf[b:], v.Clients)
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryClientPixmapBytes
// queryClientPixmapBytesRequest writes a QueryClientPixmapBytes request to a byte slice.
func queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) []byte {
// Write request to wire for QueryClients
// queryClientsRequest writes a QueryClients request to a byte slice.
func queryClientsRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajor, ClientMinor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'X-Resource'. res.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajor, ClientMinor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajor uint16
ServerMinor uint16
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajor = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinor = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajor byte, ClientMinor byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
@ -534,14 +531,17 @@ func queryClientPixmapBytesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Xid uint32) []byte {
buf[b] = c.Extensions["X-RESOURCE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Xid)
b += 4
buf[b] = ClientMajor
b += 1
buf[b] = ClientMinor
b += 1
return buf
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package screensaver
This file was generated by screensaver.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:11:59am EDT.
This file was generated by screensaver.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:43pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -40,46 +40,15 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
const (
KindBlanked = 0
KindInternal = 1
KindExternal = 2
const (
EventNotifyMask = 1
EventCycleMask = 2
const (
StateOff = 0
StateOn = 1
StateCycle = 2
StateDisabled = 3
KindBlanked = 0
KindInternal = 1
KindExternal = 2
// Notify is the event number for a NotifyEvent.
@ -214,105 +183,36 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"][0] = NotifyEventNew
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
const (
StateOff = 0
StateOn = 1
StateCycle = 2
StateDisabled = 3
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SCREEN-SAVER'. screensaver.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SCREEN-SAVER'. screensaver.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// padding: 20 bytes
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
b += 1 // padding
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
v.ServerMajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
v.ServerMinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
b += 20 // padding
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = ClientMajorVersion
b += 1
buf[b] = ClientMinorVersion
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
return buf
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// QueryInfoCookie is a cookie used only for QueryInfo requests.
type QueryInfoCookie struct {
@ -422,6 +322,106 @@ func queryInfoRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) []byte {
return buf
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SCREEN-SAVER'. screensaver.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SCREEN-SAVER'. screensaver.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, ClientMajorVersion, ClientMinorVersion), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
ServerMajorVersion uint16
ServerMinorVersion uint16
// padding: 20 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.ServerMajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.ServerMinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
b += 20 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion byte, ClientMinorVersion byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = ClientMajorVersion
b += 1
buf[b] = ClientMinorVersion
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
return buf
// SelectInputCookie is a cookie used only for SelectInput requests.
type SelectInputCookie struct {
@ -567,61 +567,6 @@ func setAttributesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, X int16, Y int1
return buf
// UnsetAttributesCookie is a cookie used only for UnsetAttributes requests.
type UnsetAttributesCookie struct {
// UnsetAttributes sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func UnsetAttributes(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) UnsetAttributesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'UnsetAttributes' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SCREEN-SAVER'. screensaver.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(unsetAttributesRequest(c, Drawable), cookie)
return UnsetAttributesCookie{cookie}
// UnsetAttributesChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using UnsetAttributesCookie.Check()
func UnsetAttributesChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) UnsetAttributesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'UnsetAttributes' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SCREEN-SAVER'. screensaver.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(unsetAttributesRequest(c, Drawable), cookie)
return UnsetAttributesCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook UnsetAttributesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for UnsetAttributes
// unsetAttributesRequest writes a UnsetAttributes request to a byte slice.
func unsetAttributesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
return buf
// SuspendCookie is a cookie used only for Suspend requests.
type SuspendCookie struct {
@ -682,3 +627,58 @@ func suspendRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Suspend bool) []byte {
return buf
// UnsetAttributesCookie is a cookie used only for UnsetAttributes requests.
type UnsetAttributesCookie struct {
// UnsetAttributes sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func UnsetAttributes(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) UnsetAttributesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'UnsetAttributes' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SCREEN-SAVER'. screensaver.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(unsetAttributesRequest(c, Drawable), cookie)
return UnsetAttributesCookie{cookie}
// UnsetAttributesChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using UnsetAttributesCookie.Check()
func UnsetAttributesChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) UnsetAttributesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'UnsetAttributes' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SCREEN-SAVER'. screensaver.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(unsetAttributesRequest(c, Drawable), cookie)
return UnsetAttributesCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook UnsetAttributesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for UnsetAttributes
// unsetAttributesRequest writes a UnsetAttributes request to a byte slice.
func unsetAttributesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SCREEN-SAVER"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
return buf
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package shape
This file was generated by shape.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:11:59am EDT.
This file was generated by shape.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:43pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -40,46 +40,6 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["SHAPE"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
const (
SoSet = 0
SoUnion = 1
SoIntersect = 2
SoSubtract = 3
SoInvert = 4
const (
SkBounding = 0
SkClip = 1
SkInput = 2
type Op byte
type Kind byte
// Notify is the event number for a NotifyEvent.
@ -209,240 +169,45 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["SHAPE"][0] = NotifyEventNew
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
type Op byte
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
const (
SkBounding = 0
SkClip = 1
SkInput = 2
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
const (
SoSet = 0
SoUnion = 1
SoIntersect = 2
SoSubtract = 3
SoInvert = 4
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint16
MinorVersion uint16
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
b += 1 // padding
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
v.MajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
return v
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// RectanglesCookie is a cookie used only for Rectangles requests.
type RectanglesCookie struct {
// Rectangles sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func Rectangles(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle) RectanglesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Rectangles' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(rectanglesRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, Ordering, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, Rectangles), cookie)
return RectanglesCookie{cookie}
// RectanglesChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using RectanglesCookie.Check()
func RectanglesChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle) RectanglesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Rectangles' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(rectanglesRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, Ordering, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, Rectangles), cookie)
return RectanglesCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook RectanglesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Rectangles
// rectanglesRequest writes a Rectangles request to a byte slice.
func rectanglesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle) []byte {
size := xgb.Pad((16 + xgb.Pad((len(Rectangles) * 8))))
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(Operation)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
buf[b] = Ordering
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
b += xproto.RectangleListBytes(buf[b:], Rectangles)
return buf
// MaskCookie is a cookie used only for Mask requests.
type MaskCookie struct {
// Mask sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func Mask(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap xproto.Pixmap) MaskCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Mask' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(maskRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceBitmap), cookie)
return MaskCookie{cookie}
// MaskChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using MaskCookie.Check()
func MaskChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap xproto.Pixmap) MaskCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Mask' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(maskRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceBitmap), cookie)
return MaskCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook MaskCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Mask
// maskRequest writes a Mask request to a byte slice.
func maskRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap xproto.Pixmap) []byte {
size := 20
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(Operation)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SourceBitmap))
b += 4
return buf
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// CombineCookie is a cookie used only for Combine requests.
type CombineCookie struct {
@ -519,6 +284,268 @@ func combineRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, SourceKind
return buf
// GetRectanglesCookie is a cookie used only for GetRectangles requests.
type GetRectanglesCookie struct {
// GetRectangles sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetRectanglesCookie.Reply()
func GetRectangles(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, SourceKind Kind) GetRectanglesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetRectangles' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getRectanglesRequest(c, Window, SourceKind), cookie)
return GetRectanglesCookie{cookie}
// GetRectanglesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func GetRectanglesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, SourceKind Kind) GetRectanglesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetRectangles' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getRectanglesRequest(c, Window, SourceKind), cookie)
return GetRectanglesCookie{cookie}
// GetRectanglesReply represents the data returned from a GetRectangles request.
type GetRectanglesReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
Ordering byte
RectanglesLen uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle // size: xgb.Pad((int(RectanglesLen) * 8))
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetRectangles request.
func (cook GetRectanglesCookie) Reply() (*GetRectanglesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getRectanglesReply(buf), nil
// getRectanglesReply reads a byte slice into a GetRectanglesReply value.
func getRectanglesReply(buf []byte) *GetRectanglesReply {
v := new(GetRectanglesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.Ordering = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.RectanglesLen = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Rectangles = make([]xproto.Rectangle, v.RectanglesLen)
b += xproto.RectangleReadList(buf[b:], v.Rectangles)
return v
// Write request to wire for GetRectangles
// getRectanglesRequest writes a GetRectangles request to a byte slice.
func getRectanglesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, SourceKind Kind) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 8 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = byte(SourceKind)
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
// InputSelectedCookie is a cookie used only for InputSelected requests.
type InputSelectedCookie struct {
// InputSelected sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling InputSelectedCookie.Reply()
func InputSelected(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) InputSelectedCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'InputSelected' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(inputSelectedRequest(c, DestinationWindow), cookie)
return InputSelectedCookie{cookie}
// InputSelectedUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func InputSelectedUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) InputSelectedCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'InputSelected' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(inputSelectedRequest(c, DestinationWindow), cookie)
return InputSelectedCookie{cookie}
// InputSelectedReply represents the data returned from a InputSelected request.
type InputSelectedReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
Enabled bool
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a InputSelected request.
func (cook InputSelectedCookie) Reply() (*InputSelectedReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return inputSelectedReply(buf), nil
// inputSelectedReply reads a byte slice into a InputSelectedReply value.
func inputSelectedReply(buf []byte) *InputSelectedReply {
v := new(InputSelectedReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Enabled = true
} else {
v.Enabled = false
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for InputSelected
// inputSelectedRequest writes a InputSelected request to a byte slice.
func inputSelectedRequest(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
return buf
// MaskCookie is a cookie used only for Mask requests.
type MaskCookie struct {
// Mask sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func Mask(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap xproto.Pixmap) MaskCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Mask' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(maskRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceBitmap), cookie)
return MaskCookie{cookie}
// MaskChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using MaskCookie.Check()
func MaskChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap xproto.Pixmap) MaskCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Mask' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(maskRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, SourceBitmap), cookie)
return MaskCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook MaskCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Mask
// maskRequest writes a Mask request to a byte slice.
func maskRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, SourceBitmap xproto.Pixmap) []byte {
size := 20
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(Operation)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
b += 2 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SourceBitmap))
b += 4
return buf
// OffsetCookie is a cookie used only for Offset requests.
type OffsetCookie struct {
@ -720,6 +747,169 @@ func queryExtentsRequest(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) []byte {
return buf
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
MajorVersion uint16
MinorVersion uint16
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// RectanglesCookie is a cookie used only for Rectangles requests.
type RectanglesCookie struct {
// Rectangles sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func Rectangles(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle) RectanglesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Rectangles' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(rectanglesRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, Ordering, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, Rectangles), cookie)
return RectanglesCookie{cookie}
// RectanglesChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using RectanglesCookie.Check()
func RectanglesChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle) RectanglesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Rectangles' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(rectanglesRequest(c, Operation, DestinationKind, Ordering, DestinationWindow, XOffset, YOffset, Rectangles), cookie)
return RectanglesCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook RectanglesCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for Rectangles
// rectanglesRequest writes a Rectangles request to a byte slice.
func rectanglesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Operation Op, DestinationKind Kind, Ordering byte, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, XOffset int16, YOffset int16, Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle) []byte {
size := xgb.Pad((16 + xgb.Pad((len(Rectangles) * 8))))
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = byte(Operation)
b += 1
buf[b] = byte(DestinationKind)
b += 1
buf[b] = Ordering
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(XOffset))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(YOffset))
b += 2
b += xproto.RectangleListBytes(buf[b:], Rectangles)
return buf
// SelectInputCookie is a cookie used only for SelectInput requests.
type SelectInputCookie struct {
@ -783,193 +973,3 @@ func selectInputRequest(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window, Enable boo
return buf
// InputSelectedCookie is a cookie used only for InputSelected requests.
type InputSelectedCookie struct {
// InputSelected sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling InputSelectedCookie.Reply()
func InputSelected(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) InputSelectedCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'InputSelected' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(inputSelectedRequest(c, DestinationWindow), cookie)
return InputSelectedCookie{cookie}
// InputSelectedUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func InputSelectedUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) InputSelectedCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'InputSelected' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(inputSelectedRequest(c, DestinationWindow), cookie)
return InputSelectedCookie{cookie}
// InputSelectedReply represents the data returned from a InputSelected request.
type InputSelectedReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
Enabled bool
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a InputSelected request.
func (cook InputSelectedCookie) Reply() (*InputSelectedReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return inputSelectedReply(buf), nil
// inputSelectedReply reads a byte slice into a InputSelectedReply value.
func inputSelectedReply(buf []byte) *InputSelectedReply {
v := new(InputSelectedReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.Enabled = true
} else {
v.Enabled = false
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for InputSelected
// inputSelectedRequest writes a InputSelected request to a byte slice.
func inputSelectedRequest(c *xgb.Conn, DestinationWindow xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 7 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(DestinationWindow))
b += 4
return buf
// GetRectanglesCookie is a cookie used only for GetRectangles requests.
type GetRectanglesCookie struct {
// GetRectangles sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetRectanglesCookie.Reply()
func GetRectangles(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, SourceKind Kind) GetRectanglesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetRectangles' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getRectanglesRequest(c, Window, SourceKind), cookie)
return GetRectanglesCookie{cookie}
// GetRectanglesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func GetRectanglesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, SourceKind Kind) GetRectanglesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["SHAPE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetRectangles' using the uninitialized extension 'SHAPE'. shape.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getRectanglesRequest(c, Window, SourceKind), cookie)
return GetRectanglesCookie{cookie}
// GetRectanglesReply represents the data returned from a GetRectangles request.
type GetRectanglesReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
Ordering byte
RectanglesLen uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Rectangles []xproto.Rectangle // size: xgb.Pad((int(RectanglesLen) * 8))
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetRectangles request.
func (cook GetRectanglesCookie) Reply() (*GetRectanglesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getRectanglesReply(buf), nil
// getRectanglesReply reads a byte slice into a GetRectanglesReply value.
func getRectanglesReply(buf []byte) *GetRectanglesReply {
v := new(GetRectanglesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.Ordering = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.RectanglesLen = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Rectangles = make([]xproto.Rectangle, v.RectanglesLen)
b += xproto.RectangleReadList(buf[b:], v.Rectangles)
return v
// Write request to wire for GetRectangles
// getRectanglesRequest writes a GetRectangles request to a byte slice.
func getRectanglesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, SourceKind Kind) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["SHAPE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 8 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
buf[b] = byte(SourceKind)
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
return buf
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package shm
This file was generated by shm.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:11:59am EDT.
This file was generated by shm.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:43pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -40,38 +40,42 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SHM"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// BadBadSeg is the error number for a BadBadSeg.
const BadBadSeg = 0
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
type BadSegError xproto.ValueError
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// BadSegErrorNew constructs a BadSegError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.
func BadSegErrorNew(buf []byte) xgb.Error {
v := BadSegError(xproto.ValueErrorNew(buf).(xproto.ValueError))
v.NiceName = "BadSeg"
return v
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadBadSeg error.
// This is mostly used internally.
func (err BadSegError) SequenceId() uint16 {
return err.Sequence
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadBadSeg error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.
func (err BadSegError) BadId() uint32 {
return 0
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadBadSeg error.
func (err BadSegError) Error() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 4)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, "NiceName: "+err.NiceName)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Sequence: %d", err.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("BadValue: %d", err.BadValue))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("MinorOpcode: %d", err.MinorOpcode))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("MajorOpcode: %d", err.MajorOpcode))
return "BadBadSeg {" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
type Seg uint32
func NewSegId(c *xgb.Conn) (Seg, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return Seg(id), nil
func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SHM"][0] = BadSegErrorNew
// Completion is the event number for a CompletionEvent.
@ -174,152 +178,39 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtEventFuncs["MIT-SHM"][0] = CompletionEventNew
// BadBadSeg is the error number for a BadBadSeg.
const BadBadSeg = 0
type Seg uint32
type BadSegError xproto.ValueError
// BadSegErrorNew constructs a BadSegError value that implements xgb.Error from a byte slice.
func BadSegErrorNew(buf []byte) xgb.Error {
v := BadSegError(xproto.ValueErrorNew(buf).(xproto.ValueError))
v.NiceName = "BadSeg"
return v
// SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BadBadSeg error.
// This is mostly used internally.
func (err BadSegError) SequenceId() uint16 {
return err.Sequence
// BadId returns the 'BadValue' number if one exists for the BadBadSeg error. If no bad value exists, 0 is returned.
func (err BadSegError) BadId() uint32 {
return 0
// Error returns a rudimentary string representation of the BadBadSeg error.
func (err BadSegError) Error() string {
fieldVals := make([]string, 0, 4)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, "NiceName: "+err.NiceName)
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("Sequence: %d", err.Sequence))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("BadValue: %d", err.BadValue))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("MinorOpcode: %d", err.MinorOpcode))
fieldVals = append(fieldVals, xgb.Sprintf("MajorOpcode: %d", err.MajorOpcode))
return "BadBadSeg {" + xgb.StringsJoin(fieldVals, ", ") + "}"
func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["MIT-SHM"][0] = BadSegErrorNew
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
SharedPixmaps bool
MajorVersion uint16
MinorVersion uint16
Uid uint16
Gid uint16
PixmapFormat byte
// padding: 15 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
func NewSegId(c *xgb.Conn) (Seg, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return 0, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
return Seg(id), nil
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.SharedPixmaps = true
} else {
v.SharedPixmaps = false
b += 1
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
v.MajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
v.Uid = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
v.Gid = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
v.PixmapFormat = buf[b]
b += 1
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
b += 15 // padding
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
return v
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// AttachCookie is a cookie used only for Attach requests.
type AttachCookie struct {
@ -388,6 +279,81 @@ func attachRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Shmseg Seg, Shmid uint32, ReadOnly bool) []byte
return buf
// CreatePixmapCookie is a cookie used only for CreatePixmap requests.
type CreatePixmapCookie struct {
// CreatePixmap sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func CreatePixmap(c *xgb.Conn, Pid xproto.Pixmap, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) CreatePixmapCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreatePixmap' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(createPixmapRequest(c, Pid, Drawable, Width, Height, Depth, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return CreatePixmapCookie{cookie}
// CreatePixmapChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using CreatePixmapCookie.Check()
func CreatePixmapChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Pid xproto.Pixmap, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) CreatePixmapCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreatePixmap' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(createPixmapRequest(c, Pid, Drawable, Width, Height, Depth, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return CreatePixmapCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook CreatePixmapCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for CreatePixmap
// createPixmapRequest writes a CreatePixmap request to a byte slice.
func createPixmapRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Pid xproto.Pixmap, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) []byte {
size := 28
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Pid))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Width)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Height)
b += 2
buf[b] = Depth
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Offset)
b += 4
return buf
// DetachCookie is a cookie used only for Detach requests.
type DetachCookie struct {
@ -443,105 +409,6 @@ func detachRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Shmseg Seg) []byte {
return buf
// PutImageCookie is a cookie used only for PutImage requests.
type PutImageCookie struct {
// PutImage sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func PutImage(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Gc xproto.Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) PutImageCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'PutImage' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(putImageRequest(c, Drawable, Gc, TotalWidth, TotalHeight, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstX, DstY, Depth, Format, SendEvent, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return PutImageCookie{cookie}
// PutImageChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using PutImageCookie.Check()
func PutImageChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Gc xproto.Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) PutImageCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'PutImage' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(putImageRequest(c, Drawable, Gc, TotalWidth, TotalHeight, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstX, DstY, Depth, Format, SendEvent, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return PutImageCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook PutImageCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for PutImage
// putImageRequest writes a PutImage request to a byte slice.
func putImageRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Gc xproto.Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) []byte {
size := 40
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Gc))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], TotalWidth)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], TotalHeight)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcX)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcY)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcWidth)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcHeight)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(DstX))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(DstY))
b += 2
buf[b] = Depth
b += 1
buf[b] = Format
b += 1
buf[b] = SendEvent
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Offset)
b += 4
return buf
// GetImageCookie is a cookie used only for GetImage requests.
type GetImageCookie struct {
@ -661,71 +528,95 @@ func getImageRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, X int16, Y int16, Wi
return buf
// CreatePixmapCookie is a cookie used only for CreatePixmap requests.
type CreatePixmapCookie struct {
// PutImageCookie is a cookie used only for PutImage requests.
type PutImageCookie struct {
// CreatePixmap sends an unchecked request.
// PutImage sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func CreatePixmap(c *xgb.Conn, Pid xproto.Pixmap, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) CreatePixmapCookie {
func PutImage(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Gc xproto.Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) PutImageCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreatePixmap' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'PutImage' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(createPixmapRequest(c, Pid, Drawable, Width, Height, Depth, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return CreatePixmapCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(putImageRequest(c, Drawable, Gc, TotalWidth, TotalHeight, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstX, DstY, Depth, Format, SendEvent, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return PutImageCookie{cookie}
// CreatePixmapChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using CreatePixmapCookie.Check()
func CreatePixmapChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Pid xproto.Pixmap, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) CreatePixmapCookie {
// PutImageChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using PutImageCookie.Check()
func PutImageChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Gc xproto.Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) PutImageCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreatePixmap' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'PutImage' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(createPixmapRequest(c, Pid, Drawable, Width, Height, Depth, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return CreatePixmapCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(putImageRequest(c, Drawable, Gc, TotalWidth, TotalHeight, SrcX, SrcY, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, DstX, DstY, Depth, Format, SendEvent, Shmseg, Offset), cookie)
return PutImageCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook CreatePixmapCookie) Check() error {
func (cook PutImageCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for CreatePixmap
// createPixmapRequest writes a CreatePixmap request to a byte slice.
func createPixmapRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Pid xproto.Pixmap, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Width uint16, Height uint16, Depth byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) []byte {
size := 28
// Write request to wire for PutImage
// putImageRequest writes a PutImage request to a byte slice.
func putImageRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Gc xproto.Gcontext, TotalWidth uint16, TotalHeight uint16, SrcX uint16, SrcY uint16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Depth byte, Format byte, SendEvent byte, Shmseg Seg, Offset uint32) []byte {
size := 40
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Pid))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Drawable))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Width)
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Gc))
b += 4
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], TotalWidth)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], Height)
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], TotalHeight)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcX)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcY)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcWidth)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], SrcHeight)
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(DstX))
b += 2
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(DstY))
b += 2
buf[b] = Depth
b += 1
b += 3 // padding
buf[b] = Format
b += 1
buf[b] = SendEvent
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Shmseg))
b += 4
@ -735,3 +626,112 @@ func createPixmapRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Pid xproto.Pixmap, Drawable xproto.Drawabl
return buf
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'MIT-SHM'. shm.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
SharedPixmaps bool
MajorVersion uint16
MinorVersion uint16
Uid uint16
Gid uint16
PixmapFormat byte
// padding: 15 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
if buf[b] == 1 {
v.SharedPixmaps = true
} else {
v.SharedPixmaps = false
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MajorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Uid = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Gid = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.PixmapFormat = buf[b]
b += 1
b += 15 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["MIT-SHM"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package xcmisc
This file was generated by xc_misc.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:11:59am EDT.
This file was generated by xc_misc.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:43pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -40,29 +40,29 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XC-MISC"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// GetVersionCookie is a cookie used only for GetVersion requests.
type GetVersionCookie struct {
@ -159,95 +159,6 @@ func getVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVersio
return buf
// GetXIDRangeCookie is a cookie used only for GetXIDRange requests.
type GetXIDRangeCookie struct {
// GetXIDRange sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetXIDRangeCookie.Reply()
func GetXIDRange(c *xgb.Conn) GetXIDRangeCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XC-MISC"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetXIDRange' using the uninitialized extension 'XC-MISC'. xcmisc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getXIDRangeRequest(c), cookie)
return GetXIDRangeCookie{cookie}
// GetXIDRangeUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func GetXIDRangeUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) GetXIDRangeCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XC-MISC"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetXIDRange' using the uninitialized extension 'XC-MISC'. xcmisc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getXIDRangeRequest(c), cookie)
return GetXIDRangeCookie{cookie}
// GetXIDRangeReply represents the data returned from a GetXIDRange request.
type GetXIDRangeReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
StartId uint32
Count uint32
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetXIDRange request.
func (cook GetXIDRangeCookie) Reply() (*GetXIDRangeReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getXIDRangeReply(buf), nil
// getXIDRangeReply reads a byte slice into a GetXIDRangeReply value.
func getXIDRangeReply(buf []byte) *GetXIDRangeReply {
v := new(GetXIDRangeReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.StartId = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Count = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for GetXIDRange
// getXIDRangeRequest writes a GetXIDRange request to a byte slice.
func getXIDRangeRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XC-MISC"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// GetXIDListCookie is a cookie used only for GetXIDList requests.
type GetXIDListCookie struct {
@ -346,3 +257,92 @@ func getXIDListRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Count uint32) []byte {
return buf
// GetXIDRangeCookie is a cookie used only for GetXIDRange requests.
type GetXIDRangeCookie struct {
// GetXIDRange sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetXIDRangeCookie.Reply()
func GetXIDRange(c *xgb.Conn) GetXIDRangeCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XC-MISC"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetXIDRange' using the uninitialized extension 'XC-MISC'. xcmisc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getXIDRangeRequest(c), cookie)
return GetXIDRangeCookie{cookie}
// GetXIDRangeUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func GetXIDRangeUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) GetXIDRangeCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XC-MISC"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetXIDRange' using the uninitialized extension 'XC-MISC'. xcmisc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getXIDRangeRequest(c), cookie)
return GetXIDRangeCookie{cookie}
// GetXIDRangeReply represents the data returned from a GetXIDRange request.
type GetXIDRangeReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
StartId uint32
Count uint32
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetXIDRange request.
func (cook GetXIDRangeCookie) Reply() (*GetXIDRangeReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getXIDRangeReply(buf), nil
// getXIDRangeReply reads a byte slice into a GetXIDRangeReply value.
func getXIDRangeReply(buf []byte) *GetXIDRangeReply {
v := new(GetXIDRangeReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.StartId = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Count = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for GetXIDRange
// getXIDRangeRequest writes a GetXIDRange request to a byte slice.
func getXIDRangeRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XC-MISC"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package xevie
This file was generated by xevie.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:11:59am EDT.
This file was generated by xevie.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:43pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -40,30 +40,6 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XEVIE"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
const (
DatatypeUnmodified = 0
DatatypeModified = 1
@ -114,6 +90,117 @@ func EventListBytes(buf []byte, list []Event) int {
return b
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// EndCookie is a cookie used only for End requests.
type EndCookie struct {
// End sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling EndCookie.Reply()
func End(c *xgb.Conn, Cmap uint32) EndCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XEVIE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'End' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(endRequest(c, Cmap), cookie)
return EndCookie{cookie}
// EndUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func EndUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Cmap uint32) EndCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XEVIE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'End' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(endRequest(c, Cmap), cookie)
return EndCookie{cookie}
// EndReply represents the data returned from a End request.
type EndReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a End request.
func (cook EndCookie) Reply() (*EndReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return endReply(buf), nil
// endReply reads a byte slice into a EndReply value.
func endReply(buf []byte) *EndReply {
v := new(EndReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for End
// endRequest writes a End request to a byte slice.
func endRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Cmap uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Cmap)
b += 4
return buf
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
@ -212,43 +299,43 @@ func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ClientMajorVersion uint16, ClientMinorVers
return buf
// StartCookie is a cookie used only for Start requests.
type StartCookie struct {
// SelectInputCookie is a cookie used only for SelectInput requests.
type SelectInputCookie struct {
// Start sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling StartCookie.Reply()
func Start(c *xgb.Conn, Screen uint32) StartCookie {
// SelectInput sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling SelectInputCookie.Reply()
func SelectInput(c *xgb.Conn, EventMask uint32) SelectInputCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XEVIE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Start' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'SelectInput' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(startRequest(c, Screen), cookie)
return StartCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(selectInputRequest(c, EventMask), cookie)
return SelectInputCookie{cookie}
// StartUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// SelectInputUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func StartUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Screen uint32) StartCookie {
func SelectInputUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, EventMask uint32) SelectInputCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XEVIE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'Start' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'SelectInput' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(startRequest(c, Screen), cookie)
return StartCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(selectInputRequest(c, EventMask), cookie)
return SelectInputCookie{cookie}
// StartReply represents the data returned from a Start request.
type StartReply struct {
// SelectInputReply represents the data returned from a SelectInput request.
type SelectInputReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a Start request.
func (cook StartCookie) Reply() (*StartReply, error) {
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a SelectInput request.
func (cook SelectInputCookie) Reply() (*SelectInputReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -256,12 +343,12 @@ func (cook StartCookie) Reply() (*StartReply, error) {
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return startReply(buf), nil
return selectInputReply(buf), nil
// startReply reads a byte slice into a StartReply value.
func startReply(buf []byte) *StartReply {
v := new(StartReply)
// selectInputReply reads a byte slice into a SelectInputReply value.
func selectInputReply(buf []byte) *SelectInputReply {
v := new(SelectInputReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
@ -277,9 +364,9 @@ func startReply(buf []byte) *StartReply {
return v
// Write request to wire for Start
// startRequest writes a Start request to a byte slice.
func startRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Screen uint32) []byte {
// Write request to wire for SelectInput
// selectInputRequest writes a SelectInput request to a byte slice.
func selectInputRequest(c *xgb.Conn, EventMask uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
@ -287,100 +374,13 @@ func startRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Screen uint32) []byte {
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Screen)
b += 4
return buf
// EndCookie is a cookie used only for End requests.
type EndCookie struct {
// End sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling EndCookie.Reply()
func End(c *xgb.Conn, Cmap uint32) EndCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XEVIE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'End' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(endRequest(c, Cmap), cookie)
return EndCookie{cookie}
// EndUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func EndUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Cmap uint32) EndCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XEVIE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'End' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(endRequest(c, Cmap), cookie)
return EndCookie{cookie}
// EndReply represents the data returned from a End request.
type EndReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a End request.
func (cook EndCookie) Reply() (*EndReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return endReply(buf), nil
// endReply reads a byte slice into a EndReply value.
func endReply(buf []byte) *EndReply {
v := new(EndReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
return v
// Write request to wire for End
// endRequest writes a End request to a byte slice.
func endRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Cmap uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 2 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Cmap)
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], EventMask)
b += 4
return buf
@ -481,43 +481,43 @@ func sendRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Event Event, DataType uint32) []byte {
return buf
// SelectInputCookie is a cookie used only for SelectInput requests.
type SelectInputCookie struct {
// StartCookie is a cookie used only for Start requests.
type StartCookie struct {
// SelectInput sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling SelectInputCookie.Reply()
func SelectInput(c *xgb.Conn, EventMask uint32) SelectInputCookie {
// Start sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling StartCookie.Reply()
func Start(c *xgb.Conn, Screen uint32) StartCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XEVIE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'SelectInput' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'Start' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(selectInputRequest(c, EventMask), cookie)
return SelectInputCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(startRequest(c, Screen), cookie)
return StartCookie{cookie}
// SelectInputUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// StartUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func SelectInputUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, EventMask uint32) SelectInputCookie {
func StartUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Screen uint32) StartCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XEVIE"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'SelectInput' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
panic("Cannot issue request 'Start' using the uninitialized extension 'XEVIE'. xevie.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(selectInputRequest(c, EventMask), cookie)
return SelectInputCookie{cookie}
c.NewRequest(startRequest(c, Screen), cookie)
return StartCookie{cookie}
// SelectInputReply represents the data returned from a SelectInput request.
type SelectInputReply struct {
// StartReply represents the data returned from a Start request.
type StartReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a SelectInput request.
func (cook SelectInputCookie) Reply() (*SelectInputReply, error) {
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a Start request.
func (cook StartCookie) Reply() (*StartReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -525,12 +525,12 @@ func (cook SelectInputCookie) Reply() (*SelectInputReply, error) {
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return selectInputReply(buf), nil
return startReply(buf), nil
// selectInputReply reads a byte slice into a SelectInputReply value.
func selectInputReply(buf []byte) *SelectInputReply {
v := new(SelectInputReply)
// startReply reads a byte slice into a StartReply value.
func startReply(buf []byte) *StartReply {
v := new(StartReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
@ -546,9 +546,9 @@ func selectInputReply(buf []byte) *SelectInputReply {
return v
// Write request to wire for SelectInput
// selectInputRequest writes a SelectInput request to a byte slice.
func selectInputRequest(c *xgb.Conn, EventMask uint32) []byte {
// Write request to wire for Start
// startRequest writes a Start request to a byte slice.
func startRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Screen uint32) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
@ -556,13 +556,13 @@ func selectInputRequest(c *xgb.Conn, EventMask uint32) []byte {
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XEVIE"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], EventMask)
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], Screen)
b += 4
return buf
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package xinerama
This file was generated by xinerama.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:12:00am EDT.
This file was generated by xinerama.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:44pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -40,30 +40,6 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XINERAMA"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
type ScreenInfo struct {
XOrg int16
YOrg int16
@ -132,189 +108,29 @@ func ScreenInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []ScreenInfo) int {
return b
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XINERAMA'. xinerama.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, Major, Minor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XINERAMA'. xinerama.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, Major, Minor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
Major uint16
Minor uint16
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
b += 1 // padding
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
v.Major = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
v.Minor = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = Major
b += 1
buf[b] = Minor
b += 1
return buf
// GetStateCookie is a cookie used only for GetState requests.
type GetStateCookie struct {
// GetState sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetStateCookie.Reply()
func GetState(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetStateCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetState' using the uninitialized extension 'XINERAMA'. xinerama.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getStateRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetStateCookie{cookie}
// GetStateUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func GetStateUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetStateCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetState' using the uninitialized extension 'XINERAMA'. xinerama.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getStateRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetStateCookie{cookie}
// GetStateReply represents the data returned from a GetState request.
type GetStateReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
State byte
Window xproto.Window
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetState request.
func (cook GetStateCookie) Reply() (*GetStateReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getStateReply(buf), nil
// getStateReply reads a byte slice into a GetStateReply value.
func getStateReply(buf []byte) *GetStateReply {
v := new(GetStateReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.State = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Window = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for GetState
// getStateRequest writes a GetState request to a byte slice.
func getStateRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// GetScreenCountCookie is a cookie used only for GetScreenCount requests.
type GetScreenCountCookie struct {
@ -508,6 +324,95 @@ func getScreenSizeRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Screen uint32) []by
return buf
// GetStateCookie is a cookie used only for GetState requests.
type GetStateCookie struct {
// GetState sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetStateCookie.Reply()
func GetState(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetStateCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetState' using the uninitialized extension 'XINERAMA'. xinerama.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getStateRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetStateCookie{cookie}
// GetStateUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func GetStateUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) GetStateCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetState' using the uninitialized extension 'XINERAMA'. xinerama.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getStateRequest(c, Window), cookie)
return GetStateCookie{cookie}
// GetStateReply represents the data returned from a GetState request.
type GetStateReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
State byte
Window xproto.Window
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetState request.
func (cook GetStateCookie) Reply() (*GetStateReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getStateReply(buf), nil
// getStateReply reads a byte slice into a GetStateReply value.
func getStateReply(buf []byte) *GetStateReply {
v := new(GetStateReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.State = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Window = xproto.Window(xgb.Get32(buf[b:]))
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for GetState
// getStateRequest writes a GetState request to a byte slice.
func getStateRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(Window))
b += 4
return buf
// IsActiveCookie is a cookie used only for IsActive requests.
type IsActiveCookie struct {
@ -684,3 +589,98 @@ func queryScreensRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
return buf
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XINERAMA'. xinerama.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, Major, Minor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XINERAMA'. xinerama.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c, Major, Minor), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
Major uint16
Minor uint16
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Major = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Minor = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Major byte, Minor byte) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XINERAMA"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = Major
b += 1
buf[b] = Minor
b += 1
return buf
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package xtest
This file was generated by xtest.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:12:00am EDT.
This file was generated by xtest.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:44pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -40,128 +40,34 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XTEST"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
const (
CursorNone = 0
CursorCurrent = 1
// GetVersionCookie is a cookie used only for GetVersion requests.
type GetVersionCookie struct {
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// GetVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetVersionCookie.Reply()
func GetVersion(c *xgb.Conn, MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XTEST"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XTEST'. xtest.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, MajorVersion, MinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// GetVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func GetVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XTEST"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XTEST'. xtest.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, MajorVersion, MinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// GetVersionReply represents the data returned from a GetVersion request.
type GetVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
MajorVersion byte
MinorVersion uint16
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetVersion request.
func (cook GetVersionCookie) Reply() (*GetVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getVersionReply(buf), nil
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// getVersionReply reads a byte slice into a GetVersionReply value.
func getVersionReply(buf []byte) *GetVersionReply {
v := new(GetVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
v.MajorVersion = buf[b]
b += 1
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
return v
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Write request to wire for GetVersion
// getVersionRequest writes a GetVersion request to a byte slice.
func getVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XTEST"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = MajorVersion
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], MinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// CompareCursorCookie is a cookie used only for CompareCursor requests.
type CompareCursorCookie struct {
@ -334,6 +240,100 @@ func fakeInputRequest(c *xgb.Conn, Type byte, Detail byte, Time uint32, Root xpr
return buf
// GetVersionCookie is a cookie used only for GetVersion requests.
type GetVersionCookie struct {
// GetVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetVersionCookie.Reply()
func GetVersion(c *xgb.Conn, MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XTEST"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XTEST'. xtest.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, MajorVersion, MinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
// GetVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func GetVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) GetVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XTEST"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'GetVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XTEST'. xtest.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(getVersionRequest(c, MajorVersion, MinorVersion), cookie)
return GetVersionCookie{cookie}
// GetVersionReply represents the data returned from a GetVersion request.
type GetVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
MajorVersion byte
MinorVersion uint16
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetVersion request.
func (cook GetVersionCookie) Reply() (*GetVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return getVersionReply(buf), nil
// getVersionReply reads a byte slice into a GetVersionReply value.
func getVersionReply(buf []byte) *GetVersionReply {
v := new(GetVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
v.MajorVersion = buf[b]
b += 1
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.MinorVersion = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
return v
// Write request to wire for GetVersion
// getVersionRequest writes a GetVersion request to a byte slice.
func getVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn, MajorVersion byte, MinorVersion uint16) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XTEST"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
buf[b] = MajorVersion
b += 1
b += 1 // padding
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], MinorVersion)
b += 2
return buf
// GrabControlCookie is a cookie used only for GrabControl requests.
type GrabControlCookie struct {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
package xvmc
This file was generated by xvmc.xml on Jun 5 2012 12:12:00am EDT.
This file was generated by xvmc.xml on Aug 11 2013 8:39:44pm EDT.
This file is automatically generated. Edit at your peril!
@ -41,30 +41,6 @@ func init() {
xgb.NewExtErrorFuncs["XVideo-MotionCompensation"] = make(map[int]xgb.NewErrorFun)
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
type Context uint32
func NewContextId(c *xgb.Conn) (Context, error) {
@ -75,16 +51,6 @@ func NewContextId(c *xgb.Conn) (Context, error) {
return Context(id), nil
type Surface uint32
func NewSurfaceId(c *xgb.Conn) (Surface, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return Surface(id), nil
type Subpicture uint32
func NewSubpictureId(c *xgb.Conn) (Subpicture, error) {
@ -95,6 +61,16 @@ func NewSubpictureId(c *xgb.Conn) (Subpicture, error) {
return Subpicture(id), nil
type Surface uint32
func NewSurfaceId(c *xgb.Conn) (Surface, error) {
id, err := c.NewId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return Surface(id), nil
type SurfaceInfo struct {
Id Surface
ChromaFormat uint16
@ -198,189 +174,29 @@ func SurfaceInfoListBytes(buf []byte, list []SurfaceInfo) int {
return b
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// Skipping definition for base type 'Bool'
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Byte'
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card8'
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
Major uint32
Minor uint32
// Skipping definition for base type 'Char'
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// Skipping definition for base type 'Void'
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
// Skipping definition for base type 'Double'
b += 1 // padding
// Skipping definition for base type 'Float'
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int16'
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int32'
v.Major = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
// Skipping definition for base type 'Int8'
v.Minor = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card16'
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
// ListSurfaceTypesCookie is a cookie used only for ListSurfaceTypes requests.
type ListSurfaceTypesCookie struct {
// ListSurfaceTypes sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling ListSurfaceTypesCookie.Reply()
func ListSurfaceTypes(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port) ListSurfaceTypesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'ListSurfaceTypes' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(listSurfaceTypesRequest(c, PortId), cookie)
return ListSurfaceTypesCookie{cookie}
// ListSurfaceTypesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func ListSurfaceTypesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port) ListSurfaceTypesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'ListSurfaceTypes' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(listSurfaceTypesRequest(c, PortId), cookie)
return ListSurfaceTypesCookie{cookie}
// ListSurfaceTypesReply represents the data returned from a ListSurfaceTypes request.
type ListSurfaceTypesReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
Num uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Surfaces []SurfaceInfo // size: xgb.Pad((int(Num) * 24))
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a ListSurfaceTypes request.
func (cook ListSurfaceTypesCookie) Reply() (*ListSurfaceTypesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return listSurfaceTypesReply(buf), nil
// listSurfaceTypesReply reads a byte slice into a ListSurfaceTypesReply value.
func listSurfaceTypesReply(buf []byte) *ListSurfaceTypesReply {
v := new(ListSurfaceTypesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Num = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Surfaces = make([]SurfaceInfo, v.Num)
b += SurfaceInfoReadList(buf[b:], v.Surfaces)
return v
// Write request to wire for ListSurfaceTypes
// listSurfaceTypesRequest writes a ListSurfaceTypes request to a byte slice.
func listSurfaceTypesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(PortId))
b += 4
return buf
// Skipping definition for base type 'Card32'
// CreateContextCookie is a cookie used only for CreateContext requests.
type CreateContextCookie struct {
@ -504,214 +320,6 @@ func createContextRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context, PortId xv.Port, Surfac
return buf
// DestroyContextCookie is a cookie used only for DestroyContext requests.
type DestroyContextCookie struct {
// DestroyContext sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func DestroyContext(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context) DestroyContextCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'DestroyContext' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(destroyContextRequest(c, ContextId), cookie)
return DestroyContextCookie{cookie}
// DestroyContextChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using DestroyContextCookie.Check()
func DestroyContextChecked(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context) DestroyContextCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'DestroyContext' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(destroyContextRequest(c, ContextId), cookie)
return DestroyContextCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook DestroyContextCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for DestroyContext
// destroyContextRequest writes a DestroyContext request to a byte slice.
func destroyContextRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(ContextId))
b += 4
return buf
// CreateSurfaceCookie is a cookie used only for CreateSurface requests.
type CreateSurfaceCookie struct {
// CreateSurface sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling CreateSurfaceCookie.Reply()
func CreateSurface(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface, ContextId Context) CreateSurfaceCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreateSurface' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(createSurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId, ContextId), cookie)
return CreateSurfaceCookie{cookie}
// CreateSurfaceUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func CreateSurfaceUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface, ContextId Context) CreateSurfaceCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreateSurface' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(createSurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId, ContextId), cookie)
return CreateSurfaceCookie{cookie}
// CreateSurfaceReply represents the data returned from a CreateSurface request.
type CreateSurfaceReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
PrivData []uint32 // size: xgb.Pad((int(Length) * 4))
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a CreateSurface request.
func (cook CreateSurfaceCookie) Reply() (*CreateSurfaceReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return createSurfaceReply(buf), nil
// createSurfaceReply reads a byte slice into a CreateSurfaceReply value.
func createSurfaceReply(buf []byte) *CreateSurfaceReply {
v := new(CreateSurfaceReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
v.PrivData = make([]uint32, v.Length)
for i := 0; i < int(v.Length); i++ {
v.PrivData[i] = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b = xgb.Pad(b)
return v
// Write request to wire for CreateSurface
// createSurfaceRequest writes a CreateSurface request to a byte slice.
func createSurfaceRequest(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface, ContextId Context) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(ContextId))
b += 4
return buf
// DestroySurfaceCookie is a cookie used only for DestroySurface requests.
type DestroySurfaceCookie struct {
// DestroySurface sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func DestroySurface(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface) DestroySurfaceCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'DestroySurface' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(destroySurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId), cookie)
return DestroySurfaceCookie{cookie}
// DestroySurfaceChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using DestroySurfaceCookie.Check()
func DestroySurfaceChecked(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface) DestroySurfaceCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'DestroySurface' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(destroySurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId), cookie)
return DestroySurfaceCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook DestroySurfaceCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for DestroySurface
// destroySurfaceRequest writes a DestroySurface request to a byte slice.
func destroySurfaceRequest(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
return buf
// CreateSubpictureCookie is a cookie used only for CreateSubpicture requests.
type CreateSubpictureCookie struct {
@ -840,6 +448,159 @@ func createSubpictureRequest(c *xgb.Conn, SubpictureId Subpicture, Context Conte
return buf
// CreateSurfaceCookie is a cookie used only for CreateSurface requests.
type CreateSurfaceCookie struct {
// CreateSurface sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling CreateSurfaceCookie.Reply()
func CreateSurface(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface, ContextId Context) CreateSurfaceCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreateSurface' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(createSurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId, ContextId), cookie)
return CreateSurfaceCookie{cookie}
// CreateSurfaceUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func CreateSurfaceUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface, ContextId Context) CreateSurfaceCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'CreateSurface' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(createSurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId, ContextId), cookie)
return CreateSurfaceCookie{cookie}
// CreateSurfaceReply represents the data returned from a CreateSurface request.
type CreateSurfaceReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
// padding: 24 bytes
PrivData []uint32 // size: xgb.Pad((int(Length) * 4))
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a CreateSurface request.
func (cook CreateSurfaceCookie) Reply() (*CreateSurfaceReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return createSurfaceReply(buf), nil
// createSurfaceReply reads a byte slice into a CreateSurfaceReply value.
func createSurfaceReply(buf []byte) *CreateSurfaceReply {
v := new(CreateSurfaceReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
b += 24 // padding
v.PrivData = make([]uint32, v.Length)
for i := 0; i < int(v.Length); i++ {
v.PrivData[i] = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b = xgb.Pad(b)
return v
// Write request to wire for CreateSurface
// createSurfaceRequest writes a CreateSurface request to a byte slice.
func createSurfaceRequest(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface, ContextId Context) []byte {
size := 12
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 4 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(ContextId))
b += 4
return buf
// DestroyContextCookie is a cookie used only for DestroyContext requests.
type DestroyContextCookie struct {
// DestroyContext sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func DestroyContext(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context) DestroyContextCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'DestroyContext' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(destroyContextRequest(c, ContextId), cookie)
return DestroyContextCookie{cookie}
// DestroyContextChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using DestroyContextCookie.Check()
func DestroyContextChecked(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context) DestroyContextCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'DestroyContext' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(destroyContextRequest(c, ContextId), cookie)
return DestroyContextCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook DestroyContextCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for DestroyContext
// destroyContextRequest writes a DestroyContext request to a byte slice.
func destroyContextRequest(c *xgb.Conn, ContextId Context) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 3 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(ContextId))
b += 4
return buf
// DestroySubpictureCookie is a cookie used only for DestroySubpicture requests.
type DestroySubpictureCookie struct {
@ -895,6 +656,61 @@ func destroySubpictureRequest(c *xgb.Conn, SubpictureId Subpicture) []byte {
return buf
// DestroySurfaceCookie is a cookie used only for DestroySurface requests.
type DestroySurfaceCookie struct {
// DestroySurface sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func DestroySurface(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface) DestroySurfaceCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'DestroySurface' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, false)
c.NewRequest(destroySurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId), cookie)
return DestroySurfaceCookie{cookie}
// DestroySurfaceChecked sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using DestroySurfaceCookie.Check()
func DestroySurfaceChecked(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface) DestroySurfaceCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'DestroySurface' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, false)
c.NewRequest(destroySurfaceRequest(c, SurfaceId), cookie)
return DestroySurfaceCookie{cookie}
// Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply.
// This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
func (cook DestroySurfaceCookie) Check() error {
return cook.Cookie.Check()
// Write request to wire for DestroySurface
// destroySurfaceRequest writes a DestroySurface request to a byte slice.
func destroySurfaceRequest(c *xgb.Conn, SurfaceId Surface) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 5 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(SurfaceId))
b += 4
return buf
// ListSubpictureTypesCookie is a cookie used only for ListSubpictureTypes requests.
type ListSubpictureTypesCookie struct {
@ -992,3 +808,187 @@ func listSubpictureTypesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port, SurfaceId Surface)
return buf
// ListSurfaceTypesCookie is a cookie used only for ListSurfaceTypes requests.
type ListSurfaceTypesCookie struct {
// ListSurfaceTypes sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling ListSurfaceTypesCookie.Reply()
func ListSurfaceTypes(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port) ListSurfaceTypesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'ListSurfaceTypes' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(listSurfaceTypesRequest(c, PortId), cookie)
return ListSurfaceTypesCookie{cookie}
// ListSurfaceTypesUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func ListSurfaceTypesUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port) ListSurfaceTypesCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'ListSurfaceTypes' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(listSurfaceTypesRequest(c, PortId), cookie)
return ListSurfaceTypesCookie{cookie}
// ListSurfaceTypesReply represents the data returned from a ListSurfaceTypes request.
type ListSurfaceTypesReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
Num uint32
// padding: 20 bytes
Surfaces []SurfaceInfo // size: xgb.Pad((int(Num) * 24))
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a ListSurfaceTypes request.
func (cook ListSurfaceTypesCookie) Reply() (*ListSurfaceTypesReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return listSurfaceTypesReply(buf), nil
// listSurfaceTypesReply reads a byte slice into a ListSurfaceTypesReply value.
func listSurfaceTypesReply(buf []byte) *ListSurfaceTypesReply {
v := new(ListSurfaceTypesReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Num = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
b += 20 // padding
v.Surfaces = make([]SurfaceInfo, v.Num)
b += SurfaceInfoReadList(buf[b:], v.Surfaces)
return v
// Write request to wire for ListSurfaceTypes
// listSurfaceTypesRequest writes a ListSurfaceTypes request to a byte slice.
func listSurfaceTypesRequest(c *xgb.Conn, PortId xv.Port) []byte {
size := 8
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 1 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
xgb.Put32(buf[b:], uint32(PortId))
b += 4
return buf
// QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct {
// QueryVersion sends a checked request.
// If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(true, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request.
// If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn) QueryVersionCookie {
if _, ok := c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]; !ok {
panic("Cannot issue request 'QueryVersion' using the uninitialized extension 'XVideo-MotionCompensation'. xvmc.Init(connObj) must be called first.")
cookie := c.NewCookie(false, true)
c.NewRequest(queryVersionRequest(c), cookie)
return QueryVersionCookie{cookie}
// QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct {
Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply
Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply
// padding: 1 bytes
Major uint32
Minor uint32
// Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error) {
buf, err := cook.Cookie.Reply()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buf == nil {
return nil, nil
return queryVersionReply(buf), nil
// queryVersionReply reads a byte slice into a QueryVersionReply value.
func queryVersionReply(buf []byte) *QueryVersionReply {
v := new(QueryVersionReply)
b := 1 // skip reply determinant
b += 1 // padding
v.Sequence = xgb.Get16(buf[b:])
b += 2
v.Length = xgb.Get32(buf[b:]) // 4-byte units
b += 4
v.Major = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
v.Minor = xgb.Get32(buf[b:])
b += 4
return v
// Write request to wire for QueryVersion
// queryVersionRequest writes a QueryVersion request to a byte slice.
func queryVersionRequest(c *xgb.Conn) []byte {
size := 4
b := 0
buf := make([]byte, size)
buf[b] = c.Extensions["XVIDEO-MOTIONCOMPENSATION"]
b += 1
buf[b] = 0 // request opcode
b += 1
xgb.Put16(buf[b:], uint16(size/4)) // write request size in 4-byte units
b += 2
return buf
Reference in New Issue
Block a user