This is more space-efficient than an array of ASCII codepoints. Perhaps more fields would make good use of specialized decoders, just this one made listings particularly annoying to deal with, and it may additionaly contain important metadata.
1139 lines
35 KiB
1139 lines
35 KiB
// info.h: metadata extraction utilities
// Copyright (c) 2021 - 2023, Přemysl Eric Janouch <>
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
#include <jv.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// --- TIFF/Exif ---------------------------------------------------------------
#include "tiff-tables.h"
#include "tiffer.h"
// TODO(p): Consider if these can't be inlined into `tiff_entries`.
static struct {
uint16_t tag;
struct tiff_entry *entries;
} tiff_subifds[] = {
{330, tiff_entries}, // SubIFDs
{34665, exif_entries}, // Exif IFD Pointer
{34853, exif_gps_entries}, // GPS Info IFD Pointer
{40965, exif_interoperability_entries}, // Interoperability IFD Pointer
// --- Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------
#define u64be tiffer_u64be
#define u32be tiffer_u32be
#define u16be tiffer_u16be
#define u64le tiffer_u64le
#define u32le tiffer_u32le
#define u16le tiffer_u16le
static char *
binhex(const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
static const char *alphabet = "0123456789abcdef";
char *buf = calloc(1, len * 2 + 1), *p = buf;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
*p++ = alphabet[data[i] >> 4];
*p++ = alphabet[data[i] & 0xF];
return buf;
// --- Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------
static jv
add_to_subarray(jv o, const char *key, jv value)
// Invalid values are not allocated, and we use up any valid one.
// Beware that jv_get() returns jv_null() rather than jv_invalid().
// Also, the header comment is lying, jv_is_valid() doesn't unreference.
jv a = jv_object_get(jv_copy(o), jv_string(key));
return jv_set(o, jv_string(key),
jv_is_valid(a) ? jv_array_append(a, value) : JV_ARRAY(value));
static jv
add_warning(jv o, const char *message)
return add_to_subarray(o, "warnings", jv_string(message));
static jv
add_error(jv o, const char *message)
return jv_object_set(o, jv_string("error"), jv_string(message));
// Forward declaration.
static jv parse_jpeg(jv o, const uint8_t *p, size_t len);
// --- Exif --------------------------------------------------------------------
static jv parse_exif_ifd(struct tiffer *T, const struct tiff_entry *info);
static bool
parse_exif_subifds_entry(const struct tiffer *T,
const struct tiffer_entry *entry, struct tiffer *subT)
int64_t offset = 0;
return tiffer_integer(T, entry, &offset) &&
offset >= 0 && offset <= UINT32_MAX && tiffer_subifd(T, offset, subT);
static jv
parse_exif_subifds(const struct tiffer *T, struct tiffer_entry *entry,
struct tiff_entry *info)
struct tiffer subT = {};
if (!parse_exif_subifds_entry(T, entry, &subT))
return jv_null();
jv a = jv_array();
do a = jv_array_append(a, parse_exif_ifd(&subT, info));
while (tiffer_next_ifd(&subT));
// The chain should correspond to the values in the entry (see TIFF
// Technical Note 1: "the NextIFD value of Child #1 must point to Child #2,
// and so on"), but at least some Nikon NEFs do not follow this rule.
if (jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 1) {
while (tiffer_next_value(entry) &&
parse_exif_subifds_entry(T, entry, &subT))
a = jv_array_append(a, parse_exif_ifd(&subT, info));
return a;
static jv
parse_exif_ascii(struct tiffer_entry *entry)
// Adobe XMP Specification Part 3: Storage in Files, 2020/1, 2.4.2
// The text may in practice contain any 8-bit encoding, but likely UTF-8.
// TODO(p): Validate UTF-8, and assume Latin 1 if unsuccessful.
jv a = jv_array();
uint8_t *nul = 0;
while ((nul = memchr(entry->p, 0, entry->remaining_count))) {
size_t len = nul - entry->p;
a = jv_array_append(a, jv_string_sized((const char *) entry->p, len));
entry->remaining_count -= len + 1;
entry->p += len + 1;
// Trailing NULs are required, but let's extract everything.
if (entry->remaining_count) {
a = jv_array_append(a,
jv_string_sized((const char *) entry->p, entry->remaining_count));
return a;
static jv
parse_exif_undefined(struct tiffer_entry *entry)
// Sometimes, it can be ASCII, but the safe bet is to hex-encode it.
char *buf = binhex(entry->p, entry->remaining_count);
jv s = jv_string(buf);
return s;
static jv
parse_exif_value(const struct tiff_value *values, double real)
if (values) {
for (; values->name; values++)
if (values->value == real)
return jv_string(values->name);
return jv_number(real);
static jv
parse_exif_extract_sole_array_element(jv a)
return jv_array_length(jv_copy(a)) == 1 ? jv_array_get(a, 0) : a;
static jv
parse_exif_entry(jv o, const struct tiffer *T, struct tiffer_entry *entry,
const struct tiff_entry *info)
const struct tiff_entry *info_begin = info;
static struct tiff_entry empty[] = {{}};
if (!info)
info = empty;
for (; info->name; info++)
if (info->tag == entry->tag)
struct tiff_entry *subentries = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; tiff_subifds[i].tag; i++)
if (tiff_subifds[i].tag == entry->tag)
subentries = tiff_subifds[i].entries;
jv v = jv_true();
double real = 0;
if (!entry->remaining_count) {
v = jv_null();
} else if (entry->type == TIFFER_IFD || subentries) {
v = parse_exif_subifds(T, entry, subentries);
} else if (entry->type == TIFFER_ASCII) {
v = parse_exif_extract_sole_array_element(parse_exif_ascii(entry));
} else if (entry->type == TIFFER_UNDEFINED && !info->values) {
// Several Exif entries of UNDEFINED type contain single-byte numbers.
v = parse_exif_undefined(entry);
} else if (info_begin == tiff_entries && entry->tag == TIFF_XMP &&
(entry->type == TIFFER_UNDEFINED || entry->type == TIFFER_BYTE)) {
v = jv_string_sized((const char *) entry->p, entry->remaining_count);
} else if (tiffer_real(T, entry, &real)) {
v = jv_array();
do v = jv_array_append(v, parse_exif_value(info->values, real));
while (tiffer_next_value(entry) && tiffer_real(T, entry, &real));
v = parse_exif_extract_sole_array_element(v);
if (info->name)
return jv_set(o, jv_string(info->name), v);
return jv_set(o, jv_string_fmt("%u", entry->tag), v);
static jv
parse_exif_ifd(struct tiffer *T, const struct tiff_entry *info)
int64_t compression = 0,
jpeg = 0, jpeg_length = 0, strip_offsets = 0, strip_byte_counts = 0;
jv ifd = jv_object();
struct tiffer_entry entry = {};
while (tiffer_next_entry(T, &entry)) {
switch (entry.tag) {
case TIFF_Compression:
tiffer_integer(T, &entry, &compression);
case TIFF_JPEGInterchangeFormat:
tiffer_integer(T, &entry, &jpeg);
case TIFF_JPEGInterchangeFormatLength:
tiffer_integer(T, &entry, &jpeg_length);
case TIFF_StripOffsets:
tiffer_integer(T, &entry, &strip_offsets);
case TIFF_StripByteCounts:
tiffer_integer(T, &entry, &strip_byte_counts);
ifd = parse_exif_entry(ifd, T, &entry, info);
// This is how Exif specifies it, which doesn't follow TIFF 6.0.
if (info == tiff_entries && compression == TIFF_Compression_JPEG &&
jpeg > 0 && jpeg_length > 0 &&
jpeg + jpeg_length < (T->end - T->begin)) {
ifd = jv_set(ifd, jv_string("JPEG image data"),
jv_object(), T->begin + jpeg, jpeg_length));
// Theoretically, there may be more strips, but this is not expected.
if (info == tiff_entries &&
compression == TIFF_Compression_JPEGDatastream &&
strip_offsets > 0 && strip_byte_counts > 0 &&
strip_offsets + strip_byte_counts < (T->end - T->begin)) {
ifd = jv_set(ifd, jv_string("JPEG image data"),
jv_object(), T->begin + strip_offsets, strip_byte_counts));
return ifd;
static jv
parse_exif(jv o, const uint8_t *p, size_t len)
struct tiffer T = {};
if (!tiffer_init(&T, p, len))
return add_warning(o, "invalid Exif");
while (tiffer_next_ifd(&T))
o = add_to_subarray(o, "Exif", parse_exif_ifd(&T, tiff_entries));
return o;
// --- Photoshop Image Resources -----------------------------------------------
// Adobe XMP Specification Part 3: Storage in Files, 2020/1, 1.1.3 + 3.1.3
// Unless otherwise noted, the descriptions are derived from the above document.
static struct {
uint16_t id;
const char *description;
} psir_descriptions[] = {
{1000, "Number of channels, rows, columns, depth, mode"},
{1001, "Macintosh print manager print info record"},
{1002, "Macintosh page format information"},
{1003, "Indexed color table"},
{1005, "Resolution information"},
{1006, "Names of alpha channels (Pascal strings)"},
{1007, "Display information"},
{1008, "Caption (Pascal string)"}, // XMP Part 3 3.3.3
{1009, "Border information"},
{1010, "Background color"},
{1011, "Print flags"},
{1012, "Grayscale and multichannel halftoning information"},
{1013, "Color halftoning information"},
{1014, "Duotone halftoning information"},
{1015, "Grayscale and multichannel transfer function"},
{1016, "Color transfer functions"},
{1017, "Duotone transfer functions"},
{1018, "Duotone image information"},
{1019, "Effective B/W values for the dot range"},
{1020, "Caption"}, // XMP Part 3 3.3.3
{1021, "EPS options"},
{1022, "Quick Mask information"},
{1023, "(Obsolete)"},
{1024, "Layer state information"},
{1025, "Working path (not saved)"},
{1026, "Layers group information"},
{1027, "(Obsolete)"},
{1028, "IPTC DataSets"}, // XMP Part 3 3.3.3
{1029, "Image mode for raw format files"},
{1030, "JPEG quality"},
{1032, "Grid and guides information"},
{1033, "Thumbnail resource"},
{1034, "Copyright flag"},
{1035, "Copyright information URL"}, // XMP Part 3 3.3.3
{1036, "Thumbnail resource"},
{1037, "Global lighting angle for effects layer"},
{1038, "Color samplers information"},
{1039, "ICC profile"},
{1040, "Watermark"},
{1041, "ICC untagged profile flag"},
{1042, "Effects visible flag"},
{1043, "Spot halftone"},
{1044, "Document-specific IDs seed number"},
{1045, "Unicode alpha names"},
{1046, "Indexed color table count"},
{1047, "Transparent color index"},
{1049, "Global altitude"},
{1050, "Slices"},
{1051, "Workflow URL"},
{1052, "Jump To XPEP"},
{1053, "Alpha identifiers"},
{1054, "URL list"},
{1057, "Version info"},
{1058, "Exif metadata 1"},
{1059, "Exif metadata 3"},
{1060, "XMP metadata"},
{1061, "MD5 digest of IPTC data"}, // XMP Part 3 3.3.3
{1062, "Print scale"},
{1064, "Pixel aspect ratio"},
{1065, "Layer comps"},
{1066, "Alternate duotone colors"},
{1067, "Alternate spot colors"},
{1069, "Layer selection IDs"},
{1070, "HDR toning information"},
{1071, "Print info"},
{1072, "Layer group(s) enabled ID"},
{1073, "Color samplers"},
{1074, "Measurement scale"},
{1075, "Timeline information"},
{1076, "Sheet disclosure"},
{1077, "Display information to support floating point colors"},
{1078, "Onion skins"},
{1080, "Count information"},
{1082, "Print information"},
{1083, "Print style"},
{1084, "Macintosh NSPrintInfo"},
{1085, "Windows DEVMODE"},
{1086, "Autosave file path"},
{1087, "Autosave format"},
{1088, "Path selection state"},
// {2000-2997, "Saved paths"},
{2999, "Name of clipping path"},
{3000, "Origin path information"},
// {4000-4999, "Plug-in resource"},
{7000, "Image Ready variables"},
{7001, "Image Ready data sets"},
{7002, "Image Ready default selected state"},
{7003, "Image Ready 7 rollover expanded state"},
{7004, "Image Ready rollover expanded state"},
{7005, "Image Ready save layer settings"},
{7006, "Image Ready version"},
{8000, "Lightroom workflow"},
{10000, "Print flags"},
static jv
process_psir_thumbnail(jv res, const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
uint32_t format_number = u32be(data + 0);
uint32_t compressed_size = u32be(data + 20);
// TODO(p): Recurse into the thumbnail if it's a JPEG.
jv format = jv_number(format_number);
switch (format_number) {
break; case 0: format = jv_string("kJpegRGB");
break; case 1: format = jv_string("kRawRGB");
res = jv_object_merge(res, JV_OBJECT(
jv_string("Format"), format,
jv_string("Width"), jv_number(u32be(data + 4)),
jv_string("Height"), jv_number(u32be(data + 8)),
jv_string("Stride"), jv_number(u32be(data + 12)),
jv_string("TotalSize"), jv_number(u32be(data + 16)),
jv_string("CompressedSize"), jv_number(compressed_size),
jv_string("BitsPerPixel"), jv_number(u16be(data + 24)),
jv_string("Planes"), jv_number(u16be(data + 26))
if (28 + compressed_size <= len) {
char *buf = binhex(data + 28, compressed_size);
res = jv_set(res, jv_string("Data"), jv_string(buf));
return res;
static const char *
process_iptc_dataset(jv *a, const uint8_t **p, size_t len)
const uint8_t *header = *p;
if (len < 5)
return "unexpected end of IPTC data";
if (*header != 0x1c)
return "invalid tag marker";
uint8_t record = header[1];
uint8_t dataset = header[2];
uint16_t byte_count = header[3] << 8 | header[4];
// TODO(p): Although highly unlikely to appear, we could decode it.
if (byte_count & 0x8000)
return "unsupported extended DataSet";
if (len - 5 < byte_count)
return "data overrun";
char *buf = binhex(header + 5, byte_count);
*p += 5 + byte_count;
*a = jv_array_append(*a, JV_OBJECT(
jv_string("DataSet"), jv_string_fmt("%u:%u", record, dataset),
jv_string("Data"), jv_string(buf)
return NULL;
static jv
process_psir_iptc(jv res, const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
jv a = jv_array();
const uint8_t *end = data + len;
while (data < end) {
const char *err = process_iptc_dataset(&a, &data, end - data);
if (err) {
a = jv_array_append(a, jv_string(err));
return jv_set(res, jv_string("DataSets"), a);
static jv
process_psir(jv o, uint16_t resource_id, const char *name,
const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
const char *description = NULL;
if (resource_id >= 2000 && resource_id <= 2997)
description = "Saved paths";
if (resource_id >= 4000 && resource_id <= 4999)
description = "Plug-in resource";
for (size_t i = 0; psir_descriptions[i].id; i++)
if (psir_descriptions[i].id == resource_id)
description = psir_descriptions[i].description;
jv res = JV_OBJECT(
jv_string("name"), jv_string(name),
jv_string("id"), jv_number(resource_id),
description ? jv_string(description) : jv_null(),
jv_string("size"), jv_number(len)
// Both are thumbnails, older is BGR, newer is RGB.
if ((resource_id == 1033 || resource_id == 1036) && len >= 28)
res = process_psir_thumbnail(res, data, len);
if (resource_id == 1028)
res = process_psir_iptc(res, data, len);
return add_to_subarray(o, "PSIR", res);
static jv
parse_psir_block(jv o, const uint8_t *p, size_t len, size_t *advance)
*advance = 0;
if (len < 8 || memcmp(p, "8BIM", 4))
return add_warning(o, "bad PSIR block header");
uint16_t resource_id = u16be(p + 4);
uint8_t name_len = p[6];
const uint8_t *name = &p[7];
// Add one byte for the Pascal-ish string length prefix,
// then another one for padding to make the length even.
size_t name_len_full = (name_len + 2) & ~1U;
size_t resource_len_offset = 6 + name_len_full,
header_len = resource_len_offset + 4;
if (len < header_len)
return add_warning(o, "bad PSIR block header");
uint32_t resource_len = u32be(p + resource_len_offset);
size_t resource_len_padded = (resource_len + 1) & ~1U;
if (resource_len_padded < resource_len ||
len < header_len + resource_len_padded)
return add_warning(o, "runaway PSIR block");
char *cname = calloc(1, name_len_full);
strncpy(cname, (const char *) name, name_len);
o = process_psir(o, resource_id, cname, p + header_len, resource_len);
*advance = header_len + resource_len_padded;
return o;
static jv
parse_psir(jv o, const uint8_t *p, size_t len)
if (len == 0)
return add_warning(o, "empty PSIR data");
size_t advance = 0;
while (len && (o = parse_psir_block(o, p, len, &advance), advance)) {
p += advance;
len -= advance;
return o;
// --- ICC profiles ------------------------------------------------------------
// v2
// v4
static jv
parse_icc_mluc(jv o, const uint8_t *tag, uint32_t tag_length)
// v4 10.13
if (tag_length < 16)
return add_warning(o, "invalid ICC 'mluc' structure length");
uint32_t count = u32be(tag + 8);
if (count == 0)
return add_warning(o, "unnamed ICC profile");
// There is no particularly good reason for us to iterate, take the first.
const uint8_t *record = tag + 16 /* + i * u32be(tag + 12) */;
uint32_t len = u32be(&record[4]);
uint32_t off = u32be(&record[8]);
if (off + len > tag_length)
return add_warning(o, "invalid ICC 'mluc' structure record");
// Blindly assume simple ASCII, ensure NUL-termination.
char name[len], *p = name;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len / 2; i++)
*p++ = tag[off + i * 2 + 1];
*p++ = 0;
return jv_set(o, jv_string("ICC"),
JV_OBJECT(jv_string("name"), jv_string(name),
jv_string("version"), jv_number(4)));
static jv
parse_icc_desc(jv o, const uint8_t *profile, size_t profile_len,
uint32_t tag_offset, uint32_t tag_length)
const uint8_t *tag = profile + tag_offset;
if (tag_offset + tag_length > profile_len)
return add_warning(o, "unexpected end of ICC profile");
if (tag_length < 4)
return add_warning(o, "invalid ICC tag structure length");
// v2 6.5.17
uint32_t sig = u32be(tag);
if (sig == 0x6D6C7563 /* mluc */)
return parse_icc_mluc(o, profile + tag_offset, tag_length);
if (sig != 0x64657363 /* desc */)
return add_warning(o, "invalid ICC 'desc' structure signature");
if (tag_length < 12)
return add_warning(o, "invalid ICC 'desc' structure length");
uint32_t count = u32be(tag + 8);
if (tag_length < 12 + count)
return add_warning(o, "invalid ICC 'desc' structure length");
// Double-ensure a trailing NUL byte.
char name[count + 1];
memcpy(name, tag + 12, count);
name[count] = 0;
return jv_set(o, jv_string("ICC"),
JV_OBJECT(jv_string("name"), jv_string(name),
jv_string("version"), jv_number(2)));
static jv
parse_icc(jv o, const uint8_t *profile, size_t profile_len)
// v2 6, v4 7
if (profile_len < 132)
return add_warning(o, "ICC profile too short");
if (u32be(profile) != profile_len)
return add_warning(o, "ICC profile size mismatch");
// TODO(p): May decode more of the header fields, and validate them.
// Need to check both v2 and v4, this is all fairly annoying.
uint32_t count = u32be(profile + 128);
if (132 + count * 12 > profile_len)
return add_warning(o, "unexpected end of ICC profile");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const uint8_t *entry = profile + 132 + i * 12;
uint32_t sig = u32be(&entry[0]);
uint32_t off = u32be(&entry[4]);
uint32_t len = u32be(&entry[8]);
// v2 6.4.32, v4 9.2.41
if (sig == 0x64657363 /* desc */)
return parse_icc_desc(o, profile, profile_len, off, len);
// The description is required, so this should be unreachable.
return jv_set(o, jv_string("ICC"), jv_bool(true));
// --- Multi-Picture Format ----------------------------------------------------
static uint32_t
parse_mpf_mpentry(jv *a, const uint8_t *p, const struct tiffer *T)
uint32_t attrs = T->un->u32(p);
uint32_t offset = T->un->u32(p + 8);
uint32_t type_number = attrs & 0xFFFFFF;
jv type = jv_number(type_number);
switch (type_number) {
break; case 0x030000: type = jv_string("Baseline MP Primary Image");
break; case 0x010001: type = jv_string("Large Thumbnail - VGA");
break; case 0x010002: type = jv_string("Large Thumbnail - Full HD");
break; case 0x020001: type = jv_string("Multi-Frame Image Panorama");
break; case 0x020002: type = jv_string("Multi-Frame Image Disparity");
break; case 0x020003: type = jv_string("Multi-Frame Image Multi-Angle");
break; case 0x000000: type = jv_string("Undefined");
uint32_t format_number = (attrs >> 24) & 0x7;
jv format = jv_number(format_number);
if (format_number == 0)
format = jv_string("JPEG");
*a = jv_array_append(*a, JV_OBJECT(
jv_string("Individual Image Attribute"), JV_OBJECT(
jv_string("Dependent Parent Image"), jv_bool((attrs >> 31) & 1),
jv_string("Dependent Child Image"), jv_bool((attrs >> 30) & 1),
jv_string("Representative Image"), jv_bool((attrs >> 29) & 1),
jv_string("Reserved"), jv_number((attrs >> 27) & 0x3),
jv_string("Image Data Format"), format,
jv_string("MP Type Code"), type
jv_string("Individual Image Size"),
jv_number(T->un->u32(p + 4)),
jv_string("Individual Image Data Offset"),
jv_string("Dependent Image 1 Entry Number"),
jv_number(T->un->u16(p + 12)),
jv_string("Dependent Image 2 Entry Number"),
jv_number(T->un->u16(p + 14))
// Don't report non-JPEGs, even though they're unlikely.
return format_number == 0 ? offset : 0;
static jv
parse_mpf_index_entry(jv o, uint32_t **offsets, const struct tiffer *T,
struct tiffer_entry *entry)
// MP Entry
if (entry->tag != MPF_MPEntry || entry->type != TIFFER_UNDEFINED ||
entry->remaining_count % 16) {
return parse_exif_entry(o, T, entry, mpf_entries);
uint32_t count = entry->remaining_count / 16;
jv a = jv_array_sized(count);
uint32_t *out = *offsets = calloc(sizeof *out, count + 1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Individual Image Data Offset
uint32_t offset = parse_mpf_mpentry(&a, entry->p + i * 16, T);
if (offset)
*out++ = offset;
return jv_set(o, jv_string("MP Entry"), a);
static jv
parse_mpf_index_ifd(uint32_t **offsets, struct tiffer *T)
jv ifd = jv_object();
struct tiffer_entry entry = {};
while (tiffer_next_entry(T, &entry))
ifd = parse_mpf_index_entry(ifd, offsets, T, &entry);
return ifd;
static jv
parse_mpf(jv o, const uint8_t ***individuals, const uint8_t *p, size_t len,
const uint8_t *end)
struct tiffer T;
if (!tiffer_init(&T, p, len) || !tiffer_next_ifd(&T))
return add_warning(o, "invalid MPF segment");
// First image: IFD0 is Index IFD, any IFD1 is Attribute IFD.
// Other images: IFD0 is Attribute IFD, there is no Index IFD.
uint32_t *offsets = NULL;
if (!*individuals) {
o = add_to_subarray(o, "MPF", parse_mpf_index_ifd(&offsets, &T));
if (!tiffer_next_ifd(&T))
goto out;
// This isn't optimal, but it will do.
o = add_to_subarray(o, "MPF", parse_exif_ifd(&T, mpf_entries));
if (offsets) {
size_t count = 0;
for (const uint32_t *i = offsets; *i; i++)
const uint8_t **out = *individuals = calloc(sizeof *out, count + 1);
for (const uint32_t *i = offsets; *i; i++) {
if (*i > end - p)
o = add_warning(o, "MPF offset points past available data");
*out++ = p + *i;
return o;
// --- JPEG --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Because the JPEG file format is simple, just do it manually.
// See:
enum {
TEM = 0x01,
SOF0 = 0xC0, SOF1, SOF2, SOF3,
DHT = 0xC4,
JPG = 0xC8,
SOF9, SOF10, SOF11,
DAC = 0xCC,
SOF13, SOF14, SOF15,
RST0 = 0xD0, RST1, RST2, RST3, RST4, RST5, RST6, RST7,
SOI = 0xD8,
EOI = 0xD9,
SOS = 0xDA,
DQT = 0xDB,
DNL = 0xDC,
DRI = 0xDD,
DHP = 0xDE,
EXP = 0xDF,
APP0 = 0xE0, APP1, APP2, APP3, APP4, APP5, APP6, APP7,
APP8, APP9, APP10, APP11, APP12, APP13, APP14, APP15,
JPG0 = 0xF0, JPG1, JPG2, JPG3, JPG4, JPG5, JPG6, JPG7,
JPG8, JPG9, JPG10, JPG11, JPG12, JPG13,
COM = 0xFE
// The rest is "RES (Reserved)", except for 0xFF (filler) and 0x00 (invalid).
static const char *marker_ids[0xFF] = {
[TEM] = "TEM",
[SOF0] = "SOF0", [SOF1] = "SOF1", [SOF2] = "SOF2", [SOF3] = "SOF3",
[DHT] = "DHT", [SOF5] = "SOF5", [SOF6] = "SOF6", [SOF7] = "SOF7",
[JPG] = "JPG", [SOF9] = "SOF9", [SOF10] = "SOF10", [SOF11] = "SOF11",
[DAC] = "DAC", [SOF13] = "SOF13", [SOF14] = "SOF14", [SOF15] = "SOF15",
[RST0] = "RST0", [RST1] = "RST1", [RST2] = "RST2", [RST3] = "RST3",
[RST4] = "RST4", [RST5] = "RST5", [RST6] = "RST6", [RST7] = "RST7",
[SOI] = "SOI", [EOI] = "EOI", [SOS] = "SOS", [DQT] = "DQT",
[DNL] = "DNL", [DRI] = "DRI", [DHP] = "DHP", [EXP] = "EXP",
[APP0] = "APP0", [APP1] = "APP1", [APP2] = "APP2", [APP3] = "APP3",
[APP4] = "APP4", [APP5] = "APP5", [APP6] = "APP6", [APP7] = "APP7",
[APP8] = "APP8", [APP9] = "APP9", [APP10] = "APP10", [APP11] = "APP11",
[APP12] = "APP12", [APP13] = "APP13", [APP14] = "APP14", [APP15] = "APP15",
[JPG0] = "JPG0", [JPG1] = "JPG1", [JPG2] = "JPG2", [JPG3] = "JPG3",
[JPG4] = "JPG4", [JPG5] = "JPG5", [JPG6] = "JPG6", [JPG7] = "JPG7",
[JPG8] = "JPG8", [JPG9] = "JPG9", [JPG10] = "JPG10", [JPG11] = "JPG11",
[JPG12] = "JPG12", [JPG13] = "JPG13", [COM] = "COM"
// The rest is "RES (Reserved)", except for 0xFF (filler) and 0x00 (invalid).
static const char *marker_descriptions[0xFF] = {
[TEM] = "For temporary private use in arithmetic coding",
[SOF0] = "Baseline DCT",
[SOF1] = "Extended sequential DCT",
[SOF2] = "Progressive DCT",
[SOF3] = "Lossless (sequential)",
[DHT] = "Define Huffman table(s)",
[SOF5] = "Differential sequential DCT",
[SOF6] = "Differential progressive DCT",
[SOF7] = "Differential lossless (sequential)",
[JPG] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions",
[SOF9] = "Extended sequential DCT",
[SOF10] = "Progressive DCT",
[SOF11] = "Lossless (sequential)",
[DAC] = "Define arithmetic coding conditioning(s)",
[SOF13] = "Differential sequential DCT",
[SOF14] = "Differential progressive DCT",
[SOF15] = "Differential lossless (sequential)",
[RST0] = "Restart with module 8 count 0",
[RST1] = "Restart with module 8 count 1",
[RST2] = "Restart with module 8 count 2",
[RST3] = "Restart with module 8 count 3",
[RST4] = "Restart with module 8 count 4",
[RST5] = "Restart with module 8 count 5",
[RST6] = "Restart with module 8 count 6",
[RST7] = "Restart with module 8 count 7",
[SOI] = "Start of image",
[EOI] = "End of image",
[SOS] = "Start of scan",
[DQT] = "Define quantization table(s)",
[DNL] = "Define number of lines",
[DRI] = "Define restart interval",
[DHP] = "Define hierarchical progression",
[EXP] = "Expand reference component(s)",
[APP0] = "Reserved for application segments, 0",
[APP1] = "Reserved for application segments, 1",
[APP2] = "Reserved for application segments, 2",
[APP3] = "Reserved for application segments, 3",
[APP4] = "Reserved for application segments, 4",
[APP5] = "Reserved for application segments, 5",
[APP6] = "Reserved for application segments, 6",
[APP7] = "Reserved for application segments, 7",
[APP8] = "Reserved for application segments, 8",
[APP9] = "Reserved for application segments, 9",
[APP10] = "Reserved for application segments, 10",
[APP11] = "Reserved for application segments, 11",
[APP12] = "Reserved for application segments, 12",
[APP13] = "Reserved for application segments, 13",
[APP14] = "Reserved for application segments, 14",
[APP15] = "Reserved for application segments, 15",
[JPG0] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 0",
[JPG1] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 1",
[JPG2] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 2",
[JPG3] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 3",
[JPG4] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 4",
[JPG5] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 5",
[JPG6] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 6",
[JPG7] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 7",
[JPG8] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 8",
[JPG9] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 9",
[JPG10] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 10",
[JPG11] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 11",
[JPG12] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 12",
[JPG13] = "Reserved for JPEG extensions, 13",
[COM] = "Comment",
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
struct data {
bool ended;
uint8_t *exif, *icc, *psir;
size_t exif_len, icc_len, psir_len;
int icc_sequence, icc_done;
const uint8_t **mpf_individuals, **mpf_next;
static void
parse_append(uint8_t **buffer, size_t *buffer_len, const uint8_t *p, size_t len)
size_t buffer_longer = *buffer_len + len;
*buffer = realloc(*buffer, buffer_longer);
memcpy(*buffer + *buffer_len, p, len);
*buffer_len = buffer_longer;
static const uint8_t *
parse_marker(uint8_t marker, const uint8_t *p, const uint8_t *end,
struct data *data, jv *o)
// Suspected: MJPEG? Undetected format recursion, e.g., thumbnails?
// Found: Random metadata! Multi-Picture Format!
if ((data->ended = marker == EOI)) {
// TODO(p): Handle Exifs independently--flush the last one.
if ((data->mpf_next || (data->mpf_next = data->mpf_individuals)) &&
return *data->mpf_next++;
if (p != end)
*o = add_warning(*o, "trailing data");
// These markers stand alone, not starting a marker segment.
switch (marker) {
case RST0:
case RST1:
case RST2:
case RST3:
case RST4:
case RST5:
case RST6:
case RST7:
*o = add_warning(*o, "unexpected restart marker");
// Fall-through
case SOI:
case EOI:
case TEM:
return p;
uint16_t length = p[0] << 8 | p[1];
const uint8_t *payload = p + 2;
if ((p += length) > end) {
*o = add_error(*o, "runaway marker segment");
return NULL;
switch (marker) {
case SOF0:
case SOF1:
case SOF2:
case SOF3:
case SOF5:
case SOF6:
case SOF7:
case SOF9:
case SOF10:
case SOF11:
case SOF13:
case SOF14:
case SOF15:
case DHP: // B.2.2 and B.3.2.
// As per B.2.5, Y can be zero, then there needs to be a DNL segment.
*o = add_to_subarray(*o, "info", JV_OBJECT(
jv_string("type"), jv_string(marker_descriptions[marker]),
jv_string("bits"), jv_number(payload[0]),
jv_string("height"), jv_number(payload[1] << 8 | payload[2]),
jv_string("width"), jv_number(payload[3] << 8 | payload[4]),
jv_string("components"), jv_number(payload[5])
return p;
// See B.1.1.5, we can brute-force our way through the entropy-coded data.
if (marker == SOS) {
while (p + 2 <= end && (p[0] != 0xFF || p[1] < 0xC0 || p[1] > 0xFE ||
(p[1] >= RST0 && p[1] <= RST7)))
return p;
// "The interpretation is left to the application."
if (marker == COM) {
int superascii = 0;
char *buf = calloc(3, p - payload), *bufp = buf;
for (const uint8_t *q = payload; q < p; q++) {
if (*q < 128) {
*bufp++ = *q;
} else {
*bufp++ = 0xC0 | (*q >> 6);
*bufp++ = 0x80 | (*q & 0x3F);
*bufp++ = 0;
*o = add_to_subarray(*o, "comments", jv_string(buf));
if (superascii)
*o = add_warning(*o, "super-ASCII comments");
// These mostly contain an ASCII string header, following JPEG FIF:
// "Application-specific APP0 marker segments are identified
// by a zero terminated string which identifies the application
// (not 'JFIF' or 'JFXX')."
if (marker >= APP0 && marker <= APP15) {
const uint8_t *nul = memchr(payload, 0, p - payload);
int unprintable = !nul;
if (nul) {
for (const uint8_t *q = payload; q < nul; q++)
unprintable += *q < 32 || *q >= 127;
*o = add_to_subarray(*o, "apps",
unprintable ? jv_null() : jv_string((const char *) payload));
// CIPA DC-007-2021 (Multi-Picture Format) 5.2
if (marker == APP2 && p - payload >= 8 && !memcmp(payload, "MPF\0", 4)) {
payload += 4;
*o = parse_mpf(*o, &data->mpf_individuals, payload, p - payload, end);
// CIPA DC-006 (Stereo Still Image Format for Digital Cameras)
// TODO(p): Handle by properly skipping trailing data (use Stim offsets).
if (marker == APP0 && p - payload >= 14 && !memcmp(payload, "JFIF\0", 5)) {
payload += 5;
jv units = jv_number(payload[2]);
switch (payload[2]) {
break; case 0: units = jv_null();
break; case 1: units = jv_string("DPI");
break; case 2: units = jv_string("dots per cm");
// The rest is picture data.
*o = add_to_subarray(*o, "JFIF", JV_OBJECT(
jv_string("version"), jv_number(payload[0] * 100 + payload[1]),
jv_string("units"), units,
jv_string("density-x"), jv_number(payload[3] << 8 | payload[4]),
jv_string("density-y"), jv_number(payload[5] << 8 | payload[6]),
jv_string("thumbnail-w"), jv_number(payload[7]),
jv_string("thumbnail-h"), jv_number(payload[8])
if (marker == APP0 && p - payload >= 6 && !memcmp(payload, "JFXX\0", 5)) {
payload += 5;
jv extension = jv_number(payload[0]);
switch (payload[0]) {
break; case 0x10: extension = jv_string("JPEG thumbnail");
break; case 0x11: extension = jv_string("Paletted thumbnail");
break; case 0x13: extension = jv_string("RGB thumbnail");
// The rest is picture data.
*o = add_to_subarray(*o, "JFXX",
JV_OBJECT(jv_string("extension"), extension));
// 4.7.2
// Adobe XMP Specification Part 3: Storage in Files, 2020/1, 1.1.3
if (marker == APP1 && p - payload >= 6 && !memcmp(payload, "Exif\0", 5)) {
payload += 6;
if (payload[-1] != 0)
*o = add_warning(*o, "weirdly padded Exif header");
if (data->exif)
*o = add_warning(*o, "multiple Exif segments");
parse_append(&data->exif, &data->exif_len, payload, p - payload);
// B.4
if (marker == APP2 && p - payload >= 14 &&
!memcmp(payload, "ICC_PROFILE\0", 12) && !data->icc_done &&
payload[12] == ++data->icc_sequence && payload[13] >= payload[12]) {
payload += 14;
parse_append(&data->icc, &data->icc_len, payload, p - payload);
data->icc_done = payload[-1] == data->icc_sequence;
// Adobe XMP Specification Part 3: Storage in Files, 2020/1, 1.1.3 + 3.1.3
if (marker == APP13 && p - payload >= 14 &&
!memcmp(payload, "Photoshop 3.0\0", 14)) {
payload += 14;
parse_append(&data->psir, &data->psir_len, payload, p - payload);
// TODO(p): Extract all XMP segments.
return p;
static jv
parse_jpeg(jv o, const uint8_t *p, size_t len)
struct data data = {};
const uint8_t *end = p + len;
jv markers = jv_array();
while (p) {
// This is an expectable condition, use a simple warning.
if (p + 2 > end) {
if (!data.ended)
o = add_warning(o, "unexpected EOF");
if (*p++ != 0xFF || *p == 0) {
if (!data.ended)
o = add_error(o, "no marker found where one was expected");
// Markers may be preceded by fill bytes.
if (*p == 0xFF) {
o = jv_object_set(o, jv_string("fillers"), jv_bool(true));
uint8_t marker = *p++;
markers = jv_array_append(markers,
jv_string(marker_ids[marker] ? marker_ids[marker] : "RES"));
p = parse_marker(marker, p, end, &data, &o);
if (data.exif) {
// TODO(p): Probably extend it until the end of the JPEG,
// seeing as, e.g., thumbnail data can overflow into follow-up segments.
o = parse_exif(o, data.exif, data.exif_len);
if (data.icc) {
if (data.icc_done)
o = parse_icc(o, data.icc, data.icc_len);
o = add_warning(o, "bad ICC profile sequence");
if (data.psir) {
o = parse_psir(o, data.psir, data.psir_len);
return jv_set(o, jv_string("markers"), markers);