36 lines
1.0 KiB
Executable File
36 lines
1.0 KiB
Executable File
#!/bin/sh -e
export LC_ALL=C
arch=$1 msi=$2 files=package-files.wxs
shift 2
# We're being passed host_machine.cpu(), which will be either x86 or x86_64.
[ "$arch" = "x86" ] || arch=x64
rm -rf "$destdir"
meson install --destdir "$destdir"
txt2rtf() {
LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//translit "$@" | awk 'BEGIN {
print "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0 Tahoma;}}"
print "\\f0\\fs24{\\pard\\sa240"
} {
gsub(/\\/, "\\\\"); gsub(/[{]/, "\\{"); gsub(/[}]/, "\\}")
if (!$0) { print "\\par}{\\pard\\sa240"; prefix = "" }
else { print prefix $0; prefix = " " }
} END {
print "\\par}}"
# msitools have this filename hardcoded in UI files, and it's required.
txt2rtf "$MESON_SOURCE_ROOT/LICENSE" > License.rtf
find "$destdir" -type f \
| wixl-heat --prefix "$destdir/" --directory-ref INSTALLDIR \
--component-group CG.fiv --var var.SourceDir > "$files"
wixl --verbose --arch "$arch" -D SourceDir="$destdir" --ext ui \
--output "$msi" "$@" "$files"