:doctype: manpage
:manmanual: fiv Manual
:mansource: fiv {release-version}

fiv - Image browser and viewer

*fiv* [_OPTION_]... [_PATH_ | _URI_]...

*fiv* is a general-purpose image browser and viewer: pass it a directory path
or URI to open it for browsing, or pass an image to open it for viewing.
In case that multiple arguments are passed, they'll be opened as a virtual
directory containing all of them.

For more information concerning usage, press *F1* in the application to open
the _User Guide_.

// TODO(p): Try to merge the two, though this one focuses on command line usage.

	When an image is passed, start in browsing mode, and preselect that
	image in its containing directory.  This is used by *fiv*'s inode/directory
	handler to implement the "Open Containing Folder" feature of certain

	Show the full list of options, including those provided by GTK+.

	Invalidate the wide thumbnail cache, removing thumbnails for files that can
	no longer be found.

	Output supported media types and exit.  This is used by a script to update
	the list of MIME types within *fiv*'s desktop file when the list
	of GdkPixbuf loaders changes.

*-V*, *--version*::
	Output version information and exit.

Internal options
	Present any embedded thumbnail of the first argument on the standard output
	in an application-specific bitmap format.  When both *--thumbnail*
	and *--extract-thumbnail* are passed, this option takes precedence,
	exiting early if successful.  This is used to enhance responsivity
	of thumbnail procurement.

	Generate wide thumbnails for the first argument, in all sizes not exceeding
	_SIZE_, and present the largest of them on the standard output
	in an application-specific bitmap format.  Available sizes follow directory
	names in the _Thumbnail Managing Standard_.

	Transform the first argument to a widely supported image file format,
	and present it on the standard output.  The image will be downscaled as
	necessary so as to not exceed _SIZE_ (see *--thumbnail*).

Reporting bugs
Use to report bugs, request features,
or submit pull requests.

See also
_Desktop Entry Specification_,[].

_Thumbnail Managing Standard_,[].