# vim: noet ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: project('fiv', 'c', default_options : ['c_std=gnu99', 'warning_level=2'], version : '0.1.0') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') add_project_arguments( cc.get_supported_arguments('-Wno-cast-function-type'), language : 'c') # This, annoyingly, enables the leak sanitizer by default, # which requires some tuning to not stand in the way. # Use -Db_sanitize=address,undefined and adjust LSAN_OPTIONS yourself. #if get_option('buildtype').startswith('debug') # flags = cc.get_supported_arguments('-fsanitize=address,undefined') # add_project_arguments(flags, language : ['c']) # add_project_link_arguments(flags, language : ['c']) #endif # The likelihood of this being installed is nearly zero. Enable the wrap. libjpegqs = dependency('libjpegqs', required : get_option('libjpegqs'), allow_fallback : true) lcms2 = dependency('lcms2', required : get_option('lcms2')) # Note that only libraw_r is thread-safe, but we'll just run it out-of process. libraw = dependency('libraw', required : get_option('libraw')) librsvg = dependency('librsvg-2.0', required : get_option('librsvg')) xcursor = dependency('xcursor', required : get_option('xcursor')) libheif = dependency('libheif', required : get_option('libheif')) libtiff = dependency('libtiff-4', required : get_option('libtiff')) gdkpixbuf = dependency('gdk-pixbuf-2.0', required : get_option('gdk-pixbuf')) dependencies = [ dependency('gtk+-3.0'), dependency('pixman-1'), # Wuffs is included as a submodule. dependency('libturbojpeg'), dependency('libwebp'), dependency('libwebpdemux'), dependency('libwebpdecoder', required : false), dependency('libwebpmux'), # https://github.com/google/wuffs/issues/58 dependency('spng', version : '>=0.7.0', default_options: 'default_library=static', # fallback : ['spng', 'spng_dep'], ), lcms2, libjpegqs, libraw, librsvg, xcursor, libheif, libtiff, gdkpixbuf, cc.find_library('m', required : false), ] # As of writing, the API is unstable, and no pkg-config file is produced. # Trying to wrap Cargo in Meson is a recipe for pain, so no version pinning. have_resvg = false if not get_option('resvg').disabled() resvg = dependency('resvg', required : false) if not resvg.found() resvg = cc.find_library('libresvg', required : get_option('resvg')) if resvg.found() and not cc.has_header('resvg.h') error('resvg.h not found') endif endif if resvg.found() dependencies += resvg have_resvg = true endif endif # XXX: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/825 docdir = get_option('datadir') / 'doc' / meson.project_name() conf = configuration_data() conf.set_quoted('PROJECT_NAME', meson.project_name()) conf.set_quoted('PROJECT_VERSION', meson.project_version()) conf.set_quoted('PROJECT_DOCDIR', get_option('prefix') / docdir) conf.set('HAVE_JPEG_QS', libjpegqs.found()) conf.set('HAVE_LCMS2', lcms2.found()) conf.set('HAVE_LIBRAW', libraw.found()) conf.set('HAVE_RESVG', have_resvg) conf.set('HAVE_LIBRSVG', librsvg.found()) conf.set('HAVE_XCURSOR', xcursor.found()) conf.set('HAVE_LIBHEIF', libheif.found()) conf.set('HAVE_LIBTIFF', libtiff.found()) conf.set('HAVE_GDKPIXBUF', gdkpixbuf.found()) configure_file( output : 'config.h', configuration : conf, ) gnome = import('gnome') resources = gnome.compile_resources('resources', 'resources/resources.gresource.xml', source_dir : 'resources', c_name : 'resources', ) exe = executable('fiv', 'fiv.c', 'fiv-view.c', 'fiv-io.c', 'fiv-browser.c', 'fiv-sidebar.c', 'fiv-thumbnail.c', 'xdg.c', resources, install : true, dependencies : [dependencies]) if gdkpixbuf.found() executable('io-benchmark', 'fiv-io-benchmark.c', 'fiv-io.c', 'xdg.c', build_by_default : false, dependencies : [dependencies, gdkpixbuf]) endif jpegcrop = executable('fiv-jpegcrop', 'fiv-jpegcrop.c', install : true, dependencies : [ dependency('gtk+-3.0'), dependency('libturbojpeg'), ]) install_data('fiv-jpegcrop.desktop', install_dir : get_option('datadir') / 'applications') # XXX: With gdk-pixbuf, this even depends on currently installed modules. if meson.is_cross_build() install_data('fiv.desktop', install_dir : get_option('datadir') / 'applications') else # XXX: The exe path may not contain spaces--quoting is a bitch in Meson. desktop = custom_target('desktop', output : 'fiv.desktop', input : 'fiv.desktop', command : ['sh', '-c', '''awk '/^MimeType=/ { $0 = "MimeType="; while (((exe " --list-supported-media-types") | getline type) > 0) $0 = $0 type ";" } 1' "exe=$1" "$2"''', 'sh', exe, '@INPUT@'], capture : true, install : true, install_dir : get_option('datadir') / 'applications', ) endif install_data('fiv-browse.desktop', install_dir : get_option('datadir') / 'applications') install_data('fiv.svg', install_dir : get_option('datadir') / 'icons/hicolor/scalable/apps') install_subdir('docs', install_dir : docdir, strip_directory : true)