
472 lines
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# Use tiff-tables.awk to produce a C source file from this database.
# Use the Internet Archive should any of these links go down.
# TIFF Revision 6.0 (1992)
# TIFF Technical Note 1: TIFF Trees (1993)
# DRAFT TIFF Technical Note 2 (1995)
# Adobe PageMaker 6.0 TIFF Technical Notes (1995) [includes TTN1]
# Adobe Photoshop TIFF Technical Notes (2002)
# - Note that ImageSourceData 8BIM frames are specified differently
# from how Adobe XMP Specification Part 3 defines them.
# - The document places a condition on SubIFDs, without further explanation.
# Adobe Photoshop TIFF Technical Note 3 (2005)
# Exif Version 2.3 (2012)
# Exif Version 2.32 (2019)
2023-05-23 01:30:08 +02:00
# ISO/DIS 12234-2 (TIFF/EP) (2000-06-21)
# Digital Negative (DNG) Specification (2019)
# CIPA DC-007-2021 (Multi-Picture Format)
# TIFF 6.0
254, NewSubfileType
255, SubfileType
1, Full-resolution image data
2, Reduced-resolution image data
3, Page of a multi-page image
256, ImageWidth
257, ImageLength
258, BitsPerSample
259, Compression
1, Uncompressed
3, Group 3 Fax
4, Group 4 Fax
5, LZW
7, JPEG datastream # DRAFT TIFF Technical Note 2 + TIFFphotoshop.pdf
8, Deflate/zlib # Adobe Photoshop TIFF Technical Notes
32773, PackBits
32946, Deflate # Adobe Photoshop TIFF Technical Notes
262, PhotometricInterpretation
0, WhiteIsZero
1, BlackIsZero
2, RGB
3, RGB Palette
4, Transparency mask
6, YCbCr
8, CIELab
9, ICCLab # Adobe PageMaker 6.0 TIFF Technical Notes
2023-05-23 01:30:08 +02:00
32803, Color filter array # DIS/ISO 12234-2 + DNG
34892, LinearRaw # DNG
263, Threshholding
1, No dithering or halftoning
2, Ordered dither or halftoning
3, Randomized process
264, CellWidth
265, CellLength
266, FillOrder
1, MSB-first
2, LSB-first
269, DocumentName
270, ImageDescription
271, Make
272, Model
273, StripOffsets
274, Orientation
1, TopLeft
2, TopRight
3, BottomRight
4, BottomLeft
5, LeftTop
6, RightTop
7, RightBottom
8, LeftBottom
277, SamplesPerPixel
278, RowsPerStrip
279, StripByteCounts
280, MinSampleValue
281, MaxSampleValue
282, XResolution
283, YResolution
284, PlanarConfiguration
1, Chunky
2, Planar
285, PageName
286, XPosition
287, YPosition
288, FreeOffsets
289, FreeByteCounts
290, GrayResponseUnit
1, 1/10
2, 1/100
3, 1/1000
4, 1/10000
5, 1/100000
291, GrayResponseCurve
292, T4Options
293, T6Options
296, ResolutionUnit
1, None
2, Inch
3, Centimeter
297, PageNumber
301, TransferFunction
305, Software
306, DateTime
315, Artist
316, HostComputer
317, Predictor
1, None
2, Horizontal
3, Floating point # Adobe Photoshop TIFF Technical Note 3
318, WhitePoint
319, PrimaryChromaticities
320, ColorMap
321, HalftoneHints
322, TileWidth
323, TileLength
324, TileOffsets
325, TileByteCounts
330, SubIFDs # TIFF Technical Note 1: TIFF Trees
332, InkSet
2, Non-CMYK
333, InkNames
334, NumberOfInks
336, DotRange
337, TargetPrinter
338, ExtraSamples
0, Unspecified
1, Associated alpha
2, Unassociated alpha
339, SampleFormat
1, Unsigned integer
2, Two's complement signed integer
3, IEEE floating-point
4, Undefined
340, SMinSampleValue
341, SMaxSampleValue
342, TransferRange
343, ClipPath # TIFF Technical Note 2: Clipping Path
344, XClipPathUnits # TIFF Technical Note 2: Clipping Path
345, YClipPathUnits # TIFF Technical Note 2: Clipping Path
346, Indexed # TIFF Technical Note 3: Indexed Images
347, JPEGTables # DRAFT TIFF Technical Note 2 + TIFFphotoshop.pdf
351, OPIProxy # Adobe PageMaker 6.0 TIFF Technical Notes
512, JPEGProc
1, Baseline sequential
14, Lossless Huffman
513, JPEGInterchangeFormat
514, JPEGInterchangeFormatLength
515, JPEGRestartInterval
517, JPEGLosslessPredictors
1, A
2, B
3, C
4, A+B+C
5, A+((B-C)/2)
6, B+((A-C)/2)
7, (A+B)/2
518, JPEGPointTransforms
519, JPEGQTables
520, JPEGDCTables
521, JPEGACTables
529, YCbCrCoefficients
530, YCbCrSubSampling
531, YCbCrPositioning
1, Centered
2, Co-sited
532, ReferenceBlackWhite
700, XMP # Adobe XMP Specification Part 3 Table 12/13/39
32781, ImageID # Adobe PageMaker 6.0 TIFF Technical Notes
2023-05-23 01:30:08 +02:00
33421, CFARepeatPatternDim # DIS/ISO 12234-2
33422, CFAPattern # DIS/ISO 12234-2
33423, BatteryLevel # DIS/ISO 12234-2
33432, Copyright
# TODO(p): Extract IPTC DataSets, like we do directly with PSIRs.
33723, IPTC # Adobe XMP Specification Part 3 Table 12/39
# TODO(p): Extract PSIRs, like we do directly with the JPEG segment.
34377, Photoshop # Adobe XMP Specification Part 3 Table 12/39
34665, Exif IFD Pointer # Exif 2.3
34853, GPS Info IFD Pointer # Exif 2.3
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37398, TIFF/EP StandardID # DIS/ISO 12234-2
37399, SensingMethod # DIS/ISO 12234-2, similar to Exif 41495
0, Undefined
1, Monochrome area sensor
2, One-chip color area sensor
3, Two-chip color area sensor
4, Three-chip color area sensor
5, Color sequential area sensor
6, Monochrome linear sensor
7, Trilinear sensor
8, Color sequential linear sensor
# TODO(p): Add more TIFF/EP tags that can be only in IFD0.
37724, ImageSourceData # Adobe Photoshop TIFF Technical Notes
50706, DNGVersion # DNG
50707, DNGBackwardVersion # DNG
50708, UniqueCameraModel # DNG
50709, LocalizedCameraModel # DNG
# TODO(p): Add more DNG tags that can be only in IFD0.
# Exif 2.3 4.6.5
= Exif
33434, ExposureTime
33437, FNumber
34850, ExposureProgram
0, Not defined
1, Manual
2, Normal program
3, Aperture priority
4, Shutter priority
5, Creative program
6, Action program
7, Portrait mode
8, Landscape mode
34852, SpectralSensitivity
34855, PhotographicSensitivity
34856, OECF
34864, SensitivityType
0, Unknown
1, Standard output sensitivity
2, Recommended exposure index
3, ISO speed
4, SOS and REI
5, SOS and ISO speed
6, REI and ISO speed
7, SOS and REI and ISO speed
34865, StandardOutputSensitivity
34866, RecommendedExposureIndex
34867, ISOSpeed
34868, ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy
34869, ISOSpeedLatitudezzz
36864, ExifVersion
36867, DateTimeOriginal
36868, DateTimeDigitized
36880, OffsetTime # 2.31
36881, OffsetTimeOriginal # 2.31
36882, OffsetTimeDigitized # 2.31
37121, ComponentsConfiguration
0, Does not exist
1, Y
2, Cb
3, Cr
4, R
5, G
6, B
37122, CompressedBitsPerPixel
37377, ShutterSpeedValue
37378, ApertureValue
37379, BrightnessValue
37380, ExposureBiasValue
37381, MaxApertureValue
37382, SubjectDistance
37383, MeteringMode
0, Unknown
1, Average
2, CenterWeightedAverage
3, Spot
4, MultiSpot
5, Pattern
6, Partial
255, Other
37384, LightSource
0, Unknown
1, Daylight
2, Fluorescent
3, Tungsten (incandescent light)
4, Flash
9, Fine weather
10, Cloudy weather
11, Shade
12, Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 - 7100K)
13, Day white fluorescent (N 4600 - 5500K)
14, Cool white fluorescent (W 3800 - 4500K)
15, White fluorescent (WW 3250 - 3800K)
16, Warm white fluorescent (L 2600 - 3250K)
17, Standard light A
18, Standard light B
19, Standard light C
20, D55
21, D65
22, D75
23, D50
24, ISO studio tungsten
255, Other light source
37385, Flash
37386, FocalLength
37396, SubjectArea
37500, MakerNote
# TODO(p): Decode.
37510, UserComment
37520, SubSecTime
37521, SubSecTimeOriginal
37522, SubSecTimeDigitized
37888, Temperature # 2.31
37889, Humidity # 2.31
37890, Pressure # 2.31
37891, WaterDepth # 2.31
37892, Acceleration # 2.31
37893, CameraElevationAngle # 2.31
40960, FlashpixVersion
40961, ColorSpace
1, sRGB
65535, Uncalibrated
40962, PixelXDimension
40963, PixelYDimension
40964, RelatedSoundFile
40965, Interoperability IFD Pointer
41483, FlashEnergy
41484, SpatialFrequencyResponse
41486, FocalPlaneXResolution
41487, FocalPlaneYResolution
41488, FocalPlaneResolutionUnit
41492, SubjectLocation
41493, ExposureIndex
41495, SensingMethod
1, Not defined
2, One-chip color area sensor
3, Two-chip color area sensor
4, Three-chip color area sensor
5, Color sequential area sensor
7, Trilinear sensor
8, Color sequential linear sensor
41728, FileSource
0, Others
1, Scanner of transparent type
2, Scanner of reflex type
3, DSC
41729, SceneType
1, Directly-photographed image
41730, CFAPattern
41985, CustomRendered
0, Normal process
1, Custom process
41986, ExposureMode
0, Auto exposure
1, Manual exposure
2, Auto bracket
41987, WhiteBalance
0, Auto white balance
1, Manual white balance
41988, DigitalZoomRatio
41989, FocalLengthIn35mmFilm
41990, SceneCaptureType
0, Standard
1, Landscape
2, Portrait
3, Night scene
41991, GainControl
0, None
1, Low gain up
2, High gain up
3, Low gain down
4, High gain down
41992, Contrast
0, Normal
1, Soft
2, Hard
41993, Saturation
0, Normal
1, Low
2, High
41994, Sharpness
0, Normal
1, Soft
2, Hard
41995, DeviceSettingDescription
41996, SubjectDistanceRange
0, Unknown
1, Macro
2, Close view
3, Distant view
42016, ImageUniqueID
42032, CameraOwnerName
42033, BodySerialNumber
42034, LensSpecification
42035, LensMake
42036, LensModel
42037, LensSerialNumber
42080, CompositeImage # 2.32
42081, SourceImageNumberOfCompositeImage # 2.32
42082, SourceExposureTimesOfCompositeImage # 2.32
42240, Gamma
# Exif 2.3 4.6.6 (Notice it starts at 0.)
= Exif GPS
0, GPSVersionID
1, GPSLatitudeRef
2, GPSLatitude
3, GPSLongitudeRef
4, GPSLongitude
5, GPSAltitudeRef
0, Sea level
1, Sea level reference (negative value)
6, GPSAltitude
7, GPSTimeStamp
8, GPSSatellites
9, GPSStatus
10, GPSMeasureMode
12, GPSSpeedRef
13, GPSSpeed
14, GPSTrackRef
15, GPSTrack
16, GPSImgDirectionRef
17, GPSImgDirection
18, GPSMapDatum
19, GPSDestLatitudeRef
20, GPSDestLatitude
21, GPSDestLongitudeRef
22, GPSDestLongitude
23, GPSDestBearingRef
24, GPSDestBearing
25, GPSDestDistanceRef
26, GPSDestDistance
27, GPSProcessingMethod
28, GPSAreaInformation
29, GPSDateStamp
30, GPSDifferential
0, Measurement without differential correction
1, Differential correction applied
31, GPSHPositioningError
# Exif 2.3 4.6.7 (Notice it starts at 1, and collides with GPS.)
= Exif Interoperability
1, InteroperabilityIndex
# CIPA DC-007-2021 5.2.3., 5.2.4. (But derive "field names" from "tag names".)
45056, MP Format Version Number # MPFVersion
45057, Number of Images # NumberOfImages
45058, MP Entry # MPEntry
45059, Individual Image Unique ID List # ImageUIDList
45060, Total Number of Captured Frames # TotalFrames
45313, MP Individual Image Number # MPIndividualNum
45569, Panorama Scanning Orientation # PanOrientation
45570, Panorama Horizontal Overlap # PanOverlap_H
45571, Panorama Vertical Overlap # PanOverlap_V
45572, Base Viewpoint Number # BaseViewpointNum
45573, Convergence Angle # ConvergenceAngle
45574, Baseline Length # BaselineLength
45575, Divergence Angle # VerticalDivergence
45576, Horizontal Axis Distance # AxisDistance_X
45577, Vertical Axis Distance # AxisDistance_Y
45578, Collimation Axis Distance # AxisDistance_Z
45579, Yaw Angle # YawAngle
45580, Pitch Angle # PitchAngle
45581, Roll Angle # RollAngle